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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Since every scrap of evidence leads directly into the lap (and guns) of Lee Harvey Oswald when it comes to the murders of both JFK and Officer Tippit, I cannot fathom how anyone could seriously make a comment like this --- "I keep thinking of how little LHO meant to the plot." Un-be-liev-able! No, LHO is the double-murderer* who has been turned into an "innocent patsy" thanks to the colorful imaginations possessed by thousands of conspiracy fantasists. * And the large amount of evidence that favors Oswald's guilt in the JFK and Tippit murder cases proves that I'm right.
  2. Ten-Four. Previous post removed. (And removed from my website too.)
  3. Well, not really.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/reconstructing-steps-of-assassin.html
  4. Here ya go, David L. .... you can borrow this icon from me. It comes in handy every time somebody repeats these idiotic words --- "the parade route kept changing"....
  5. No, what we really have here---with respect to the motorcade route---is a natural and logical and ordinary and non-sinister decision being made by the United States Secret Service (in conjunction with the Dallas Police Department) to take President Kennedy's motorcade down Elm Street in Dallas, Texas, in order to get the Chief Executive from Main Street to the Stemmons Freeway and then on to the Trade Mart. It is the conspiracy theorists of the world who insist upon turning ordinary happenstance into a massive pre-planned conspiracy plot. And to think, as many conspiracy theorists do, that the very ordinary and non-conspiratorial way in which Lee Harvey Oswald became an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in mid-October of 1963 (a full MONTH before the Dallas motorcade was even finalized) can somehow be turned into an act of "conspiratorial planning" is not reasonable thinking at all, in my opinion. Plus, there's this very important "motorcade-related" article [below] that appeared in the Dallas Morning News exactly one week before the assassination, which paints a dim picture for there being any motorcade drive through downtown Dallas AT ALL on 11/22/63. Do some conspiracists (like David Lifton) think this 11/15/63 article is nothing but a lie or a ruse, just to throw people off? Or do some CTers really believe that a plot to murder the President on Elm Street in Dallas wasn't even conceived until AFTER this newspaper article was published on November 15th?.... "Dallas sponsors of a luncheon said they expect President Kennedy to travel between the site and Dallas Love Field by the most direct traffic artery. They see little chance that the President will change his plans to include a motorcade through Downtown Dallas." -- Dallas Morning News; November 15, 1963
  6. "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald". The Bugliosi vs. Spence trial in 1986. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-v6ELx8MPBlc/WxCs2Q4m3bI/AAAAAAABO-s/R6ikleVPL7ES--jiJkiZxFo4laPsHSszACLcBGAs/s4000/RH-Excerpts-Regarding-Jack-Tatum.png
  7. Re: Jack Tatum.... Reclaiming-History-Book-Excerpts-Regarding-Jack-Tatum
  8. You've got Tatum's position wrong, Jim. Tatum was on Tenth Street (having turned onto 10th from Denver) when he saw the shooting. Jack Tatum re-created the shooting from his vantage point in his car for the PBS documentary "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" in 1993 (at 22:56 and 24:57 in the video below).... https://drive.google.com / Video / "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" (PBS-TV) (1993) (Part 3) Tatum was also a witness at the 1986 Bugliosi/Spence mock trial in London, but unfortunately his segment was completely cut out of the televised version shown on Showtime Cable TV in '86. However, a couple of important excerpts from his testimony are revealed in Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 book. [See my next post.]
  9. This month (May), I celebrated my 10th Anniversary on YouTube (2008—2018). 🌟🎆 (No gifts over $5, please. I'm not greedy.)
  10. http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2013/10/kennedy-gallery-354.html September 1960.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. I had no idea this was true. (And from the posts I'm seeing from various other EF Forum members, many people here didn't know about the "multiple editions" either.) It seems almost impossible for me to believe that the SAME newspaper office could have the capacity and the manpower (not to mention the TIME, which is always so short, it seems, in the newspaper industry) to churn out up to FIVE separate and unique editions of the very same paper. That sounds incredible to me (but evidently true). And in the 1960s, we're talking a time when the typeface for each article in the paper had to be manually set up by hand. (Isn't that correct, David S. Lifton?) How on Earth did they have enough time and resources to pump out so many editions every single day of the year? I suppose it's much easier today, what with computerization and digitization and all. Anyway, thanks for the "multiple editions" information, David L.; it's certainly something I didn't realize until now.
  12. Oh, come on, Ty. That's silly. The motorcade route was planned and mapped out a week before Nov. 22. And, as I have been pointing out for many days now, everybody who subscribed to the Dallas newspapers knew about the Elm Street turn on Nov. 19! Just read the paper. Surely nobody thinks the Dallas Morning News and Times Herald were part of a plot to take the President in front of the Depository....
  13. Newspaper Articles About JFK's Trip To Texas (Sept.-Nov. 1963)
  14. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Thanks, David L., for taking the time to write out all your thoughts on this matter in this Education Forum post. I, too, had seen all those references to "the selected route" that appear in the Secret Service Report (CD3), but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some specific reference within CD3 to "Elm Street" or "Houston Street" or "Stemmons Freeway" (relating to the "test drive" of the motorcade route). I see now that you are utilizing ALL of CD3, in its totality, to arrive at your conclusion that the motorcade route was never changed (and I agree), including the exhibits of the 11/19/63 Dallas newspapers which clearly spell out the motorcade route (in text!), including the Houston-to-Elm turn. DAVID LIFTON SAID: Will someone please knock real hard on DiEugenio’s cranium to see if someone is there; and if so (i.e., if the message is answered), please point out that the Dallas Times Herald of November 19, 1963 (as documented in Exhibit 6E of CD 3) published the motorcade route, and that the text of the story clearly spells out that the motorade will pass through Dealey Plaza, by going from Main (right) onto Houston, and then (left) onto Elm, and then out Stemmons Freeway. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: Yes, David. I "knocked real hard" on Jimmy's cranium just three days ago with words that are almost identical to what you just said.... "The Houston-to-Elm dogleg was described in the November 19th Dallas newspapers, which makes perfect sense considering what I just said above about the route being officially announced on Nov. 18. Therefore, the dogleg was part of the motorcade route as of November 18th, otherwise the Dallas Morning News couldn't have printed the route in its paper on the morning of the 19th [as seen in CE1363]. .... Some conspiracy myths just refuse to die, don't they? And "The Motorcade Route Was Changed" junk is apparently one such myth that I guess will be with us until the end of time." -- DVP; May 26, 2018
  15. I guess I was wrong, Jim. You CAN make "perfect sense" after all. You just did with the quote above.
  16. Hey! You do have an apostrophe key after all! Excellent! And, switching sports for a moment, even though I've been a Reds fan since 1970.... "Go Dodgers!" http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2012/04/cincinnati-reds-baseball-april-15-1972.html Good night to you, Jim.
  17. Hey, that's a fine film. (One of my favorites.) And featured on my Classic Movies Website as well.... Nah. I don't need to e-mail anybody on this. I like my last post aimed at you much better.... "Just keep looking at this super-slo-mo clip over and over a few times. And then try to convince yourself that the obvious forward motion of President Kennedy's head that you are seeing is being caused ONLY by a "smear" in the film. Good luck in convincing yourself of that fairy tale." -- DVP Only a "smear"!!??? LOL. What a crock. P.S. to Jim --- Please learn how to spell the word it's. Do you ever spell it correctly (using the apostrophe)? I can't count the number of times I've had to add the proper punctuation to your posts when I'm transferring them to my site in order to maintain This Complete Archive Of The Conspiracy-Related Fantasies Of One James DiEugenio Of Los Angeles, California, USA. Thank you. (And apparently the misspelling of "it's" is contagious around here, because David Lifton just did it in his last post too, plus someone else did it just yesterday. Maybe it's an "EF thing". Strange.)
  18. I never used that word, Jimmy. I said "hardline". (But I guess there's not too much difference between the two words.) Oh, Lifton is, without question, most certainly an "outer fringe" conspiracy fantasist of the First Order. His theories are as wacky as all get out and totally unbelievable and dead wrong as all get out too. I've been saying that for years. But there are some occasions when Mr. Lifton (unlike James DiEugenio) makes perfect sense. And David L. has exhibited that "perfect sense" trait on several occasions in the last few years at this very forum. And his last post in this thread is one such example. Although, as I mentioned, I cannot find any support for his claim that the SS Report (CD3) shows that the Nov. 14 "test drive" took the agents down Elm Street. That's nowhere to be found in CD3. And I just now read the entire CD3 document (again).
  19. Thanks, David Lifton, for your post above regarding the genesis of the motorcade route. Here's a link to Commission Document No. 3 (also known as the "Report Of The U.S. Secret Service On The Assassination Of President Kennedy"). To go directly to "Appendix A", which David Lifton specifically mentioned in his above post, Click Here. I suppose that most hardline conspiracy theorists probably contend that most of the things we find in CD3 are simply lies invented by James Rowley's Secret Service in the days and weeks after the assassination (seeing as how that SS Report is dated December 18, 1963). Mr. Lifton is correct when he said a "test drive" of the Dallas motorcade route was driven by police and Secret Service officials on November 14th. However, I can't find any mention at all of any specific streets---Elm Street or otherwise---being mentioned on this page of that Secret Service Report (CD3) where it talks about the November 14th "test drive" (as Lifton calls it). So when David Lifton said this in his last post.... "Asst. Dallas Police Chief Batchelor and Forrest Sorrels did a "test-drive" from Love Field to the Trade Mart, going through Dealey Plaza, and then via Stemmons Freeway, which meant entering Stemmons from Elm, which meant driving through Dealey Plaza exactly as the JFK motorcade drove that route on 11/22/63." ....I'm wondering where within Commission Document No. 3 Mr. Lifton found the information to support the specific "entering Stemmons from Elm" portion of that post? I, myself, have no doubt that Lawson and Sorrels did, indeed, travel on Elm Street during that Nov. 14 "test drive", but I just can't find a specific reference to the Houston-to-Elm turn in the SS Report. If you can find one, David L., please point me to it. BTW, on Page 12 of that SS Report, we find this information which totally demolishes the idea put forth by people such as Fletcher Prouty (and others) about how every single building and window should have been checked by law enforcement prior to the Dallas parade. As we can see here in CD3, no such practice was adhered to by the Secret Service in 1963:
  20. Jim, Just keep looking at this super-slo-mo clip over and over a few times. And then try to convince yourself that the obvious forward motion of President Kennedy's head that you are seeing is being caused ONLY by a "smear" in the film. Good luck in convincing yourself of that fairy tale.
  21. Jim is hilarious. To think that the forward motion of JFK's head at Z313 is only being caused by the "blur" in the film is another example of "Ultimate CTer Denial In Action" --- especially since we know (and can SEE) that the President is being hit in the head WITH A BULLET at that exact moment in time on the Zapruder Film. And yet, even though we know a high-speed bullet is definitely crashing into his skull at that EXACT instant, I'm supposed to believe that the ONLY thing that is causing the apparent "forward movement" of Kennedy's head is the "blur"??? Jim and Josiah are too funny for words!
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