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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Now does anyone in their right senses believe for one instant that in the middle of this celebratory crowd that had already gone on for blocks on end, with literally thousands of people cheering and smiling and waving, that in a flash, Kennedy would locate and center on this guy raising an umbrella? And then instantaneously connect that with Chamberlain, and then connect that with his father and realize this was a protest about what happened 25 years previous?

    Jim hit the nail on the head and this is how I have always felt about the issue with Witt

    Did he really think that JFK would see him with the Umbrella and connect that to his father and Chamberlain?

    No way, thats ludicrous

    Not only that the movements that Witt describe himself making that day in Dealey Plaza do not match what we see in the photos and film taken that day

    Witt is NOT the Umbrella Man

    Dean, his actions match what Rosemary Willis described.

    Witt went to Dealey Plaza to have some fun. He wanted to mock JFK and his audience consisted of himself.

    The bigger issues here are the likelihood JFK was struck with blood-soluble rounds, and Tink Thompson's debunked "cautionary tale."

    Who cares what Rosemary Willis described?

    The photos do not match his actions!

    I know that and you know that Cliff

  2. Now does anyone in their right senses believe for one instant that in the middle of this celebratory crowd that had already gone on for blocks on end, with literally thousands of people cheering and smiling and waving, that in a flash, Kennedy would locate and center on this guy raising an umbrella? And then instantaneously connect that with Chamberlain, and then connect that with his father and realize this was a protest about what happened 25 years previous?

    Jim hit the nail on the head and this is how I have always felt about the issue with Witt

    Did he really think that JFK would see him with the Umbrella and connect that to his father and Chamberlain?

    No way, thats ludicrous

    Not only that the movements that Witt describe himself making that day in Dealey Plaza do not match what we see in the photos and film taken that day

    Witt is NOT the Umbrella Man

  3. I enjoyed the little film, I thought Tink did a great job

    However, calling Robert Cutler a "wingnut" was very upsetting

    My grandpa wrote back and forth with Cutler and was sent almost all of his books, Cutler was a very nice and honest man who was searching for the truth

    Do I agree with Cutler about the Umbrella Man? No I do not

    Does that make him a "wingnut"? Not at all

  4. There is an image of someone with a measuring rod and someone sitting in the supposed location. I don't know if it's Shaneyfelt though. I wonder also if that kneeling photo is a crop.

    Its not a crop John, look at Fraziers left arm in both phots, it is in different positions, it looks like someone took the first photo and thn took another one when Frazier started to look through the scope/camera

  5. Ok here they are, I hate having to open up the books and take the covers off and spread them open to fit under mt scanner

    I am obsessed with collecting books and keeping them in mint perfect condition, take my copy of "The Killing of a President" I bought it back in 1993 and have kept it in beautiful shape ever since then

    However, no matter how obsessed I am with keeping my books mint, I will ALWAYS open them up and scan any text or pictures because I know that some members can not afford to drop $100s of dollars on the rare JFK books, I was lucky and had alot of them passed down to me, I also have spent a ton of money on rare JFK books because I want to own and read everything I can


    This image is from "Pictures of the Pain"


    This image is from "The Killing of a President"

    I tried to make the first picture as clear as possible, the second picture was printed that way, so no matter how I scan it it sucks

  6. I just went through all of my files on my computer and cant find the pictures of Robert Frazier (I believe it was Frazier not Shaneyfelt)I know exactly what pictures your asking for

    I know for a fact that those pictures are in more then one book in my home library

    So if nobody else can find them for you quickly I will look through my books and scan them for you

  7. I mean, does his book even deal with the medical evidence, and its problems? I'd suspect not.

    And just why would this book deal with the medical evidece Pat? There is no reason for it

    Its mind blowing how many of you guys are treating this book like its a non fiction research book on the assassination!

    Its FICTION! Its a STORY!

    I want to meet all of these people that you guys think are going to read this book and say "Oh yes, Stephen King was right, I believe everything he says, now let me grab some 1950s clothes and go look for Als Diner so I can go back and time and mess around"

    Its ludicrous that anybody can treat this book other then fiction, the fact that its my fellow CTers who are looking at this book like its "Case Closed" or "Reclaiming History" is very dissappointing

  8. If the rights to this book are not bought and filmed over the next 18 months then I will eat my own underpants and once it's made into a movie we are talking about something much different.

    Lee that was done before the book was even released

    "On August 12, 2011, before the novel's release, it was announced that Jonathan Demme has attached himself to write, produce and direct a film adaptation of 11/22/63. King will serve as executive producer. Shooting should begin in the fall of 2012"

  9. In the interview quoted above, King puts the liklihood of Oswald being a lone assassin at 98%. Do you really have any interest in anything that he has to say further on the subject? If he read any of the essential works, he has to know how impossible his premise is. And yet, he proceeds with it. I understand aspiring writers being dishonest in order to get a lucrative publishing deal, but how gutless can King be? He's rich beyond imagination, and certainly could get anything published at this point. In this manner, he is akin to the mega wealthy Tom Hanks, who is nevertheless selling out historical truth with the miniseries based on Bugliosi's absurd book.

    King decided to write a book about the JFK assassination, and used fictional characters to make the points he wanted to make. As a fiction writer, I understand what he's doing, and I don't like it. His overall point clearly is that Oswald acted alone. Shockingly, this is the same point everyone with a forum in the mainstream media has made for nearly fifty years, and continues to make. Except Oliver Stone- which is why I think he's a true profile in courage.

    To those of you who want to make this guy even more money by breathlessly buying his disinfo, enjoy living in a literal fantasy world. If you have to read this for whatever reason, at least wait until it gets to the library, so you don't directly contribute to his ill gained profits. All fiction has a purpose, and anything dealing with an actual historical event, especially THIS seminal event of the twentieth century, has to be scrutinized by those of us who know the facts. I can't excuse his irrational conclusion because he's writing fiction. Unless he's presenting an alternate reality, and changing the nature of the event (which he clearly isn't here), then devoting a book to the subject and coming down firmly in the impossible lone nutter camp, certainly leaves him open to criticism from those who've researched the case.

    Usually, I bemoan the fact that fewer and fewer people read books now. In this case, however, I'm glad that King isn't likely to get the have the impact he hopes with this LN propaganda. Most of his loyal fan base is growing older, and hopefully know better than swallow this stuff. Perhaps a few will even become disillusioned with him.


    The huge difference between John Q Public reading this book and a researcher like myself reading this book is that I do NOT swallow what King is feeding me

    I know that Oswald did not act alone

    I am not reading this book the same way I read Reclaiming History, I am reading this book the same way I would watch a great movie

    I take what King has concluded about Oswald with a grain of salt

    And trust me, coming from someone who has read 3/4 of the book, the whole question hanging over Al and Jake's head is did Oswald act alone, it took Al 4 years of spying on Oswald and when he says he is 96% sure (at first) he still cant bring himself to kill Oswald because there is still that 5% chance

    Then Jake has 5 years closing that gap to 98%

    Do you really think that after I read this book of fiction om going to come away saying King was right! It was Oswald alone!

    No chance in hell, im reading this book for what it is, entertainment, and thats just what it is doing

    This book is great, I might just buy another copy as a thank you to King for writting another great book

  10. Thanks for the links Bernice :)

    I read so much yesterday that my eyes are burning like crazy this morning

    And this book is not as LN crazy as everyone thinks, one of the very first things that Jake says before going back in time is what if I stop Oswald before he gets to the TSBD that day and some assassin takes JFK out from the Grassy Knoll

    Then they go into talking about reading every book on the assassination as possible

    I really dont want to spoil the book for anybody but if most of you that are not going to read it want toknow I can make a post each day laying out what is happening and what is going on

    If forum members dont want the book spoiled then I wont

    They talk about William Manchesters book first

    I just have to say that the first part of the book is about the time travel and lets just say that Jake has watched the movie Back to the Future 2 many times

    This book has me so hooked I cant stop reading, it is intense and has Stephen Kings detailed like writting that makes you feel like your in 1958

    So far this book has been perfect, I wish members would read it as a work of Fiction and enjoy it that way

  11. Ok I have been at home just flipping through the pages looking for names before I start reading

    I have not been this excited about a book in a long time (and with well over 2000 books in my home library I get excited about lots books, but not THIS excited so thats saying something)

    Anyways just for the curious I have seen De Mohrenschildt's name many times and it looks like he is a big part of the book

    Gen. Edwin Walker has been mentioned (in what context I have no idea but it looks like the Jake is spying on Oswald while Oswald spies on Walker)

    James Hosty comes to his house

    Dr Perry gives Jake Pain Meds after the assassination

    Spoilers! if you dont want me to ruin the book then stop reading right now

    Bonnie Ray Williams lets Jake into the TSBD to stop LHO

    Again I have no context behind what happens I just read the sentences with the names in them

    I will make posts with my thoughts and feelings on the book as I read

  12. From bostonglobe.com

    An excerpt:


    From 11/22/63 by Stephen King. Copyright © 2011 by Stephen King. Reprinted by permission of Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster Inc.

    George de Mohrenschildt made his grand entrance on the afternoon of September fifteenth, a dark and rainy Saturday. He was behind the wheel of a coffee-colored Cadillac right out of a Chuck Berry song. With him was a man I knew, George Bouhe, and one I didn’t – a skinny whip of a guy with a fuzz of white hair and the ramrod back of a fellow who’s spent a good deal of time in the military and is still happy about it. De Mohrenschildt went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. I dashed to get the distance mike.

    When I came back with my gear, Bouhe had a folded-up playpen under his arm, and the military-looking guy had an armload of toys. De Mohrenschildt was empty-handed, and mounted the steps in front of the other two with his head up and his chest thrown out. He was tall and powerfully built. His graying hair was combed slantwise back from his broad forehead in a way that said – to me, at least – look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. For I am GEORGE.

    I plugged in the tape recorder, put on the headphones, and tilted the mike-equipped bowl across the street.

    Marina was out of sight. Lee was sitting on the couch, reading a thick paperback by the light of the lamp on the bureau. When he heard footsteps on the porch, he looked up with a frown and tossed his book on the coffee table.

    More goddam expats, he might have been thinking......


    Good night nurse. Sounds like he HAS done some homework, of the total disinformation kind. An old friend just posted on my fb page how excited she is to get this "if only" book. Assumed I'd be getting it too. Not in your life.

    And as the 50th draws closer there will be more of the same, only worse.

    Lies for a new generation.


    The book is FICTION! How is going to have disinformation when nobody is going to take this book as fact?

    The guy who stops the assassination is time traveling!

    I cant believe how some forum members are acting like this book is a non fiction book about the assassination

    I read one review that said one of the best parts of the book is how the main guy starts to worry that even if he stops Oswald JFK might still be killed by a Grassy Knoll shooter

    I am going to walk into Barnes and Noble on November 8th right when they open and pay full price for this book and go home and read it from cover to cover and I already know that because of my love for King and my lifelong study of the assassination that I will love this book

    And you know why?

    Because im going to read it like it supposed to be read! Its fiction, why anybody would treat it any different is beyond me

  13. Robert

    While I agree with many of the people on your list, im having a hard time with Curtis LeMay

    If he was at the autopsy then I might have a little bit of give to the fact that he could have known about the plot (not be involved)

    I think that Curtis LeMay was one of the best military minds of all time

    In fact I think LeMay and Nimitz are the two best ever

  14. Well I just looked at the picture in TKOAP it is not clear enough to see anything on the roof of the Corham building

    I have all 4 of Penn Jones books, do you have any clue which book the picture is in Robert?

    I hate to sound like im lazy for not just flipping through my books to look, but my Penn Jones books are old and very valuable, I hate taking them out of my bookshelf for anything.

    But if you can tell me which volume it is in I will take a look

    I also have POTP, I can look through that book for sure

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