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Dean Hagerman

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Everything posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Robin Perfect answer! Thanks for laying it out like that
  2. On another note I am half way done watching the Judyth Youtube vids that you posted Jim I will report back when I am finished
  3. Jim Out of all of the statements you have made about Judyth this is the most absurd by far 260! Say this out loud Jim.... Judyth has an IQ of 260! Holy cow Jim I dont care what you say Jim there is no way in hell that Judyth has an IQ of even over 200 Let me list some IQs for you Jim Sigmund Freud IQ 156 Stephen Hawking IQ 160 Garry Kasparov IQ 190 Bobby Fischer IQ 187 Bill Gates IQ 160 FDR IQ 147 Hermann Goering IQ 138 Paul Allen IQ 160 And lets finish with what is in my opinion the highest possible IQ Marilyn Vos Savant IQ 228 No way Judyth has an IQ of of anywhere close to 260, that is the most absurd thing I have ever read in my life How can you even type something like that Jim, you know that an IQ that high is impossible!
  4. Jim I will take the time this morning to watch all of the Youtube videos that you posted Can you read that last line I quoted and ask yourself if you are being fair to the "Cult" (Myself, David, Jack , Doug, Barb, Glen etc By the way who is the Jim Jones/Marshal Applewhite of this Anti Judyth Cult? )from this lat statement you dont seem to have any room for other opinions ?
  5. I have always placed Betzners photo taken at Z-188 and I have always used the Betzner/Hill/Zapruder line of sight like what Jerry said I have studied Betzner alot in the last 5 years
  6. At a later frame the woman has taken her right hand down away from her face and her left hand is still up by her face She couldnt have had a camera as you can clearly see in this frame I just posted I still think her hands are to high to be yelling at her sister (If it is Linda Willis) but the more I look at it the more I think that is what she was doing
  7. Interesting thread Duncan Its hard to tell but I have to agree with Duncan that her hands are way to high to be yelling at her sister to come back I will study this with my pictures and films
  8. Perfect was to sum things up Jack! Jim please read what Jack just wrote and ask yourself this, Is Judyth's story absurd? The only answer is a huge YES
  9. We have nothing with which to assess the authenticity of this alleged "Psy-Ops Expert," if he(?) actually exists. We know nothing about what qualifies his expertise in "psychological operations" or the intelligence/espionage/covert action milieu, or what qualifies him to pontificate on these and other matters. Given the peculiarity of how his words come to this Forum, I cannot completely disabuse myself of the notion that this might be a persona adopted by another person in an attempt to give his comments the appearance of an expertise he does not possess. If he is a real person, there appear to be two possible means of qualification: 1) He is a former intelligence employee of some sort (who would clearly be disaffected with intelligence today); or 2) He is an outsider who has read books on intelligence, who believes this qualifies him to offer judgments about these matters (and if so, is clearly one who is both fascinated and repelled by intelligence). To me, this person sounds more like an outsider than a former intelligence employee. I have followed his "posts" in this Forum. At first, he made generalized comments about "psyops." He then graduated to specifics of the subjects of this thread. Next, he moved on to specific advocacy of certain books and people. Finally, he is now challenging specific people in this Forum. (In these last two stages, his views strikingly parallel those of his posting pal.) Throughout, his writings are peppered with jargon from intelligence books, and the peculiar use of transposed letters ("kontrol" vs. control). Hmmmmmm... And now, as we've seen, they contain mistakes, too. First, to Fetzer: I'm not surprised that you find it odd that not all books can be churned out in, say a year or two. For my book, it's a part time endeavor, I am shooting for a high level of detail, and I am trying to get it all right. When it's done, it's done. In the meantime, I have helped other writers and TV producers, I've spoken at conferences and I've posted a lot of stuff to the internet. But I guess you find that sinister. Back to "Mr. PsyOps": The correct spelling of my name is Stephen. I have never proclaimed myself a Ferrie expert, just a specialist. My comments to Jim yesterday were sarcasm. "The Company" is a euphemism used by CIA professionals to hide references to CIA from prying ears (in oral communications) and prying eyes (in written communications), and CIA was founded well after David Ferrie's adolescence. You can spin it as applying to earlier American Intelligence, but by all accounts, is was a confusing mismash of small, independent and competing agencies, into and including World War II. That's why it was centralized in 1947. I'm quite familiar with the history of intelligence in the US. My collection of intelligence books number more than 2000. If you are also an "outsider", my knowledge probably equals yours. Was Ferrie a normal person? Certainly, his earlier life would be classified as rather ordinary. You seem to be buying into the cartoon image of Ferrie as all-evil. Tell me what behavior at the time of the assassination "screams mind control." No, I'm not familiar with the "special little boys program." Is that the one where some NON-"company" group recruited Ferrie as a boy in the 30s, then kept him on ice to be used in an assassination plot 30 years later? Tell me ANY evidence which supports this. Ferrie did not train Barry Seal. Ferrie was in one squadron (briefly) and Seal was in another, in another city. No link has ever been shown between them, and this includes Hopsicker's book. The rest is just your musings about how you think everything is connected together, how some evil cabal controlled everything for years. Even if bits are true, the whole picture you present is extreme over-reaching. I'm sorry, Mr. Psy-Ops. You made mistakes in your claims about Ferrie, for which you should own up. I'm not going to make the error of others on this thread, and disregard everything you say because of a few mistakes, because of the rambling and opinionated nature of your writings or because your anonymity renders your credentials invisible. I'll read what you have to say, accept what is true and challenge what is not. Very good post Stephen! Im 100% positive there is no "Psy-Ops expert" if there was why wouldnt we be givin his name at least? Mr Psy Ops is too scared to post all on his own, he has to have Jim hold his hand and post for him like a small child
  10. Jim How can you possibly defend this crazy statement that Judyth made? How can you contradict the evidence that LHO was sending Marina back to USSR and, oh, by the way, left his wedding ring on the bureau on 11.22.63? That means nothing, maybe his ring was bothering his finger and LHO took the ring off to rub his finger and forgot to put it back on It has happened to me, it has happened to my wife
  11. Jim How can you possibly defend this crazy statement that Judyth made?
  12. Jim Who is this stupid lame Psy Ops expert you are posting for? Why cant he create his own account with his own name and post his thoughts under it instead of you doing it for him? Is he scared? Why dont you post his name? Until you post his name or until he posts his lame "Psy Ops" reports on members of this forum himself then how do you expect anyone to care about what he has to say? Ask your friend to do a Psy Ops report on my lemming like research Weak
  13. Jim Who is this stupid lame Psy Ops expert you are posting for? Why cant he create his own account with his own name and post his thoughts under it instead of you doing it for him? Is he scared? Why dont you post his name? Until you post his name or until he posts his lame "Psy Ops" reports on members of this forum himself then how do you expect anyone to care about what he has to say? Ask your friend to do a Psy Ops report on my lemming like research Now I am a child? What are you going to call me next? 1st I am a Lemming, now I am a child Why dont you be a man and tell this idiot to post his Psy Ops garbage himself
  14. Jim Who is this stupid lame Psy Ops expert you are posting for? Why cant he create his own account with his own name and post his thoughts under it instead of you doing it for him? Is he scared? Why dont you post his name? Until you post his name or until he posts his lame "Psy Ops" reports on members of this forum himself then how do you expect anyone to care about what he has to say? Ask your friend to do a Psy Ops report on my lemming like research
  15. I cant believe it either Jack I was shocked when I read that
  16. Wow Jack I have never seen that picture of you Larry and Ken standing on a car bumper behind the fence! The sizes look real good to me, in fact when I saw the picture the hair on my arms stood up because it was that close I have always believed in your (and Garys) Badgeman theory Jack This picture is great and further cements Badgeman as fact in my view Thanks Jack I saved the image to my computer Dean
  17. Great work Chris, im with you so far, keep going bud
  18. Thank you very much Kevin It hurts that a researcher I not only looked up to but based my research for the last 12+ years on not only said im a lemming and follow everybody else, but that I have done no research and basicly am not allowed to have an opinion Thats great Jim, all the admiration I had for you, all the times I defended you, and all the praise I gave you is now gone Thank you for showing me the real you, I used to think of you as the leader of the alteration cause of which I was a supporter of Now I think of you as a nobody to me I hope it made you feel good to insult me, just remember this, I have always stood behind you, and now I can see that standing behind you means jack sh*t to you, you are the only researcher ever that I have seen treat his supporters like his critics
  19. Dean, I wish that could be the case. It can not. This is how Robert reacts to anyone who does not agree with him. Its a common tactic of Roberts. No worries though. I have already well proven my points, and they have yet to be refuted. On another note. I saw your post at Duncans place, and absolutely want your help! The new site will not be limited to just the LN thinking, it is for both sides. All I ask is that it be ballistically sound, if it is an article in that direction, if it is not about the shooting or ballistics, that it be accurate and provable. I want a site, for all of us, that keeps our integrity high, and the standards to match. Please feel free to contact me for now at jfk22nov63@aol.com I look forward to working with you on many an adventure! I think its a great idea Mike and would love to contribute to your new website
  20. Come on guys I like both of you Its ok and in fact healthy to disagree with theories that you think are bogus Why dont you guys start all over fresh and battle each other in a civil manner before someone goes to far
  21. RIP Aubrey I first read about Aubrey in David's masterpiece "Best Evidence" But what really made me a fan of and a believer in Aubrey was his apperance in TMWKK I believed every word of Aubrey's story after seeing him talk about the events he was involved in the November 1963 It made me believe that much more in David Lifton's book
  22. Boom-shaka-laka Since Jack and I are both huge Basketball fans I figured that my favorite saying would be approprite for Jacks smackdown Jim If you cant see that I was trying to be funny while backing Jack up at the same time then I dont know what to think I am a serious student Jim, if you cant see that then im sorry, in fact if we were talking about lets say the Zapruder Film or something that you and I agree on I dont think you would question my ability on the subject In fact I only know the basics about Judyth and her story, I have told you this over and over, and in your opinion I need to know EVERYTHING about Judyth to make a post in this thread thats up to your standerds Well lets move to another subject that I know all about and I promise you will see me in a different light
  23. Boom-shaka-laka Since Jack and I are both huge Basketball fans I figured that my favorite saying would be approprite for Jacks smackdown
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