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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. This thread should be required reading by anybody who wants to see just how far conspiracy-happy mongers will go in order to attempt to find the non-existent "conspiracy" in the JFK murder case. Classic idiocy on display in every single post (except mine, of course).
  2. What about this interview then, Jack? Is Zapruder a xxxx here (a mere two hours after the assassination)?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BXsXFLEjKE&p=569A375DA8B51DE5
  3. Why on Earth would such photographic evidence be necessary, Greg? We've got Mr. Zapruder HIMSELF--on WFAA-TV videotape!--telling the world at 2:31 PM CST on 11/22/63 that he went to Dealey Plaza and stood on "one of these concrete blocks they have down near that park near the underpass": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BXsXFLEjKE http://DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/2009/12/zapruder.html
  4. "The point of the comparison was that no person could be different heights at such similar times, unless he were made of rubber! Rubber, of course, stretches to different lengths under various pressures, which might explain how he and his secretary can be photographed as having many different heights in five images." -- James H. Fetzer; 3/15/09 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14121&st=0&p=164102entry164102 Sure sounds to me like Fetzer is seriously considering the "made out of rubber" alternative. Was that just a tongue-in-cheek 2009 post, James F.? If so, you sure fooled a bunch of people--including many of your fellow conspiracy theorists.
  5. LOL. You're hilarious, James F.! ALL of those three "alternatives" of yours are equally idiotic/crazy/nutty/impossible -- and you surely realize that fact. Alternatives #2 and #3 -- "Zapruder wasn't there at all" and "somebody stood in for Zapruder" are just as foolish as the "made of rubber" bladder-buster.
  6. Fetzer & White: Do you guys think ALL of the Apollo moon landings are frauds/phony -- from Apollo 11 in 1969 right on through to Apollo 17 in 1972? SIX phony moon landings??????????
  7. Who CARES what the "context" is, Jim? What difference does it make? In 2009, you wrote that you actually were entertaining the notion that the Abe Zapruder that is seen in the various other films and photos was possibly made out of "rubber". And ANYONE who could actually entertain such a goofy notion (regardless of any additional "context" attached to such an idiotic theory) is a person who is so deeply entrenched in his conspiracy treasure hunt that nothing more needs to be said to destroy that person's overall credibility. Coming as it does from a man who thinks that all kinds of meaningless things were "wholly fabricated" in the Zapruder Film, the above comment isn't exactly too shattering.
  8. Let's take a look at two quotes from the lips of Prof. Fetzer (which should make any reasonable person doubt the credibility of anyone making such absurd statements): "There are several possibilities, including that Zapruder was made of rubber, that Zapruder was not there at all, and that someone else stood in for him." -- James H. Fetzer; March 11, 2009 "Zapruder and Sitzman may have been in the area, but I have always found it a bit odd that she would climb up on the pedestal, which would have been difficult for anyone but especially a woman in a dress, who, presumably, would want to preserve her modesty. But the question is a bit more basic than that, since we know that "the Zapruder film" is not a film that Zapruder--or anyone else!--could have taken, since it includes events, like the blow-out to the right-front, which are complete fabrications." -- James H. Fetzer; March 15, 2009 Nuff said.
  9. RE: KENNETH P. O'DONNELL: When we look at exactly what Kenny O'Donnell told the Warren Commission, we can see that O'Donnell's testimony is not really as cut-and-dry as some people might want to believe, with O'Donnell stating that his determination for thinking all three shots had come from his right rear was "in part" a "reconstruction". And, yes, he said he heard THREE shots exactly, with a bigger gap between shots 2 and 3, btw: KENNY O'DONNELL -- "The first two came almost simultaneously, came one right after the other, there was a slight hesitation, then the third one." O'Donnell seemed to be relying in part on what other people around him were reacting to, such as some of the Secret Service agents turning around to look to their right rear after the shooting started. Yes, if O'Donnell really did think he heard at least one shot coming from the front, he should have told that to Arlen Specter in the below testimony, but when re-examining his testimony, it isn't quite as clear-cut as one might think: Mr. SPECTER. And what was your reaction as to the source of the shots, if you had one? Mr. O'DONNELL. My reaction in part is reconstruction---is that they came from the right rear. That would be my best judgment. Mr. SPECTER. Was there any reaction by any of the other people around in any specific direction? Mr. O'DONNELL. The agents all turned to the rear. I would think, watching the reaction of the President when the shot--the first shot hit--that it would be automatic it would have to have come from the rear. I think any experienced agent would make that assumption immediately. Mr. SPECTER. And was the reaction of the agents which you have referred to as coming from the rear, to the right rear or to the left rear? Mr. O'DONNELL. The reaction I note would be right rear. And, again, looking at the manner of the President's movement, I would think you would have to feel the thrust of the shot was from the right rear. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/odonnell.htm
  10. Subject: The Kennedy Detail Date: 12/13/2010 3:06:23 AM Eastern Standard Time From: David Von Pein To: Gary Mack Hi Gary, I just finished watching an encore presentation on C-Span2 of the program you hosted at The Sixth Floor Museum featuring Gerald Blaine, Clint Hill, and Lisa McCubbin. And I just wanted to drop you this note to say how much I enjoyed the program. I wish it could have lasted another hour. One of the best parts of the interview was when you destroyed the longstanding myth about the "open windows", with Mr. Blaine and Mr. Hill saying that there were no strict policies in place in 1963 that would have allowed the Secret Service to have seen to it that every last window was closed in Dallas on November 22nd. It just was not possible. And I'm glad you asked them that question (among other good ones too). Thank you. And Happy Holidays. David Von Pein ================================================== Subject: RE: The Kennedy Detail Date: 12/13/2010 5:16:18 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Gary Mack To: David Von Pein Thanks very much, Dave, your thoughts are appreciated. My favorite was the limo speed and the turn, but the window story was also near the top. I tried to answer the questions that researchers wanted that were not either in the book or on the [Discovery Channel] TV show. Gary ================================================== The one-hour program from The Sixth Floor Museum is now available to watch online:
  11. Of course there's also the fact (anatomy-wise) that Dr. McClelland, when he was in Trauma Room 1 with JFK on 11/22/63, could not possibly have been LOOKING STRAIGHT DOWN into a wound on JFK's head that was located (per Dr. McClelland) at the FAR RIGHT REAR portion of his head. Somebody here please explain to me how McClelland could have possibly been LOOKING DOWN INTO any gaping wound in the OCCIPITAL part of JFK's head (as McClelland said he did) when Kennedy was in this exact position on the Parkland stretcher?: In such a prone and FACE UP position, as President Kennedy was certainly in when he was being treated by the doctors at Parkland Hospital, if Dr. Robert McClelland was LOOKING DOWN INTO a gaping wound on JFK's head, he must have been looking down into the wound that was located above JFK's right ear on the RIGHT-FRONT-TOP part of the President's head.
  12. In most of the radio/TV interviews with Clint Hill that I've heard during his book tour, he was saying that the gaping hole was "above the right ear" (which, of course, IS exactly where the wound was actually located, as everybody can easily see in the Z-Film and the autopsy photographs and X-rays). http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/12/kennedy-detail.html
  13. In late 2009, Parkland Hospital physician Robert McClelland was interviewed for 80 minutes on Canadian radio, and the result was a really terrific and informative program, with all kinds of interesting snippets of info being revealed by Dr. McClelland. IMO, you can take McClelland's "The Mob Did It" conspiracy theories about JFK's assassination and dump them in the nearest trash can, but apart from the doctor's silly conspiracy talk, this interview is extremely good. It is certainly one of the very best interviews that I've ever heard with any of the Parkland doctors. I've created both video and audio versions of the McClelland interview (linked below): VIDEO VERSION: http://YouTube.com/view_play_list?p=AD5061F3D87DB11F ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MP3 AUDIO VERSION:
  14. SIX THINGS MADE TO ORDER FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD It's time for conspiracy theorists to wake up from their lengthy slumber and realize that there's no credible evidence of anyone having shot and killed President Kennedy and Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit except a screwball named Lee Harvey Oswald, a 24-year-old nuthatch who was lucky enough (from his warped point-of-view) to have these six things all align themselves into perfect harmony on November 22, 1963: 1.) He (Oswald) hated America and its Government's representatives. 2.) Oswald owned and had ready access to a rifle in November '63. 3.) Oswald worked in a building which just happened to overlook the last portion of JFK's motorcade route through Dallas on 11/22/63. 4.) It stopped raining prior to 12:00 noon on 11/22/63 (hence, the bubbletop roof was left off of JFK's limousine for the motorcade drive through Dallas). The bubbletop roof was not bulletproof at all, but it's quite possible that Oswald wouldn't have known that fact on November 22nd. Seeing the roof in place that day, if it continued to rain, just might have made Oswald think twice about firing those gunshots at the limo. 5.) Oswald was lucky enough to have President Kennedy visit Dallas on a Friday (i.e., a regular workday for Lee Oswald and the other Book Depository employees), instead of, say, a Saturday or a Sunday. 6.) Another small item that relates to #5 above is something that could well have played a very big factor in Oswald pulling off the shooting that Friday -- and that is the fact that not only did Kennedy's visit to Dallas occur on a workday for Oswald (a Friday), but the parade route took JFK's limo past the Book Depository Building RIGHT AT LUNCHTIME as well, which meant that most TSBD employees were on their normal lunch breaks at that hour of the day (and would have been even if Kennedy had not been scheduled to drive by the building at noontime). The normal time for the warehouse employees to break for lunch at the Depository was from 12:00 Noon to 12:45 PM, just exactly the time period when President Kennedy was scheduled to drive through Dealey Plaza on Friday, November 22nd. That information was confirmed via the Warren Commission testimony of Buell Wesley Frazier (the 19-year-old who drove Oswald to work on the morning of the assassination): WESLEY FRAZIER -- "12 o'clock is when we always eat lunch." JOSEPH BALL -- "12 to 12:45?" FRAZIER -- "Right." http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh2/html/WC_Vol2_0109b.htm This meant fewer people staying on the upper Depository floors (i.e., the "warehouse" floors, which were floors 5, 6, and 7), with those employees going down to the first-floor "Domino/Lunch Room" or the second-floor lunch room (or going outside the building to watch the President pass by) during the exact time when Lee Oswald would require a VACANT sixth floor in his preparations for shooting the President during this Friday lunch period. For Oswald, the above combination of things was simply a made-to-order combination of factors that just fell into his lap on November 22nd, 1963, including item numbers 4, 5, and 6 mentioned above, which are things that Oswald HIMSELF could not possibly have had any control over whatsoever. And even #3 as well, to the extent that Oswald was hired at the TSBD on October 15, 1963, which was a full month prior to anyone officially announcing the details of JFK's final motorcade route through Dallas (which included the turn onto Elm Street in front of the Depository). Happenstance (and a kook named Lee Harvey) got John F. Kennedy killed. Not conspiracy. David Von Pein January 2008
  15. I have no idea what you're babbling about, Jimbo. I guess your silly line of reasoning is this: Since Dave Reitzes and I conversed back and forth on IMDb.com once upon a time, we apparently were "joining forces" (in kind of a "conspiratorial" fashion) to try and silence all critics of the LN scenario. Is that about it (or some variation thereof), Jimbo? Even if that were true, so what? But that type of "joining forces" thing is not true in my case. I have never once engaged in that kind of thing on the Internet re the JFK case. My posts are my own, and nobody has any control over them whatsoever. Including John McAdams, who is a person that DiEugenio laughably thinks controls everything I write at acj and aaj. By the by, is there anything new and earthshaking coming in from your "informants" (Agents 86 and 99) about my being "Kurt Ferrer"? Hopefully your informants haven't stopped searching the globe for proof that I'm using multiple aliases. After all, such an exercise is vitally important to the global economic picture.
  16. http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/232748db47d8b352
  17. You are completely delusional, Jimbo. Dave Reitzes never once said he had "terminal stage fright". I did say that once, yes. But now you (or your silly "informant") is also putting that EXACT quote into Dave Reitzes' mouth. And he never said it. And I just love how the CTers are now going to tell ME who I "know" and who I don't "know". The comedy never stops at The Education/Conspiracy Forum.
  18. Of course it's a technical problem, Jimbo. I've told you that before. (Naturally, I'm a xxxx, right?) For the Dec. 10 record: I just now (at 11:11 PM EST) tried to access Page 10 of my review area, and (as always) received this message: "We're sorry, but this customer's list of reviews is currently not available. Please check back soon." I want any lurkers to (again) realize what Jim D. is saying here (and it's a riot, without doubt): Jimbo is actually saying that I somehow have total control over what other people can access (and WHEN they can access it) on the Amazon.com website (specifically: a person's personal review pages). Jimbo is a real piece of work. I love watching him figure things out in his conspiracy-infested mind. A whole season of "Leave It To Beaver" couldn't be as funny as Jimbo trying to figure out why he couldn't access my Amazon pages two weeks ago, but can now. BTW, I do not "know" David Reitzes. Or John McAdams. Anyone who continues to say I PERSONALLY "know" these people doesn't have the slightest idea what they are blabbering about.
  19. I don't need to see anything else relating to the SBT to convince me that it's true. I've known for quite some time that the SBT is quite obviously the correct scenario. And (deep down) I'm pretty sure most conspiracy believers do, too. The CTers can't really believe that TWO (yes, two!) bullets just stopped dead in their tracks after entering JFK's upper back and throat. That type of crazy belief is much, much sillier than anything Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania ever purported. Fellow LNer "Bud" said it very well when he humorously said: "The assassins choose bullets that inflict non-lethal, 1-inch-deep wounds? Instead of feeding JFK to lions, they decided to nibble him to death by [using] ducks?" -- Bud; April 1, 2006
  20. Me too. http://DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/2009/12/super-outbreak-tornadoes-april-3-1974.html
  21. Oh boy! You're really onto something there, Morrow! Steve and I both reviewed something on Amazon--i.e., a place where THOUSANDS of people review the same items daily! Great work, Bobby! Bob "LBJ SUNK THE TITANIC IN 1912" Morrow will next be claiming that Johnny Bench and I are the same person because we were both born in December. DVP-Potpourri.blogspot.com/Johnny Bench
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