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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. very interesting, Dave...you rotten CIA guy, you!!!! JUST KIDDING ) Seriously, I agree with a fair amount of what you have to say. I also like that, from what I have seen, you seem to have never come out all nasty towards pro-conspiracy people; very cool. I applaud you. As someone who changed his mind (THEN changed it back again), I certainly understand and respect your feelings. So...I take it you don't believe that Pick Up Man was the shooter? )
  2. well said, Paul. I was born 6/25/66 so that is my excuse LOL Seriously, all the Fetzer nonsense about Sandyhook (and, sorry- the 9/11 stuff [at least the extreme crapola]) makes us look very bad, as does the-Z-film-is-a-fake: try selling THAT one to the average Joe, let alone the media...makes us look like UFO and fake-Moon-landing people
  3. I also have a theory why all the amateur photo "analysis" and attempting to find "forgery" was so en vogue for a time...it is fun to some people AND it gives the person instant reaction: "Jack White discovered that the people on the Stemmons Freeway side of the Z film are fakes! 'Pick Up Man" is painted in!!!!' Like the Greer-shot-JFK silliness, there was/ seems to be something 'compelling' (to some people) about this kind of---ahem--"research"...maybe because ANYONE can do it? I mean, I can go "analyze" the Nix film and make a bold pronouncement: "'Twig Man' is the shooter!!!! He may have been painted in, too!!!!!' It will get a reaction... (it is much more difficult to do real research: contacting principal people and doing primary research...hmmm- should I contact actual principal people and look at the actual raw materials and documents...or micro-analyze "Gravel-and-Dirt Man" again? Oh, the choices...)
  4. Pat---I noticed the Fetzer-led "the Z film is fake!!" nonsense from the late 190's- early millennium is dying out...probably because Fetzer's credibility is going downhill...the Sandyhook-is-fake stuff is soooo obscene...I think some people went off the deep end (Livingstone, too--"all the autopsy evidence is prima facie forged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I never understood the silliness with the Z-film-is-altered stuff: the film shows JFK rocket backwards and provides grist for the mill for debunking the SBT. I liked Jack White, but his "analysis" of what he thought he saw in the film was getting demented...thus killing HIS credibility on the backyard photos, etc
  5. To my eternal regret, for most of 2007, I became a begrudging lone nutter. I got the bug: the Vince Bugliosi bug. I was burned out on the case and, since my research holds up whether Oswald acted alone or not (hello: the Secret Service failed), I have always had a very open mind. I will never forget how Jack White posted "VInce is a mole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and other silliness. The only person who seems to have held a grudge from that time (although he has softened a little lately) is Charlie Drago. What I REALLY regret is my blurb for Bugliosi's paperback...ouch! That is why I left the reviews for both versions of Bugliosi's paperback on Amazon. The Doug Horne book reviews on Amazon were also my penance LOL. Even at my lowest, I STILL believed that there WERE multiple conspiracies (plural) to kill JFK...just that Oswald beat them to the punch. THAT "solved" it for me: "AH HA!!!!!! THAT is it---there is all this evidence of plotting and people who hated JFK...but Oswald did it" To make an analogy: a GROUP of bank robbers entered into a conspiracy--a plot---to rob the First National Bank of Posner...but John Jones robbed it before they got there. Now, WASN'T THERE STILL A CONSPIRACY TO ROB THE BANK? Yes...but someone beat them to it. My logic in 2007 until Horne's books provided the figurative slap in the face (DVP thinks I am a traitor now LMAO)
  6. thanks! Ready would not go into it with me, either (I spoke to him back in 2005) As for Hill: he drank the night before and stayed out late and failed to save JFK AND never actually touched Jackie [in the limo- no dirty minds...]- she got in and out of the limo on her own volition. As Arlen Specter said in early 2012, Hill "was carousing to all hours of the morning before the assassination" Hill almost made it...the Army doesn't give out medals for ALMOST achieving the goal
  7. Pat- I admire your wor, your website, and your ability to change your mind and evolve. I cannot lie- you REALLY have me rethinking things about the back of the head matter. I gather you believe there was a conspiracy and that there was a shot from the front...right? Also: what is your take on Mantik's appraisal of the one Fox photo (the gorey huge open crater [see Mantik's article in Fetzer's MIDP]) as being a view of the back of the head?
  8. thanks, Gary- same to you! Ken- you may be looking for a long time LOL! I would just get it off Amazon. The book has sold remarkably well (ESPECIALLY the kindle, even as of late) despite no book tour, no agent, no publicity, and hardly in bookstores. I am just a regular guy with a day job and a life.
  9. See the main page- they're all there thanks! Dillon was a former member of the OSS. I detail a fair amount of information about him in my book. The G. d'Andelot "Don" Belin connection and more.
  10. DID THE SECRET SERVICE LAY DOWN ON JFK ? http://eastorlandopost.com/did-secret-service-lay-down-jfk (Well, the publicist is late, but better late than never!)
  11. http://vincepalamara.com/2013/12/16/emory-roberts-close-to-lbj/ The Secret Service has been around since 1865. No agent has ever broken the apolitical rule of the Secret Service until Emory Roberts came along. Roberts was appointment secretary to LBJ while still a member of the Service! This is covered in the book but I thought you would find this post/ link----with the images attached----fascinating. Vince Palamara
  12. please see new post re: EMORY ROBERTS (would have placed it here but it would have been lost in the shuffle)
  13. Example: it is so excruciatingly tempting to go beyond the evidence of the death of SA Tom Shipman on 10/14/63 (last major trip: to the Mary Pinchot Meyer estate- no joke) and say "he was rubbed out by the CIA"...but I just cannot go there. You can THINK that, sure...but to write that in the book would have been silly.
  14. David A, David J, and Paul- thanks! Well, the book would have been hundreds of pages longer if I wanted to speculate beyond the evidence that is there. Beyond the top tier (Boring, Roberts, and Greer), if I was forced to add more, the next rung WOULD be Kellerman, Sorrels, and Lawson and/or Grant.
  15. Robert, you're no fun- I wanted you to buy my book LOL ) jk Keep in mind- Greer changed his tune that same night when speaking to the FBI that night, implicitly laying the blame towards JFK for why he slowed down
  16. As I spell out in my book, it only took THREE men: ASAIC Floyd Boring (the planner of the Texas trip from the Secret Service angle; in charge of all advance work during JFK era; originator of false JFK-told-us-not-to-ride-on-rear-of-limo fable between 11/19-11/21/63); ATSAIC (Shift Leader) Emory Roberts (commander of follow-up car agents; disgusted with JFK's private life; ordered two agents back at Love Field+Ready on Elm+ ORDERED AGENTS NOT TO MOVE WHEN SHOOTING BEGAN; became WAY too close to LBJ immediately after [before?]) SA William Greer (SA Thomas B Shipman, one of the other drivers, DIED 10/14/63 at Camp David of a--ahem---"heart attack", allowing SA Henry Rybka to join the detail [he was one of the two ordered back at Love Field] and for Greer to assume full-time driving of JFK [shipman drove JFK many times, as well...last assignment: late September 1963 at the Pinchot Estate...!]). What did Greer think of Kennedy??? As his son Richard told me: "Well, we're Methodists...and JFK was Catholic". Bill Greer was born and raised in County Tyrone, Ireland... The rest were following orders and/ or negligent and/ or drinking (like the false hero, Clint Hill, the Jessica Lynch of the 1960's. oh, we love our heroes, don't we??? he has made millions * off three books and, while still married, is 81 years old---has a 56 year old son---and is with 48-year-old Lisa McCubbin, as verified BY Hill in an online news article...I am sure it is love, not money or control...ahem. Lisa's dad was in military intelligence--JUST a coincidence...ahem) *400,000+ sales between all three books [not including advance $, movie advance/ rights, etc]...you do the math ) ALSO: there will be a MOVIE based on Blaine's garbage
  17. Sam Kinney told me (it's on tape- no second-hand neighbor revelations LOL) that the right rear of JFK's head blew out and he had THE piece of the back of JFK's head in his hands on the C-130. He put in a phone patch to Dr. Burkley...it went to Tommy Mills...and who knows what became of it.
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