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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Stop being silly you were not threatened he wrote Laverick, you're beginning to get on my nerves. It's easy to insult people through a computer. Weak people do that ! I'd like to see you talk in front of me ! Len So if you were in a bar and said something rude about another person in the bar under your breath and they said to you "I'd like to see you say that to my face" You would not consider that a threat?
  2. I second that nomination. Gary would make a very good moderator. No doubt about that. I just broke a rib from laughing so hard!
  3. Spoken like a true LNer Evidence vanishes off the face of the earth and DVD simply dismisses it with an "I don't care"
  4. Oh really?! Hey DVP was Poe lying when he said he marked the shells? If he is not lying can you please tell me where those shells are today? Or you can just post a picture of the Poe marked shells Take your time Dave, I wont rush you
  5. Burr is not a man, he turned around early and killed Hamilton before he even had a chance to draw down on Burr What a loser
  6. Jim I agree with you on all points about Gary-Larry Mack-Dunnkel
  7. What are you going to do Francis? Hide behind the Maginot Line?
  8. Well, it's very easy. All you have uttered these past years are useless, nonsensical, ludicrous theories that deserve to go directly to the trash ! Now, let's deal with the rest... /F.C./ Frank is so weak /D.H./
  9. Your first post on this forum had the worst "bad attitude" I have ever seen in my entire life Now you claim that your going to ignore the 4 of us because we have a "bad attitude" You are losing your mind Frank
  10. What amazing speculation on Garys part Its too bad Gary couldnt post that himself so I could rip him a new one Come on Gary, step up to the plate
  11. 11 shots is way out of line, how did this guy come up with such a huge number of shots?
  12. Nice read Thanks for the link Michael LNers hate the Joseph Milteer and his story (and the fact that he was in Dealey Plaza on Nov 22) it throws a wrench into their LHO was a lone gunman theory Of course DVD will now come to this thread and claim that Milteer just got lucky in knowing so many facts about what was going to happen to JFK
  13. Bernie I agree with you on alot of things, but what you just said I agree with more then anything
  14. Just like Hoover didnt frame an INNOCENT Bruno Hauptmann?
  15. I cant believe DVP backs Hoover and the FBI When the FBI caught Doc Barker back in the 1930s they beat the living hell out of him for two days straight trying to get info on the rest of the Barker/Karpis gang Watch DVP come back and say Hauptmann got a fair shake from the FBI and that they never harmed a hair on Doc Barkers body
  16. Jim No doubt in my mind that Hauptmann was railroaded by the FBI like no other man in history The same Hoover led FBI who DVP says can do no wrong and would never ever tell someone to "Shut Up"
  17. The Moderator that I trusted the most and who held many of the same theories as myself and others in my group was banned He was never replaced I think he should have been replaced by a new mod that would be able to have a voice for the members who shared his views on the assassination Just my opinion, I have no problem with any mods at all, just always felt a little safer when the mod who was banned was an active member/mod
  18. Im shaking in my boots If I ever post a passage from RH I will mark the time of the post so we can clock how long it takes the Swat Team to break down my door and arrest me and my family for quoting VB
  19. Yeah, that's about the response I expected. Thanks for adding the question mark to my post
  20. I completely ignore any and all input from Gary Mack Until he mans up and starts posting all on his own who cares what he says
  21. Why are you posting for Gary Mack David? Whats wrong Gary? You to scared to post? How long are you going to hide behind your lame job excuse for not posting? Come on Gary make a post! I dare you!
  22. You dont know much of anything do you? Was the Lincoln assassination a conspiracy Frank? Watch Frank say No /D.H./
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