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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. What about Dr, Mantik and the white patch? Or Mantik stating that the one Fox photo of the open head wound IS the right rear of the head? The (color) photo of the back of the head with the ruler and hands seems so fake- it is very hard to believe that, at the very least, this was a manipulated image: "genuine" photo but manipulated scalp to cover back of head. The blood stain in the cowlick is no wound
  2. All I can say is "wow- pinch me I am dreaming": http://floridacourant.com/index.php/politics/political-news/u-s-politics/766-the-dirty-secret-of-the-secret-service
  3. The two front agents pushing the casket into AF1 are Kellerman and Hill. SA's Johnsen and Olsson are helping.
  4. Pat, Bottom line: what is your take on all the Dealey Plaza, Parkland, and Besthesda witnesses who (seem to) state that the back---the right rear---of JFK's head was missing? Every time I feel confident of this "eyewitnessing", someone comes along and throws somewhat of a monkey wrench into the proceedings (even Jerrol Custer, who i interviewed twice on video [11/22/91 for Livingstone/ "High Treason 2" and with Wiliam Law in March 1998 for his book] seemed to waffle a bit, despite his earlier adamant statements...although that could have been the influence of his friend, the late Tom Wilson) Vince
  5. My off-the-record opinion (which IS on the record, I suppose..since I am posting here haha) is that Loucks IS credible. My on-the-record opinion is: tantalizing but lacks hard proof; I am torn
  6. Gary DOES still throw the community a bone from time to time, as with his joint appearance with Blaine, Hill, and Hill's new main squeeze, Lisa McCubbin, wherein Mack talks about the "agent" on the grassy knoll.
  7. Welcome aboard, Tom! ) This Loucks fellow SOUNDS credible, for what it's worth. That said, with all due modesty, I trust my three interviews with Sam (two of which are on tape) a tad more..but, again, Loucks does sound credible, so who knows? IIf you read my book (especially a section in chapter 8), there is much reason to question to provenance of CE399 regardless of these late revelations.
  8. Well said, Pat Blaine JUST posted this review of Hill's book! This story provides the facts regarding the Presidents visit to Texas by a Secret Service agent who was om the scene from the start through the events that happened up to and after the funeral. Clint Hill's pain taking.Journey through his memories, documents and photographs takes the reader on that fatal visit to Texas and its aftermath. He carefully points out the events that have been mistakenly interpreted by conspiracy theorists in an attempt to provide the world population with the facts related to President Kennedy's murder committed by a lone gunman whose emotional and mental profile matched that of an assassin. This book is a valuable gift to anyone who wants to know what happened those five days in November as told by a man whose integrity is unblemished.. Gerald S. Blaine
  9. Gary came out in the pages of the Third Decade journal and lambasted Gerald Posner's book "Case Closed", saying "he has given history a sham of a book" (I believe it was the November 1993 issue or thereabouts). Does he still feel this way?
  10. Are you excited about yet ANOTHER book for next year??? Weeeeeeeee... remind me to skip that one, Enough is enough...go away, old creepy Hill (not to be critical LOL)
  11. Most (not all) of his television and book tour appearances have him saying the fatal heat shot came out toward the front and the "right side" of JFK's head was blown off. He was much more forceful about the back of the head being gone before, He is also continuing the autopsy-doctors-said-shot-came-out-front-of-JFK's-neck routine. Officially, it was only until Humes spoke to Dr Perry did he even learn that the tracheostomy covered the (entrance) wound in the neck YOU MUST CHECK THIS OUT, AS WELL: http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/7016.html
  12. I think it is very possible and plausible that Kellerman was involved. My top three suspects are Boring, Roberts, and Greer
  13. See my other post re: Hill and David Lifton+ my CTKA reviews of Blaine's book and Hill's first book; Pat Speer can fill you in, as well In general: Hill is now making the head wound more frontal/ side than in the right rear; is saying the autopsy doctors TOLD HIM on the night of the autopsy that the wound in the front of the throat was an exit; is fudging some memories with regard to what a fellow agent allegedly said about not having the agents on the rear of the limo; etc
  14. Yes! She left her handsome, same-age hubby (her high school sweetheart), to whom they had two kids, for an aging guy 33 years older (she's 48, he's 81) whose one son is 56! Gwen left Clint after 50+ years of marriage, two sons, and several grand kids. McCubbin had dated BLAINE'S SON and went to the prom with him---! Her father was a prominent person in the military. McCubbin moved from Qatar in the Middle East to Virginia, started a company with Hill (McCubbin-Hill LLC), and they (SHE is) are going to write ANOTHER book! Weeeeeee---all the lemmings will buy it, too. THAT is why Hill has changed his tune on certain matters.
  15. "Hill, who lives in Virginia, is “happier than I have ever been” with Lisa McCubbin, the journalist he co-wrote the memoir with. “The calendar says I’m 81 and she’s 48, but I feel 52.” In his book he credits McCubbin “...for bringing me out of my dungeon, where I languished for years in my emotional prison ... you helped me find a reason to live, not just exist”. “I was there for her children, but I wasn’t there for the birth of either of my sons [Chris and Corey, now 56 and 51 respectively]. They grew up without a father. My wife Gwen raised them herself.” (They separated, “emotionally”, years ago, but have not divorced.) http://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/features/why-i-blame-myself-for-jfks-death-248893.html
  16. David S. Lifton Address at Bismarck State College 11.7.13 permanent video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3huHUs6yDw&feature=youtu.be
  17. Beyond the issues of this book being a mere cash grab (mission accomplished, as the book is a best-seller), as there is zero new (no mention of the drinking incident and his participation in it), no hyped "clearing up of the conspiracy misconceptions along the way" (nothing is really addressed, one way or the other; must have had a change of heart as to even feel the need to take on the pro-conspiracy people) and the much ballyhooed hype about new photos did not ring true at all (I have seen most of these before), there are two items in the book that do NOT ring true and read as later-day reactions to the "conspiracy crowd" as he would call it. These items, IF they were truly accurate back on 11/22/63, are quite telling, to put it mildly. In other words, IF these two items ARE true, then I am wrong---there ARE two new items of interest in Hill's book after all: 1) Page 124- David Lifton premonition?!?!? And Johnson out front, Johnsen to the rear, huh? Hill writes: "It strikes me that perhaps we should keep an agent with President Kennedy's body---out of respect for both President and Mrs. Kennedy, and in light of the questions that were raised at Parkland Hospital about taking the body back to Washington for the autopsy. This way, if there is ever any doubt about whether Dr. Burkley stayed with the body until the autopsy, or suspicions about tampering, there will be a Secret Service agent who also remained with the casket and can vouch for the integrity of the body. Agent Dick Johnsen is selected for the post because he is an agent who was with President Kennedy from the beginning and is familiar to Mrs. Kennedy, O'Donnell, and Powers [emphasis added]" Beyond the absurdity of picking an AGENT as somehow relieving any person's suspicion that something could possibly be amiss ("oh, an agent was there? ok, no suspicion there"), the agent chosen was none other than the official keeper of CE399 aka the magic bullet. What's more, Lifton's best-selling book did not appear until the early 1980's and the issue of body tampering/ alteration was not on anyone's minds until the early-mid 1970's at the earliest...WHY would Hill write these comments? And, from the excerpt above as written, are we to somehow infer that it was HILL (not Kellerman, for example) who made the decision to have an agent stay with the body and decide that the specific person should be the magic bullet holder? Hmmm... 2) Pages 138-139- the autopsy doctors were sure the throat wound was an exit---who needs Doc Perry?-- and Hill is sure the first shot was this shot? Really?? Hill writes: "The doctor points to a wound in the throat and explains that this is where the emergency tracheotomy was done at Parkland Hospital, which covered up the area where a bullet had exited. He rolls the president slightly onto his left side and points to a small wound just below the neckline, slightly to the right of the spinal column in the upper back. This, he says, is where the bullet entered, and then came out the front of the neck. The bullet that caused these wounds hit nothing but soft tissue. Those wounds, I knew without a doubt, came from the first shot. It corroborates what I saw---the president suddenly grabbing his throat immediately after the first explosive noise. The doctor points to a wound on the right rear of the head. This, he says, was the fatal wound. He lifts up a piece of the scalp, with skin and hair still attached, which reveals a hole in the skull, and an area in which a good portion of the brain matter is gone{emphasis added]" To his "credit", as he also recently demonstrated on television, Hill repeats what he has said since 11/22/63 (and in his other two Lisa McCubbin co-authored books) that the right rear of JFK's head was missing (page 107), but what gives with the above? Vince
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