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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Oh. And you think the small bullet hole created a visible and very noticeable "indentation" that can be seen in the Zapruder Film? That's a strange theory, Duncan.
  2. Huh? No bullet entered the "side" of JFK's head. What on Earth are you talking about?
  3. One more time--- Boone and Weitzman never claimed to see the words 7.65 MAUSER on any rifle in the Depository. Therefore, they didn't "LIE". They were merely mistaken about the type of rifle that was being hoisted in the air by J.C. Day. And when we look at the similarities, it's easy to see how such a mistake could easily be made:
  4. Duncan, I know that the "protrusion at the back of the head" theory that is often touted as the truth by conspiracy theorists is total nonsense (mainly because I know that the back of President Kennedy's head is completely intact [i.e., there is absolutely NO MISSING SKULL BONE in the rear portions of JFK's head, as the X-ray below proves for now and for all-time]), but your "indentation" caption leaves me scratching my head as well. I need further explanation regarding your "indentation" theory. You've placed a line around the contour of JFK's head that you believe to be the accurate configuration of Kennedy's head at Z337, correct? But what is the "indentation" you're referring to? What's causing the indented area? (Your line around the head doesn't "indent" to conform to your indented area.) I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. It sounds like you're saying that there WAS, indeed, a large damaged area in the exact place where the CTers claim to see a "protrusion" of JFK's skull. But you surely aren't suggesting that the rear of JFK's head was "indented" in some fashion--are you, Duncan? Because the following two images are the best evidence (and always have been) to debunk the silliness spouted by CTers for decades regarding any perceived "BOH" wound in the occipital (right-rear) area of John Kennedy's head:
  5. Isn't the answer obvious, Bill? Boone and Weitzman weren't "liars" because neither of them ever told the lie about seeing the words "7.65 Mauser" stamped on the barrel of the rifle that was hoisted from the boxes by J.C. Day. (And Craig definitely was talking about THAT rifle too; i.e., the rifle that was lifted from between boxes by Day. Craig wasn't talking about some other rifle.) The rifle that's not a Carcano has got to be a rifle belonging to the police. That's obvious too. And the same explanation accounts for Bob Groden's claim that the Mentesana film proves that a second rifle was found in the TSBD. How Groden knows that rifle in the Mentesana film is NOT a cop's rifle is anyone's guess. You don't think this officer/detective is holding Oswald's Carcano here, do you Bill?:
  6. Roger Craig most certainly is the only xxxx in the "7.65 Mauser Stamped On The Rifle" regard. Nobody else ever claimed to see the words 7.65 Mauser stamped on ANY rifle on the sixth floor. Only Big Fat xxxx Craig said that. And then there's also Craig's other huge lie regarding the "No More Than An Inch Apart" configuration of the three bullet shells in the Sniper's Nest. That's Big Fat Lie #2 from the lips of Roger D. Craig. (And do you really not know how to spell "xxxx", Bill?)
  7. Including, no doubt, the bald-faced lie told by Jerry's uncle, Roger Craig, about how Roger saw the words "7.65 Mauser" stamped, plain as day, on Oswald's Carcano rifle as it was discovered on the TSBD's sixth floor on 11/22/63. That particular lie told by Roger Craig was certainly THE biggest and most blatant lie told by anyone connected in any way with the JFK murder case. But try and get any conspiracist to say a single bad word about Big Fat xxxx Roger Craig. Since Big Fat xxxx Craig was on the "CT" side of the equation, naturally all of his many big fat lies are supposed to be ignored altogether--like his doozy about seeing "7.65 Mauser" on Oswald's Carcano (which was proven to be a Carcano via the Alyea film, which is another thing that all CTers will ignore until the cows come home).
  8. And start pretending that all the evidence against LHO was fake, you mean? No thanks, Mike. I prefer to remain on Planet Earth...vs. residing on Planet ABO.
  9. I know all about the Davis girls' testimony. I've written about it extensively on various JFK forums in the past several years. You actually think that because the Davis girls didn't hear more than two shots, this somehow makes either of them incapable of getting a good look at the face of the man who did the shooting? (And I think it's quite logical to assume that a positive identification of an individual is largely derived from getting a good enough look at a person's FACE, and not the color of the jacket he was wearing. Would you not agree?) You ABO types are, indeed, amazing. 47 years of attempting to exonerate an obviously guilty cop killer (and President killer). You should get together with Judyth Baker. You two could have a ball pretending how Lee Harvey was innocent of the two murders he committed. Judy's made a career out of doing that, of course.
  10. Both Davis girls positively IDed Oswald as the man who was cutting across their yard unloading a revolver. And the two bullet shells that those same Davis girls found in their yard on Nov. 22 (one each) were shells that were positively fired in Lee Oswald's revolver. The fact that Michael Hogan doesn't seem to want to accept the Davis girls' positive IDing of Tippit's killer or the positive ballistics identification of the Davis shells to Oswald's gun shows Hogan's willingness to let a cop killer go free. Sad. But it's to be expected, coming as it does from yet another member of the Anybody-But-Oswald conspiracy society, to which Mr. Hogan obviously belongs.
  11. Callaway knew that somebody had called for an ambulance, but that call could have been made by a citizen on Tenth Street for all Ted Callaway knew. Callaway didn't know if the DPD knew about the shooting or not, even after the ambulance had left the scene. Naturally, I'm sure Farley is ready (and eager) to call Ted Callaway a xxxx, since Callaway specifically told the Warren Commission that he placed his radio call BEFORE the ambulance arrived and not afterward. But things were happening very quickly, and Callaway's testimony to the WC is obviously slightly off on the exact timing of his radio call. He certainly placed that radio call AFTER the ambulance had left with Tippit's body, not before. And that's just the type of inconsistency that feeds conspiracy theorists like Farley. Without such inconsistencies, which couldn't be more normal and expected in any criminal case, CTers like Farley would be lost. I'm pretty sure that Farley's next liars will be Virginia Davis and Barbara Davis. They MUST be liars, because they nailed Farley's prized patsy to the wall (where he belongs).
  12. Oswald DID do it. So the case HAS been solved. Even you, Pat, admit that LHO probably killed Tippit. Everything else is just a hobby for the conspiracy theorists, whose major goal is to try to sift through the evidence and nitpick every single anomaly or inconsistency to death until they satisify their own curious desire to exonerate the lone killer of both JFK and J.D. Tippit. E.G., Herbert Blenner's comment about there being six different addresses on the Dictabelt tape for the Tippit murder site. (BTW, if the DPD altered the Dictabelt, I'm wondering why they didn't alter out those 5 incorrect addresses too? Maybe it wasn't important enough to "edit" out of the tapes. But it sure is important to a conspiracy theorist named Herbert Blenner. Otherwise, why even bring it up in the first place?) Pat, Do you happen to know the name of the rabid conspiracy theorist who first suggested that the Dallas Police Department actually "edited the tapes" as part of a cover-up plot to frame Lee Harvey Oswald for Officer Tippit's murder? Where on Earth did that silliness come from? There's not a shred of proof to back up that ridiculous theory, of course. But apparently some conspiracist decided to invent a radio call from T.F. Bowley at 1:12 PM (a call that never existed, of course, since Bowley's call occurred at 1:18 PM) in order to pretend that the whole timeline of official DPD radio calls surrounding the Tippit shooting has been "edited". Bugliosi was right -- there apparently is nothing too silly for the palate of certain JFK conspiracy theorists.
  13. Anyone who could possibly even begin to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent of shooting J.D. Tippit, given the wealth of evidence that proves Oswald committed that murder beyond all reasonable doubt, is a person who isn't worth taking seriously for even two seconds. And Herbert Blenner's laundry list of documents from the Dallas Municipal Archives that Lee Farley re-posted above can only elicit a two-word response from anyone reading it: So what? There's nothing there that even begins to exonerate Lee Oswald. And why Herbert Blenner thinks that some initial mistakes concerning the address of the Tippit shooting can possibly lead toward the direction of Oswald's innocence is anybody's guess. Mistakes like that are commonplace, of course. But apparently CTers feel there was no room for ordinary human error on 11/22/63 in Dallas, Texas. Every anomaly and human gaffe MUST mean conspiracy to the CTers on the Internet. No other explanation is to even be considered among some conspiracists. Otherwise, why would anybody even bother to post something silly like the paragraph repeated below? (Does Herb Blenner think that Tippit was really shot in six different locations in Oak Cliff on November 22nd?) ..... "When police initially arrived at the scene of the Tippit shooting, the dictabelt had recorded six addresses for the location of the crime scene. This situation is particularly difficult to dismiss since a citizen reported the shooting to the police over the two-way radio of Tippit's patrol car."
  14. Yeah, I agree with you, Lee. Dean is kind of a clown at that. (Not nearly in your class of clown, however.)
  15. Yeah, Dean. What in the world would ever make me think that Oswald had murder in his veins? Just because he took his rifle and pistol and killed (or tried to kill) a total of at least four people in the calendar year of nineteen sixty-three is certainly no reason to think Oswald was a KILLER....right, Dean? (You CTers kill me.)
  16. Darn right. Isn't this obvious, Bill? And isn't it also obvious that Lee Oswald probably would not be boasting about shooting at General Edwin Walker to every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the street corner (or at Ruth Paine's house, in which Mrs. Paine was allowing the wife of the nutcase who shot at General Walker to live free of charge)? What makes you think this, Bill? I'm pretty sure there were times when Marina thought her husband was, indeed, off his rocker. The night of April 10, 1963, was no doubt one such occasion. And March 31, 1963, was another, when Marina took the backyard photos of her strange hubby: "I asked him then why he had dressed himself up like that, with the rifle and the pistol, and I thought that he had gone crazy, and he said he wanted to send that to a newspaper. This was not my business--it was man's business." -- Marina Oswald Maybe Jim Hosty of the FBI should have put two and together together. But, then too, hindsight is almost always 20/20, isn't it? There's no proof that the people seen getting into a car by one of Walker's neighbors on 4/10/63 had anything whatsoever to do with the Walker shooting. But it's fun to think they were involved, isn't it Bill? Conspiracy theorists love to focus the bulk of their attention on impossible-to-answer questions like the one above, instead of focusing on the provable facts--such as Lee Harvey Oswald's known participation in the Walker shooting. It's the same way regarding certain aspects of the JFK case too -- e.g., conspiracists always want an answer to things that they know can never be answered (otherwise their questions WOULD have been answered by now), such as: How did Oswald manage to sneak the paper and tape out of the Book Depository Building without Troy West seeing him? Or: How did Oswald get the paper bag to Irving? Was it folded up inside his jacket? Or was he hiding it in his cheeks, disguised as a big hunk of chewing tobacco? Or: Why is it that only two measly prints of Oswald's were found on the paper bag (CE142) after the assassination? (Even though the conspiracy theorists who ask that last question should probably already know that a person doesn't always have to leave distinguishable fingerprints on an object even when a person handles that object extensively--especially when the object is paper. Paper items very often do not have observable fingerprints on them after being handled.) It's fun to speculate, isn't it Bill?
  17. Because nobody in the whole world (save Marina Oswald) knew that LHO had taken his potshot at General Walker as of 11/22/63. And Marina wasn't about to tell anybody. And she didn't. How were the police/FBI/SS supposed to put Oswald on a "dangerous persons" list when they had nothing to go on to link him to the Walker shooting? Were the authorities supposed to be psychic?
  18. The fact that JFK came to Oswald made it too irresistible for LHO. No way he could pass up that golden chance. The assassination was served up to Ozzie on a silver platter. Conspiracy theorists, though, think it was a fake or contrived silver platter, designed to frame the pawn (Oswald). But what most CTers never talk about is the fact that their "pawn" named Oswald had murder flowing through his very own veins as surely as night follows day--and the Walker shooting is proof of that fact. It's much better, however, for the conspiracists to ignore or distort the Walker shooting. Because if they start analyzing the true inner character of their so-called patsy, they'd begin to realize that Oswald had it within HIMSELF to kill people with rifles in 1963. And that type of realization makes it much, much more difficult to treat Lee Oswald as a mere bystander (or "pawn" or "patsy") to the events of November 22nd.
  19. A Pawn doesn't have a Mannlicher-Carcano, with real bullets in its chamber, aimed at the King's head during a game of chess. Oswald did. And the King drove right into the Pawn's domain--onto Elm Street at only 11 MPH. Checkmate. The Pawn wins. http://The-JFK-Assassination.blogspot.com
  20. Josiah Thompson Radio Interview From December 29, 1967 (Running Time: 58 Minutes): CLICK HERE
  21. All reasonable people know that a missed shot was fired around Z-frame 160. Governor Connally's head snap to the right at Z164 (plus Rosemary Willis' stopping dead in her tracks) is good evidence to indicate a missed shot at around Z160. So the WC was correct to not tie itself down to a definitive first shot at Z210. They allowed for other possibilities....including the possibility that Shot #1 was the missed shot, which would then extend the shooting timeline by a minimum of 2.3 seconds--from 5.6 seconds to at least 7.9 seconds. I'm not selling snake oil, Jimbo. And the Warren Commission wasn't either. We're selling logic and common sense. You, OTOH, are selling absurdity when you try to sell the idea that one bullet couldn't possibly have gone through both JFK and Governor Connally--even though BOTH MEN WERE HIT IN THEIR RESPECTIVE UPPER BACKS WITH A BULLET AT VIRTUALLY AN IDENTICAL POINT IN TIME ON THE ZAPRUDER FILM. Plus, there's the fact that all of your "conspiracy" bullets are forced to vanish off the planet; while via my SBT theory, no bullets need to perform a disappearing act. If I'm selling snake oil, Jim, then you're selling miracles.
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