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David Von Pein

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Posts posted by David Von Pein

  1. 50 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    At the risk of appearing to be a pernickety nitpicker, may I be so bold as to suggest that the author be advised of these apostrophic and other peccadilloes by private message?

    Pointing them out publicly in the forum makes it look like one is trying to score cheap points in order to compensate for being unable to logically rebut his article. 

    Oh, I assure you, I didn't read any of the two-part article. (~Shuddering at the thought.~)

    I merely searched both parts and used the handy "Word Find" tool to search for "its" and "it's". That's all.

  2. 7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    the most telling wound seen on the "Death Stare" photo, as I recall, is the obvious entry wound in the right upper forehead.

    So, the thing you say is an "obvious entry wound" in the Stare Of Death photograph was somehow completely missed (or ignored?) by all of the autopsy physicians?

    How can anyone truly believe such a thing?


  3. 4 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

    You also have an unfortunate aversion to the vocative (or direct address) comma. This is perfectly fine in informal chat, but in a published article?

    Along these same "grammar" lines....

    In his latest two-part essay on Pacino & Travolta, I see that Jim DiEugenio still hasn't managed to correct his persistent habit of misspelling the word it's as its (sans the apostrophe). (See Part 2 of the article for multiple examples.)

    I've noticed in recent months that multiple other Education Forum members (besides just Jim D.) also have that same habit of refusing to spell that particular word correctly. Which seems very curious to me. Is Jim's longtime grammar affliction contagious? SMILE-ICON.gif


  4. 4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    But before that visit to his hotel room, Wesley told Odio something remarkable.  

    He told her that they had orders from Warren to bury any trace of conspiracy.

    When she told Fonzi this, he was flabbergasted.  But she swore by it.

    And you actually believe this?

    It's utterly ridiculous to think that Wesley J. Liebeler made any such statement to Sylvia Odio.


  5. 48 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    But why did people smell gunsmoke? Well, said Posner, they may have smelled smoke from LHO's gun (which was 50 [yards] downwind). 

    Here are some comments I made while talking to some conspiracy theorists at Amazon.com in 2016 (when the Amazon forums were still alive and well). I think these remarks still apply today:


    "Tell me why the smell of Oswald's gunpowder couldn't have drifted down to street level after just a few seconds? Any reason why conspiracy theorists totally disregard that possibility altogether?

    Dealey Plaza is a very small place. I can easily envision Oswald's gun producing odors that would be noticeable within the entire Plaza a few seconds after the shots were fired from the sixth floor. Has such a thing ever been disproved? I think not.

    I think some witnesses did smell gunpowder. But a gun was being fired in the small Plaza that day. So, in my opinion, the gunpowder they smelled was from the ONE GUN that was KNOWN to have been fired that day---i.e., Oswald's Carcano from the sixth floor. I see nothing so impossible about people smelling OSWALD'S gunpowder. And [Ralph] Yarborough was certainly not ON THE GRASSY KNOLL when he smelled the gunpowder. He was in a car in the middle of Elm Street.

    Also -- Tom Dillard said he smelled the odor of gunpowder while he was right "at the corner" of Elm and Houston Streets during the time the assassination was occurring or very shortly after the shots were fired." -- DVP; March 2016


  6. 9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    It [Gerald Posner's outstanding 1993 book "Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald And The Assassination Of JFK" ] was never what it was titled to be, not for a minute.  But in some ways its [sic; as always] even worse today.

    As per usual, James DiEugenio has everything backwards. Because Gerald Posner's "Case Closed" is actually a very very good book. It's easily one of the Top 5 books ever written concerning the events of 11/22/63.

    Kudos go out to Mr. Posner for his book's 30th birthday here in 2023. It's a publication that has held up extremely well during these last thirty years. (The constant gripes of conspiracy theorists notwithstanding, of course.)

    DVP Book Review -- "Case Closed"



    More Interviews.....



  7. "Regardless of how many of Ruth's family members were charter members of the CIA, just how much direct influence do [conspiracy theorists] think Mrs. Ruth Paine actually had over the actions of one Lee H. Oswald in the weeks leading up to the assassination?

    And when we eliminate the silly idea that Ruth had anything whatsoever to do with "planting" Oswald in the Book Depository in order to frame him for President Kennedy's murder (which is exactly what many conspiracy theorists firmly believe DID happen in 1963, despite the fact we know that Ruth could not possibly have had any knowledge of the motorcade route through Dealey Plaza at the time she helped Oswald secure his TSBD job in mid-October), then what would be left for Mrs. Paine to do with Lee Oswald in any type of "frame-up" plot?

    What "role" did Ruth Paine supposedly play as Oswald's alleged "handler" in October and November of 1963? From the paper-thin arguments I've heard from some CTers over the years, it's never really fully defined as to just what purpose Ruth Paine served in the "Oswald Frame-Up" theory endorsed by conspiracists. Once we remove the "Planted In The Depository" nonsense, what's left?

    I'd like to know what Ruth's specific tasks and functions were in October and November of '63 as she supposedly served as Lee Harvey Oswald's "handler"? Because merely being friends and roommates with a person's wife doesn't seem to me to be enough to qualify Mrs. Paine as "handling" or "guiding" Lee Oswald in any manner whatsoever.

    And I'd also like to know what MOTIVE Ruth Paine would have had for participating in the evil DOUBLE plot of being part of a conspiracy to assassinate the President AND to frame an innocent man named Lee Harvey Oswald for that murder?

    In short, shouldn't a little more EVIDENCE be required before conspiracists feed Ruth Paine to the lions?


    Plus, are ALL "CIA employees" supposed to automatically be looked at as potential bad people? Or is the ENTIRE Central Intelligence Agency supposedly the scum of the Earth in the eyes of conspiracy theorists?

    Talk about painting things with a very wide brush.

    I also find it quite humorous to see how CTers treat Ruth Paine, whom the CTers have no evidence against whatsoever. They treat her as much more of a criminal than they do Lee Oswald, who [per the sum total of evidence in the case] is the man who took the life of JFK.

    I guess the "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" motto that CTers SAY they live by goes flying out the window when the discussion turns to Mrs. Paine. Because in the minds of many conspiracists, Ruth Paine IS guilty--of something.

    Irony at its best."

    -- David V.P.; September 2014 [Original Post]





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