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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. What I find strange (and, no, I am not anti-Hillary: I'll probably be voting for her...well, maybe DVP instead LOL) is the fact that she never mentioned this fact even once in any public statement or book she has written. The agent (Wade) was noteworthy, too.
  2. Secret Service agent who protected NIXON , JFK, JACKIE, JFK JR, and our current Ambassador to Japan, CAROLINE! NEVER mentioned by Hillary in any book or statement; confirmed by his fellow agents and, like fellow agent Stu Stout, received the Exceptional Civilian Service Award for protecting then-Vice President Nixon in Caracas, Venezuela (5/13/58). Rodham was also the SAIC of the Kennedy residence in Atoka–Middleburg, Virginia; deceased 1983
  3. http://natedsanders.com/lot-24360.aspx "Blanket from John F. Kennedy's limousine, stowed in the vehicle at the time of his assassination. Navy blue woolen blanket bearing a large embroidered Presidential seal is one of two that were fixtures of the custom limousine, literally built into the doors of the back seat on each side for ready use by chilled passengers. Blanket features a grey plush lining to the reverse side and snaps along the edges for securing to interior door panels. Measures 50.5'' x 41''. Embroidered seal measures 7'' in diameter. Some patches of wear to fabric surface along center, else fine. With excellent provenance, including an LOA from Burke Reilly, the first owner of the blankets after their removal from the limousine, which was dismantled during Johnson's administration. Reilly was the manager of the White House Vehicle Program for Ford Motor Company's Washington Affairs Office, in charge of the care and service of the automobiles in the federal fleet, including ''100X'', the Presidential limousine. His LOA specifies the names of the people he worked and interacted with, including the name of the Secret Service agent that gave the blankets to him. Includes copies of Reilly's Ford ID and his security clearance pass. Mr. Reilly is reportedly still alive today. More information regarding the "lap robes," as they were called, comes from Ford employee F. Vaughn Ferguson whose 18 December 1963 memo to Ford lobbyist R.W. Markley Jr. is housed at the National Archives. This memo reads in part, ''...on the 2nd of December I noticed that the two lap robes had a few blood spots on them, but, more than that, were soiled from handling and required cleaning. The White House chauffeurs were detailed to take the lap robes to Fort Myer for cleaning. These persons remained with the lap robes until they were cleaned and returned the same day...''
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw20azpqYBk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYdB3e6yQ9E Patrolman was so close his uniform was splattered with blood, says ABC's Bill Ryan (who comments on the video!) (Kathy, YOU ARE CORRECT- Jim Haggerty says this has to be a very carefully planned conspiracy- I have the video but cannot find the clip online) [taping off the tv has a decided advantage- the videos are not taken down ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNZTWuWn9JE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ8NJwq58Fg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R07O1Y71QcM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE7T2fbL-uY BONUS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT4Gy6_rt_o
  5. ALSO: THE AUSTRALIA CONFERENCE- http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/rokc-symposium-2015 Rumor mill: Judyth is working on a third book about her deep friendship with Jack Ruby.
  6. Vince was a very intelligent, witty and, at times, funny guy. He always called me "Pisan" (Italian for "friend", in case you didn't know [we are both Italian]) and was pretty nice to me. He was gracious enough to send me a free cd of music he absolutely loved- old romantic Spanish music with majestic singers and very good acoustic guitar players. We spoke a number of times in 2007 and corresponded a few times, as well. I will always cherish one quote, in particular- Vince Bugliosi letter to Vince Palamara dated 7/14/07: “I want you to know that I am very impressed with your research abilities and the enormous amount of work you put into your investigation of the Secret Service regarding the assassination. You are, unquestionably, the main authority on the Secret Service with regard to the assassination. I agree with you that they did not do a good job protecting the president (e.g. see p. 1443 of my book)…” I absolutely love his book on the O.J. Simpson case "Outrage", "Helter Skelter" is a classic, and "Reclaiming History" is the best lone-nut book ever (so good it converted me for a few months in 2007 [see my reviews of Doug Horne's book at Amazon for more] I made Vince laugh out loud once- he called me and, seeing who it was via caller i.d., I answered the phone "TEX WATSON HERE"!!! (I have a goofy sense of humor!) I also made Vince laugh another time when he wanted a quote for his book: my original quote was "all other books are pure moonshine" (a play on one of his favorite sayings) Despite the controversy my conversion of 2007 caused way back when [like Deb Galentine and Pat Speer, among others, I went from CT to LN to CT again], I will always hold Vince in fond esteem. RIP Vince P P.S. I feel sorry for Harry Livingstone: this REALLY overshadows his death!
  7. Thanks to Gayle for this excellent, user-friendly link to Harold's book: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/HW%20Manuscripts/Inside%20the%20Assassination%20Industry/
  8. Thanks! This is an updated/corrected/expanded commercial version of a privately-published book that perhaps only 100 or so people ever saw way back in 1998 (updated to 2015). It is a GPS through the maze of the JFK medical evidence with some pertinent related areas. Quite frankly, I never thought I would be published once, let alone twice, but you can thank luck, a tip, the 50th anniversary, all the hoopla over Blaine and Hill's multiple books, THE SECRET SERVICE SCANDALS (the gifts that keep on giving for me- sales spike with each one!) and, now, the sales of my first book prompting a need for another book Vince
  9. JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda: The Ultimate Kennedy Assassination Compendium http://www.amazon.com/JFK-Parkland-Bethesda-Assassination-Compendium/dp/1634240278/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1433692351&sr=1-2&keywords=Palamara
  10. I believe he was set up to take the fall. The rifle traced back to him, some of the shots appeared to come from the 6th floor window, he lived in the USSR, etc. BECAUSE he was the perfect patsy. I believe Oswald was on the second floor lunch room (or, at least, NOT on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting). Was he an innocent babe in the woods who had 0.0 knowledge of an impending plot/ assassination? was he an angel? I cannot say definitively. My focus is on the Secret Service and, secondarily, the medical evidence. The case for or against Oswald is more other people's realms.
  11. My position since late 2007: Definitely not a lone assassin; doubtful a conspirator. I believe he was a "patsy" like he claimed; a damn good one. Barry Ernest's book and Jim DiEugenio's latest are part of my foundation
  12. Raymond, I remember well Fredonia, NY and the Third Decade conference almost 24 (!) years ago. Bob Cutler, George Michael Evica and Harry are now deceased (I wonder if Jerry Rose is still with us?) Harry alienated a lot of people there by ripping on David Lifton.
  13. also include the page number in your search- otherwise, you get a ton of unrelated material
  14. Go to Harold Wesiberg's archive and type in the search engine INSIDE THE ASSASSINATION INDUSTRY: http://jfk.hood.edu/index.shtml?search.html All I can say is "wow" (it is copyrighted 1998 and 2004 and is for personal use only) Use the table of contents and intro to Harold's unpublished book to access the other chapters: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/HW%20Manuscripts/Inside%20the%20Assassination%20Industry/Itai-00.pdf
  15. some of the things written by Harold (about Livingstone and others) are so volatile that this tagline is included at the bottom of each page of a book Harold privately worked on and never published: "For personal use only, not for distribution nor attribution. © 2004 Harold Weisberg Archive"
  16. It is puzzling that there is no obituary. WOW- Pat Speer was not kidding about the Harold Weisberg collection online and Harry Livingstone: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/L%20Disk/Livingstone%20Harrison%20Edward%205-93/Item%2029.pdf http://jfk.hood.edu/index.shtml?search.html
  17. good comments. Ok, THAT does explain it, then. I guess the bad side of Harry caught up to him. That said, he did do a lot of good- HT and HT2, in particular, have valuable information.
  18. High Treason, High Treason 2 (his best, IMO), and The Radical Right are the best. Killing The Truth and Killing Kennedy (his 1995 book, NOT the O'Reilly junk with the same title!) have their moments.
  19. Was Harry Livingstone that despised or something? Wow- give the man his due. He was a major figure on the case- three major best-sellers (who doesn't own his books?) and a big influence on the medical evidence side. I mean, it is what it is (and I understand it is 2015, not 1992- perhaps the case isn't as fire hot as it once was)...just curious as to why no one responded, good or bad, to my two posts about Harry's passing. Not mad in the least...just curious. It IS ironic, though- he was a lifelong bachelor who alienated the research community...AM I answering my own question here? Did he turn people off that much that people are saying a silent "who cares?" There was a little reaction to my posts about his passing on Facebook...all positive, but not gargantuan or anything of the size one would expect from the passing of a (for example) Weisberg, John Judge, etc. Thoughts (if you have them)?
  20. HARRY LIVINGSTONE RIP- more information on his last years/days and passing Pamela Brown wrote on Facebook- Today I got an email from Bob Oliver, a radio talk show host I did an interview with in 2010 Pamela, I learned yesterday that Harry died sometime in February here in Monterey. He had a large group of followers and did a tremendous good for all of us. I hope you can spread the news wide. I have notified the media locally and was told that the news was not known by the media sources yet. ... I thought you might reach Judith for me. I did meet her briefly in San Francisco several years ago at a conference she spoke at. In January of 2014 I helped Harry move. He was ill then and he was difficult. By June he was placed in a facility. He died in February. I'm helping to locate people that need to know, and get some recognition for his works. From our conversations, I know how instrumental he was in yours and my lives. You may want to write again. Harrison Edward Livingstone, local Monterey author passed away in a convalescent home in February this year. He was under conservatorship monitored by Carl Powers Monterey County Public Guardian Office. Harry was in contact with Mary Duan prior to his medical disability. There was no mention in either the Herald or Coast Weekly. So far I find no mention on the internet. I only learned of his passing today from Carl Powers. Harry wrote many historical accounts in his Kennedy Assassination books and over the past ten years was concentrating on what he felt were his more creative years of writing. Some of his writing is about local accounts here and in Big Sur. Harry was a best selling and notable author for his book High Treason and series of Kennedy assassination books with leading investigative finding including the Zapruder film hoax and alterations of the Kennedy autopsy photos. He would however, have like to have been remembered for his more recent books and his love of writing. Those who knew him can easily remember him saying as he would finish one of his books "That book almost killed me".
  21. 27 different books (NOT including different versions)! http://vincepalamara.com/2015/06/04/harrison-livingstone-all-of-his-many-many-books/
  22. See also: http://www.montereyherald.com/20120506/kennedy-assassination-is-authors-lifes-work
  23. I was just informed last night that Harry Livingstone passed away back in February; he was either 77 or 78. http://vincepalamara.com/2015/06/03/harrison-edward-livingstone-he-was-a-friend-of-mine/ http://vincepalamara.com/2015/06/04/harry-livingstone-jfk-author-r-i-p-great-2012-article/ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEukUEMrLbXMeRaKybnJfKoAeu0wnlv7
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