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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Do you think that the Smith & Wesson revolver (Serial Number V510210) was the weapon that killed J.D. Tippit? If you answer yes to that question, then the only way for Lee Oswald to be innocent of that crime is if the "idiotic" scenario I mentioned in my last post actually somehow did occur on 11/22. Agreed?
  2. I totally agree with you on the O'Reilly film. I wrote a little mini-review of the "Killing Kennedy" hunk of junk in November of 2013: "Killing Kennedy [the 2013 TV movie] was absolutely horrible. While watching it, I had the feeling I was sitting through a non-stop series of mini movie trailers. That's the way it felt to me anyway. Short little scenes. Nothing fleshed out. And too many errors in the details to possibly mention them all. One of which was: They actually had pictures of Oswald visiting the Mexico City embassies. They just decided to invent some pictures that never existed, and then Hosty shows the pictures to Oswald after his arrest. A most curious fairy tale there. .... Too bad, too. Because Bill O'Reilly does have the bottom-line facts correct -- Oswald killed Kennedy and Tippit, and LHO took a shot at General Walker too. It's just a shame that the "Killing Kennedy" filmmakers tried to jam a six-hour story into ninety minutes." -- DVP; Nov. 2013 http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2012/10/killing-kennedy-by-bill-oreilly.html
  3. Oh yes, I definitely agree with you there. Myers doesn't mince any words. Nor do I think he should---especially with all the facts that are on his side regarding the Tippit murder (i.e., facts that are regarded as fake or fraudulent by many conspiracy theorists, without those CTers offering up the slightest bit of proof to show that any of the Tippit evidence is really fake or fraudulent; all the CTers have are their suspicions and their speculation). So, frankly, I can certainly understand the attitude that Mr. Dale K. Myers takes towards the conspiracy believers who continue to shout "Oswald Didn't Shoot Tippit". Because as I've stated before....
  4. I disagree with you on this, Pat. If such a rule were to be put in place, I think there would also be a lot of linked webpages posted by CTers that would also have to be disallowed, because I'll bet I could find many such CTer-linked articles that "abuse fellow forum members". Wouldn't you agree?
  5. Thanks very much for the link, Tracy. I would definitely have discovered that newest Dale Myers article myself later today (because I check his blog every single day to see if he's written anything new). But you beat me to it by about an hour. A link to Dale's 7/19/2022 blog entry regarding the J.D. Tippit murder has already found a home at my blog site here. As is usually the case, I enjoyed Dale's latest tell-it-like-it-is article. I've linked to many of Myers' blog pieces at my own website over the years since Dale started his own blog in 2007 (which, ironically, is the very same year I started my first blog at the same "blogspot" platform). I only wish I could convince Mr. Myers to become an active member of this forum. His detailed knowledge about so many aspects of the JFK and Tippit cases is virtually unparalleled. (The late Gary Mack comes close, however.) Dale could be such a valuable contributor to a JFK forum like this one. But, alas, I kind of doubt anyone could now ever talk Dale into joining any JFK Internet forum, in light of these comments written by Dale this week: "Years ago, when the Internet was in its infancy, I naively thought that forums like this would be a great way to share information, avoid duplication of effort, and generally enjoy the company of others who shared my passion for history and truth. Unfortunately, time has proven that the vast majority of these forums are nothing more than sandboxes for children where you either knuckle under the peer pressure or get sand kicked in your face. I’ve always found history fascinating and have spent the vast majority of my time trying to determine what is true, and what is not true, when it comes to the JFK assassination and the murder of Patrolman J.D. Tippit. To be honest, I haven’t learned one damn thing of importance from 26 years of patrolling these online forums. My occasional visits have become fewer and farther between – each time I’m reminded of why it’s better to stay away. Better for me, better for truth, and better for history." -- Dale K. Myers; July 19, 2022
  6. Jim, The rule in place here at this forum is that a member can't call ANOTHER FORUM MEMBER the L-word. Neither Bill nor I have done that. And you know it. Plus, you yourself just now spaced out the L-word so it would be visible. Which is the same kind of allowable usage of the word that I have applied in my posts (and Bill Brown too). IMO, the nitpicky efforts that some CTers are resorting to in order to try and get the LNers here into hot water with the moderators is laughable and silly.
  7. Are all LNers to be considered "trolls", Joseph? And speaking of forum rules --- Is it okay to refer to other forum members as "trolls" (as Joseph McBride just did above)? I doubt that it is. "No member is allowed to make personal insults with regard to another member."
  8. Oh for Pete sake. You can't possibly believe such nonsense.
  9. Does your above statement therefore mean that you don't think any of these non-Government people I mentioned earlier told any lies in connection with the JFK & Tippit murder cases? --- Roy Truly, Marrion Baker, Buell Frazier, Linnie Mae Randle, Howard Brennan, Ted Callaway, Ruth Paine, Michael Paine, and Marina Oswald. Remember, Sandy, you just said "The witnesses have no reason to lie."
  10. Many witnesses were wrong about many things. But that's a whole lot different than accusing the witnesses of lying. CTers have a list of l i a r s as long as my arm -- e.g., Truly, Baker, Frazier, Randle, Humes, Boswell, Brennan, Callaway, the Paines, Marina, and many others. My list of provable l-i-a-r-s has only two people on it: Roger Craig and Jean Hill. Do you believe Roger Craig's tale about seeing the words "7.65 Mauser" stamped on the TSBD rifle? And do you believe Jean Hill's late-arriving story about actually seeing a gunman fire at JFK from the Grassy Knoll? So you say. And it's a nice convenient excuse for CTers to use too --- i.e., The Government has a reason to lie and cover stuff up, so that's what they positively did do in the JFK case. To that, I say Hogwash!
  11. And yet I'm told that it's only the LNers who pick and choose. Looks like James DiEugenio of Los Angeles does it too. He's really fond of that "1:06" timestamp that Markham puts on the Tippit shooting, but Jim is quite willing and eager to toss Helen under the bus she was trying to catch when it comes to everything else she said. How nice.
  12. Good! More "altered" evidence! When a JFK researcher needs to have SO MUCH "altered evidence" and SO MANY "coerced" and/or "lying" witnesses to make their conspiracy case float....isn't it time to step back and re-assess your thinking a little bit? I would certainly think so.
  13. Which is, of course, impossible since we have TWO different sources for the ambulance being en route to Tenth & Patton at 1:18 (the Dudley Hughes call slip + DPD radio tapes). You think BOTH sources were wrong---to the exact same (wrong) minute??! (Wanna dance around this a third time?)
  14. Of course the big difference in this (Tippit/Callaway) case is that the man seen by Ted Callaway had the Tippit murder weapon on him when he was arrested while fighting with the police just half-an-hour after Callaway saw the armed man at Patton & Jefferson. An anesthetized armadillo could have solved the Tippit murder case in less than twelve hours. But, for some odd reason, thousands of unanesthetized conspiracy researchers can't seem to manage that simple feat. ~large shrug~
  15. Well, Tom, can you answer this for me please..... If the gun taken off of Oswald in the theater WASN'T the V510210 S&W gun that was shipped to Oswald by Seaport Traders, Inc., then how and when did the Dallas Police acquire the V510210 revolver? Even Oswald himself admits to taking a revolver into the movie theater. And there is no indication that Oswald owned TWO different revolvers. I guess CTers can speculate that Oswald got ahold of another pistol and it was this "other" gun that was taken off of him in the theater (and you DO believe he WAS caught with a gun on him in the theater, don't you Tom?)....but why would you want to jump through such "another gun" hoops when the logical answer is that the ONE & ONLY handgun known to be owned by Lee Oswald was, indeed, the gun wrested from his grasp in the Texas Theater on Friday, November 22nd? Shouldn't Occam and his handy Razor apply in this discussion about LHO's gun?
  16. So how do you account for the fact that the 1:18 ambulance call slip matches nicely with the DPD radio tapes, with the DPD tapes indicating that Tippit's ambulance was communicating via DPD radio in the 1:18 to 1:19 range? Do you want to suggest that BOTH the Dudley Hughes time clock AND the DPD clocks were BOTH incorrect by pretty much the exact same amount? https://www.jfk-assassination.net/dpdtapes/tapes2.htm
  17. Well, quite clearly that document cited by Gil cannot be relied on to be accurate with respect to at least one of the times given -- i.e., the "1:15" time for Tippit being pronounced dead is, of course, not accurate at all, since the ambulance didn't even receive the call to go get Tippit until 1:18 [see "With Malice", 1998 edition, pages 101-104]. Plus, the document Gil cites has the time "1:00" visible underneath the "1:15" mark-over, which is a further indication that whoever was creating that document was a bit confused on the times. Therefore, should the "3:30" time reference be trusted either? Maybe. But it's certainly not written in stone.
  18. Tom, There is absolute rock-solid proof that CE143, the gun with all the police officers' initials on it, is positively Lee Oswald's revolver. The only way anybody could possibly think otherwise is to postulate (i.e., pretend) that this document below (Michaelis Exhibit No. 2) is a fake/fraudulent document. Because that particular document verifies for all time that Seaport Traders, in March of 1963, shipped to "A.J. Hidell" a Smith & Wesson .38 Special revolver with the exact same serial number on it that appears in the picture provided above by Tom Gram---Serial Number V510210. And Seaport shipped that gun to the P.O. Box which we know was rented by the same man (Lee Oswald) who was arrested with a gun in his hands inside the Texas Theater on 11/22/63: Conspiracy believers can continue to pretend that the above document is fraudulent or manufactured by the cops if they want to (and some do), but there has never been one shred of PROOF to show that Michaelis Exhibit No. 2 (or any other Kennedy-related evidence, for that matter) has actually been faked or manufactured by any team of conspirators who were bent on framing Lee Harvey Oswald. https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Lee Oswald's Revolver
  19. Bill Brown then said: And yet Steve's humorous post (which was obviously done in a tongue-in-cheek manner) actually received this seemingly serious (??) response from conspiracist Gil J. Jesus: Gil Jesus said: So, either Gil was, indeed, taking Steve Roe's post seriously, or Gil thinks that a post designed to be humorous parody should actually include "citations". ~shrug~ + Here's my own attempt at parody and satire when it comes to the subject of Lee Oswald's obvious guilt in the Tippit murder. I wrote this 16 years ago: http://jfk-archives/The Hilarious Defense Of Lee Harvey Oswald
  20. Yes. Exactly. And I have postulated that precise scenario in the past: "My guess is that Helen Markham very likely timed it so that she would be at the Jefferson & Patton bus stop at approximately 1:15 every day, and she would (of course) then catch the next bus to come by that was going downtown (whenever that was, at 1:22, or 1:26, whenever). That way, she would be a little early to catch the next bus. Makes sense to me anyway. And the FBI report in CD630 clearly indicates that "the bus is scheduled to pass this point [at Patton and Jefferson] at about 1:12 PM and every ten minutes thereafter". So it's fairly clear that if Mrs. Markham didn't catch the 1:12 bus, she could have caught another bus at about 1:22 or 1:32. And since she didn't have to be at work until 2:30 PM, there was plenty of time to spare, even if she had to take one of those later busses. But it makes no sense for her to regularly get to the bus stop at 1:15 if she was really trying to catch a 1:12 bus. That's crazy." -- DVP; April 2017 http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Helen Markham's Bus
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