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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. It's fairly obvious to me that Fritz' reflexes were pretty slow. He was 68 years old in November of '63, which isn't exactly ancient, but he sure looks much older than just 68 to me. Anyway, to think that Captain Fritz would have participated in some plot to allow Ruby to get in there and kill Oswald (and, hence, apply a permanent black eye to Fritz' "legacy" and to his Dallas police force) is a theory that's too ridiculous to even contemplate, IMO. But, as usual, nothing is too ridiculous for most Internet CTers, not even that preposterous theory about Captain John Will Fritz being a plotter.
  2. Certainly. No problem. Use them all you want. If I had known this topic would surface six months later, I would have created a lot more screen captures of the Stephen King re-enactments. (They did 17 total run-throughs on October 8th of last year.) Here's another intriguing photo, which (I think) was taken from the 7th floor of the Depository (because the sixth-floor sniper's window is forever sealed off, as you know):
  3. Yes, Brad, it would be nice to see a view from Oswald's window with the SS car (and its occupants) in the exact place they were in during the shooting. But in the long run, I doubt very much it would make any difference from an "Assassin's Line-of-Sight" POV. The SS car wasn't blocking Oswald's view of any part of JFK's body. And I think the 2015 photo of the Stephen King reconstruction pretty much proves that fact. Even if you move the SS car up a few more feet, to the point where it's almost touching the bumper of the President's limousine, I still don't think that would affect Oswald's line of sight to JFK's head or upper back. If you disagree, that's fine. But I can't see the SS car or the agents in it as representing any kind of an obstacle for Oswald to have to cope with at all. And you're the first person I have ever talked with who seems to think otherwise. But, as I said, it is an interesting subject.
  4. I don't think I've ever heard a conspiracy theorist complain about the Secret Service car being removed from any of the re-enactments. But that's an interesting theory indeed, especially since we know how close the Queen Mary follow-up car was to JFK's limo on Elm Street. However, I doubt very much that the agents standing on the running boards posed any kind of a serious obstacle for Lee Harvey Oswald when he was shooting at the President from the TSBD. And, Brad, you're surely not suggesting that the follow-up car ITSELF was in any way blocking the view of an assassin who was shooting at Kennedy from the sixth floor, are you? Here's the closest I could come to an actual "re-enactment" in Dealey Plaza with a car representing the Queen Mary Secret Service car also being used in the reconstruction. It's from a screen capture I took via the sixth-floor "Dealey Cam" on October 8, 2015, during the filming of Stephen King's mini-series "11/22/63". As we can see in this view from the "Oswald window", the Secret Service car does not get in the way of a shot at approximately the time of the fatal head shot. However, it's possible that the SS car should be a little closer to the back bumper of JFK's car here. The gap between the cars might be just a tad too big in the re-enactment done here. But it's not too far off. Click to enlarge: More photos at the two links below: jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/10/Stephen-King-Mini-Series-Filmed-In-Dealey-Plaza-October-2015 jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/11/stephen-king-11-22-63.html Video of the 2015 re-enactment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rcjDGNFEH_RC00U2pNV0FNc0E/view
  5. ConsortiumNews.com/2016/04/22/how-cbs-news-aided-the-jfk-cover-up/
  6. Sandy, That's a lot of nice technical talk in Post 82, but.... From strictly a layman's point-of-view, Baker's shadow hitting the curb and RISING onto that curb would most certainly indicate that Baker was GETTING CLOSER to that curb and sidewalk. Hence, his body was moving toward the Texas School Book Depository Building. IMO, your analysis is a lot of wishful thinking (which is not supported by Marrion Baker's shadow).
  7. To re-emphasize: It couldn't be more obvious (based on Officer Baker's shadow) that he is running TOWARD the curb, and hence, TOWARD THE DEPOSITORY. Allow me to repeat my earlier post from Page 5 (which Sandy has not responded to as yet)....
  8. But, Sandy, how can Baker's shadow "[hit] the face of the curb and quickly [rise] to the top of the curb" if he's not running TOWARD that curb? If he's running parallel to the curb, then why do we see his shadow hitting the curb and rising, as if he's running right toward the curb/sidewalk? Please explain further. Thank you.
  9. Just as invisible as Oswald, I guess, since nobody on the steps saw Oswald walk right past them at 12:33 either.* Funny, huh? * Not counting Buell Frazier's 2002 story of seeing Oswald walking down Houston Street, which is an observation totally at odds with what Frazier said in his 11/22/63 affidavit.
  10. Bob P., Do you really think Roy Truly was lying through his teeth here? Really? ....
  11. Well, Jimmy, it's either the SAME encounter, or Roy S. Truly was a big fat [L-word]. Now, guess which option I'm going to pick?
  12. The difference being, of course, that if Mr. Myers has drawn a line onto a photo or diagram, he has already done the photogrammetry work to verify that the angles are accurate. Do you think Sandy did that kind of work prior to drawing in all his lines? Let's ask --- Did you, Sandy?
  13. Your silly blue line is worthless and meaningless. You can't start drawing lines on photos or films and expect to extract perfect three-dimensional information, which is something Dale Myers has been trying to drill into the heads of you know-it-all conspiracy hobbyists for years: "Photogrammetry describes how three-dimensional spatial relationships can be extracted from two-dimensional photographs or images. Without taking into account these relationships, accurate interpretations of two-dimensional images are impossible. In short, you cannot simply draw or overlay lines on a two-dimensional image and extract three-dimensional information." -- Dale K. Myers
  14. Well, first off, there is no "first-day" affidavit by Depository Superintendent Roy S. Truly. He didn't fill out his affidavit until the next day (November 23). So does that mean I should think it is not an accurate statement by Mr. Truly? Is that it, Sandy? It's certainly true that Officer Baker doesn't mention the "lunchroom" or "second floor" or "pulling a gun on Oswald" in his 11/22/63 affidavit, but if we compare the two affidavits — BAKER'S and TRULY'S — the reasonable conclusion to reach, despite Baker's error about the event occurring on either the "third or fourth floor", is that Baker and Truly are describing the exact same encounter. Another reason we can pretty much KNOW that Baker and Truly are describing the exact same encounter with Oswald in their respective Nov. '63 affidavits is because each man described just ONE single encounter with ONE single man during their trek through the building on 11/22/63. And if you want to believe that Baker really DID encounter a person on the "third or fourth floor" of the TSBD, then what possible reason would there be for anybody (including Roy S. Truly) to want to lie and change the location of the encounter to the SECOND floor, which is two additional floors further away from the sixth floor where the crime was committed? Does that make a lick of sense? It sure doesn't to me.
  15. You must be joking. I didn't just say "You're wrong" without saying anything else. Go to my Post #22. .... "Where on Earth did you get the "20 to 25 seconds" timing? Nobody that I know of has ever claimed that the second-floor TSBD encounter between Marrion Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald occurred as early as "20 to 25 seconds" after the assassination. It is generally accepted by almost everybody (even most conspiracy believers) that the encounter in the lunchroom took place approximately 90 seconds after the shooting, just as Officer Baker estimated in his CBS-TV interview in 1964." -- DVP You ASKED me where I got the 20-25 sec figure... Bob EXPLAINED to me where I got it. But the main difference is that Bob has my best interests at heart. He wanted to save me some embarrassment. But I don't blame you for your reaction (for example, making sure my error lives on forever) because I know there are plenty of CTers out to embarrass you at the drop of a hat. OK. Fair enough. But now I'm wondering where Bob got it, because as I posted earlier, Baker's Aug. '64 affidavit doesn't indicate "20-25 seconds" for that event. It indicates "15 seconds". But perhaps Baker said something like "It took me 20 or 25 seconds to get to the front entrance" in some other interview somewhere. ~shrug~
  16. I respectfully disagree. I see Baker taking a long stride in that last step, in order to step up onto the sidewalk. Looks to me like Baker is striding directly toward the sidewalk and the Depository (running directly into the shadow his body is casting).
  17. You must be joking. I didn't just say "You're wrong" without saying anything else. Go to my Post #22. .... "Where on Earth did you get the "20 to 25 seconds" timing? Nobody that I know of has ever claimed that the second-floor TSBD encounter between Marrion Baker and Lee Harvey Oswald occurred as early as "20 to 25 seconds" after the assassination. It is generally accepted by almost everybody (even most conspiracy believers) that the encounter in the lunchroom took place approximately 90 seconds after the shooting, just as Officer Baker estimated in his CBS-TV interview in 1964." -- DVP
  18. But what about Roy Truly's CORROBORATION of Baker's encounter with OSWALD (not some other unknown person) in the LUNCHROOM on the SECOND FLOOR? We have TRULY corroborating BAKER. Should I believe they BOTH lied? Why should I believe such a thing, Sandy? Why? And furthermore, WHY would they both lie about an encounter on the SECOND FLOOR? Such an encounter most certainly doesn't prove Oswald was on the SIXTH FLOOR shooting at President Kennedy 90 seconds earlier. So why on Earth would anyone create and act out such a charade, which, in effect, proves NOTHING? ~great big shrug~
  19. I agree with everything you just said, Michael. Plus, I think one of the most intriguing parts of the GIF clip below is the fact that we can see TWO different people who appear to be looking UP toward the upper floors of the Depository -- "Stetson Hat Man" and the man in the dark suit on the far right: In addition, when looking at the full-sized version of the GIF clip presented by Sandy (1024 x 613), it looks to me as if a pretty good argument could be made for Baker's last step in that GIF clip representing a bit of a "jump up" by Baker as he goes from street level "up" one step to the higher level of the sidewalk that is right in front of the Book Depository Building. (Click the above clip to enlarge it to full size.) And if that is the case (Baker "jumping" up onto the sidewalk), that would certainly not be consistent with him continuing to run in the street toward the Dal-Tex Building.
  20. So did I. He meant just exactly what he clearly said in Post #1. And he's dead wrong. It's okay now David... I corrected it! Ten-Four.
  21. LOL. Bob didn't clarify a thing, Sandy. I did. But it would seem as if I'm on Sandy's Ignore list now. So Bob gets credit for the "clarification" instead of that crackpot disinfo specialist named DVP. Oh, well. Such is life.
  22. As I knew Sandy would do (because I do not think he is a dishonest person), Sandy has changed his first post to read "90 seconds" instead of "20 to 25 seconds". But I wanted a copy of the original post, just to prove that I did not "invent" anything I attributed to Mr. Larsen, so I quickly saved Sandy's initial post in the Wayback Machine at the Archive.org website [but it's since been deleted for some unknown and spiteful reason, so I had to create a screen capture by accessing an old cached version of the post; ~sigh~]. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KMLPwqhavWM/VxbgPVXAQGI/AAAAAAABJnQ/XMPy9w81Gskpl_k5ozECXYKqG2HqbqdpwCLcB/s1600/Edu-Forum-Post-Old-Version.png But thanks for your honesty in changing the time to "90 seconds", Sandy.
  23. It's amazing what a fertile imagination can do when a conspiracy theorist gets ahold of a GIF clip. Remarkable. BTW, here's another of Marrion Baker's statements that Sandy Larsen is now forced to completely toss into the nearest gutter or trash can: "I, Marrion L Baker, being duly sworn say: 1. I am an officer in the Dallas Police Department. 2. On November 22, 1963, upon hearing shots I rode my motorcycle 180 to 200 feet, parked the motorcycle, and ran 45 feet to the Texas School Book Depository Building. 3. On March 20, 1964, counsel from the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy timed a re-enactment of my actions after hearing the shots on November 22, 1963. During this re-enactment, I reached the recessed door of the Texas School Book Depository Building fifteen seconds after the time of the simulated shot." -- Marrion L. Baker; August 11, 1964
  24. So did I. He meant just exactly what he clearly said in Post #1. And he's dead wrong.
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