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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. The one photo is from Milwaukee- multi-story rooftops were guarded, a common occurrence BEFORE Dallas (see the link that follows all of this). The two photos with the partial bubble, one of which has a couple agents (including Kellerman) walking close by the limo, have the military lining the street and are from WASHINGTON, D.C.- any Washington, D.C. motorcade from FDR-Obama encompasses heavy security, NOT always of the overt kind (buildings watched/rooftops guarded, police mingling in the crowds, etc.) The San Diego thing cracks me up to no end- I HAVE STILL PHOTOS FROM THAT TRIP IN MY BOOK! As "Welton Hartford", DVP posts a video of the San Diego trip in an attempt to debunk security stripping and so forth. Meanwhile, besides the 3 flatbeds of still/ motion/live television press coverage he notes in front of the limo, MARINES LINE THE STREET AND FACE THE CROWDS, SAIC Behn was on the trip riding in the limo, multi story building rooftops were guarded (as confirmed by San Diego police outriders, thus confirming my general research beforehand) and the police intermingled in the crowds; THAT is how the Secret Service "overcame" their manpower shortages. John McAdams tried the still photo "gotcha" game years ago with still shots (one each) of the Ireland and Hawaii trips. Yet, not only did agents intermittently walk/jog with the limo, once again, multi story buildings were guarded and police were intermingled in the crowds, common security measures used FDR-JFK (and beyond). http://vincepalamara.com/building-rooftops-were-regularly-guarded-during-the-fdr-truman-ike-and-jfk-eras/ see also: http://henryrybkadonlawtonjfksecretservice.blogspot.com/2014/12/don-lawton-debunks-clint-hill.html and http://jfkkennedy.blogspot.com/ and http://jfkbubbletop.blogspot.com/ THE REAL STORY: -JFK could be seen by the people just fine, just as FDR, Truman, Ike, and other presidents could with the agents on the rear of the limo. The agents did not block the public from seeing the president- this is a myth, pure and simple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZjF3KMPUsU -Only those seeking to cover up would still cling to the false notion that JFK ordered the agents off his limo- he did not. This is another myth, pure and simple http://www.ctka.net/reviews/kennedydetailreview.html Blaine and Hill ONLY came out with their books because of my letter to Hill that caused quite a panic between them (best friends since their days in the Denver field office in the late 1950's). Hill is a false hero: he drank the night before and should have been booted out of the service, got to the limo after the shooting was over and done with, never even touched Jackie (who got in and out of the limo of her own volition), and now profits greatly from the death of the president (not like the rest of us who have to work for a living LOL). Hill is also still married and...well...read this: http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/01/sa-david-grant/
  2. http://www.amazon.com/JFKs-Head-Wounds-Synthesis--Analysis-ebook/dp/B012HAOK2E/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437967032&sr=1-1&keywords=david+mantik
  3. ANOTHER VIDEO TRAILER- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPt_l2BaUQk
  4. "The physicians in the film are Drs. Donald Seldin, Robert McClelland, Ronald Jones, Kenneth Salyer, Joe D. Goldstrich, Peter Loeb and Lawrence Klein. “Everyone in the country has a right to know whatever I happen to be able to tell them because this isn’t something personal — it’s information that belongs to the entire country,” McClelland said. “Will people feel they have a better understanding of what actually happened in Trauma Room One? Absolutely, they will,” Goldstritch said. “That’s why this documentary is so important.” First I heard the name Joe D Goldstrich was in Bill Sloan's 1993 book BREAKING THE SILENCE
  5. Did anyone know about this beforehand? This just appeared on Yahoo and Variety (and You Tube): https://www.yahoo.com/movies/s/jfk-assassination-documentary-parkland-doctors-seeks-crowdfunding-232900303.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZrNXctJDTM
  6. These links work: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/11/baton_rouge_man_recounts_jfk_a.html http://www.countryroadsmagazine.com/culture/history/eyewitness-to-history http://wwno.org/post/friday-jfk-assassination-richard-lipsey-and-vincent-bugliosi THIS HSCA deposition goes against official history: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/med_testimony/Lipsey_1-18-78/HSCA-Lipsey.htm http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/F%20Disk/Feinman%20Roger%20Bruce/Item%2084.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCKA7Cnr9ss PHOTO of Lipsey here: http://www.lsureveille.com/br-man-guarded-kennedy-after-assassination/article_a959dcd4-531d-11e3-a147-001a4bcf6878.html
  7. Sorry, Pat- just seeing this now I received a letter from Lipsey back in 1998 (in my forthcoming book) that goes against official history, as does his earlier statements. Lipsey sounds like John Stringer- a guy who is sick to death of all the "hoopla" and wants to put this all behind him; perhaps feeling a little burnt and used, as well (by the various authors who have run with his statements). Dr. Marion Jenkins really takes the cake as someone who changed his tune, but Lipsey would make my top 5 in the medical area (Floyd Riebe, Jerrol Custer, and a couple others would be on that list, as well). There always seems to be a contingent of people who remain unchanged, those who lean pro-conspiracy, and those who lean toward the official story.
  8. It is a true measure of what the man meant to so many just by seeing the quantity and quality of responses to his sad passing, especially in relation to Harry Livingstone (total crickets, even with my circulating his virtues and history far and wide [passed away February 2015]) and even Vince Bugliosi (passed away 6/6/15)], at least in the online JFK research community, where the ratio seemed to be 10 to 1 in the "good riddance, bug man" category. With regard to Gary, I would say the ratio is 10 to 1 in respect of the man and his value to the community, no matter what side of the case you were on. In fact (and I made this analogy on Facebook), Gary reminds me of the character in the Chuck Norris movie Missing in Action II that APPEARED to be a traitor yet, the whole time or, at least, near the end, actually was on "our side" (pro-conspiracy) after all. Yes, he definitely was the spokesman for the LN side in all those pro-LHO-did-it-alone television specials, worked for the Sixth Floor Museum, and seemed to have a hand in the overall bias of the books and views coming out of that place, but he also always seemed to give hints, both covert and overt, that his heart was in the pro-conspiracy camp (the "agent" of unknown repute in the plaza, Badge Man, the right rear of JFK's head being gone, etc.). I vividly remember his scathing review of Gerald Posner's book "Case Closed" in either late 1993 or early 1994 in the late Jerry Rose's journal The Third Decade wherein he said (and I remember this part word for word) that Posner "has given history a sham of a book", hardly the words of a "lone-nutter." And yet the reputation lingered. I think it was also because Gary was tired of all the silly nonsense stories and theories out there and sought (with Dave Perry) to eliminate them. Gary was always nice to me and I have fond memories of his mailing me a free, unsolicited copy of "JFK: The Dallas Tapes" on VHS back in 1999 and never failing to politely answer my messages. I saw him briefly in Dallas on 11/22/97 and he was very gracious. RIP, Gary (and I am sorry for ripping off your fantastic line about a certain "suspect"---"James I-am-not-in-any-Files"; brilliant!)
  9. By the way, I enjoyed this little book by Carl. It succeeds in detailing the case for conspiracy in a very short and small book (to accommodate a sound bite, low attention span public turned off to lengthy works) http://www.amazon.com/Who-Killed-JFK-Real-Story/dp/1878825100/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1435424551&sr=1-3&keywords=carl+oglesby
  10. Dawn- CALEB Oglesby posted these videos of his father: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohIEs9CZjtc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uBNhtZIaZE
  11. Carl was a good man- I enjoyed his appearance on the Ron Reagan television show in 1991.
  12. YUK- Fetzer's latest book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1512222267?ref_=pdp_new_dp_review
  13. I hated receiving all those memes on Facebook about both Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing (and now, unfortunately, a few about Charleston) with photos of people who vaguely (VERY VAGUELY) look like the victims, wherein the person sending them claims they are still living. Disgusting. Hello, people- sometimes a duck is a duck--mass murders, lone nuts, and non-conspiracies do happen. Not everything is a false flag fake conspiracy. The book that totally debunks the 9/11 truther crap- it will make you cry if you believe that junk: http://www.amazon.com/Eleventh-Day-Full-Story-11/dp/0812978099/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
  14. Very good assessment, Pat. I remember thinking that 9/11 would be the community's undoing because the JFK case would be considered ancient history, yesterday's news, 20th century stuff, etc. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that the silliness that surrounds 9/11 would be the community's undoing in a different sense: all the tin foil hat outrageous silliness and the start of every major event since being labeled as fake, a conspiracy, a false flag, etc. Fetzer is a real casualty of all the paranoia. He picked up where Livingstone took off. Both men thought the Z film was a cartoon and seemed to imagine themselves being the leader- the king- of the entire research community. I have fond memories of Harry, a couple of his books are still valuable, and he did some good work. Fetzer really hasn't done anything- anything of value in his books are from OTHERS "edited by James Fetzer", indeed
  15. (and there were crickets when Harry passed [unfortunately], THEN the news of his passing was totally overshadowed, ironically, by the passing of Vince Bugliosi)
  16. good assessment, Pat. It sort of reminds me of the late Harry Livingstone- his book jackets always said he had "long lead the investigation" into the assassination, yet he was reviled and had no followers!
  17. He now believes the Charleston shooting never happened and is a false flag just like Sandy Hook. I guess all those grieving families are faking it. I truly hate this crap- it detracts in a major way from legitimate conspiracy issues. It makes us look like the tin foil hat brigade. I met Fetzer in person, ironically, on 8/11/01, exactly one month before 9/11- he just showed up unannounced at my place. He was pretty lucid and was all excited about Nigel Turner wanting to film me and so forth. 9/11 ruined Jim- "conspiracies-in-your-soup" syndrome. Actually, 9/11 started to infect everyone's thinking- every major event is now seen as fake, staged, false flags, etc. Silly...and sad
  18. good point, Glenn. I remember when Groden became angered by Lifton's refusal to believe the Roscoe/ Ricky White story, saying the publicity over the tale was "good for the movement." Methinks this is his modus operandi- it is all "for the good" to push the pro-conspiracy angle. The OJ civil trial Bruno Magli shoe debacle, making 50 grand from selling the autopsy photos to Globe, and this photo chicanery makes me sad- Bob is a good man, a great speaker, and has done a lot of good. Why taint the waters- and your message- by mixing in spurious items?
  19. Could very well be. Still, it IS strange that no one knew about this until a fellow agent nonchalantly told me that Wade Rodham (an agent I was much familiar with already) was her uncle. I never made the connection because I was unaware of this.
  20. Groden's last book ABSOLUTE PROOF has its moments but is marred by an OBVIOUSLY fake full body photo (the dummy from the "JFK" movie!) that he passes off as real, even saying that he did a lot of work to restore the image (!)
  21. hey, guys- sorry to "post and run": just something mundane...I had to go to bed, then work LOL I am not hiding identities any longer- it is 51+ years and enough is enough. Researcher Matt Douthit sent it to me and it originated from Robert Groden. Normally, I would chalk this up as a fake and not even bother, but I was taken by the fact that it didn't look like an obvious fake (Matt is adamant that Steve Barber told him Groden is hiding other autopsy photos that have never surfaced)
  22. http://vincepalamara.com/new-jfk-autopsy-photo/ I tried to post the image but it kept saying it was too big, so I gave up and posted it to my one blog (the link)
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