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David Andrews

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Status Updates posted by David Andrews

  1. Pat, if you were to kindly delete your comment on my gaffe re: Litwin v. Di Eugenio, I could delete my response, and neither Jim, Oliver Stone nor I would be embarrassed in Forum annals for all time.  Thanks.

  2. James, how do I get a new post on an old thread to show up on page one?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon

      Sorry I had not noticed your reply. I also tested the thread and it di not move to the top of the threads.

      I'll contact Invision about this


    3. James R Gordon

      James R Gordon

      David I have corrected the problem.

      Bumping worked, however the thread belonged to political Conspiacies.

      I have moved it into JFK DEbate for you.


    4. David Andrews

      David Andrews

      THANK YOU, James.  I totally missed that the thread was in Political Conspiracies, because I used the Search to find "Harold Wilson."

  3. Deleted - sent as PM instead.

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