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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Thats the first thing that popped into my head
  2. My math skills far exceed that of what you could ever imagine
  3. Wrong! Proof.... TGZFH pages 113-144 Read very slowly Craig and let what David Healy says sink into your brain
  4. It said "server not found " in UK yesterday for about 2 hours mid afternoon, I got depressed with nothing to read and thought about going to McAdams site.But the mouse refused.So glad I got a mac. I would watch the weather channel before "going to McAdams site". Dawn Dawn I agree McAdams is infinitely more predictable. Ian
  5. How many suits do you own Craig? I own two, and no matter how much moving around I do 3+ inches of bunching or folding never happens Just by looking at Towner and Croft you can clearly see that its a small amount of bunching
  6. I would say inbetween the two, maybe a tiny fraction closer to the top of the collar
  7. No its right below the collar And im sorry Craig I do not have JFKs jacket at my house to measure How can you look at that and say its 3+ inches? No way
  8. Craig I know we see the same thing in Towner How can you sit here and say that JFK has 3+ inches of bunched up folded jacket in Towner?
  9. Craig Why are you trying to waste my time? You can see just like I can where the top of the bunching is in Croft and Towner No need for me to post pictures and draw a line for you Cliff has posted pics of Croft and Towner with a line drawn to the top of Croft and Towner, I agree with Cliffs positions Nothing you can say or do can make that minor bunching in Croft and Towner explode into a massive 3+ inch fold seconds later in Betzner
  10. You didnt say that, but you did say that in Towner and Croft we see the same kind of bunching No matter how much I look at Croft and Towner I cant see a 3+ inch fold, in fact I cant even see a 1 inch fold, all I see is a very small amount of bunching So my question to you is how did his jacket go from a small bunching of fabric in Croft to a huge 3+ inch fold in Betzner just a second or two later? It cant happen Craig
  11. What pre-altered Z-film did Dan Rather watch? I dont trust him
  12. Francis knows he is in over his head David, of the 100 or so books that he claims to have it seems he has only read two of them, while thats good for Pos and the Bug, its bad for Francis and his rambling posts that every member skips over
  13. Duncan Your channel is top notch as well, lots of good stuff
  14. So I point out that we have different tastes in music and now I cant address you any more? Ludicrous
  15. Then prove it. Post your "evidence" and lets see if it can withstand close technical inspection. I have seen your "close technical inspection" Of course you think that JFKs jacket bunched up 3+ inches in a matter of seconds (if that)
  16. My scanner might break from the weight of all the evidence Risks it. Scanners are dirt cheap. Your fear is palpable. I fear no LNer
  17. I really like the TV movies that either came out before I was born or right after Those are very cool to watch
  18. My scanner might break from the weight of all the evidence
  19. Francis Coli Do you know what evidence is? I dont think you do Send me 9 more emails and I will tell you what evidence is Yea Dean why don't YOU post some of that "evidence" that the z film is fake. That should be a laugh a second! How far away is your bookshelf Craig? Do you live in a 1000000sq ft home? Did you break both of your legs? What is stopping you Craig?
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