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Steve Rosen

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Everything posted by Steve Rosen

  1. "Inside the CIA" was subtitled "On Company Business". You can watch it here: http://www.documentary-film.net/noticeboard/video-comment.php?&e=162 or in parts 1 through 12 on YouTube beginning here (and that is Phillips on the freeze frame): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3YH_ggYdc&feature=related In part 1 at 2:11, Phillips tells us that if the CIA is abolished, Presidents will create their own intelligence service, and "they may reach into the looney bin to find the people to run it, and they may call it the Plumbers, but they will have it". In part 6 at 2:40, Phillips says that after the CIA assisted coups in Iran and Guatemala, "It seemed so easy to hope that secret shenanigans could accomplish what an army should have been doing". In part 10 at 4:35, Phillips says of the US-Mafia cooperation that "I had only known that we used them in Marseilles, on the docks there". He also notes that "a good policy maker" has to weigh the "very, very tricky" use of the mafia. There may be a few more quotes throughout. Steve
  2. The attached obituary for William A. 'Rip' Robertson confirms that he died on December 1, 1970 at age 50, making his birth likely 1920. Hard to say with certainty when cemetery records from the Department of Veterans Affairs have conflicting birth dates and burial dates. - Steve WA_Robertson_obit_Wash_Post_Dec_70.pdf
  3. The attached obituary for William A. 'Rip' Robertson confirms that he died on December 1, 1970 at age 50, making his birth likely 1920. Hard to say with certainty when cemetery records from the Department of Veterans Affairs have conflicting birth dates and burial dates. See also these related threads re: Robertson's death: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...15&start=15 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...=6927&st=15 - Steve WA_Robertson_obit_Wash_Post_Dec_70.pdf
  4. Couple of interviews: This is an April 8, 2010 Black Op Radio interview with Jim Lesar, the attorney who represents Jeff Morley in his lawsuit with the CIA for the records of George Joannides. Lesar discusses the recent defeat in federal court, including Joannides "undercover" CIA liason status with the HSCA; reveals that there is some question as to the validity of the recent judgment against Morley; explains how the CIA's "routine instructions" & "file numbers" are not "trivial", as ruled by Judge Richard Leon; notes the most important issue for appeal may be that Judge Leon did not require a further search of Joannides operational records for AMBARB & AMHINT (CIA had limited it's search to ops where Joannides participation had been officially acknowledged - even though both op files have been disclosed under the JFK Act); and relates the CIA's tactics in these type of lawsuits - delay and driving up the litigation costs. http://www.blackopradio.com/archives2010.html http://www.blackopradio.com/black469a.ram This is a March 18, 2010 Radio Parallax interview with Jeff Morley about the Joannides case and his book Our Man in Mexico. http://radioparallax.com/index.php?mdl=2 http://radioparallax.com/File/031810B.mp3 - Steve
  5. Pete Dale Scott in Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (p. 115) reported that William 'Rip' Robertson met Robert Kennedy at Hickory Hill in 1961. Robertson later told a colleague "Kennedy was alright". Does anyone have copy of the Rip Robertson article mentioned in James' first post? - Steve
  6. Document linked at http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 Thanks for that transcription and commentary, Robert. Interesting that Reuteman, alias for JMWAVE Miami CIA station chief Ted Shackley* was discussing high-risk JURE leadership operations with State Representative Harvey Summ. The state, federal, and Cuban exile nexus working as one. Two other examples of Shackley's relationship with local politico Summ are in this Dispatch on Operational Activities report from August 1964 from Shackley to (likely) Desmond Fitzgerald, Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division. The document contains a number of JMWAVE ops from 1963 and 1964. In July 1963, Shackley wrote that Summ asked him to sponsor a Cuban radio broadcast, and when Shackley refused, Summ angrily told Shackley he'd go over his head. In April 1964, Summ later told Shackley that he thought that Jorge Volsky, a Cuban citizen from Poland, was reporter Tad Szulc's "penetration of USIA" Also in Cisneros document, Shackley noting for the record that "WAVE had no direct contact Cisneros", a senior JURE leader. Similar to George Joannides, underling to Shackley & diligent case officer, who supposedly did not file reports for the 17 months he controlled and funded the DRE from 1962 to 1964. - Steve * Reuteman as alias for Shackley: See Sixth Declaration of Jefferson Morley, Morley v. CIA, C.A. No. 03-2545, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, July 2009, page 3. http://thefoiablog.typepad.com/files/sixth...declaration.pdf Dispatch on Operational Activities links: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=27439 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=13 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=14
  7. According to Jefferson Morley, Andrew K. Reuteman was an alias for Theodore G. Shackley, close friend of Hal Hendrix. See Sixth Declaration of Jefferson Morley, July 2009, Morley v. CIA, C.A. No. 03-2545, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, July 2009. Linked at http://thefoiablog.typepad.com/files/sixth...declaration.pdf and http://thefoiablog.typepad.com/the_foia_bl...st-the-cia.html - Steve
  8. Larry, according to Jefferson Morley, Andrew K. Reuteman was an alias for Theodore G. Shackley, close friend of Hal Hendrix. See Sixth Declaration of Jefferson Morley, Morley v. CIA, C.A. No. 03-2545, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, July 2009, page 3. Linked at http://thefoiablog.typepad.com/files/sixth...declaration.pdf and http://thefoiablog.typepad.com/the_foia_bl...st-the-cia.html - Steve
  9. A dark day indeed. Bad news for proponents of truth and disclosure. The Memorandum Opinion is linked at https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_p...?2003cv2545-102 on the federal court website at https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/Opinions.pl?2010 - Steve
  10. Another good article by Russ Baker on the excellent "forensic journalism" site WhoWhatWhy.com. Russ shreds the New York Times pitiful examination of actual assassination investigation breakthroughs, while giving space to it's Camelot aspects. For example, when Jeff Morley's monumental lawsuit against the CIA for George Joannides records is belatedly given ink, the Times prematurely reassures us that the CIA is "probably not" withholding "some dark secret" about the assassination. Yet without the actual Joannides records, how can the Times opine the probability of the CIA's veracity? Letters to Jackie, But What About Jack? How to Avoid the Heart of the JFK Assassination By Russ Baker on March 25, 2010 When it comes to the biggest and most troubling stories of our time, corporate-owned and conventional public news outlets have a tendency to do an end run around the controversy and go straight to the most emotionally satisfying but least consequential aspects. Take the assassination of the 35th president. Recently, the media were full of accounts on a book about condolence letters to Jackie K. Here’s the New York Times: For a new book, “Letters to Jackie: Condolences From a Grieving Nation,” released by HarperCollins, Ellen Fitzpatrick, a historian, culled through the archives. Now she has published about 250 letters, most for the first time, from people around the country who felt compelled to write to Mrs. Kennedy. The letters, many of them eloquent expressions of grief - from a priest in an Eskimo village, schoolchildren in Texas, a middle-class family in California, a widow in Pittsburgh, a Louisiana woman with a fourth-grade education - provide a window into Americans struggling with poverty, fighting for civil rights and trying to comfort themselves and others in the face of the president’s death. “The lights of the prison have gone out now,” wrote Stephen J. Hanrahan, Prisoner 85255, from a federal penitentiary in Atlanta. “In this, the quiet time, I can’t help but feel, that my thoughts and the thoughts of my countrymen will ever reach out to that light on an Arlington hillside for sustenance. How far that little light throws his beam.” It’s all very poignant, but what about the assassination itself? How much effort does The Times make to keep its readers posted on developments in research about how and why the President died? Well, almost none. The paper of record almost uniformly avoids covering what has been for many years a steady stream of investigative breakthroughs on the issue. And while it did find space for “Letters to Jackie,” it did not even mention, much less review, James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable, Jefferson Morley’s Our Man in Mexico, or Family of Secrets (by yours truly), nor dozens of other carefully-documented and footnoted books by skilled diggers that suggest the Warren Commission’s version of events is, well, totally wrong on virtually every count. (In the case of Morley, he was actually mentioned in a Times article, which began with the remarkable clause, “Is the Central Intelligence Agency covering up some dark secret about the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Probably not.” The article actually managed to refer to Morley as an author researching Kennedy’s death without ever citing the title or substance of Morley’s book. David Talbot’s Brothers was reviewed, but put up against a book by a prosecutor contending that Oswald acted alone.) Not to pick on The Times-this is the norm with most U.S. news organizations, including public radio and television. The foreign media, however, is much less reticent about the JFK story. And therein lies the real question-Why can this country’s media establishment not touch this transcendent domestic tragedy and timeless mystery? Links: http://whowhatwhy.com/ http://whowhatwhy.com/2010/03/25/letters-t...-assassination/ http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/09/us/09kennedy.html http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/17/us/17inquire.html?_r=1 - Steve
  11. Bill, excellent articles. Your work dovetails nicely with the research done by John Newman in his book Oswald and the CIA and Jefferson Morley in his book Our Man in Mexico. I look forward to your upcoming writings. I agree that if more people on this forum turned their time, intellect and talent to a study of the released documents, we'd be much further ahead in our understanding of our intelligence history. - Steve
  12. James Angleton in 1976 photographed by Richard Avedon. Other influential figures from Avedon's 1976 Rolling Stone spread titled "The Family" can be found here: http://www.richardavedon.com/#s=0&a=0&...mp;p=9&at=0 - Steve
  13. Anne Truitt and Cicely d’Autremont Angleton comment in The New York Times on Ben Bradlee's depiction of events surrounding Mary Pinchot Meyers' diary: In Angleton's Custody Published: November 5, 1995 We write to correct what in our opinion is an error in Ben Bradlee's autobiography, "A Good Life" (review, Oct. 1). This error occurs in Mr. Bradlee's account of the discovery and disposition of Mary Pinchot Meyer's personal diary. The fact is that Mary Meyer asked Anne Truitt to make sure that in the event of anything happening to Mary while Anne was in Japan, James Angleton take this diary into his safekeeping. When she learned that Mary had been killed, Anne Truitt telephoned person-to-person from Tokyo for James Angleton. She found him at Mr. Bradlee's house, where Angleton and his wife, Cicely, had been asked to come following the murder. In the phone call, relaying Mary Meyer's specific instructions, Anne Truitt told Angleton, for the first time, that there was a diary; and, in accordance with Mary Meyer's explicit request, Anne Truitt asked Angleton to search for and to take charge of this diary. Consequently, according to Cicely Angleton, those present agreed that a search should be made. This search was carried out, Mrs. Angleton affirms, in Mary Meyer's house in the presence of her sister, Tony Bradlee; the Angletons, and one other friend of Mary Meyer's. When Tony Bradlee found the diary and several papers bundled together in Mary Meyer's studio, she gave the entire package to Angleton and asked him to burn it. Angleton followed this instruction in part by burning the loose papers. He also followed Mary Meyer's instruction and safeguarded the diary. Some years later, he honored a request from Tony Bradlee that he deliver it to her. Subsequently, Tony Bradlee burned the diary inthe presence of Anne Truitt. CICELY D'AUTREMONT ANGLETON ANNE TRUITT Arlington, Va. A version of this letter appeared in print on November 5, 1995, on page 75 of the New York edition. Article link: http://www.nytimes.com/1995/11/05/books/l-...ml?pagewanted=1 - Steve
  14. Tosh, Do you recall what John Rosselli's codename was, if any? Cheers, - Steve
  15. Bill, George E. Joannides did serve with the CIA in Athens, Greece, his place of birth. He was stationed in Athens from 1958 to 1962, and from 1964 to 1967. Joannides was most likely involved in political action (influence, bribery, etc.) For those just tuning in, Jefferson Morley is currently suing the CIA in federal court for Joannides records. Steve See http://www.miaminewtimes.com/2001-04-12/ne...elation-19-63/3 for pre-1963 bio. See http://www.playboy.com/magazine/features/jfk/jfk-page10.html for post-1963 bio. See Jeff's blog at http://worldopinionsearch.com. Great site.
  16. Journalist and author Zalin Grant makes a compelling argument for foul play in the death of former DCI William E. Colby in his article WHO MURDERED THE CIA CHIEF? William E. Colby: A Highly Suspicious Death. Grant visited the scene, took pictures, and interviewed witnesses, including the state medical examiner. Article link: http://www.pythiapress.com/wartales/colby.htm
  17. Jeff Morley wrote an article titled "Is it dumb to think JFK might have been ambushed by his enemies?" on his website World Opinion Search. World Opinion Search, written and edited by Jeff Morley, collects opinion journalism from around the world. Worth exploring. WOS link: http://worldopinionsearch.com/v1/ JFK article: http://worldopinionsearch.com/v1/2010/02/0...by-his-enemies/ - Steve
  18. Jeff Morley wrote an article on his website World Opinion Search commenting on an interview with David Aaronovitch in Salon about conspiracy theories that Aaronovitch calls "Voodoo Histories". Morley article at WOS: http://worldopinionsearch.com/v1/2010/02/0...by-his-enemies/ Salon article: http://www.salon.com/books/history/index.html - Steve
  19. An brief update on Morley v. CIA is published at Jeff Morley's website World Opinion Search. WOS is a blog written and edited by Jeff Morley that uses search engines to find the best opinion journalism from all over the world. Definitely worth checking out. WOS: http://worldopinionsearch.com/v1/ Article link: http://worldopinionsearch.com/v1/2010/02/0...n-morley-v-cia/ - Steve
  20. Jeff Morley spoke with José Pertierra of Cubadebate in October 2009. Miss Machetera of Machetera published an English translation of the interview on her blog on October 21, 2009. It is a good interview with some new details about the case. A few quotes: "The story that we’re told about Joannides is a show. A lie." "f the documents being hidden truly do not incriminate the CIA, why do they want them to be hidden?" "The documents I have show that Joannides traveled to New Orleans to complete tasks that the CIA charged him with in 1963 and 1964. We don’t have any information about those operations. Joannides can’t tell us, because he died in 2001. Those are the only documents about what he did in that city with the DRE members." "The CIA has the legal obligation to declassify those documents, but it does not want to declassify them. It’s locked them up. I believe that the lockup sources from the CIA department in charge of Latin America." "Washington has a mistaken perception about what is truly national security." "I am only asking that the CIA obey the law." English translation: http://machetera.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/...ght-to-hide-it/ Spanish version: http://www.cubadebate.cu/especiales/2009/1...bedezca-la-ley/ Jeff will speak about the case on Wednesday, January 20 at 2 p.m. EST on the ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program’ at BlackElectorate.com (http://blackelectorate.com) and Cedricmuhammad.com at: http://www.cedricmuhammad.com/media/ - Steve
  21. Jeff Morley spoke with José Pertierra of Cubadebate in October 2009. Miss Machetera of Machetera published an English translation of the interview on her blog on October 21, 2009. It is a good interview with some new details about the case. A few quotes: "The story that we’re told about Joannides is a show. A lie." "f the documents being hidden truly do not incriminate the CIA, why do they want them to be hidden?" "The documents I have show that Joannides traveled to New Orleans to complete tasks that the CIA charged him with in 1963 and 1964. We don’t have any information about those operations. Joannides can’t tell us, because he died in 2001. Those are the only documents about what he did in that city with the DRE members." "The CIA has the legal obligation to declassify those documents, but it does not want to declassify them. It’s locked them up. I believe that the lockup sources from the CIA department in charge of Latin America." "Washington has a mistaken perception about what is truly national security." "I am only asking that the CIA obey the law." English translation: http://machetera.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/...ght-to-hide-it/ Spanish version: http://www.cubadebate.cu/especiales/2009/1...bedezca-la-ley/ Jeff will speak about the case on Wednesday, January 20 at 2 p.m. EST on the ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program’ at BlackElectorate.com (http://blackelectorate.com) and Cedricmuhammad.com at: http://www.cedricmuhammad.com/media/ - Steve
  22. Jefferson Morley is appearing on the ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program’ on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, at 2 p.m. EST. The show runs from 12 p.m. and 5 p.m EST. See http://zh-hk.facebook.com/note.php?note_id...ents&ref=mf - Exclusive Q & A With Jefferson Morley, Former Staff Writer For The Washington Post Who Has Filed A Lawsuit Against The CIA over the records of George Joannides, the former Chief of Psychological Operations For the CIA’s Miami station (we’ll discuss the relevance of the case to the assassination of JFK; President Obama’s recent Executive Order establishing a Declassification Center: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...ity-information ; and COINTELPRO and the news in December that that the Department of Homeland Security improperly spied on the Nation of Islam: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Na...cle_6682.shtml) * ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program Broadcasts Live Each Wednesday from 12 to 5 PM EST (USA) at BlackElectorate.com (http://blackelectorate.com) and Cedricmuhammad.com at: http://www.cedricmuhammad.com/media/ - Steve
  23. Jefferson Morley is appearing on the ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program’ on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, at 2 p.m. EST. The show runs from 12 p.m. and 5 p.m EST. See http://zh-hk.facebook.com/note.php?note_id...ents&ref=mf - Exclusive Q & A With Jefferson Morley, Former Staff Writer For The Washington Post Who Has Filed A Lawsuit Against The CIA over the records of George Joannides, the former Chief of Psychological Operations For the CIA’s Miami station (we’ll discuss the relevance of the case to the assassination of JFK; President Obama’s recent Executive Order establishing a Declassification Center: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...ity-information ; and COINTELPRO and the news in December that that the Department of Homeland Security improperly spied on the Nation of Islam: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Na...cle_6682.shtml) * ‘The Cedric Muhammad and Black Coffee Program Broadcasts Live Each Wednesday from 12 to 5 PM EST (USA) at BlackElectorate.com (http://blackelectorate.com) and Cedricmuhammad.com at: http://www.cedricmuhammad.com/media/ - Steve
  24. The website FFiDP-2. or Familar Faces in Dealey Plaza 2, has an update (as of June 18, 2009) on the photo of LBJ leaving Parkland Hospital with an unknown man, originally suggested to be Boris Pash: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/ - Steve
  25. The website FFiDP-2. or Familar Faces in Dealey Plaza 2, has an update (as of June 18, 2009) on the photo of LBJ leaving Parkland Hospital with an unknown man, originally suggested to be Boris Pash: http://www.manuscriptservice.com/FFiDP-2/ - Steve
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