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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. IOW -- Leave us CTers alone in our playpen of make-believe conspiracy. We don't need no stinking LNers confronting us with the actual evidence in the case! To hell with the evidence (and LNers like "Von Pain")!
  2. Jim DiEugenio, as we all know, doesn't care how many people he calls liars. In fact, to DiEugenio, the more people he can call liars, the better he likes it. E.G., per DiEugenio, all of these people were (or are) liars: Mary Bledsoe, William Whaley, Wes Frazier, Linnie Randle, Roy Truly, Harry Olsen, Marrion Baker, Will Fritz, Henry Wade, Ruth Paine, John McAdams, Dave Perry, Dale Myers, the entire Warren Commission, most of the HSCA and its staff, most of the FBI, the Clark Panel, Marina Oswald, and hundreds more. And now David Von Pein is a xxxx, per Jim: "And then you [DVP] later admit it [the SBT] is not a fact, it's just the way things had to happen. Which means it is not a fact. Period. In other words you were covering up--lying really--for a xxxx [Dale Myers]." The conspiracy clowns have been busy breaking forum policy in this thread, indeed. I also find it very humorous to see the way Jimbo somehow has managed to segue from my saying that the Single-Bullet Theory is a fact (which it is, of course) to my somehow "lying" when I ALSO said another factual truth -- i.e., that the SBT is the only way it could have happened on Elm Street, given the way the two victims were lined up in the limousine. IOW -- A DOUBLE-TRUTH turns into a LIE, per the strange logic of James "Everybody's A xxxx" DiEugenio. Unbelievable. Have fun with your fellow CT coconuts in Hawaii in April 2011, Jimbo. (And hopefully, Robert Groden will talk in depth about those SIX SHOTS that he thinks totally missed the Presidential automobile. I doubt that even Jim Fetzer or Brian David Andersen could hold back their laughter after Groden utters that theory.)
  3. With conspiracy theorists like Lee Farley mangling the evidence (and mangling regular ol' common sense, to boot) on a daily basis here in the Conspiracy Heaven known as "The Education Forum", this "ken" can hardly get any stinkier. BTW, since you mentioned non sequiturs, did you hear Groden on a recent radio interview say that he thinks SIX shots totally MISSED the President's limousine during the assassination in Dallas? And Bob also said that Connally was hit "FOUR TIMES" and Kennedy was hit "FOUR TIMES" by bullets. Sounds like Robert G. is now up to FOURTEEN SHOTS in Dealey Plaza. Sorry, Don Adams, your 11-shot scenario has now been officially surpassed.
  4. Oh, I wouldn't say that, Davey. After all, posting on the Internet has given me the thrilling opportunity to meet up with a fabulous researcher like you -- David "Gotta Gird Them Loins" Healy -- who is a man who thinks that it's quite possible that Marilyn Sitzman and Abe Zapruder were never on the pedestal in Dealey Plaza at all on 11/22/63. And, I ask you, who WOULDN'T want to be enlightened and lectured by a smart man like that?
  5. You forgot to wipe off some of the foam from your mouth after your latest silly tantrum, Farley. See if Dave "Zapruder Never Filmed A Thing" Healy has a napkin. He'll probably help you out.
  6. I knew I would very likely hit a nerve with Farley by pointing out his last post regarding the bus and cab (wherein Farley totally changes all the evidence to his liking so that he can pretend his favorite patsy Lee Oswald was totally innocent). BTW, the above quote from Lee Farley is way out of bounds, per this forum's rules, and should definitely be deleted (with a proverbial "warning" mail coming from Evan Burton as well). Yeah, it's always best to pretend that the Dallas Police Department and the FBI wanted to jump through numerous ridiculous and complicated hoops regarding the "bus" and the "cab" rides to frame a guy named Oswald -- even though those same authorities had plenty of evidence to prove Oswald's guilt ALREADY. Great plan. Looks like they probably put Farley in charge of that scheme. Sounds like he'd be just the person to orchestrate such totally unnecessary nonsense. You already did when you broke forum rules by calling me a "Goddamn fool" just a minute ago. Why stop there, Farley? I can take it. My skin's thick enough. (After all, it's "extra crispy". Right?) And the day I'll do an evidence-mangling conspiracy theorist like Lee Farley any favors (or even any British favours) is the day when Lee Harvey Oswald's innocence in the JFK and Tippit murders is proved. In other words, it's never going to happen. You just don't give a damn how much revising of history and the facts you have to do in order to clean the skirts of your lover boy, Lee Oswald, do you? Truly pa-thet-ic. (As usual.) And Lee Farley is living proof. Have a great day. (And tomorrow will be even better! Because I think Farley plans on resurrecting the false story about how Oswald was such a lousy rifleman, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. And the day after that, Farley will be spreading the additional hunk of misinformation about how the Warren Commission was boxing itself in to a 5.6-second timeline for the shooting of President Kennedy. I can't wait.)
  7. TIME OUT FOR A REALITY BREAK HERE!! (Thank you.) Surely Lee Farley MUST realize how totally silly he sounds when he purports such total nonsense. Because why on Earth would the FBI and/or the DPD feel the need to jump through so many hoops regarding Lee Harvey Oswald--even if we make the kooky assumption that they WERE wanting to frame him for JFK's murder? IOW, why not just say that Oswald took the cab to his roominghouse, and skip the unnecessary bus "story"? By adding a story about a bus, the "plotters" (FBI/DPD/Mother Teresa, et al) now only add more complications and hazards to the "Let's Frame Oswald" plot that so many of you conspiracy-happy folks like to think really took place on November 22nd. Via a phony bus story, the authorities now have to have more and more people in their hip pockets to tell lies for them (mainly Mary E. Bledsoe in this bus instance), PLUS they've got to plant a phony bus transfer in Oswald's pocket after he's arrested. And please note that bus driver Cecil McWatters apparently resisted the FBI's and Mother Teresa's attempts to place Oswald on his bus, because McWatters refused to make a positive identification of Oswald. Good God, what crap you're spewing here, Lee. Of course, the exact OPPOSITE is the truth regarding Lee Harvey Oswald's bus and cab rides on November 22nd, 1963 -- i.e., the evidence that exists demonstrates beyond ALL reasonable doubt that Oswald was, in fact, a passenger on Cecil McWatters' bus AND a passenger in William Whaley's taxicab on 11/22/63. But it's always nice to know that conspiracy theorists like Lee Farley are still hard at work at revising the true facts surrounding JFK's tragic murder. Well, maybe "nice" is the wrong word to use there -- "pathetic" is a more appropriate term for what people like Farley are doing to the evidence in the JFK and Tippit cases. (And "sickening", too.) http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/william-whaley.html http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc151/David_Von_Pein/MISCELLANEOUS%20JFK-RELATED%20PHOTOS/222OswaldsBusTransfer.gif
  8. Yes, as hard as it is to believe, folks, David G. Healy is a grown man in his 50s. Remarkable, isn't it?
  9. I haven't the foggiest. (And neither do you, Bill.) I think that could have been the real Oswald too. But, just like all of your other "Oswald Double" examples, it doesn't really matter in the long run. Because the ONE AND ONLY Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and J.D. Tippit. And his own actions (both before and after the shooting of the President), coupled with the physical evidence of his double-guilt, make that fact abundantly clear. That's almost certainly a bogus "sighting", Bill. The fellow who made that claim could have had knowledge of all of those details prior to telling his tale. And the kicker there, IMO, could very well be the words "window shades" (the exact words in Mr. Yates' and Mr. Jones' story), which were also the exact same words spoken by District Attorney Henry Wade during his 11/24/63 press conference after Oswald was shot and killed: http://DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/2010/09/henry-wade-press-conference-11-24-63.html I have no idea. (And neither do you, Bill.) But even if it was the real Lee Oswald in that furniture store, please tell me how that fact means diddly when it comes to the evidence in the JFK/Tippit cases? And if the family was an "Imposter Oswald Family", please tell me why any conspirators setting up Oswald for the President's murder would have wanted to go through some silly charade at a furniture store prior to the assassination? Were the plotters bored that day? And they employed a WHOLE FAMILY to impersonate the Oswald family? It's silly beyond belief. Dial Ryder's story is almost certainly bogus. Bugliosi has a nice section in "Reclaiming History" which destroys Mr. Ryder. LOL. When you get to the Oswald sighting in my hometown of Richmond, Indiana, let me know. Because I want to know if Lee was hiding in my basement on Pearl Street while I was upstairs in my crib. (Don't forget about Ruth Paine's visit to Richmond in September of '63. There's probably a "connection" there for an industrious conspiracy theorist, don't you think?) http://Ruth-Paine.blogspot.com So, let me get this straight, Bill -- you're saying that an "Oswald" person went into the theater prior to the time when Johnny Brewer saw Oswald go into the theater? Which would mean one of two things (both equally silly): 1.) It was the same "Oswald" who entered the theater on both of those occasions on November 22nd. Which would also mean that Oswald decided to GO BACK OUTSIDE after going into the theater and buying some popcorn, so that he could be seen acting "funny" and "scared" by Johnny Brewer in the lobby area of Brewer's shoe store. or: 2.) There were two different "Oswalds" who entered the theater that day, which means that the goofy plotters were pulling another scenario like Edwin Lopez has suggested occurred in Mexico and just like John Armstrong has said occurred in the TSBD on November 22 -- with BOTH an "imposter" and the Real McCoy showing up at the same place at the very same time (or pert-near the same time anyway). If #2 is correct, wouldn't the plotters be a little hesitant to allow an imposter to be seen in the very same place as the guy he was impersonating? Or didn't the brain-dead conspirators give a damn about potentially blowing their "patsy" plot to bits by risking having an unknown number of possible witnesses seeing TWO Oswalds walking around in the same building at the same time? Well, in the case of any sightings of Oswald being somewhere other than near Tenth & Patton at about 1:15 PM CST on 11/22/63, it's very easy to differentiate between a "bogus" sighting and a real sighting. All sightings of an "Oswald" being someplace other than near Tenth Street and Patton Avenue at that time are definitely "bogus" (for the reasons stated previously). Common sense and geography debunk several of the other bogus sightings -- such as the ones about seeing "Oswald" in cities that we pretty much know he was not in at the time in question. Well, IMO, that would be a case of the plotters who were supposedly setting up the real Oswald being mighty, mighty STUPID. Because they're having him do things and be in places that only tend to advertise the fact that it's a fake Oswald. Plus there's the fact, of course, that on Game Day (Nov. 22) all of their detailed "imposter" preparations would be sliding right down the toilet because these incredibly dumb conspirators then decided to shoot JFK with multiple guns in Dealey Plaza (according to 99% of all conspiracy theorists on the planet), thereby assuring that their lone "patsy" could never be proven to be the SOLE ASSASSIN of President Kennedy. Apparently gray matter was in short supply in the "Let's Frame Lee Harvey Oswald As Our Lone Patsy" Department at Langley in 1963. Wouldn't you agree, William Kelly Jr.?
  10. Come on, Bill. You're kidding with this question, right? The answer is, if course -- Because Oswald had the Tippit murder weapon ON HIM when he was arrested, Bill. Do you want to theorize that an Oswald "look-alike" shot Tippit with S&W Revolver #V510210, and then handed off that gun to the real Oswald less than 35 minutes later in the theater? That's just crazy talk, Bill. Again, the gun. There was only ONE Tippit murder weapon (despite Don Thomas' recent, goofy claims). And that ONE gun was in the real Oswald's hands 35 minutes after Tippit was shot. This one's a no-brainer, William. Why in the world CTers even consider this topic to be "in doubt" is the bigger mystery. Beats me. But I know it wasn't the same guy who shot J.D. Tippit in Oak Cliff on November 22nd. And why on Earth would any plotters who were attempting to frame Oswald for some later crime even WANT to do something so silly by having a person pretend to be a guy who they surely knew was thousands of miles away (in Russia) at the time he was being impersonated in the state of Louisiana? Did these so-called plotters have ANY brains at all? I think that one of those LHO sightings at the rifle range might have really been Oswald. Although the part about Oswald possibly driving away in a car is a bit hard to buy. That's the part of the story that makes me think it wasn't Oswald. But Malcolm Price and Garland Slack are pretty convincing. And, I'll be honest, I kinda WANT that guy to be the Real McCoy (i.e., the real Oswald). Why do I say that? Because if the real Lee Harvey Oswald was target-shooting at the Sports Drome Rifle Range in September of 1963, it means that the conspiracy theorists are dead wrong about yet another one of their many theories associated with the JFK murder case -- and that's the theory about how Oswald never practiced with a rifle in the months leading up to President Kennedy's assassination. Frankly, I'd love it if it could be proven that the person who was firing bullets into Garland Slack's paper target was, in fact, Lee H. Oswald. I know that that can never be "proven". But I wish it could be (for the reason I just stated). That was the real Lee Harvey Oswald, of course. Given the wealth of documentary evidence that indicates that the real LHO was, in fact, in Mexico City in September and October of 1963, the idea that he called up the embassy in that city during the time he was down there isn't really the mystery of the ages. Since the topic of Mexico City has arisen in this discussion, let me ask you this question Bill (which is a question that I don't recall anybody ever asking--or reasonably answering--in the past): If the real Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT in Mexico City in late September and early October 1963, then can you tell me WHERE THE REAL LEE HARVEY OSWALD WAS LOCATED during that time period in question? As far as I am aware, there is not a single person who has ever stated that they saw Lee Oswald in New Orleans or in Fort Worth or in Dallas or in Muncie, Indiana, or anywhere else on the planet other than Mexico City during that time period when the Warren Commission said he was in Mexico City, Mexico. How come Marina didn't see her husband during that time period if he really WASN'T in Mexico? Did he make himself invisible for eight days and nights? Was he hiding somewhere else OTHER than Mexico City during those eight days? Where was LHO during that time if not in Mexico City? (Continued in next post...)
  11. Bill, I'm talking, of course, about the dozen witnesses who were in the immediate vicinity of Tenth & Patton at approx. 1:15 PM on Nov. 22 and saw Oswald firing bullets into the body of a policeman and/or saw Oswald leaving that murder scene with gun in hand, dumping shells out of that gun. I'm not talking about people who think they saw Oswald elsewhere in Dallas, doing things that we know he could not have been doing at about that same time. Tell me, Bill, do YOU really and truly think that all (or any) of those other "I Saw Oswald" witnesses saw the real LHO or an "imposter" on Nov. 22? And if it's the latter--then what kind of goofballs were those patsy-framers anyway? They've got Oswald driving a car (when they should know the real LHO couldn't do that--at least not very well anyway), and they've even got him in other CITIES, like Okla. City, when he's being framed for two murders in DALLAS?? The various "mistaken identity" witnesses are fun to play around with, but they obviously were all truly mistaken. Because the real Oswald's whereabouts are accounted for. And you know that--don't you Bill?
  12. Nor you. Anyone who can't figure out that Oswald shot Tippit should probably not even be walking around. But, somehow, to Jimbo, the Tippit murder is a big mystery -- despite a dozen witnesses, from various walks of life (all non-Governmental), who all place Oswald at or near 10th & Patton after 1:00 PM CST on November 22, 1963. That's called ignoring the best evidence completely, James.
  13. Who cares? DiEugenio spreads crap about Oswald being totally innocent of taking shots at Walker, Kennedy, AND Tippit--and yet he claims that I am the one who is recycling "disinfo". Jim, remember my weak bladder! Please!
  14. It doesn't bother DiEugenio in the least that both the WC and HSCA concluded that CE399 (that EXACT bullet) passed through both limo victims. IOW -- If the chain of possession is so horrible on CE399, why didn't the CONSPIRACY-SEEKING H.S.C.A. come to the same conclusion that you have reached about 399 being a bogus bullet? Naturally, the HSCA was full of liars and/or crooks too when it came to the SBT and CE399, right Jimbo?
  15. Bull. Bull. It is a fact. The SBT is the only REASONABLE solution to the double-man wounding to JFK & JBC (as Dale correctly explains HERE). Your silly "TWO BULLETS WENT IN, NEVER CAME OUT, & DISAPPEARED" theory is not reasonable. In fact, it's ridiculous from every angle. Bull. I'm sure Dale is devastated by the fact that an Anybody-But-Oswald conspiracy monger like Jimbo DiEugenio thinks he has no credibility. (Not.) http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2008/09/what-is-one-to-make-of-jim-dieugenio.html
  16. Any more hairs you want to split today, Mr. Farley? Farley must think a person's kneecap is located in the neck (or maybe the chest). You do realize, don't you Farley, that Donald Thomas is suggesting that Harry Olsen SHOT J.D. TIPPIT TO DEATH as part of a TWO-GUNMEN TEAM on Tenth Street on 11/22/63? And Thomas makes that roundabout accusation despite the provable fact that NOT ONE WITNESS ever claimed to see TWO men with guns on 10th St. that day. Not even Mrs. Clemmons said she saw two guns. Thomas is making up xxxx out of thin air. But that's evidently perfectly okay with the Lee Farleys of the world. BTW, for a really good laugh when it comes to kooky conspiracy claims regarding the Tippit murder, check out the two-part debate that LNer John Corbett had with mega-conspiracy kook Tom Rossley last month, wherein Rossley leaves everybody rolling in the aisles when he says that he thinks there were THREE guns involved in the Tippit slaying! Holy smoke, you'd think that with THREE individual guns being fired at J.D. Tippit, Mr. Rossley could find room in his theory to have Tippit's one and only real killer (Lee Harvey Oswald) as one of those three gunmen, wouldn't you? But no. Rossley thinks LHO was totally innocent, and three unknown killers committed the murder (two of which cloaked themselves during the shooting, so that Scoggins, Markham, Tatum, and Benavides would only see the one killer who looked just like Patsy Oswald). The Rossley Debate
  17. This testimony of Harry Olsen's is nothing but a big lie, right Farley? .... ----------- Mr SPECTER. How did it happen that you were not on duty with the police department on the day President Kennedy was in town? Mr OLSEN. I had my leg in a cast and I was doing light duty, which was working in the office, patrol office, and I had asked them if they needed me to work that day and they said no. Mr SPECTER. What sort of an accident did you have to injure your leg? Mr OLSEN. I fell and broke my kneecap. Mr SPECTER. When did that occur? Mr OLSEN. Oh, several weeks before. Mr SPECTER. At what hospital were you treated? Mr OLSEN. Baylor Hospital. Mr SPECTER. Is that in Dallas? Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir; it's on Gaston. Mr SPECTER. What time did you start to guard the estate on that particular Friday? Mr OLSEN. About 7 a.m. Mr SPECTER. And how long did that guard duty last? Mr OLSEN. Until about 8. Mr SPECTER. Eight p.m.? Mr OLSEN. P.m., yes, sir. Mr SPECTER. Did you have any visitors while you were guarding the estate on that day? Mr OLSEN. Yes, sir. Mr SPECTER. And who was the visitor or visitors? Mr OLSEN. Kay. Mr SPECTER. What time did she visit you? Mr OLSEN. Right after the President was shot. Mr SPECTER. How did you learn of the assassination of the President? Mr OLSEN. A woman called me on the phone who was a friend of the person who had lived there.
  18. http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2010/12/tippit-murder-why-conspiracy-theorists.html The above-linked article by Dale K. Myers is absolutely phenomenal. Truly magnificent. It should probably be published as an addendum to Myers' exquisite book, "With Malice" (which has been one of my favorite books connected with the JFK case since I first had the pleasure of reading it in 2004). Mr. Myers, in step-by-step (and, as always, thoroughly DOCUMENTED) fashion, takes Don Thomas apart, limb from limb, when it comes to Thomas' shameful and outrageous disinformation regarding J.D. Tippit's murder. (Highlights from the article are presented below.) I once again salute Mr. Myers and his meticulous work, as he continues the good fight against conspiracy-happy charlatans like Donald B. Thomas. Mr. Myers, yet again, has demonstrated (via the raw FACTS) just exactly how bankrupt (and pathetic) conspiracy theorists like Thomas are when it comes to the subjects of the murders of both John F. Kennedy and J.D. Tippit. David Von Pein December 5, 2010 --------------------------------------------- EXCERPTS: "It seems that some authors are so eager to expunge [Lee Harvey] Oswald’s obvious culpability for [Officer J.D.] Tippit’s death that passing off a pack of lies as truth isn’t beneath them. "The most recent publication to offer enlightenment on the subject of the Tippit shooting is 'Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination' (Mary Ferrell Foundation Press, 2010) by Donald Byron Thomas. [...] "My first and immediate reaction after reading through Thomas’ dissertation was: What a colossal waste of time. To say that Mr. Thomas, an entomologist by profession, is way out of his league pontificating on the Tippit case would be an understatement devoid of description. "But I can say this: Thomas’ take on the Tippit murder is the most outrageous, error-riddled, load of crap I’ve read in a long time. It’s hard to believe that anyone with an ounce of sense would believe such nonsense, but hey, if you don’t know what really happened I guess anything – even the kind of bull droppings that Thomas is hawking – can sound plausible. [...] "The part-time sleuth [Don Thomas] claims that Tippit and [Harry] Olsen confronted Oswald at Tenth and Patton, and in a bizarre twist, both Oswald and Olsen shot Tippit dead – both killers then fleeing the scene on foot. "Stop, stop, STOP. How in the hell does Harry Olsen flee the Tippit shooting scene on foot? "Apparently, Mr. Thomas is ignorant of the fact that Olsen had fallen and broken his kneecap just before the assassination. On November 22nd, Olsen’s leg was in a cast and he was using crutches. In fact, Olsen was assigned light duty (doing office work) during that period and had the day off. That’s how he happened to be moonlighting on the day of the assassination; acting as a guard at the property of an elderly woman located on Eighth Street, two blocks from the Stemmons Freeway in Oak Cliff. "Does Mr. Thomas tell his readers any of this? Of course not. According to Thomas, Olsen is not a lame officer on crutches; oh no, in Thomas’ conspiracy fantasy Olsen is making a fast getaway on foot after gunning down a fellow police officer. "The entire episode is so laughable and so completely at odds with the easily discernable facts in this case that one has to wonder what in the world Mr. Thomas hopes to achieve by authoring such drivel? It certainly cannot be credibility. [...] "While some uninformed readers may find Thomas’ arguments compelling, I find them to be a despicable example of the lengths conspiracy advocates are willing to go to sell their ideology in the face of an avalanche of contradictory facts. [...] "It’s a matter of rote among Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorists that the Dallas police framed Oswald for the Tippit murder. "Mr. Thomas stays the course in this regard, claiming that “…there are three separate, specific reasons for which the inculpation of Lee Harvey Oswald was in the best interests of the Dallas Police.” "The first reason, according to Thomas, was a matter of self- preservation. Police needed to impress on the public mind that NO ONE gets away with murdering a policeman. “If the real killer can’t be caught,” Thomas writes, “then a suitable patsy will do.” "Yea, sure. The Dallas police simply snatch someone off the street, railroad them through the legal system, and chuck them in the electric chair without a peep from anyone. Can you imagine anything so absurd? Where do people get these notions, from comic books? [...] "There are some awful books that have been written about the Kennedy assassination and then there are the truly god awful books. "Donald Byron Thomas’ spin on the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit easily falls into the latter category. And that’s being kind. [...] "When all is said and done, and the true facts are laid bare, there is really <i>no doubt</i> that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered J.D. Tippit. [...] "It is a shame...to see trash published in the name of scientific research and critical thinking. .... It’s hard enough for newcomers to this subject to wade through the voluminous materials available on the Internet or in special collections in an effort to determine the truth for themselves without having to deal with knuckleheads like Thomas who are so wed to their ideology that they can’t separate truth from their own self-aggrandizing opinions." -- Dale K. Myers; December 2010 http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/12/dale-myers-and-don-thomas.html
  19. Dead wrong. I posted my Jesse Ventura piece on 11/24/10, which includes video of the complete "Conspiracy Theory" JFK episode (mainly for the many laughs [and CT myths] it contains): http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/11/jesse-ventura.html
  20. Thank you for the info, Pat. Lots of Brehm goodies in there. So, Brehm did contradict himself from Nov. 22 to Nov. 24. I wish the 11/22 Dallas Times-Herald interview had been recorded on audio.
  21. You can "clearly" see the grisly head piece that Jackie supposedly grabbed, Bill? Your eyes are terrific then! Fantastic, in fact. Because nobody else can see that head piece. And it becomes a "conspiracy theory" mainly because the CTers believe that the ONLY way Jackie could have grabbed something off of the trunk was by way of a frontal gunmen firing a shot into JFK's brain. And that's just not the case at all. (Certainly not the PROVABLE case anyway.) Would you not agree, William Kelly?
  22. Cite the interview. Where is it? Where's the quote?
  23. But that won't stop you from speculating (in print), will it Jimbo my boy? Truth is, in this "chicken" instance, I really enjoy toying with conspiracy-happy people who think they know everything about everybody. It's quite hilarious to watch them speculate -- with a recent example being when one of Jimbo's "volunteers" (who apparently has been assigned by Jimbo to monitor my every Internet move) dashed off a report to DiEugenio about the possibility of my using the alias "Kurt Ferrer" on the StarzMovie website. Naturally, after getting the emergency report from his "volunteer" back at the CTKA Conspiracy BatCave, DiEugenio was more than eager to pounce on this important revelation and confront me with it. I also took note of how DiEugenio misspelled Ferrer's last name (he spelled it "Furrer" the first time he confronted me with the name), which I now think was possibly a slick little ploy on Jimbo's part to try and get me to type the man's name correctly in one of my posts. And if I had accidentally spelled the name correctly (as Ferrer), then Jimbo would have a nice little chunk of "evidence" to throw in my face regarding this so-called "alias" that I told him I had never used. Nice trick too, Jimbo. Too bad it didn't work. I could be wrong, though. Maybe Jimbo's just a lousy speller. (He does need to let go of the "shift" key sooner when he types many of his posts. Jimbo often capitalizes the second letter of a sentence-starting word by mistake. He's just typing out his conspiracy crackpottery too fast at times, I guess.)
  24. No, I don't. That's Conspiracy Myth #129. Jackie herself said she didn't even remember going out onto the trunk at all. So she was never any help to anyone regarding this issue. But even if she HAD gone to the trunk to get a piece of grisly skull/brain, my previous post in this thread is (IMO) a perfectly reasonable explanation for how a piece of JFK's head could have ended up on the trunk after being struck from behind by a bullet. Plus: the conspiracy theorists who seem to think that the trunk of the Presidential limousine was the ONLY possible place where Jackie could have obtained the piece of brain tissue that she handed to Dr. Marion Jenkins at Parkland Hospital are just dead wrong about that. We know that Mrs. Kennedy was holding onto JFK's head during the entire 5-minute drive to Parkland. So it's quite reasonable to believe that in her futile efforts to try and "hold his skull on", a piece of the President's head could have come off in Jackie's hands.
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