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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. A friend and fellow researcher on FB is probably going to join and is looking for info on anyone who has attempted to duplicate Oswald's alleged feat with a replica rifle...anyone know of anyone beside the FBI, Howard Donahue and Lattimer...or those cooked Military Channel shows LOL? Jesse Ventura tried and failed...anyone else? On here? Elsewhere?
  2. I know I rarely, if ever, venture past the first two pages
  3. I am always near the top for "Secret Service JFK", to the poiint where it adds my name
  5. My one blog from last year where I mentioned Hickey received the most views by far. i also received a ton of amateur messages/ e-mails about Hickey; yep
  6. Stephen- ask him to NAME the other eleven agents he refers to. Details, details, details I am very skeptical but at the same time, if he somehow IS legit (but exaggerating?), what he has to say may hold value...maybe. ALSO- does he have any physical proof- documents, etc.?
  7. Robert- LMAO! On the one hand, it's a little sad to hear about a drop off. Then again, if it means less trolls on my You Tube channel, less Blaine disciples attacking me on Amazon, and less DVP (although he does have a charm- I sense a kind soul there),I guess it's ok (DVP is a huge Kennedy fan, so I suppose he's not all bad) I did notice a (big) drop off in out-of-the-blue messages I would get in my e-mail, as well as stranger Facebook requests. Man, I am glad my book came out when it did!
  8. Good idea! Will do Hey--this past past year I had TWO charlatans (to use a word Blaine loves) contact me out of the blue in the hopes I would run with two (obviously false) stories. The first was a guy claiming an "agent" by the name of Bob Surratt roomed with Clint Hill and believed there was a conspiracy. I never heard of the "agent" and i ran it by Hill (via a friend- he wouldn't respond to me LOL). Hill's reaction? FALSE Another person---a woman this time---tried to convince me that several of the agents had JFK in a hotel in Georgia and that he is still alive but brain dead (!). She was adamant about it and was hoping I would put that in the second edition of my book. Still think there aren't disinformation specialists out there?
  9. John---my blogs come up prominently when you do a Google search of my name (is that what you mean?) I DID notice several of my "opponents" have literally disappeared on me since 11/22/13. Even when prompted, they don't come out to "play" LOL. You might be on to something, John
  10. I can see a downward trend happening. That said, Facebook and You Tube seem to both be doing very well, interest and views wise
  11. Well said. (hey--where IS DVP these days?) It was very disheartening how the media, more so than any other anniversary I can remember, REALLY tried to wrap things up this past November. That said, there were also repurcussions on the other side of the argument: due to the horrible box office results of "Parkland", it appears Gerald Blaine's blame-the-victim movie is shelved, An insider told me today , quote, "that movie is as dead as Kennedy is." It seems that Hollywood might be thinking twice, if not thrice, at even thinking of making an assassination-related movie now. In that respect, warts and all, "JFK" will always be the best and most successful one ever...case closed (!) P.S. Nothing online about the so-called DiCaprio/ DeNiro "Legacy of Secrecy" movie, either
  12. VERY deep stuff, indeed LOL. Ole Katz is thrilling them on the chicken and peas circuit
  13. does anyone have it? Must be tired or something LOL: I cannot find one
  14. (it's vomit city reading alot of the reviews for Blaine's book- you would think JFK LIVED after reading these moronic "reviews". I weep for the future...)
  15. David- Although Kellerman was "the quarterback", so to speak, even then (as Inspector Tom Kelley testified to the HSCA), the drivers were given proper training and instructions on what to do: get the heck out of their pronto (as common sense would dictate). At the same time, the HSCA also noted that the drivers needed to act based on the agent in charge's iinstructions...in that case, Greer is still at fault; no excuses, as Kellerman ordered him to get out of there in time to take evasive action before the fatal head shot. Greer was remorseful at Parkland, as both Powers and O'Donnell noted (see also Manchester's book and Powers on CBS 11/22/88-on my You Tube channel). That said, by the night of the autopsy, feelings "changed": Greer seemed to blame JFK for the slow down! Kellerman, for his part, told the FBI that the advance security arragements for Dallas were the most stringent and thorough ever, a totally ridiculous statement, as the Secret Service did nothing to protect JFK whatsoever. Their performance was awful in every respect. Win Lawson has said that he "did all he could do"--what DID he do????? Cogent comment a reader left on my You tube channel: “‘The Kennedy Detail’ repeats the legend that Clint Hill was within a split second of saving JFK and taking the fatal bullet. But he’s not even in the Moorman photo (taken at the moment of the fatal head shot) and in the Muchmore film he’s only climbing down from the follow up car AFTER the head shot. Also, in the Altgens photo (which was taken AFTER the second shot), Hill is still on the running board and staring at JFK- but not running towards him.” As for Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine signing assassination photos, another reader had this comment: “What an embarrassment! That would be like Bill Buckner signing a picture of the ball going through his legs give me a break!” “These guys are always whining about “oh we’re traumatized we have nightmares” blah blah blah I know let’s sign pictures of that day what a joke.”
  16. This guy Katz reminds me of Paul Kangas. Kangas claimed to be a guard for Kennedy when he was merely just one of the many sailors on a ship Kennedy visited. I never heard of this Katz fellow before.
  17. CIA agent at Parkland Hospital right after assassination:
  18. CLINT HILL TALKING ABOUT THE JFK AUTOPSY AND...VINCE PALAMARA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bqE0rPJyGI GERALD BLAINE TELLS TALL TALES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oALbLw4U7U0 GERALD BLAINE TELLS MORE TALL TALES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23K1J_cMt2c Gerald Blaine fibs: THE SECRET SERVICE AGENTS DID NOT BLOCK PUBLIC'S VIEW OF JFK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZjF3KMPUsU GERALD BLAINE AND CLINT HILL TALK ABOUT...VINCE PALAMARA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbD1shPmla8
  19. I wouldn't say it was that cut and dry, but I can definitely see why the wouldn't want to go bowling with me any time soon. Because of them, JFK is dead, conspiracy or no conspiracy. I see Hill and Blaine smiling and traveling the world making huge (we are talking HUGE) money, spawned by a 22-page letter I sent Hill in the Summer of 2005. Blaming JFK for his own death is pretty vulgar; I feel no pity for them. The vast majority of people who have read my book (minus Blaine disciples and maybe some lone-nutters [like they are going to admit anything?]) come away both impressed and disturbed. Most of these gentlemen have passed on and, for those still living, they are in league with Blaine, attending conferences and yucking it up in photographs and so forth. They're doing just fine.
  20. He would probably return it "refused" or "I changed my mind" haha I DO have his e-mail, snail mail, and phone number...but I am persona non grata with him
  21. CONTEMPORARY NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS: SECRET SERVICE SECURITY FOR JFK, ETC: http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/18/contemporary-newspaper-accounts-secret-service-security-for-jfk-etc/ SEE ALSO: http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/11/why-you-should-never-assume-too-much-about-jfks-protection-from-a-still-photo/
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