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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Andrej, Bill & Gayle Newman are hardly the rock-solid "conspiracy" witnesses that CTers have made them out to be for over 50 years.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/11/bill-and-gayle-newman.html Jean Hill, as everybody should know, changed her story completely in later years.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/08/jean-hill.html And when we examine all of Lee Bowers' statements (instead of just the stuff that Mark Lane would like to have us look at), it's pretty clear that Bowers' observations don't really bolster the "conspiracy" scenario very much (if at all).... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/lee-bowers.html And Ed Hoffman's account is pretty ludicrous.... http://educationforum.com/topic/22840/comment=329603
  2. Which indicates how truly lousy your case for a JFK conspiracy really is here in the year 2018. Because given the way things transpired in Dallas on 11/24/63, the murder of Lee Oswald by Jack Ruby just reeks of "Last Minute Effort" and "Spur Of The Moment". And I don't see how any reasonable person can deny that fact. https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Jack Ruby And Karen Carlin
  3. Jack Ruby's known movements and actions before he shot Oswald on the morning of 11/24/63 leave absolutely no room for "pre-planned conspiracy". None whatsoever. Anyone who says Ruby's actions do indicate conspiracy are merely engaging in a whole lot of wishful thinking.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/04/index.html#Jack-Ruby http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/03/Why Did Ruby Shoot Oswald?
  4. Of course. Why not? Connally was certainly still able to pivot around in his seat as late as the Z270s and Z280s (see Z275 below), and you surely aren't going to suggest to me (as some CTers have done) that Governor Connally hasn't yet been hit in his back with a bullet even as late as Z275....are you? (And also please take note of the fact that Mr. Connally is still holding his Stetson hat in Zapruder Frame #275 as well, debunking yet another long-standing myth endorsed by conspiracy theorists.) Z275....
  5. Yes, it probably is (although we could engage in a two-hour debate on the subject of "jiggle analysis" as well). But I wasn't counting Mr. Zapruder HIMSELF when tallying up the number of witnesses who exhibited startle reactions in Dealey Plaza. I was only thinking about the physical reactions we could actually see on the people whom Zapruder was filming. We're talking about two different things, David. I'm looking for true "startle" reactions in the Dealey Plaza witnesses that we see in the Z-Film and the photos ---- not merely REACTIONS. I'm looking for sharp, jerky, "flinch"-like reactions. There's nothing "jerky" from the witnesses in the Z-Film at all that I can detect---except, of course, for John Connally's flinching and grimacing and hat-flipping and mouth-opening and lapel-bulging at Z224—Z226, which is when Lee Oswald's SBT bullet was crashing through his body (which is a shot that Connally did not HEAR at all; he only FELT it; so now we're talking about yet a third different type of "reaction", one that does not include the sense of hearing at all). But Rosemary Willis' reaction is not a "startle" reaction at all. Not even close. And Hickey's, Landis', and Ready's reactions aren't "startle" reactions either. They are simply "reactions"---period. They heard a shot (or shots) and are reacting to the source of the noise(s)---which was, of course, the TSBD, the building the SS agents are staring directly at at circa Z255. But apparently the fact those agents are turned and looking right at the front door of the Depository means nothing to many CTers, who seem to now want to believe that NO shots had been fired from that building by Z255, which is quite a bizarre stance, IMO. https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/search?q=Startle+Reactions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN A RELATED NOVEMBER 2014 INTERNET DISCUSSION, A CONSPIRACY THEORIST NAMED MIKE SAID: It is OBVIOUS that John Connally is exhibiting a STARTLE reaction to something that occurred on his LEFT side. His RAPID head movement to his LEFT and associated hat flip are all synchronous with JFK's movement of his hands to his throat. IT IS OBVIOUS to anyone who seriously looks at the film. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: But this so-called "startle reaction" that you are describing could not POSSIBLY be the result of an actual BULLET striking Governor Connally's body at that point in time on the Zapruder Film, right Mike? The "startle reaction" can ONLY be the result of Connally reacting to something whizzing by him---but definitely NOT hitting him. Is that your position? And I find it quite remarkable that the point in time in the Z-Film when the conspiracy believers think Connally actually WAS hit by a bullet, which was in the Z230s according to most conspiracy theorists, we don't see any kind of "jerky" arm movements or "flinching/hunching" of JBC's shoulders (which is what we do see from Z225 to about Z230 or so). So what we have here, per the CTers, is a situation which has John Connally exhibiting far MORE "jerky" movements BEFORE he was actually struck by the bullet than he does just after he was actually hit by the high-speed missile. Kind of funny, isn't it? Actually, it's quite hilarious. But, then too, watching the conspiracy theorists deny the obviousness of the Single-Bullet Theory has always been a rather amusing thing to witness. More.... https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/11/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-833.html And some more....
  6. I'll repeat this question that I asked LNer Ed Bauer in a 2014 Facebook discussion (which went unanswered).... "But who in all of Dealey Plaza could be considered to be exhibiting "startle" reactions at ANY time during the whole shooting timeline as seen in Zapruder's home movie? Anyone at all? If so, please point them out, because I sure haven't seen any definitive signs of any startle reactions by anybody. And we KNOW that loud rifle shots WERE being fired at the President. Ergo, in my opinion, a lack of startle reactions throughout the ENTIRE film [or in any of the still photos] really proves....nothing." -- DVP; August 28, 2014
  7. Some discussions re: "startle reactions".... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/08/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-775.html https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/08/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-787.html
  8. Jim, You can't possibly deny the common sense that resides within my three articles below. Oh, yes, you can try and pretend that my common-sense observations regarding the 5 bullet specimens examined by Dr. Vincent Guinn are pure bunk and not worth a hoot, but any reasonable person (which automatically eliminates retired schoolteacher James DiEugenio of Los Angeles, California) who looks at the "5 bullet specimens" information will have no choice but to acknowledge that my comments on this matter make a lot of (common) sense.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/head-shot-bullet-fragments-and-naa.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/vincent-guinn-and-naa.html https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/12/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-97.html
  9. A drive through downtown Dallas in 1970 (unfortunately, there are no views of Dealey Plaza, but this is a fun "Time Travel" video nonetheless)....
  10. Neither one is really even needed to come to the reasonable conclusion that only bullets from Lee Harvey Oswald's Carcano rifle were fired at President Kennedy in Dealey Plaza. Here's why that is so.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/vincent-guinn-and-naa.html
  11. Which is no doubt exactly what many conspiracy theorists do believe. After all, many of those same CTers firmly believe that JFK's autopsy was "a deceptive autopsy report, based on a fake autopsy". So why wouldn't they also believe that same thing about Ferrie's autopsy? I've learned to accept the idea that many (most) JFK conspiracy theorists live in a world of massive (alleged) fakery and cover-up that never ever ends. Because, let's face it, if they didn't reside in such a world, then Lee Harvey Oswald is most certainly the double murderer that the evidence clearly proves he was. And the CTers found at most Internet forums would rather starve themselves to death before they ever faced reality and admitted anything as poisonous to them as Oswald's obvious guilt.
  12. http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/kennedy-gallery-191.html Baseball's Opening Day in 1961.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORLD SERIES GAMES DURING JFK'S THREE YEARS AS PRESIDENT:
  13. Here's the fixed link.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVowQ4LgwLk
  14. The complete "Space" speech (it's a dandy)....
  15. Holy Toledo! You've got to be joking here! You "proved" no such thing. You must have a very low threshold for "proof".... https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/04/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1123.html "Once again, you're assigning absurd levels of assumed timestamping accuracy to the Lovelady/Shelley statements. But such pinpoint accuracy concerning those statements just cannot be obtained." --DVP; December 2017 http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/07/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-973.html#Shelley-And-Lovelady Quite the contrary. You didn't prove what you think you proved at all in our long "Money Order" discussion (below). The clear fact of the matter is, contrary to what any CTer wants to believe, that there is now very strong evidence (thanks to the digging of Lance Payette) that Oswald's $21.45 Postal Money Order was deposited into a Federal Reserve Bank and did go through the normal processing channels before ending up just where it was supposed to end up---at the Federal Records Center in Alexandria, Virginia.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/10/The Hidell Money Order
  16. And so.....we're now treated to accusations of still more fakery in the JFK assassination case, eh Sandy? You think that even David Ferrie's autopsy was a sham too, right? The fakery never ever ends with you CTers, does it? And it continues for decades on end despite the fact that no conspiracy theorist in the whole world has ever been able to actually prove any of the alleged "fakery" they think is so rampant in every corner of the Kennedy case. IOW --- Accuse now, prove never. That's been a common CTer policy for 50+ years now. Can I ever expect that to change?
  17. And exactly how much evidence against Ferrie is being brought up in those discussions? I'll answer that one myself --- None.* * That is, after you've thrown out the lies of Perry Russo, as you must do if you want to arrive at something factual.
  18. From my webpage on Ferrie.... "I ask: If David Ferrie was a guilty plotter, do his known actions during the period of November 22-25, 1963, make any logical sense at all? I say they do not. [...] On February 18, 1967, four days before he died, Ferrie was interviewed in his apartment by Andrew Sciambra and Lou Ivon of the New Orleans District Attorney's office. At one point during the interview, Sciambra asked Ferrie, "Dave, who shot the President?" Ferrie's answer was: "Well, that's an interesting question and I've got my own thoughts about it." Quoting directly from Vincent Bugliosi's book, "Reclaiming History": "Ferrie then proceeded to sit up and draw a sketch of Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository Building and [per the memorandum of the interview supplied to Jim Garrison by Sciambra and Ivon] "went into a long spiel about the trajectory of bullets in relation to the height and distance." He then gave a "lecture on anatomy and pathology [and] named every bone in the human body and every hard and soft muscle area" and concluded that one bullet could not have caused all the damage the Warren Commission claimed it did." -- "Reclaiming History"; Page 1400 Now, I think a logical question to ask after reading the above paragraph is: Why would Ferrie, if he was guilty of being part of a conspiracy, have wanted to say ANYTHING at all of a derogatory nature about the Warren Commission's investigation (which was, after all, an investigation that ended with the determination that Oswald had acted alone in killing JFK)? When Ferrie told Sciambra and Ivon that, in essence, he didn't think the Single-Bullet Theory was true, that was pretty much the same thing as Ferrie saying a conspiracy did, in fact, exist in the murder of John Kennedy. And why would ONE OF THE CONSPIRATORS WHO HAD KENNEDY KILLED want to say anything at all (to Jim Garrison's investigators, no less!) of a negative or critical nature concerning the Warren Commission's "lone assassin" conclusion? In my opinion, that would have been a crazy and illogical thing for Ferrie to do IF Ferrie had really played a role in some kind of a plot to murder President Kennedy. But, since it's fairly obvious that there isn't a scrap of evidence to link David Ferrie to any JFK conspiracy plot, then Ferrie's anti-SBT comments that he made to Sciambra and Ivon in February 1967 do not really fall into the "crazy" or "illogical" categories at all. But they certainly would belong in those two categories if Ferrie had been guilty of conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy." -- DVP; September 17, 2009 More: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/09/david-ferrie.html
  19. Allow me to put in my $0.02 worth regarding this topic (as well as some comments concerning the "Roll Call").... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/09/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1028.html#BRD-Page-59 http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/06/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1142.html
  20. The Warren Commission stopped short of saying they thought the windshield and chrome damage was positively caused by a fragment (or fragments) of the bullet which struck the President in the head, but such a conclusion can certainly be easily inferred by the totality of bullet evidence examined in the case and the text written on pages 77 and 558 of the Warren Report.... https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0051a.htm https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0291b.htm http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/search?q=Windshield
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