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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. @David S. Lifton: The "bladder" thing is an ongoing joke of mine (which apparently you didn't realize; or it could be that I've become immune to the reciprocal humor of conspiracy theorists, and you were joking too). ~shrug~ And I'd like to believe that your latest post [on 3/6/11 at 1:45 AM PST] is also a "joke", but, alas, I'm quite sure it is not and that you were dead serious about all of the pure hogwash and fantasy-filled speculation you have uttered above. As I have said in previous posts at a different forum, Vincent Bugliosi was way, WAY too kind to David S. Lifton in "Reclaiming History": "IMO, Vince is far too kind to Mr. Lifton and his "research abilities" (especially when we consider the insane theory that was spawned and endorsed by Lifton via his "research"). VB must have been in a super-good mood the day he wrote the nice things that he penned in his book about Mr. Lifton. But Bugliosi also gets down to the bottom-line brass tacks of the matter when he makes these statements about David L.: "One theory that perhaps "takes the cake" is set forth by conspiracy author David Lifton in his book "Best Evidence". .... Out of his 747 pages, [Lifton] unbelievably devotes no more than 6 or 7 full pages, if that, to Oswald. .... One could safely say that David Lifton took folly to an unprecedented level. And considering the monumental foolishness of his colleagues in the conspiracy community, that's saying something." -- "Reclaiming History"; Pages 1057, 1058, and 1066" -- DVP; April 21, 2008 http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/16ac9042241cdc95
  2. Asking questions about the logic of what CTers think the so-called "plotters/conspirators" did to frame Lee Oswald is wearisome, Greg? Haven't you EVER asked yourself the logical "WHY DID THEY DO THINGS LIKE THIS?" questions I posed above, Greg Parker? If not--why not?
  3. Once more, we're treated to James DiEugenio's eager willingness to call a whole bunch of people "LIARS". Because if that money order isn't legit, and if it really wasn't filled out by Lee Oswald, then a lot of people are either evil rotten LIARS (or they were really, really stupid/dumb/gullible/idiots).....from the people at Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago, to the FBI, to the WC, to the HSCA. And please think about DiEugenio's and Gil Jesus' silliness from another point-of-view: IF the money order is a fake/fraud....and IF people like DiEugenio are 100% correct about Oswald not likely mailing it at a particular location on March 12, 1963....and IF Jimbo is right about the money order and rifle order form not being able to get from Dallas to Chicago in 24 hours....then those goofball idiots who wanted to make it LOOK like Oswald DID do all those things and wanted to make it LOOK like the money order got to Chicago in one day's time would certainly have to be considered BRAINLESS MORONS....now wouldn't they, Jimbo? IOW---If all of this stuff is fake, why on Earth wouldn't the plotters have spread out the amount of time it took from the mailing date to the processing date? After all, if it's all FAKE stuff anyway, then why in hell would they want to make people like DiEugenio even MORE suspicious by making the money order arrive in an impossibly short interval of time? It's ridiculous. So, were the plotters just incredibly stupid, Jim? Or could there (just POSSIBLY) be an alternate explanation--like, say, the stuff is the REAL McCOY, and you are just searching desperately for ANYTHING you can get your hands on to take that rifle out of the hands of Lee Harvey Oswald? You see, the kind of "WHY DID THE GOOFY PLOTTERS WHO SUPPOSEDLY FRAMED OSWALD DO THINGS THIS WAY?" questions that I just posed above are the kind of logical questions that conspiracy theorists like Gil Jesus and James DiEugenio never ever ask themselves. Never! Another excellent example of this same kind of logical inquiry is: Why in the world would the "real killers" of JFK want to leave behind physical evidence of the conspiracy in the Book Depository after shooting the President? I.E., Why would the conspirators (who were trying to frame Oswald) leave behind a MAUSER gun in the TSBD, instead of leaving behind the gun that was needed to frame their patsy with--Oswald's own Mannlicher-Carcano rifle? And Jim DiEugenio went one step deeper into la-la fantasy-land when he stated during his Black Op Radio appearance on March 3, 2011, that he believes that Oswald's Carcano WAS NOT FIRED AT ALL on November 22, 1963.* * = That laughable statement was uttered by DiEugenio despite the fact that ALL of the traceable ballistics evidence in the JFK case leads straight back to Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano, including all three bullet shells found in the Sniper's Nest, the two largest fragments recovered from the front of the President's limousine [CE567 and CE569], and CE399, which is a bullet, whether Jim D. likes it or not, that was deemed by both the Warren Commission and the HSCA to be THE EXACT BULLET that struck both President Kennedy and Governor Connally in Dealey Plaza. So, logically, the conspiracy theorists who really do think that a "Mauser" was found on the sixth floor of the Depository instead of Oswald's Carcano (even though the Tom Alyea film clearly shows a CARCANO being examined by Lt. Carl Day right after it was pulled from the box stacks on the sixth floor), should be asking themselves the very simple and logical question -- Why leave behind evidence that can only expose the conspiracy? And, of course, the biggest "Why Did The Retarded Plotters Do It Like This?" question of all that is never (EVER!) asked by any of the conspiracy theorists of Planet Earth is the one I've been trying to get some CTer to answer in a reasonable and believable fashion for many years now (and David Lifton's recent "trajectory reversal" explanation is just plain silly from every point-of-view): If the plotters had a strong desire to frame Lee Oswald as the SOLE ASSASSIN of President John F. Kennedy, then why would those same plotters/conspirators have even WANTED to shoot JFK from the FRONT? Those reasonable questions should make the conspiracists in the "Anybody But Oswald" camp squirm in their chairs for a little while. http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com http://Oswald-Is-Guilty.blogspot.com
  4. OSWALD'S writing is on the money order. Therefore, OSWALD ordered the rifle from Klein's via the $21.45 money order (not to mention the Klein's order form) that HE HIMSELF filled out. Believing anything else is pure speculation. (And hogwash.) Case closed. http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com
  5. Oh, go back to bed, DiEugenio. It's too early for you to be haunting this place. "Reclaiming History" is the most accurate book ever written about JFK's murder, and always will be. To believe it is not is to side with the imaginative rantings and ravings of people like Jim DiEugenio, David Lifton, and Jim Garrison. And how likely is it that that trio's theories are correct? Answer--Zero per cent.
  6. Oh, my poor, poor weak bladder! So, David, the mentally retarded conspirators who planned President Kennedy's assassination well in advance knew from the GET-GO that they were going to have to fake all kinds of evidence (including the alteration of the "best evidence" in the case--JFK's very own body). Correct? So, instead of merely firing the shots FROM THE PLACE WHERE THE "PATSY" WAS LOCATED, the goofball assassins of JFK decided it would be much, much better to try and frame Oswald by shooting ONLY from the Grassy Knoll (or various other FRONTAL-ONLY locations). Is that correct, DSL? You're hilarious, David (in the comedic way). But why do things the simple way (i.e., shoot Kennedy from the "patsy's" window and using the patsy's gun), when you could do it via an impossible-to-pull-off and ultra-complicated (not to mention, NEEDLESS and totally RECKLESS) "trajectory reversal" way by shooting the President from the exact OPPOSITE direction from where your fall guy is situated. Right, David? And, just think, this is the kind of topsy-turvy, backward, illogical thinking we are treated to--year after year--by the JFK conspiracy theorists. IOW--in a CTer's world, the following rule is king: Since ALL of the evidence positively indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the deaths of BOTH John Kennedy and J.D. Tippit, it really means that THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE, and Oswald was completely innocent of BOTH murders. Try and get a jury to accept the above philosophy (which is the EXACT philosophy that a lot of online conspiracy theorists are currently clinging to). Here's a simple (and logical) question for David S. Lifton: Why not just shoot Kennedy from the TSBD and forget about all the cloak-&-dagger junk of altering the President's body...AND altering all of the photos and films and X-rays, etc.? Were the plotters TRYING to concoct the most senseless and ridiculous and complicated assassination scenario ever devised by man? Just asking. And, btw, is there even ONE other conspiracy believer on this Education Forum website who believes in David Lifton's "No Shots Came From The Rear" scenario? (If even ONE other CTer answers "Yes" to my last question, my bladder will burst wide open.)
  7. "After reading what may be [Vincent] Bugliosi's crowning work...one thinks: At last, someone has done it, put all the pieces together. "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" is important not just because it's correct, though it is. It's significant not just because it is comprehensive -- surely, no one will deny that. It is essential, first and foremost, because it is conclusive. From this point forward, no reasonable person can argue that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent; no sane person can take seriously assertions that Kennedy was killed by the CIA, Fidel Castro, the Mob, the Soviets, the Vietnamese, Texas oilmen or his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson -- all of whom exist as suspects in the vacuous world of conspiracy theorists. Each may be guilty of crimes, but none had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination. "Reclaiming History" may finally move those accusations beyond civilized debate." -- Jim Newton of The Los Angeles Times; May 13, 2007 Complete Review: http://articles.latimes.com/2007/may/13/books/bk-newton13 Other Reviews: New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/14/books/14jfk.html?_r=2&ref=arts&oref=slogin&oref=slogin Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/24/AR2007052402693.html Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2007/05/28/the_jfk_files/
  8. The above quote about "facts" comes from a man who believes in probably THE weirdest, strangest, and most ridiculous theory of them all (and not the silly "Body Alteration" theory, which is a fairy tale that even takes a back seat to this one) -- his belief that ALL OF THE GUNSHOTS CAME FROM THE FRONT in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Tell us how you managed to wiggle your way out of the various things that prove for all time that shots came from the 6th-floor Sniper's Nest, David? Things like this: 1.) Harold Norman, situated on the fifth floor of the Book Depository, hears gunshots coming from directly above him and also hears shells falling to the floor DURING THE SHOOTING itself. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 2.) JFK and John Connally, the only people wounded in the President's limousine, were both shot IN THEIR RESPECTIVE BACKS (AFTER the car had turned onto Elm Street, and not before the car had passed the TSBD). And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 3.) Robert Jackson saw a rifle protruding from the sixth floor of the Book Depository during the time when gunshots were being fired at President Kennedy's car. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 4.) Howard Brennan saw a man firing a rifle from the sixth floor of the Book Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 5.) Amos Euins saw a "pipe" sticking out of a window in the TSBD. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 6.) Mal Couch of WFAA-TV saw a rifle in a sixth-floor window of the Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 7.) James Worrell looked straight up from his position at the entrance of the TSBD Building and saw a rifle sticking out of an upper-story window of the Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 8.) Three spent bullet shells were found underneath the EXACT SAME WINDOW in the Book Depository that was referred to by various witnesses (Jackson, Brennan, Couch, Euins). And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 9.) Lee Oswald's very own rifle was found on the sixth floor of the TSBD just 52 minutes after the assassination. And that exact rifle (Mannlicher-Carcano #C2766) was positively linked to the two bullet fragments found INSIDE THE PRESIDENT'S CAR. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 10.) Residue of lead was found to have adhered to the INSIDE of the windshield of the limousine. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 11.) More than half of the Dealey Plaza earwitnesses thought that ALL of the shots (not just SOME of them) came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. Pie Chart Source: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/shots.htm Now, tell us again, Mr. Lifton, about your amazing "No Shots Came From The Rear" theory.
  9. I wonder how the evil conspirators got Oswald to put his writing on a "fake" money order? Was Lee trying to frame HIMSELF?
  10. If you mean a receipt signed by Oswald for his MC bullets -- no. Nothing like that exists. Nor would I expect anything like that to necessarily exist for the bullets in ANY murder case. But since we know beyond all reasonable doubt that Oswald ordered and paid for Rifle C2766....and his palmprint [CE637] and two fingerprints [scalice; 1993] were found on the JFK murder weapon that was found in the building where LHO worked and where LHO was located when JFK was killed....with bullet fragments from that same gun (OSWALD'S GUN) found inside JFK's limo....well, the math is pretty easy at this point. Wouldn't you agree, Ray? Or would you care to dance around that infamous "EVERYTHING MUST BE FAKE BECAUSE IT ALL POINTS TO LEE OSWALD" mulberry bush again this evening?
  11. William Waldman of Klein's admitted forthrightly that he could not "specifically say when this money order was deposited". Quoting from Waldman's WC testimony: Mr. WALDMAN. Now, we cannot specifically say when this money order was deposited, but on our deposit of March 13, 1963, we show an item of $21.45, as indicated on the Xerox copy of our deposit slip marked, or identified by--as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 10. Mr. BELIN. And I have just marked as a document what you are reading from, which appears to be a deposit with the First National Bank of Chicago by your company; is that correct? Mr. WALDMAN. That's correct. Mr. BELIN. And on that deposit, one of the items is $21.45, out of a total deposit that day of $13,827.98; is that correct? Mr. WALDMAN. That's correct. ---------------------- But regardless of WHEN exactly Oswald's $21.45 money order was deposited by Klein's into their First National Bank account, it definitely WAS deposited, without doubt, unless the CTers want to believe that the stamped "Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc." endorsement on the back of the money order is phony and was merely stamped on there at a later date after the assassination, which is pure guesswork and (very silly) speculation. Such sheer speculation is not too silly for conspiracy theorists like James DiEugenio, of course, because Jimbo thinks the whole money order itself is phony, right down to Lee Oswald's VERIFIED HANDWRITING on the "phony" money order. William Waldman even stamped a WC exhibit (Waldman Exhibit No. 9) with the Klein's stamp/endorsement, and it matches perfectly with the stamp seen on the back of CE788 (Oswald's money order):
  12. If Myers is ACKNOWLEDGED as a co-writer of the book, then he is not a "ghostwriter". Simple as that. (And I've quoted that exact same excerpt from Page 1515 of "RH" myself, to illustrate the silly point of referring to Dale K. Myers as a "ghostwriter".) And my guess is that David Lifton doesn't have a clue as to the number of pages that Myers HELPED Bugliosi write in "Reclaiming History". Lifton is merely picking numbers out of a hat (i.e., "hundreds and hundreds"). And the same goes for Fred Haines' writing contribution (which Bugliosi says in the book was a "smaller" writing effort when compared to Myers').
  13. James Marzano, Those four "lots" (6000 thru 6003) were determined to be the lots of bullets that were used by Oswald. Quoting from Dr. Alfred Olivier's WC testimony: Mr. SPECTER. What type of bullets were used in the tests which you performed? Dr. OLIVIER. We used the Western ammunition, Western being a division of Olin Industries, Winchester Western, it was lot 6,000 to 6.5 mm. round. Has a muzzle velocity of approximately 2,160 feet per second. Mr. SPECTER. And were those bullets obtained by you upon information provided to you by the Commission's staff as to the identity of the bullets which were believed to have been used during the assassination? Dr. OLIVIER. Yes; I first got the identity from the people at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and then I further checked with the Commission to see if that was right before ordering this type of ammunition. More....... http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/factoid7.htm
  14. Indeed, Todd. And this can be confirmed by just looking at the markings on the outside of any of the four lots of Western Cartridge bullets that are connected to the JFK case (and Oswald's C2766 rifle). Here's a photo of boxes from all four lots, with the words "Mannlicher-Carcano" clearly printed on each box:
  15. My guess would be that the stuff about Bugliosi getting a "$1-million advance" (as some CTers have suggested) is blown up way out of proportion. And given Lifton's totally-shot-to-hell credibility regarding this "Reclaiming History" matter, why on Earth would anyone believe anything he says about it? I suppose Rosemary Newton, Bugliosi's secretary, is a rotten xxxx and cover-up artist too, eh, when she said this in 2007?: "In response to David Lifton's outrageous, malicious and contemptible lie regarding Vincent Bugliosi's book...where he claims ghost writers wrote this great book (which will be read by generations to come, long after Mr. Lifton and the rest of us are gone, including all the die-hard conspiracy theorists)...I say, unequivocally, that NO section of Mr. Bugliosi's book was ghostwritten." -- Rosemary Newton; July 2007
  16. When did he ever do that, Pat? I sure don't recall ever hearing his retraction re Lambert. Yeah, I know. And Vince was way too kind to Lifton when it comes to David's "research", too. Because anyone who believes that ALL of the shots came from the front, with ZERO shots coming from the TSBD or anywhere to the rear of JFK's limousine, doesn't deserve even the slightest bit of praise, IMO. What type of serious "research" could possibly make any JFK researcher come to such a totally absurd conclusion re the location of all of the gunshots? It's too crazy to even discuss. The "All Shots Came From The Front" silliness is probably even more ridiculous than Lifton's "body alteration" tripe.
  17. DAVID LIFTON SAID: Oh pleez...I'm really sick and tired of seeing Dale Myers quoted "in defense of" Vincent Bugliosi. Dale Myers was a paid ghost writer for Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History." Hundreds and hundreds of pages were written/rewritten by Myers. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: I have a very strong feeling that Mr. David S. Lifton doesn't know what the hell he's babbling about here. Vincent Bugliosi gave full credit to Dale K. Myers for Dale's writing contributions in the "Acknowledgments" section of "Reclaiming History". So that eliminates Mr. Myers as a "ghostwriter" right there, because ghostwriters are NOT ACKNOWLEDGED AT ALL in the book that they are helping to "ghostwrite". And why on Earth David Lifton has it etched in his mind that Dale Myers wrote (or rewrote) "hundreds and hundreds of pages" of "Reclaiming History" (or even whole chapters, as Lifton has practically alluded to in the past as well) is a real mystery to me. Myers HELPED Bugliosi write PORTIONS of "Reclaiming History" (just as the late Fred Haines did), and Vince has acknowledged that fact IN PRINT right inside the book itself, but I'm at a loss to comprehend just exactly why Lifton believes that Myers wrote practically all of Chapter 1 ("Four Days In November"). Here is exactly what Vincent Bugliosi says on this matter, on Page 1515 of "Reclaiming History": "Dale [Myers] helped me in the writing of several sections of Book One [i.e., the first two-thirds of "Reclaiming History"], most notably on acoustics, 'Four Days in November' [Chapter 1 of the book] (particularly in the Oswald interrogations), and all matters dealing with still photography. I am deeply grateful to Dale for lending his time, energy, and considerable expertise to this literary project." -- Vince Bugliosi And we can also know that David Lifton is full of crap about his alleged "ghostwriting" allegation by taking another look at the following comment made by Bugliosi's personal secretary, Rosemary Newton: "In response to David Lifton's outrageous, malicious and contemptible lie regarding Vincent Bugliosi's book...where he claims ghost writers wrote this great book (which will be read by generations to come, long after Mr. Lifton and the rest of us are gone, including all the die-hard conspiracy theorists)...I say, unequivocally, that NO section of Mr. Bugliosi's book was ghostwritten." -- Rosemary Newton; July 2007 Another reason, of course, to seriously doubt Lifton's claims about Dale Myers is to re-examine the very same allegation that Lifton made against author Patricia Lambert. On May 24, 2007, during an appearance on Black Op Radio [HERE and HERE], Lifton came right out and made the bold and ludicrous claim that Pat Lambert had written virtually ALL of the "Jim Garrison/Oliver Stone" chapter in "Reclaiming History". Well, within a few weeks of Lifton's May 2007 allegation, Ms. Lambert put that issue to rest for all time (but I suppose Lifton thinks Lambert was lying her ass off when she said this): "For the record: I did not write one single word of Vince Bugliosi's book, not even a footnote. I never saw Vince Bugliosi's manuscript. I never saw any portion of Vince Bugliosi's manuscript. I didn't even get a peek at the galleys. No comma, colon, semi-colon, parenthesis, hyphen, apostrophe or period is my doing, to say nothing of sentences, paragraphs and a whole chapter. .... I have indeed been in touch with Bugliosi; we have talked on the telephone and I provided him with some documents. That is the full extent of my involvement in his book. I cannot imagine what prompted Lifton to make such a stunningly false allegation about me. But false it is. I am not a ghostwriter. I have never been a ghostwriter. I have no intention of being a ghostwriter. Since I know unequivocally that Lifton is wrong about the role he assigned to me, I see no reason to believe he is correct about the other unidentified writers on whom he has bestowed the credit for having written Vince Bugliosi's book. David Lifton owes me an apology. David Lifton owes Vince Bugliosi an apology." -- Patricia Lambert; July 2, 2007 Therefore, since we KNOW beyond all doubt that David Lifton was 100% dead wrong about his ghostwriting allegations that he levelled against Pat Lambert, why in the world would anyone put any stock or faith in ANYTHING ELSE this man named Lifton has to say about the SAME TOPIC of "Reclaiming History" being ghostwritten by various individuals? That's nutty. DAVID LIFTON SAID: There are two signed contracts (at least) between Myers and Bugliosi and/or his publisher. The first contract was when Myers first hired onto the project. The second contract (or contracts) occurred when Myers and Bugliosi found they couldn't get along with one another ("creative differences" is the Hollywood term) and so a legal "divorce" had to be arranged. Both contracts included provisions that Dale Myers could not talk about the role he played--in other words, complete "confidentiality" was a part of the legal arrangement--both in the case of the original "marriage" and then the "divorce." [...] Again, I repeat: it's absurd to be citing Dale Myers "in defense of Bugliosi" since he (Myers) wrote such a substantial portion of both "Reclaiming History," and of [the 2008 follow-up paperback volume] "Four Days in November." DAVID VON PEIN SAID: I'll let Dale Myers speak for himself on this (naturally, Mr. Lifton won't believe a word uttered by Mr. Myers, but I'll pass these quotes along anyway--just "for the record"): "Lifton is questioning Bugliosi's credibility? Isn't Lifton the guy that claimed at one time that snipers were firing from inside artificial trees that had been installed and removed from the grassy knoll by crane? .... Lifton's problem is not Bugliosi's book or the secret gaggle of authors who supposedly wrote the master's work for him. David Lifton's problem is himself. As long as he continues to haunt the fringes of rational thought we can expect to be entertained with more ridiculous and unfounded accusations." -- Dale K. Myers; July 5, 2007 "As to Mr. Lifton's 'ghostwriting' allegations regarding Vincent Bugliosi's book...charges and assertions without support don't mean much to me. I note that in the year since Mr. Bugliosi's secretary Rosemary Newton challenged Lifton...that Mr. Lifton failed to grab what would apparently be (according to Lifton's 'ghostwriting' claims) an easy $100 grand, and instead continues to trash-talk Mr. Bugliosi's book. Seems to me there would be an easy way to settle all of this - Why doesn't Lifton simply post the contracts for all of Mr. Bugliosi's 'ghostwriters' which he claims to be privy to? I know the idea of some kind of evidentiary support for an allegation is a novel idea to most conspiracy theorists, but come on! .... Extraordinary charges require extraordinary proof, yes? As to your question: "Do you then categorically deny that any such relationship existed between yourself and Vince Bugliosi?", perhaps you [a person named "Duke", to whom Myers was talking to here] missed Mr. Bugliosi's acknowledgements on page 1515 of 'Reclaiming History'?" -- Dale K. Myers; May 7, 2008 http://JFKFiles.blogspot.com/2007/07/liftons-ghost.html DAVID LIFTON SAID: DVP: do yourself and others on this forum a favor, and "get real." DAVID VON PEIN SAID: LOL. This is hilarious. Just imagine, folks, David "JFK'S BODY WAS STOLEN OFF OF AIR FORCE ONE" Lifton is telling another person to "get real". The irony and pot/kettle nature of that statement is so thick you could slice it with a knife. In reality, David, I got "real" a long time ago. In fact, it was a short time after being exposed to your book of total fantasy ("Best Evidence") in 1981 that I started to get more and more interested in the JFK assassination. And after looking into the REAL EVIDENCE in the case (vs. Mr. Lifton's impossible-to-pull-off fantasy version of it), I soon began to realize that President Kennedy was shot only from BEHIND, and the person who shot him was most certainly a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. But thanks for today's laugh-fest, David. I enjoyed it. http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/ghostwriting.html http://Best-Evidence.blogspot.com
  18. All conspiracy theorists should go to my blog below. There's more common sense on this page than you can shake a stick at: Oliver Stone maybe? Mark Lane? Jim Garrison? Those three conspiracy-happy individuals almost immediately popped into my head when pondering your above inquiry.
  19. As I've said numerous times in the past when something this silly comes to the forefront (i.e., the "silly" part is believing that Oswald did NOT shoot at Walker AND did NOT shoot Kennedy AND did NOT shoot Tippit): Shame on Lee Harvey for not meeting the rigid expectations of the conspiracy theorists! He should have been shot for doing things HIS WAY, instead of the way CTers like William Kelly and Jimbo "FRAZIER LIED ABOUT THE BAG" DiEugenio think he should have done things. (Oh, I forgot--he was shot, wasn't he?)
  20. And was Marina Oswald still being "controlled" in November of 2000 when she confirmed to Vince Bugliosi that LHO told her that he had shot at Walker?? For Pete sake, how silly. Or do you think Bugliosi just MADE UP from whole cloth that Marina quote that appears on Page 1487 of "Reclaiming History"? Oswald shot at Walker. Live with it.
  21. Mark Knight is lousy at basic math. (Almost all conspiracy theorists are, of course.)
  22. Add up the stuff, Mark. It's not that hard. CE1 + Marina's never-wavering account that "Lee told me he did it" + the pics of Walker's backyard + a Carcano-like bullet in Walker's house. What does that add up to, Mark?
  23. @Mark Knight, Would you care to completely ignore Commission Exhibit No. 1 that I linked to earlier? Handwriting experts said CE1 contains OSWALD'S (Russian) handwriting. Are the experts wrong too? Or liars? Or part of the never-ending "cover-up" to pin everything on poor schnook Oswald? And what about those photos of Walker's backyard found among LHO's things? Planted there, you think? If they weren't planted, then what was Oswald doing with pictures of Walker's backyard?
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