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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. I dont think anybody should report anything While I have a large collection of tapes and DVDs on the assassination, Dave has tons of stuff that I dont have and because Dave uploaded them I was able to view what I would have never found on my own It would be a shame if the vids were removed
  2. So Baker would have been looking for an assassin on or near the roof Not an employee on the second floor lunchroom who was calm, collected, not out of breath, not sweating Kind of like if he had been sitting in the 2nd floor lunchroom the whole time
  3. What reason would Baker have had to hold Oswald? In fact Dave all you need to do is listen to what Baker says to Gerry Spence in the "On Trial" videos that you have up on Youtube "Was Oswald acting like someone who just shot the president?" You already know what Bakers answer was
  4. Francis Coli Do you know what evidence is? I dont think you do Send me 9 more emails and I will tell you what evidence is
  5. Why dont you tell everyone that you accused me of something I didnt do Come on Peter, you are doing what you are so against, accusing an innocent man (i.e. Oswald) Why in the world would you do that to me? I have never in my life nor would I ever even think of inserting a false quote into another members post Why would you think for a second that it would be ok to accuse me of doing that? Lets ask the member I get into it the most with Hey Craig, out of all the times we have got into it have I ever inserted a fake quote into one of your posts that I replied to?
  6. People tell me I am not a cruel person by nature, Dean, but My friends in the Corrs suggest that you would probably have done everyone a favor if you had hanged yourself years YEARS AGO What a horrible thing to say Raymond Im going to go cry myself to sleep now
  7. You are claiming that I took what you said in your quote and replaced it with something that I wrote Are you out of your mind? You know that I didnt do that, yet you sit here and try to play it off so you wont get in trouble for calling me a dick I cant believe that you would pull something like this, how ashamed are you right now?
  8. Sorry, I already quoted you before you could edit And how is me asking what this has to do with JFK mean im not a patriot? No. You are misquoting me - editing in what I did not say. Are you serious! I cant believe you are claiming that you did not write that and I inserted that quote in your post Are you telling me that you didnt post that Tell the entire forum right now that you didnt write that
  9. Am I missing something, or is this just Dean Hagerman, back in the CHEAP SEATS, with his THREE MOUTHS OPEN? You guys are killing me today I listened to that entire song all the way through and wanted to hang myself when it was over
  10. Sorry, I already quoted you before you could edit And how is me asking what this has to do with JFK mean im not a patriot?
  11. Why not? Mr. BALL - You ate your lunch on the steps? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Who was with you? Mr. LOVELADY - Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me Mr. BALL - What was that last name? Mr. LOVELADY - Stanton. Mr. BALL - What is the first name? Mr. LOVELADY - Bill Shelley. Mr. BALL - And Stanton's first name? Mr. LOVELADY - Miss Sarah Stanton. Mr. BALL - Did you stay on the steps Mr. LOVELADY - Yes. Mr. BALL - Were you there when the President's motorcade went by Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Did you hear anything? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir; sure did. Mr. BALL - What did you hear? Mr. LOVELADY - I thought it was firecrackers or somebody celebrating the arrival of the President. It didn't occur to me at first what had happened until this Gloria came running up to us and told us the President had been shot. Mr. BALL - Who was this girl? Mr. LOVELADY - Gloria Calvary. Mr. BALL - Gloria Calvary? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes. Mr. BALL - Where does she work? Mr. LOVELADY - Southwestern Publishing Co. Mr. BALL - Where was the direction of the sound? Mr. LOVELADY - Right there around that concrete little deal on that knoll. Mr. BALL - That's where it sounded to you? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir; to my right. I was standing as you are going down the steps, I was standing on the right, sounded like it was in that area. Mr. BALL - From the underpass area? Mr. LOVELADY - Between the underpass and the building right on that knoll. Mr. BALL - I have got a picture here, Commission Exhibit 369. Are you on that picture? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Take a pen or pencil and mark an arrow where you are. Mr. LOVELADY - Where I thought the shots are? Mr. BALL - No; you in the picture. Mr. LOVELADY - Oh, here (indicating). Mr. BALL - Draw an arrow down to that; do it in the dark. You got an arrow in the dark and one in the white pointing toward you. Where were you when the picture was taken? Mr. LOVELADY - Right there at the entrance of the building standing on the the step, would be here (indicating). Mr. BALL - You were standing on which step? Mr. LOVELADY - It would be your top level. Mr. BALL - The top step you were standing there? Mr. LOVELADY - Right.
  12. Yes it is Oswald was in the 2nd floor lunchroom during the assassination Lovelady was right where he said he was, just as we see him is Altgens
  13. Am I missing something? Why is this posted in the JFK section?
  14. I am a die hard CT, and im 100% sure that its Billy Lovelady
  15. LOL! The soap opera "As Jack White Turns" continues. For that cheap shot on Jack I just lowered your reputation by a single point Craig And before you make fun of me my wife watches "Days of our Lives" not "As the World Turns" (just want you to get the right soap opera for the coming ad-hom your about to lay on me lol) Did you lower Jack for his cheap shots on this thread Dean or do you have a double standard? I could care less about the rating system, I thought you would be able to tell that I was joking
  16. THIS batch of CTers at the Edu. Forum??? (Many of which have lifetime membership cards to the "Anybody But Oswald" club.) Surely you jest. Shirley. I am serious, and dont call me Shirley
  17. I'd love to, Dean. There's one LNer's posts that I particularly enjoy reading. He goes by the name of "Bud" at the acj and aaj newsgroups. His Usenet profile is HERE. Bud has an abundance or common sense, and has a very good ability to evaluate evidence properly. In 2009, I started a blog called "Quoting Common Sense" (relating to the JFK assassination), which is a blog which contains a bunch of quotes from various people that I think make a lot of "common sense" (hence, the blog title). And I have found myself inserting many quotes by this fellow "Bud" into that blog. Bring him over, we will have him flipped around in no time
  18. No, Martin, not at all. Although I will admit that I get a great kick out of calling a spade a spade in that asylum known as acj. Some of the CTers in there are a real trip. There's even one guy who thinks 18-year-old TSBD worker Danny Arce killed the President. When reading stuff like that, it's very difficult not to have a little fun with them. But the #1 reason I post at acj is because of the "Individual Message" option that is offered at the Usenet newsgroups. I like that feature very much, because it places each post on its own unique webpage, or "deep link", as Usenet calls it. I then take those "deep links" and save them elsewhere in my JFK files. I will say, though, that acj is quickly becoming obsolete for my own "archiving" purposes (although I still use that newsgroup for a lot of messages anyway; it's become a habit I guess)....because I've now gone to the blog format for storing most of my JFK ramblings, which I really could have been doing all along, but I was a bit late in discovering the excellent things you can do with a simple free "blog". It's still remarkable to me how these blog sites can host all of the content they do for free, with virtually no restrictions on user bandwidth or site usage. I, for one, deeply appreciate sites like Blogger.com, etc. And, to that end, I appreciate sites like this one too -- because an unlimited number of views can be expressed and topics discussed for free on the Internet. And I appreciate the remarks made by John Simkin the other day too, which are remarks that came after forum member James DiEugenio said this to John: "Why did you let certain people back on [this JFK forum] who do [muddy the waters]? I won't name names but his initials are DVP." -- Jim DiEugenio; August 5, 2010 "I am an old-fashioned liberal who believes in free speech. It is something that has got me into trouble with a lot of JFK researchers who do not share my ideals." -- John Simkin; August 5, 2010 I dont agree with you at all Dave when it comes to the assassination But I am glad that you are here, im glad Craig posts here, im glad Len posts here, Todd Vaughn, Dave Reitzes I could go on and on I agree with John Simkin on free speech (I however am super far from Liberal) This place would be pretty slow if we only had CTs posting all day I want McAdams to post here, in fact I want him to post here very much so I can respond I read all of the LNers posts, in fact I like reading their posts, I dont agree, but I do enjoy them Bring all the LNers you can on over Dave
  19. LOL! The soap opera "As Jack White Turns" continues. For that cheap shot on Jack I just lowered your reputation by a single point Craig And before you make fun of me my wife watches "Days of our Lives" not "As the World Turns" (just want you to get the right soap opera for the coming ad-hom your about to lay on me lol)
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