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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Sean, Stemmons Freeway wasn't even there in 1952 when that photo was snapped. Stemmons opened in 1959.
  2. I don't think my assertion is "unfounded" regarding the heights of the wounds in relation to each other. It's a comparison of 2D photos, that's true enough. But even without the use of photogrammetry (which would be the ideal method of comparison), I think it's obvious that the back wound is higher on JFK's body than is the exit/trach wound. And author Vincent Bugliosi agreed with me: "Perhaps the clearest visual evidence of the fact that the entrance wound in the [President's] back was definitely above the exit wound in the throat appears in one of [the autopsy] photos taken of the left side of the president's head as he is lying on his back, his head on a metal headrest. Only the wound to the throat is visible, not the wound to his upper right back. However, it couldn't be clearer from this photo that the wound to the back was definitely above the exit wound in the throat." -- Vince Bugliosi; Page 424 of "Reclaiming History"
  3. The JFK death announcement came at 1:38 PM CST on CBS-TV and within a minute or two of that on all the other TV networks. Of course we don't know what TV channel/network Marina & Ruth were watching, but if they were watching Channel 4 in Dallas (KRLD-TV / CBS affiliate), they would have heard Eddie Barker tell them at approx. 1:20 PM CST that the shooter "shot from a window in a building that I can best describe as being a factory loft that houses school books". (See video below at the 22:55 mark.) The word "Depository" I don't think was mentioned by Barker during the half-hour video presented below. [EDIT---Boy, was I dead wrong about this. See the next two posts by Karl Hilliard and myself.] I can't recall if the "Book Depository" was mentioned by name prior to the JFK death announcement at approx. 1:38 to 1:40 PM on any of the other TV networks either. But feel free to check those videos at my YouTube channel if you so desire. But keep in mind that the only LOCAL (Dallas) TV coverage I have is the 30 minutes of KRLD-TV coverage at the video embedded below and the WFAA-TV coverage (and the TSBD is certainly mentioned fairly early on in the WFAA coverage). AFAIK, nobody alive has the WBAP-TV (Ch.5) coverage or the KTVT-TV coverage either. https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidVonPeinJFK/playlists
  4. Hi James. I don't think I have the shirt photo you speak of. (But I'll check my computer to make sure.) But I totally disagree with your assertion that the SHIRT of JFK is "the best evidence available", regardless of where the bullet hole is on that shirt. You surely must agree with me that by far the BEST evidence for where the back wound was located is the ACTUAL BODY (skin) of John F. Kennedy. Right? And this photo montage below shows clearly that the back wound was anatomically HIGHER than the throat/neck/trach wound, using the crimps in JFK's neck as a good guide to show relative height. (The angled line on the left photo was not put there by me, btw.) ....
  5. Well, in the JFK case, that simply did not happen---as the side-by-side autopsy photo comparison below clearly demonstrates. It's quite clear (despite what the HSCA determined) that the wound in JFK's upper back was located ABOVE the exit wound in his throat: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/jfk-back-wound-location.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2018/01/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1270.html
  6. You "like", but you certainly don't agree with David Wolper's "Four Days" film. Right, Vince? Yes, that was pretty cool.
  7. Another man's opinion (just for the sake of "Equal Time").... The greatest JFK Assassination feature motion picture ever made (with no other film even coming close, IMO): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The greatest JFK Assassination documentary programs ever made: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. I see nothing "odd" about anything you just said. And I certainly don't find it altogether impossible....or even improbable. In fact, everything you just mentioned is true. (IMO.)
  9. But keep in mind that the Depository warehouse building on Houston Street that Ruth saw while driving on Stemmons was located very near Elm Street. It was only---what?---two blocks north on Houston. So the two TSBD buildings were, indeed, very close to one another. Given that fact, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for someone casually driving on Stemmons to think that the "warehouse" building on Houston was located on Elm (or vice versa). Was Ruth supposed to keep track of all Dallas streets at all times and where things were located on those streets? Why would she have cared what street that warehouse she saw was on? And why would she have needed to commit such knowledge to memory? It didn't make any difference to her what street that TSBD warehouse was located on.* * The CTers who think that Ruth Paine was involved in a scheme to plant LHO in the TSBD on Elm Street must think otherwise, of course. But I'm not wired with "Conspiracy" circuitry. So it's my view that the "Elm Street" address that Ruth did, indeed, write down in her address book (and see in the phone book) meant very little to her at all. And therefore there was no reason for her to concentrate on that address at all after jotting it down in her address book or seeing it in print in the telephone book. And, in fact, she pretty much told us that very thing in this WC testimony: "I was not aware, hadn't taken in the idea of there being two buildings and that there was one on Elm, though, I copied the address from the telephone book, and could well have made that notation in my mind but I didn't."
  10. Another new addition to my "Dealey Plaza" page.... From May of 1952.... Source: Robin Unger's Photo Gallery....
  11. Denis Morissette said: One minute later, Denis Morissette added: 13 minutes later, Denis Morissette added: 2½ hours later, Denis Morissette said: DVP now says: Oh yes! Definitely! The word "Warehouse" is plainly visible above the word "book". Thanks so much for digging up that rarely-seen photo, Denis! So now we know that Ruth Paine, in her testimony, was positively referring to the TSBD building located at 1917 North Houston Street (see Roy Truly's Warren Commission testimony at 3 H 237 for verification of that address). I officially now stand corrected in my previous assumption and speculation that Ruth saw the "TSBD" title on the Elm Street building. Because the photo below supplied by Denis Morissette clearly shows that on the front of the Houston Street building, facing Stemmons Freeway, are the words "Warehouse -- Texas School Book Depository":
  12. Dale hits the nail squarely on the head (again). My $0.02: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2021/12/dvp-vs-dieugenio-part-135.html
  13. More sickening (veiled) allegations from DiEugenio. All without a stitch of proof.....as usual.
  14. Yes. I did exactly that just after you posted it earlier today. And I've already added it to my sites and my YouTube channel. (It's labeled as a Public Domain program there at SoundCloud, btw.) It has some interviews I had not heard previously, such as the one with Earlene Roberts and one with Ruby's sister, Eva Grant, plus a Jim Chaney interview and one with John Connally upon his release from Parkland. Good stuff.
  15. I can still see your exchange with Myers, Sandy. http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2022/07/lies-and-deception-in-tippit-murder.html
  16. I've confirmed that there is an interview with Earlene Roberts on this "Fateful Hours" KLIF retrospective program, with Roberts saying (at about the 27:00 mark) that Oswald left his room wearing a "short gray coat", just as Dale Myers said in his 2017 blog article.
  17. Excellent job of digging that up, Tom! Thanks. I'm starting to listen to it now (7:40 PM EDT on July 24). (I see it's been available at Sound Cloud since Nov. 2013. But I had never heard about this program before now. Thanks again, Tom Gram.)
  18. Excellent, Denis! I have never been able to find a picture of the Houston Street TSBD warehouse. But there it is in your photo. And, sure enough, that building (just like the Elm St. building) has the words "Texas School Book Depository" written right on it. It doesn't, however, say the word "Warehouse" as Ruth Paine said it did. EDIT --- Or is the word "Warehouse" there after all? I just noticed --- Does it say "Warehouse" above the word "Book" in the picture of the Houston St. building? What do you think, Denis? Can that area be enhanced somewhat? It looks like a word might be printed there, and it could be the word "warehouse" I suppose. Also.... Denis, does that photo of the Houston St. building actually face Stemmons Freeway? Would the words "TSBD" have, indeed, been visible to anyone driving on the Stemmons highway? If so, that means that BOTH of the Depository buildings would have been visible from Stemmons, and BOTH buildings would have had their names ("TSBD") easily visible to anyone who was looking in that direction from Stemmons Freeway. And therefore it's really not possible to say for sure which of the two buildings Mrs. Paine was referring to when she said this to the Warren Commission in 1964 (unless we can verify that the word "Warehouse" is, in fact, there at the top of the building located on Houston Street): "I had seen a sign on a building as I went along one of the limited access highways that leads into Dallas, saying "Texas School Book Depository Warehouse" and there was the only building that had registered on my consciousness as being Texas School Book Depository."
  19. Jacket Addendum.... Regardless of the exact color or shade of the jacket that Oswald was zipping up as he departed 1026 Beckley on Nov. 22, I think Earlene Roberts' comments (regardless of which version you want to choose) provide pretty solid proof that Lee Oswald was zipping up a "short coat" (jacket) as he left the house that day. We can argue about the exact color of Oswald's jacket all year long....but is there a person at this forum who REALLY thinks that Earlene Roberts was telling a big fat lie when she said she saw Oswald hurriedly enter his room on 11/22 and then rush out again while zipping up a jacket (or "short coat")? Why would anyone disbelieve at least THAT part of Roberts' story? She has ALWAYS maintained that Oswald rushed in and out again, and she's always maintained he was zipping up a jacket as he left.
  20. Tom, Here's the 2017 Dale Myers article in which he uses the KLIF interview as a source. It's footnote #48.... Quoting Myers... "On the day of the assassination, Earlene Roberts said that Oswald “rushed in ... and got a short gray coat and went on back out in a hurry.” [48] ” [48] KLIF Interview http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2017/11/when-jd-tippit-was-gunned-down.html
  21. Marty Brennaman and Joe Nuxhall (as mentioned earlier) were my guys on the radio. Along with Al Michaels (in 1971, 72, and 73 on the Reds network). Al has been a favorite sports voice of mine for many years. I've got a page on my site devoted to him, in fact. ....
  22. Thanks for sharing all those memories, Pat. Very interesting. And, as a Reds fan, I of course wasn't exactly rooting for your Dodgers either. It was quite a rivalry in the '70s, to be sure. Any fan was lucky to get a seat in the 26th row of the red seats when L.A. came to Riverfront in those days (that's the last row of the top deck; and I sat up there for a Mets-Reds doubleheader on July 11, 1975; that ticket stub is in the photo montage I linked earlier). And you were speaking of the great James Rodney Richard. I happen to have this handmade logo (and radio highlights) featuring ol' J.R., exactly three months to the day before he suffered his stroke.... And here's a game I found recently that might appeal to you, Pat. It has the legendary Vin Scully calling the action at Riverfront in 1971. A very good game too (the Reds won).....
  23. I agree 100%, Bill. "The LHO prints on the Sniper's Nest boxes are not (themselves) conclusive proof of Oswald's guilt, true. But when placing those prints (and the critical, key LOCATIONS of where those prints were found and on WHAT SPECIFIC BOXES) next to all of the other "LHO Was Here" evidence that is piled against the door, those box prints of Oswald's become more significant, in that those prints are CORROBORATIVE OF OTHER "OSWALD" EVIDENCE that was found in the Sniper's Nest. It's beyond me how anyone can completely dismiss those multiple LHO prints (which are prints that were found on two boxes DEEP INSIDE the assassin's Sniper's Nest) with the typical three-word CTer retort of "He worked there"." -- DVP; November 18, 2007 http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/Oswald Was In The Sniper's Nest http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/06/More "Sniper's Nest" Talk
  24. The source is, I think, a Dale Myers blog article, in which he sources the "short gray coat" info with "KLIF interview, Nov. 22". BTW, just the other day I listened to all of my extensive KLIF Radio coverage from 11/22/63, but I could not find any interview with Earlene Roberts. But I have no doubt that if Dale Myers sourced it as a "KLIF interview", it did definitely happen. I just don't have it in my collection.
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