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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. It's quite interesting to watch someone unravel right before your very eyes (like Bob "LBJ CAUSED THE HINDENBURG TO CRASH" Morrow is doing right now). Don't stop now, Morrow, you're doing great. (It's a little rough on my weak bladder, but I'll just have to tie a knot in it when I read your tripe.)
  2. That's quite easy, Bob. It took me just a few minutes to find two examples from 2007 [the second of which is now gone, as of Nov. 2015] (among several others that I'm sure are there at Amazon too), one of which Morrow even participated in HIMSELF! How's that for irony?: http://www.amazon.com/Message-Patricia-Lambert-apology-Bugliosi/forum/Fx2TVHW5I0UEY9A/TxR9QNQTFC20JF/1/ref=cm_cd_et_md_pl?_encoding=UTF8&cdMsgNo=19&asin=0393045250&cdSort=oldest&cdMsgID=MxUXC5WYB4FNVT#MxUXC5WYB4FNVT http://www.amazon.com/review/RGRCBK36ARK7K/ref=cm_aya_cmt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0393045250#wasThisHelpful I'm not quite sure why this is a big deal to Bob. You know what he's going to say now, don't you? He's obviously going to say that the single "fake" poster (either Anderson or I) merely posted in the same thread under two different accounts. But, anyway, I'll take my $100 in cash, if you don't mind. (Twenties will be fine.) (I can now envision Bob "LBJ WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11, WATERGATE, THE HOLOCAUST, AND THE 1974 SUPER OUTBREAK OF TORNADOES IN THE MIDWEST" Morrow wrestling with this question: WHO should I mail the $100 to--Von Pein or Anderson?)
  3. I don't "know" ANY of the three gentlemen you just named. None. (Unless by "knowing" someone, you're referring to "knowing of them", i.e., being familiar with their names and their writings on the Internet.) But as far as actually personally knowing any of those men--no, I do not know any of them. And, of course, they do not know me. Now, call me a xxxx again, Jimbo. I want to see it in print (again)--before Kathy Becket makes it "invisible" under the new Forum policy implemented just today. Jimbo's a riot. He's actually suggesting that I have some kind of personal control over the Amazon.com navigation process through a person's Amazon review pages. It's either the above-mentioned solution, or Jimbo is suggesting something else that is even more bizarre (but par for the course for a "Nothing Is What It Seems To Be" conspiracy theorist like Jimmy DiEugenio) -- i.e., he's implying that I was so concerned about Jimbo and others finding out about some so-called "alias" I have been using for my Amazon reviews, that I got rid of Page 30 of my Amazon review files two weeks ago, but now I've somehow turned Page 30 back on and made it easily accessible again to everyone. (But I can't quite figure out WHY I'd suddenly NOT CARE anymore about the thing I DID care about just 14 days ago. Weird, huh?) BTW, I just now tried to access my 30th review page and (as usual) I got the "unavailable" message (using the Firefox browser). But Page 30 (and all others) were always there--two weeks ago and today. But I love to hear conspiracy mongers like Jim make something out of nothing. And right on the heels of Bob Morrow's "alias" hilarity earlier in the day. That stack of pre-Xmas gifts is getter higher and higher. Thanks, Jimbo.
  4. Vince, of course, is full of xxxx (after his 21-year journey through the JFK universe), when he said this--right, Jim/Mike?: "Three things are very clear: First, after an unprecedented and historic four-year scavenger hunt by the ARRB for all documents “reasonably related” to the assassination, no smoking gun or even a smoldering ember of conspiracy was found. The reason is that no such smoking gun or ember ever existed. Second, if it did exist, it would never have been left in any file for discovery. And finally, assassination researchers and conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied, not even when the cows come home." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 149 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)
  5. Yeah, that's nice. But where has it taken "conspiracy" researchers? Jim DiEugenio wants to pretend that the ARRB released documents that totally shatter to bits the lone-assassin conclusion reached by the Warren Commission. But WHICH documents did this shattering? IOW, WHERE is the "smoking gun" amongst the stuff released by the Assassination Records Review Board? ------------------------------- "Three things are very clear: First, after an unprecedented and historic four-year scavenger hunt by the ARRB for all documents “reasonably related” to the assassination, no smoking gun or even a smoldering ember of conspiracy was found. The reason is that no such smoking gun or ember ever existed. Second, if it did exist, it would never have been left in any file for discovery. And finally, assassination researchers and conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied, not even when the cows come home." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 149 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes) ------------------------------- http://DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/2010/01/anna-nelson-of-arrb-october-1998.html
  6. Thanks for the link, Morrow. It just keeps getting better and better. My early Christmas presents from Bob "LBJ IS A MURDERER" Morrow are piling up fast under the tree -- like this gem: "Of course, S.V. Anderson, T. Folsom and DAVID VON PEIN are all the same "person" if you can call them that... and Tinky Winky, and Po ... and Laa Laa." -- Robert P. Morrow; December 9, 2010 http://Amazon.com/tag/jfk%20assassination/forum/ref=cm_cd_et_md_pl?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1VLRED2TYB89B&cdMsgNo=478&cdPage=20&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=Tx2A0FG3MMM7X1Q&cdMsgID=MxNYDN6GTUTTDT#MxNYDN6GTUTTDT
  7. THIS POST by Robert "LBJ WAS A SERIAL KILLER" Morrow gave me immense pleasure to read. It's like an early Christmas gift. Thanks, Bob. I love posts like that one, because such posts just illuminate and (re)-emphasize the skewed thinking that is possessed by many conspiracy theorists. To a person like Bob "LBJ Murdered JFK" Morrow, virtually EVERYTHING associated with the Kennedy assassination is a "plot" or a "conspiracy" of some kind -- right down to accusing two different Internet posters of being the same person. (I sure hope Steve V. Anderson sees Morrow's post too. I'm sure he'll get just as big a kick out of it as I am currently getting.) Of course, this silliness is nothing new to me. I've seen it many times before (usually from fellow Education Forum member David G. Healy). For the record, here's a partial list of the "other people" that Healy has accused me of being over the last few years: 1.) Dave Reitzes 2.) Vincent Bugliosi 3.) Steve Keating 4.) Kurt Ferrer 5.) Rosemary Newton And I'm pretty sure there are some additional "other" people that I'm supposed to be masquerading as, too (per Healy), but the names escape me at the moment. The fifth person on the above list is particularly hilarious, because Rosemary Newton is Vincent Bugliosi's secretary, with whom I have corresponded several times since July of 2007. But, as recently as April 26th of this year, Mr. Healy (incredibly) was still embracing the idea that Rosemary was "fictitous" and "mythological", despite the fact that Bugliosi talks about Rosemary on page 1514 of his book "Reclaiming History". Healy also made this hysterical statement about Rosemary on March 6, 2010: "Please tell that figment of your imagination, Rosemary (LMFAO) she's wanted in the squadron room, Vince has lost his shoes! Get busy boyo!" -- David G. Healy; 03/06/10 So, as is fairly evident by Healy's inane comments, I've had to deal with (but usually have ignored) some mighty strange crap coming from conspiracy theorists. I have a related question for other members here (I'd really enjoy knowing this information, since this topic of using "aliases" has come up yet again): Have any of you other Education Forum members ever been accused of not being who you say you are? Has it ever happened to you, Pat Speer? Dean? Anyone else? Anyway, my thanks once again to Bob "1963 Coup d'Etat" Morrow for providing today's daily laugh here at The Education Forum.
  8. Nonsense. Truth is: I talk evidence; while people like Lee Farley ignore the BEST evidence and embrace unprovable (and many times, downright silly) theories -- e.g., Oswald was framed for BOTH murders; the DPD planted evidence; the DPD/FBI faked a cab & bus ride; witnesses were coerced; etc. to near infinity. I know the truth hurts Lee Farley. But somebody's got to embrace it. CTers sure don't.
  9. So, Jimmy, you think I'm lying when I said I never received that e-mail from Francois, is that correct?
  10. Listen to a fraud named Garrison at work: http://Garrison-Carson.blogspot.com
  11. Just stating a fact, Jimbo. But you enjoy promoting a fraud named Garrison. God only knows why. Garrison began with a totally false premise of Oswald's "patsy" status and his complete innocence, which is total crap and every reasonable person knows it -- even 83% of these 1,031 people, who also agree with me that your hero, Earling Garrison, was full of BS when he insisted Oswald didn't shoot a soul on 11/22: "Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald was the only gunman in the Kennedy assassination, do you think there was another gunman in addition to Oswald there that day, or do you think Oswald was not involved in the assassination at all?"..... ONLY OSWALD ----------- 32% ANOTHER GUNMAN ------- 51% OSWALD NOT INVOLVED -- 7% NO OPINION ------------- 10% http://www.pollingreport.com/news2.htm#Kennedy
  12. Jimbo D., You don't need to know anything about Garrison's "investigation" to know that Stone's movie is a pack of lies from start to finish. After all, Stone has DiEugenio Disease -- i.e., he thinks Oswald was totally innocent of shooting anybody.
  13. But, Bill, it was proven beyond all doubt that Oswald's 90-second trip could positively be done. SS Agent John Howlett made it in just 74 seconds--and while doing it at merely a "fast walk", not a "run" or "trot". If Oswald had been running or trotting, he obviously would have easily beat Howlett's best time of 74 seconds. Why this subject is even in doubt is my question? Do you really think that both of Howlett's re-created times from the 6th to the 2nd floors were fakes or frauds in some manner? If you don't believe that, then isn't it quite clear that Oswald COULD HAVE MADE IT to the lunchroom in time to meet Baker? The remainder of your objections are merely minor, picky points that you can't possibly go anywhere with -- unless, of course, you actually want to say that Marrion Baker just MADE UP his story about seeing Oswald through the vestibule glass. You don't really want to go down the "BAKER WAS A xxxx AND MADE IT ALL UP" path....do you Bill?
  14. Yeah, sure, Frankie. And to hell with the fact that it was nothing but a pack of lies and misrepresentations of the evidence that a lot of young viewers now perceive to be the rock-solid truth, huh? That one single movie has done more to promote the false JFK conspiracy than anything else since 1963. If that's supposedly a good thing, I'd hate to encounter the bad. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/brainwashing-of-america.html
  15. I wonder why Francois didn't send a copy of that e-mail to me? I sure never got a copy. I'm sad. Francois likes Robert "LBJ WAS A MURDERER" Morrow more than me. (Come to think about it, why on Earth would Francois send a mail like that to a CTer like Morrow? That's odd.)
  16. Yes, that's true. But, just like I said before, pretty much anyone can join. Carlier was never in much of an "overdrive". In fact, I wanted him to post a lot more often. He made relatively few posts--even in the so-called "overdrive" mode that Jimbo imagines. And, btw, I never ONCE gave my support to the notion that any ammo found in Irving after 11/22 belonged to Oswald. If DiEugenio can provide a post of mine where I said that I thought that ammo WAS Oswald's, let's see it. LOL. I very rarely speak to other LNers via e-mail, although Francois has written me a few times. And I never, ever talk to other LNers in person. Maybe other LNers chat via other non-forum means, however. I wouldn't know. But Jimbo is off on a tangent here that suggests the LNers of the Internet all get together and plan strategy on how to bash the CTers, etc. Which, of course, is nonsense (at least based on my own experience). Once again, DiEugenio is talking out his ass. But, of course, we're all accustomed to Jimbo's ridiculous anti-VB, anti-LN, anti-DVP, and anti-WC tirades by now, aren't we? You're delusional. Plain and simple. Naturally, Jimbo. The whole world (including Ruth Paine) was out to frame your favorite patsy. And I made a snowman in Phoenix last August too.
  17. I'll stop you right there. I couldn't care less what Prof. McAdams' position is regarding politics. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in that aspect of Mr. McAdams. What I do know is this (regardless of McAdams' political views) -- he has an excellent website on the JFK assassination, which presents both sides of many, many important issues dealing with JFK's death, and he has written many top-notch articles and Internet posts supporting the official lone-assassin view of the assassination, which IMO are articles and posts that are filled with FACTS, COMMON SENSE, and LOGIC (three things that virtually all conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists lack when dealing with this subject). If you want to think that Mr. McAdams' political views (whatever they may be, which don't interest me in the slightest) somehow are coloring his opinions and his articles regarding the JFK assassination, well, you just go right ahead and think that. It's a free country, after all. I, however, will stick to the FACTS and COMMON SENSE that Mr. McAdams imparts on a daily basis when he speaks about the issues associated with President Kennedy's murder.
  18. Pretty much anybody can join this forum. All they need to do is e-mail John Simkin directly -- at john.simkin@ntlworld.com (which is the e-mail address I used on August 1st, 2010, to arrange my current membership). And DiEugenio is wrong about Francois Carlier joining up after Jimbo joined. Fact is, Francois has been a member since January 19, 2010, which was five months before DiEugenio joined. And, of course, as Duncan MacRae has already pointed out, Mark H. wasn't "sent" here by any evil LN forces. He undoubtedly joined up because he wanted to. And he probably went through the exact same process I did when I joined in August, via e-mailing John Simkin directly (if he received the "Forum Is Currently Not Accepting New Members" message that many people have encountered recently). My $0.02: An occasional LNer is most certainly needed in a conspiracy-infested forum like this one, just to provide some degree of balance to people like Jim DiEugenio and Lee Farley and Jim Fetzer (and many others) who believe in some of the strangest and off-the-wall things imaginable when it comes to the JFK assassination -- such as believing that Lee Oswald never fired a shot at EITHER John Kennedy or J.D. Tippit, which is truly an off-the-wall belief that only a relatively small percentage of Americans endorse, as this ABC News poll indicates. Other unsupportable nonsense that should be swatted down by the occasional LNer is the notion that the cops would have had ANY desire whatsoever to want to FAKE Oswald's bus AND cab rides on November 22, 1963. Such an idea is just flat-out crazy, and everybody should know why. So, having an "LNer" around to occasionally come in here and point out the basic common-sense flaws in many of the arguments put on the Education Forum table by various conspiracy theorists is certainly not a bad thing. Otherwise, the "lurkers" who come in here might actually start to accept some of the nonsense being spouted by DiEugenio, Farley, Fetzer, Lifton, White, and others.
  19. All evidence in the JFK & Tippit murders points to one person (Oswald). And yet anyone who believes Oswald was a lone assassin in those two murders is a "radical extremist". Beautiful, Bill.
  20. I didn't "insult" your mother and you know it. I was insulting YOU, Jimbo, a few months ago when I implied that you wouldn't believe anything your mother told you (i.e., implying this: YOU DON'T TRUST ANYBODY). Surely you understand the difference.
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