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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Okay: MEL EISENBERG. Did you compare Exhibit No. 788 with the standards to determine whether Exhibit No. 788 had been written by Lee Harvey Oswald? JAMES CADIGAN. Yes. Mr. EISENBERG. What was your conclusion? Mr. CADIGAN. That the postal money order, Cadigan Exhibit No. 11, had been prepared by Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. EISENBERG. The postal money order is Commission Exhibit No. 788 and your picture is Cadigan Exhibit No. 11, is that correct? Mr. CADIGAN. That is correct.
  2. A little bit of both, I'd say. But neither category is required for Oswald to be guilty (alone) of the assassination. He merely smuggled his own cheap rifle into his own workplace one day and found himself having the best luck in the world when: a.) Nobody was up on the sixth floor when he was assembling his rifle and putting together his "sniper's nest". (And, no, I have no idea why he was standing on the WEST end of the sixth floor around 12:15, to be seen by Arnold Rowland. But I have no doubt in my mind that it WAS Oswald whom Rowland observed holding a rifle.) I've theorized HERE that it's possible that LHO was mulling over the idea of using the WEST window to shoot from, but I can't explain why on Earth he (or ANY assassin) would make himself totally exposed, with rifle in hand, on the west end when he certainly didn't NEED to do that. So that was one of Lee's "idiot chimp" moments on November 22. And, yes, he had several of those on that day...but nevertheless, even with his "idiot" moments, he accomplished his goal--he murdered the President. b.) Bonnie Ray Williams decided to vacate the sixth floor shortly before the President drove through Dealey Plaza, thereby leaving the entire sixth floor totally empty -- except, of course, for Oswald in his Nest. If Williams stayed on the 6th floor, or if other workers--such as Norman and Jarman--had decided to use the SIXTH floor as their parade-watching perch, then JFK would have lived to see Nov. 23 (IMO). Because there's no way in Hades that LHO takes those shots if he knows there are other people on the same floor, just a few feet away from his Sniper's Nest. c.) It stopped raining that morning, thereby enabling the bubbletop to come off of JFK's limo. An extremely important piece of pure LUCK for assassin Oswald, to be sure. The roof was not bulletproof, no. But did OSWALD know that? No one can know. RELATED ARTICLE: SIX THINGS MADE TO ORDER FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD
  3. Er, Jimmy, you must have forgotten to read this blog post of mine, which sets straight multiple hunks of conspiracy misinformation re the PO Boxes: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/post-office-applications.html EXCERPT FROM ABOVE-LINKED POST: DVP SAID (IN 2010): Rob Caprio is making stuff up (again). The fact is this -- Nobody knows for certain whether Oswald listed Hidell on the Dallas P.O. Box [#2915] form or not. The likelihood is that he probably DID list that name, but the portion of the application that revealed such information was discarded after Oswald closed out the box. If he listed Hidell on his New Orleans P.O. Box forms (which he definitely did), then why wouldn't he list Hidell on his Dallas P.O. Box form? Common sense would suggest that he likely treated those forms the same and listed Hidell on both [EDIT--although, yes, it is true that he did not list "Hidell" on the application he filled out on 11/1/63 for Box 6225; but by that date, he had already purchased both of his guns via his Hidell alias, and he possibly felt he would no longer have any need to utilize that fake name for post office transactions in the future]. [...] BTW, it also makes no sense for Oswald to purchase guns under the name HIDELL and have them shipped to a P.O. Box where he DID NOT have the name HIDELL listed as a person authorized to receive mail. But, on the other hand, since the post office delivers to ADDRESSES and not specific PEOPLE, it's very likely that Oswald would not have had any problem getting a package addressed to HIDELL even if that name was not on any kind of official authorization form.
  4. Somebody give Jimbo a cookie (make it a Lorna Doone)! He got one right! ~fainting~ Right. Exactly. So, what do we find in CE1949? The books look EXACTLY like a normal day at the TSBD (i.e., it looks just like all other days when Presidents weren't being killed from that building). Which was kinda my point to Gil, Jimbo -- that sometimes you can't rely on those type of written-in records for dead-on accurate timekeeping to establish the WHEREABOUTS of an employee. The 11/22 & CE1949 example might not be a perfect analogy, no. Because, yes, it's true that Presidents weren't being murdered on the JCS doorstep on March 12th -- but I think you might catch my main drift on this. Don't you, Jimmy? Yep. Sort of. Kinda like the way you lay awake every night trying to figure out who you can next call a xxxx or a COVER-UP SPECIALIST or a "TROIKA" member or a person who is stricken with "McADAMS DISEASE".
  5. This is total nonsense. Gil thinks that every single thing connected to Oswald purchasing his money order has got to be documented and verified by human eyes in order to reasonably form a conclusion that Oswald did, in fact, purchase the $21.45 money order on 3/12/63. Hogwash! Next, we'll probably have Gil saying that Oswald couldn't POSSIBLY have purchased that money order because there weren't any television cameras focused on Oswald when he was writing his (fake) Hidell name and his address on the money order. After all, per Gil's logic, if there wasn't a WITNESS to Oswald physically writing the words on that money order, then it can never be reasonably assumed that LHO wrote anything on it at all...right Gil?
  6. I'll remind Gil of CE1949 [at 23 H 751], which is an employee record from the TSBD that indicates that "Leslie" Oswald worked a full EIGHT-HOUR day at the TSBD on 11/22/63. Maybe "Leslie" was the THIRD Oswald in the building that day....along with his brothers "Harvey" and "Lee". It would appear that everybody was given credit for a full day's work on 11/22, even though nobody did any work after 12:30. So, if we're to take every one of Oswald's 1963 time cards (or summary sheets, like we see in CE1949) as the Gospel truth about WHERE OSWALD WAS LOCATED at these precise times in question, then I guess LHO was still busy filling book orders at the Depository even after the assassination occurred and even after he was in police custody at the DPD. Point being -- Perhaps it's not a real good idea to try and use "time card" information as "proof" that someone was where they were supposed to be at a given time. My view is that Oswald bought his money order BEFORE he went to work on March 12th. And if the post office wasn't open before 8:00 AM (anybody know?), I would surmise that LHO just showed up for work a little late on March 12th, despite what the official JCS records show.
  7. I think Jim DiEugenio made the exact same error that the FBI made when Jimbo said this in an earlier post: "The application [and Jim is talking about an application that he thinks is for P.O. Box 2915] is at Vol. 19 p. 286. Only Lee Oswald is on it, no Hidell." The error being: The FBI mistakenly thought that BOTH of the application segments found in Cadigan Exhibit 13 were for PO Box 2915. But they aren't. The top section is for Box 6225, which Oswald rented in November '63. And (in my opinion), this could have very well led to an error made in an FBI report that stated that they had actually examined Part 3 of the Box 2915 application [see CE2585], which is impossible since it was discarded after Oswald closed that box in May '63. And this FBI error is often repeated and cited by CTers as being proof of some kind of hanky-panky with the PO Box applications. And for proof that people can easily get confused and make errors concerning Oswald's various P.O. Box applications, check out this blog post of mine from last July (which also straightens out some incorrect information regarding the P.O. Boxes peddled by Mark Lane in his 1966 book "Rush To Judgment").
  8. Please note how the number of LIARS continues to grow upon reading those John Armstrong book excerpts that Jack White posted in 2005. Start counting up the number of people who surely must be liars in the minds of conspiracy theorists when it comes to just the issue of Oswald's money order alone, including the various people from the banking institutions and the post office and the FBI and the Secret Service who saw and/or physically handled the Oswald money order. The FBI must have been doing a lot of strong-arming at the banks and at Klein's and at the post office regarding JUST this money order thing alone, in order to get various people to say they saw and handled a money order that many conspiracy theorists think is a total fraud. Another question -- Did the Feds PLANT a fake money order somewhere (after perfectly mimicking Lee Oswald's handwriting on it too, of course--and all within less than 24 hours of the assassination), so that a legitimate banking employee or a post office employee could conveniently "find" it later on? Or did the FBI just MAKE UP all the names of the bank officials and post office people that Jack White mentions in his 2005 article above? I'll reiterate this FACT one more time --- Waldman Exhibit No. 7 (which has never been proven to be a "fake" document by any conspiracy theorist in the world) proves for all time that Klein's received a paid-in-full rifle order from "A. Hidell" of Dallas, Texas (who was really Lee Harvey Oswald, as we all know) in March 1963, and Klein's shipped a rifle with the serial number C2766 on it to Oswald's Dallas mailing address on 3/20/63. Any other conclusion is pure speculation that is not supported by the known documentary evidence connected with the JFK murder investigation. ~Mark VII~
  9. You're kidding, Bill. Right? In case you didn't know -- Oswald and Hidell were the same person. And the PO Box was OSWALD'S known mailing address in Dallas. Don't tell me you want to pretend that there REALLY was a person named "A. Hidell", Bill? And did this "Hidell" person just happen to use the exact same P.O. Box that was rented by Lee Oswald? C'mon, Bill -- you know damn well that Waldman 7 proves (for all time) that Oswald was shipped Rifle C2766. There is no reasonable doubt about that fact. What difference does it make what Oswald was doing on the day the rifle was mailed? It was SHIPPED on March 20. LHO didn't receive it on that date. He would have picked it up a few days after March 20, of course. The exact day can never be known.
  10. Do conspiracy theorists REALLY and truly believe that this document (Waldman #7) was NOT found among the Klein's records on the morning of November 23, 1963? Is this document (which is a KLEIN'S document with KLEIN'S letterhead) a total fabrication? Because if it's not, then Oswald positively ordered and paid for and was shipped Rifle C2766 in March 1963:
  11. Here we have yet another great big "Mountain Out Of A Molehill" post from a conspiracy theorist (Gil Jesus this time) who is searching the records, high and low, 24/7 to try and find something that will justify the crap he wants to believe -- i.e., that Lee Oswald never had Rifle C2766 in his hands at any time in his life. It never ends. (Does it, Gil?)
  12. Oswald's money order was on its way to Chicago shortly after 10:30 AM, Dallas time, on March 12th, 1963. The envelope is postmarked "10:30" (which, of course, is AM; it's certainly not 10:30 PM). And it was sent AIR MAIL. So, I'd like to know what is so extraordinary about an AIR MAIL letter that is postmarked 10:30 AM being able to travel the relatively short (flying) distance between Dallas and Chicago in just a few hours' time? Of COURSE Oswald's money order could arrive in Chicago on the afternoon or evening of March 12. Given the postmark and the fact he used air mail, it's quite possible. And the PROOF it did arrive in time for Klein's to run Oswald's order through their cash register is, of course, Waldman #7, which has a MARCH 13 stamp at the top, and Waldman told everybody what that stamp signifies in his WC testimony, which must also be a lie, per the conspiracy mongers (or Waldman was simply a boob). Right, Jimbo?
  13. Every time I read one of your silly "EVERYTHING'S FAKE & EVERYBODY LIED" posts, I sure feel like reaching for a barf bag, I tell ya that. How close are you to embracing Fetzer's theory about Z-Film fabrication, Jimbo? I'll give you three more months, and you'll be in bed with Fetzer. Six months after that, you'll believe all of Lifton's theories too, probably even his "No Shots Came From The Rear" tripe. You're already part of the way there already--since you think that Kennedy's brain was substituted for another one at the supplemental brain exam. With a running start like that, you'll totally be in Lifton's camp before you know it.
  14. So, the March 12-13 money order thing is example #299 (at least) on the ever-growing list labelled "THINGS THAT THE RETARDED PATSY-FRAMERS SCREWED UP", with the idiot plotters deliberately doing "impossible" things to frame everybody's favorite patsy for all 11/22/63 murders. But apparently DiEugenio feels there is no need to ask: Why would the plotters and cover-uppers do it like this, when they could have just as easily made it look like the money order was deposited on March 16 or 17 or 18, or any date they choose, since every single thing to do with Oswald was FAKE anyway? And, of course, DiEugenio doesn't bat an eyelash when it comes to the fact that the HSCA determined that everything to do with the money order was totally legitimate, even though the HSCA was dying to find a conspiracy in the case. Jimbo, you're a stitch.
  15. Well, if one of Mr. Swanson's main goals is something so incredibly peripheral and unimportant as trying to discover what happened to Jackie's pink hat, I'm just wondering how serious and "definitive" his book will actually be. James Swanson, btw, hosted a lengthy 90-minute program featuring Vincent Bugliosi at the Cooper Union in New York City on May 15, 2007, at the start of Bugliosi's book tour for his JFK book, "Reclaiming History". Nothing was mentioned at all during that program about Swanson himself being engaged in a JFK book project. (Of course, it's also likely that Swanson, as host of the program, wouldn't have wanted to steal any of Mr. Bugliosi's thunder at that particular moment.) SWANSON/BUGLIOSI IN 2007: http://fora.tv/2007/05/15/Vincent_Bugliosi_Reclaiming_History THE MISSING PILLBOX HAT: http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2011/01/jacqueline-kennedys-pink-hat-is-missing.html
  16. Ah, well. It's my job. So, what can I do? Ya can't buck the Langley boys.
  17. You're dead wrong about this. And the date at the top of Waldman #7 ("Mar 13 '63") proves you are wrong. (Oh, yeah, Waldman 7 is a fake too, right?) BTW, Oswald mailed the money order via AIR MAIL (probably fairly early in the morning on 3/12 would be my guess, BEFORE HE WENT TO WORK that day). That's likely how the money order got to Chicago in 24 hours, because it was likely mailed (by AIR mail) very early in the day on March 12th. In fact, it very likely was in Chicago by the evening of March 12th. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been delivered by the Chicago post office to Klein's on the 13th. "AIR MAIL":
  18. No, I sure can't. Unfortunately, Lee wasn't kind enough to supply the DPD with that info prior to 11:21 AM CST on 11/24/63. Sorry.
  19. ADDENDUM REGARDING THE DATE THAT KLEIN'S RECEIVED LEE OSWALD'S MONEY ORDER: Here's a fact I had forgotten about until looking once again at Waldman Exhibit No. 7: There is a date stamped at the very top of Waldman No. 7 (which is the Klein's order form for Oswald's rifle order)....and the date is "Mar. 13, '63", which is the date that Oswald's money order passed through the Klein's cash register (per William Waldman's testimony, below): DAVID BELIN -- "Is there anything which indicates in what form you received the money?" WILLIAMS WALDMAN -- "Yes; below the amount is shown the letters "MO" designating money order." MR. BELIN -- "Now, I see the extreme top of this microfilm, the date, March 13, 1963; to what does that refer?" MR. WALDMAN -- "This is an imprint made by our cash register indicating that the remittance received from the customer was passed through our register on that date."
  20. Huh? Are you saying, Gil, that there are public records available for EVERY Klein's bank deposit for both the months of February and March of 1963? For every day of each of those months? Please tell me where I can find those extensive Klein's records. I'd like to see them. You certainly aren't talking about any of the "Waldman Exhibits". Where did you get such detailed info on the Klein's deposits for two complete months? See my following post below for proof that Gil is wrong about this.
  21. But Waldman 10 shows TWO "3-13-63" dates at the bottom of the columns for the itemized listing of the Klein's bulk deposit. And the grand total on BOTH documents (the itemized list and the "Feb 15" deposit ticket) is identical, which would indicate that both documents are referring to the same bulk deposit:
  22. Whew! Thank goodness you straightened me out on that, Gil! It's good to know that your whole thread here wasn't designed to point a finger of guilt at someone who might have been tampering with the evidence in the case of a murdered President. So, if it wasn't a "conspirator" (or "cover-up" operative) who was doctoring the paper trail to C2766....then I assume you, Gil, must make allowances for the "2-15-63" date on the extra copy of the Klein's deposit ticket being an innocent, ordinary mistake by the Klein's employees. Correct?
  23. Oswald did some stupid things on 11/22, yes. But he accomplished his main goal--killing the President. That was the most important thing. And I think it's a pretty good guess to say that Oswald (after accomplishing his goal of murdering the Chief Executive) never expected to live to see the November 23rd dawn. He, of course, could easily have been shot dead in the Texas Theater by any number of armed policemen. So, living for an extra two days must have been looked upon as a nice extra bonus from Lee Harvey's point-of-view.
  24. The "WRONG DATE ON THE EXTRA COPY OF THE DEPOSIT SLIP" is just one more example (among dozens of others) where the conspiracy theorists SHOULD be asking themselves the following logical question: WHAT THE HELL WERE THE CONSPIRATORS THINKING WHEN THEY DID SOMETHING THIS STUPID -- LIKE PUTTING A FEBRUARY 15 DATE ON A DEPOSIT TICKET THAT THE PLOTTERS HAD TO HAVE KNOWN FROM THE GET-GO WAS A DEPOSIT THAT NEEDED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE MARCH 13 KLEIN'S DEPOSIT --- OR LIKE PLANTING A MAUSER RIFLE IN THE BOOK DEPOSITORY, WHEN THEY CERTAINLY MUST HAVE KNOWN THAT THEIR PATSY NAMED OSWALD DIDN'T OWN A MAUSER--HE OWNED A MANNLICHER-CARCANO? Errors such as that one with the incorrect date on the deposit ticket are errors that are MUCH easier to associate with normal fallible human errors than they are associated with any kind of perceived "plot" that has been PRE-arranged by a group of conspirators for the purpose of faking evidence in the JFK murder case. Why is this so? Because if that February 15 date was really written there by a person who deliberately was trying to create a fake and false paper trail to Rifle C2766 (and, hence, incriminate a "patsy" named Lee Harvey Oswald), then the plotters would have KNOWN from the start that they would need to be very very careful when placing all of this FORGED EVIDENCE into the record, and they would make doubly certain to cross every T and dot every I in the proper places. And they would have also known to have placed the proper bank stamps on the documents in question too (or they SHOULD have factored that detail into their "Let's Frame Oswald" ruse, unless all of these plotters, to a man, were brainless morons). The fact that we have discrepancies like the "Feb. 15" deposit slip existing in the record at all is, in my opinion, more of a sign of NO CONSPIRACY connected with items like that deposit slip than it is with the type of vast "Every Document Is Phony" plot that a lot of conspiracy theorists believe in today. My last paragraph is either pretty accurate...or: your patsy-framers screwed up YET AGAIN with a piece of evidence in this case. How many stupid, reckless, idiotic errors do you allow your patsy-framers before you put on the brakes and realize that such discrepancies would NOT EXIST AT ALL if there really was a concerted effort by a band of plotters to doctor all of the evidence in the JFK case? http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/03/doctored-evidence-or-human-errors.html
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