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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. What about JBC's grimace at Z225? (Or don't you see that either, James?) What about JBC opening his mouth at exactly Z225? And what about that hat/arm flip starting at Z226? Is this another "distortion" in the film?....
  2. Every single thing relating to JFK's wounds (and his clothing) indicates that ONE bullet, passing back to front, went through JFK's upper body. ...Bruising of pleura. ...Bruising of lung. ...Entry hole for a bullet in the upper back. ...Clothing fibers pointing OUTWARD in the front of the shirt. (I'd love to hear a reasonable excuse from the CTers to explain this one. And if the word "fake" could be avoided, it would be refreshing.) ...No bullets in President Kennedy's body. But let the "whupping" begin, Big Bad Bobby. You know it all, after all. So who WOULDN'T quiver in their boots at the sight of Robert Prudhomme coming after them with a C7 vertebra under his arm?
  3. James, Where could the bullet have gone if it went through JFK but did NOT hit Connally?
  4. The WC said the SBT is correct. The HSCA said the SBT is correct. (Even Cyril Wecht thinks a bullet went clear through JFK.) Robert Prudhomme thinks the SBT is bunk. So, tell me how Bob Prudhomme has trumped the SBT conclusions of BOTH of the official Government inquiries? jfk-archives.blogspot.com/search?q=Robert+Prudhomme
  5. Okay, James. That's better. He's turning to his LEFT. Yes. I agree. But....so what? That's perfectly consistent with what Connally himself said he was doing (turning to his left) when he said he was hit by the bullet.
  6. BTW, James, My in-motion version of Z223-224 is of much higher quality than the blurry still frames of 223 and 224 you provided.
  7. James, Any JBC turn to his right has certainly stopped by Z226. He then is going to his left. But I don't see how anything relating to any "Connally turn" can be used to debunk the various Z-Film clips I have provided which clearly show indications of Connally flinching, grimacing, opening his mouth, and flipping his right arm up --- all beginning at Z225. Do you deny those things?
  8. If the Costella frames are stabilized, then the answer to your question (with regard to the video below) is yes. I created this slo-mo version by using the 486 "Costella" frames. This looks pretty stable to me...
  9. James, You really think the lapel movement in the following clip is merely a "distortion" in the Z-Film? I'd beg to differ. This is a nice clear version of Z223-224 too....
  10. Connally had no choice but to be sitting inboard of Kennedy. The jump seats were made that way....
  11. James, The subtle and very fast involuntary movements made by Connally take place in the wink of an eye, making it imperative they be seen IN MOTION, vs. just still frames.
  12. Ray, You surely aren't saying that you think Connally was NOT seated somewhat "inboard" of JFK, are you? The "inboard" status of Connally's position in the limo throughout the entire Dallas motorcade has been illustrated in many photographs, such as the two below....
  13. James, Just looking at individual Z-Film still frames isn't going to get you anywhere. That's the same mistake John Connally himself made when he studied individual frames and decided he was hit around Z231 to Z234. You need to watch the clips in motion--and on a repeating loop, like here..... jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2013/02/sbt-clips.html If you can examine the clips presented above and say to yourself that the SBT is still impossible, then I would have to think you just viewed those clips with your eyes closed.
  14. I never said anything of the kind, Bob. You're making stuff up. I gave my reason for believing Kellerman heard Connally, in Post 15 in this thread.
  15. The Zapruder Film provides a good answer to your last question, Ray. SOME MORE SBT TALK: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/05/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-941.html
  16. I know what you mean about deteriorating memory, Ron. It sucks becoming ancient. I feel it too. (And I'm only 53.) My memory is getting worse too. Just yesterday, I was kicking myself for not being able to remember somebody's name in connection with the JFK case. After about an hour, the name popped back into my head. But now, just 24 hours later, I haven't the slightest memory of who the person was that I forgot about yesterday. (LOL)
  17. I don't think Roy Kellerman was a "xxxx". He was wrong (i.e., "mistaken"), but not a xxxx. IMO, Kellerman heard Governor Connally shouting "My God, they're going to kill us all". I know that Connally didn't have the Boston accent that JFK had, but given the fact the zero other people in the car heard JFK utter a word, and since we know that Gov. Connally DID utter the above words (including two of the words Kellerman claimed he heard JFK say--"My God"), well, in my view, the answer is that Kellerman must have heard Connally and not Kennedy.
  18. Ron Ecker has now taken to just making up alleged quotes from the mouth of JFK. "Take me to the hospital..."??? For Pete sake. LOL. Ron, do YOU think Connally was looking at JFK when JFK was first hit by a bullet? If not, then tell me HOW Connally could have known with such certainty that the SBT is false? And as you correctly pointed out, Connally didn't hear JFK say anything at all. "My God, I'm hit!" -----> jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/12/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-94.html
  19. Translation.... DVP should not be allowed to express his views on The Education Forum. Either that, or.... DVP should never be allowed to start a thread on The Edcuation Forum, because whenever he does it looks like nothing more than LN "propaganda" to me [Robert Prudhomme]. Prudhomme seems to have a lot in common with somebody calling himself Ralph Yates.... "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people. I think we also need to figure out a way to move towards prosecuting them. These persons are just in flagrant denial of the obvious evidence of Oswald's CIA relationship." -- Ralph Yates; 1/31/2015 jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/02/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-891.html
  20. Tell us, Greg, when Hoover told LBJ in that same 11/29/63 phone call that the shooter was located on the fifth floor and an intact bullet had rolled out of the head of JFK and all the shots had been fired "within three seconds", was Hoover just "running the story by" the new President when it came to all of those erroneous things too? And if not, then why would you treat Hoover's cluelessness about "Connally being in the way" any differently than all of those other things that Hoover got wrong when he spoke to LBJ on November 29th?
  21. What I hear are two clueless men. https://app.box.com/shared/x143w38kk4
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