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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Under what circumstances would you describe CE573, picture above, as "steel jacketed"? If you were collecting evidence at the crime scene of an attempted murder, and you found CE573 at the scene, would you describe it as "steel -jacketed"?

    CE573 (just like CE399) is a Full METAL Jacketed (FMJ) bullet.


    Steel = Metal.

    Copper = Metal.


    "Some individuals commonly refer to rifle bullets as steel-jacketed bullets, when they actually in fact just have a copper alloy jacket." -- Robert A. Frazier of the FBI (3 H 439)

    Conspiracy theorists always make way way too much out of the "Steel" reference when it comes to CE573. They just can't fathom that Robert A. Frazier was right about what he said to the Warren Commission in the testimony I just quoted above.


  2. Reality Break (Re: The CE573 Walker Bullet)....

    The fact that CE573 cannot be linked to any specific rifle is virtual proof, right there, that it was not "planted" into the evidence pile. Because only a total idiot would want to do something so stupid. Although, yes, CE573 looks exactly like CE399 in many respects. No doubt about it. But if you're going to go to the trouble of PLANTING a bullet to frame a particular person, you're surely going to make sure that that bullet can be tied exclusively to the patsy's gun.





  3. On 6/18/2023 at 3:21 PM, Michael Griffith said:

    I have long suspected that Oswald was telling the truth when he told the police that the only thing he brought to work that day was his lunch and that he brought in a large bag.

    If Oswald was really telling the truth to the police about his lunch, then you've got to wonder why Oswald told Buell Frazier that he was going to buy his lunch that day.

    Frazier specifically remembers Lee having NO LUNCH BAG with him at all on 11/22/63 and Frazier also specifically remembered Oswald saying he was going to buy his lunch that day (see the testimony below).


    BUELL WESLEY FRAZIER -- "When he [LHO] rode with me, I say he always brought lunch except that one day on November 22. He didn't bring his lunch that day."


    JOE BALL -- "Did you notice whether or not Lee had a package that looked like a lunch package that morning?"

    MR. FRAZIER -- "You know like I told you earlier, I say, he didn't take his lunch because I remember right when I got in the car I asked him where was his lunch and he said he was going to buy his lunch that day."



    Do conspiracy believers really think Buell Frazier was the one who was lying about Lee Oswald's lunch?

    Also see --- http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/#The-Paper-Bag


  4. I always enjoy it immensely when I am able to dig up a "new" JFK-related audio or video recording that I had not heard or seen before.

    Such was my good fortune on June 16th, 2023, when I came across the WRUL shortwave radio broadcast from November 22, 1963, linked below.

    WRUL (for "World Radio University Listeners") was a shortwave radio station in Massachusetts. In 1966, the call letters of the station were changed to WNYW (for "New York Worldwide").

    This rare 11/22/63 audio was provided by Todd Kosovich and Tom Gavaras (via Archive.org). Many thanks to those two gentlemen. ....



  5. 55 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:

    Ah, the good old days…..when a ‘bucket o beaks’ n a ‘claw sandwich’ cost 60c…

    Yes indeedy!

    Just look at the low prices in these KFC ads from the 1950s and 1960s.

    I was looking just today at what the local KFC in my town is currently charging for some of their menu items, and it's almost obscene. If you can believe it, a bucket of 16 pieces of chicken (chicken only, mind you, with no sides included), costs $48.99 -- plus tax of course! (I kid you not.)

    (Did anybody faint yet? I almost did when I saw that price.)

    I'm sure glad I retired from the KFC food service industry before such outrageous prices hit the menus. I remember being quite embarrassed to tell people at the drive-thru that their family meal would cost them $25 or so back in the 1990s. Today, a full family meal can easily set you back a hundred bucks. It's unreal.

    But let's now go back to a time when you didn't need to mortgage the homestead AND sell the car just in order to enjoy a good meal with the Colonel.... 😁

    Click for a bigger view....



  6. 44 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    You're the only one who sees all that grimacing, etc. I see a pleasant-looking face and his hand raising his hat as if he wanted to wear it. And yes there is some jerking as he shifts in his seat to return to his normal position.

    (Though it appears he changed his mind about the hat, because as you continue observing the frames, the hat comes back down and to his right side, at which time he turns and looks over his right shoulder a second time. This time he is loudly saying something to Kennedy. He returns to his normal position a second time, and is shot around that time. That is the second BANG in his BANG.... BANG, BANG sequence.)

    Oh brother!

    And the incredible SBT Denial continues unabated!

    Congratulations, Sandy, on continuing that rich tradition.


    (EDIT -- I'm glad I was able to capture the original version of Sandy's last post, before he decided to completely delete/change those comments to something else almost as equally absurd.)


  7. 17 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Connally looks perfectly fine [in THIS CLIP]. His shoulder is rising because this is where he begins to lift his hat. Actually, part of that dark area may be part of his hat.

    Well, Sandy, since you're an anti-SBT conspiracy theorist, naturally I wouldn't expect you to believe that all (or any) of that Connally shoulder-flinching and lapel-bulging and eye-closing and mouth-opening and grimacing and arm-jerking (one frame later at Z226) had anything whatsoever to do with the bullet that even you know did strike Governor Connally's body at just about the exact same time in Dealey Plaza.

    All of that "jerky" kind of stuff we see happening with Mr. Connally between Z225 and approx. Z230 is probably just a fantastic coincidence of some kind. But none of those reactions can possibly be related to the bullet that hit him in the back that day. Right, Sandy?


  8. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Furthermore, it is clear that JFK began reacting before Z225, but Connally didn't. Others in this thread have pointed out that it was concluded in at least one of the official investigations that JFK began reacting before he even went behind the sign. So your contention is inconsistent with the SBT.

    The HSCA was wrong. Their ridiculously early Z190 timing for the SBT is....well, as I just said....ridiculous.

    If JFK had been hit in the back by a bullet as early as Z190, it is inconceivable that we would see his hands AS LOW as they are in Z224 and Z225....


    And, btw, when watching the above Z224-Z225 Z-Film clip a few times in a row, a good argument can be made for Kennedy actually LOWERING his right hand a little bit between those two frames, which only further tends to discredit the HSCA's absurdly early Z190 timeline for the SBT shot.


  9. 11 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    EDIT: But I just went back in this thread and saw that DVP supports the SBT. So I don't know how his "Connally jerk" could possibly relate to that. Given that JFK reacted before he claims Connally did.

    No. Both victims are jerking their right hands upward at exactly the same moment at Z226 (see the next clip below). Ergo, they are "REACTING" at the exact same time.

    Also -- Even if Z227 is missing from the previous clip, that would certainly not debunk the "Connally Arm Jerk" which begins at precisely Z226 (as this two-frame clip amply illustrates):



    Plus.....Connally, at Z225, is clearly also reacting in different ways to having just been hit by a bullet --- his mouth opens, a discernible grimace comes across his face (IMO), his eyes close, his shoulders jerk upward in a reflex action (a very typical "startle" type of response), and there's also the lapel/tie movement at Z224/225. The clip below ends at Z225....



    Lots More:



  10. 29 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    What would you call ~Z295?

    This is Z295 below. You think Connally is "doubled over" here? All we can see of him here is his head. And based on that head position, he sure doesn't appear to be in a "doubled over" posture to me. If anything, it's just the opposite. He's starting to lean backwards into his wife's lap. And how can leaning backwards possibly equate to doubling over? When a person "doubles over", they move forward, not backward.



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