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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. And yet you CTers think that this "blonde" person was supposedly IMPERSONATING the dark-haired Lee Oswald?? Only three words are needed now.... WTF???
  2. No LNer has ever used her (AFAIK). Why would they?
  3. Oh, OK. Thanks, Rich. (I think it might be time for an "LOL" icon now.) I guess I must've forgotten that particular aspect of Judyth's fantasy tale. I don't pay much attention to anything going on in Camp Judyth. (I do have a 2-part series on Judyth at my website though. So I haven't ignored her altogether. But she does deserve to be ignored.)
  4. Good one, Francois. In Judyth's fantasy world, I wonder which of the two camps she's in ---- "Lee Went To Mexico" or "Lee Didn't Go To Mexico"? I'm not sure which camp she resides in. (Not that it matters, because no reasonable person could even begin to take anything she says seriously.)
  5. A worthy reprise..... Question for conspiracy theorists: If Lee Harvey Oswald was not in Mexico between the dates of September 25 and October 3, 1963, then where was Lee Harvey Oswald during that time period? Nobody that I am aware of places Oswald anywhere EXCEPT in Mexico (or on the busses going to and from Mexico) during that eight- to nine-day period in question. Marina Oswald certainly didn't say that her husband was with her during that period of time. In fact, quite the opposite. Marina knew darn well that Oswald was going to Mexico City at that time. And Ruth Paine has never said she saw Oswald during that period just prior to his returning to the Dallas/Irving area on October 3rd. This might seem like a minor point to some people, but I think it deserves some attention and is a valid and reasonable question that I just asked. I mean, everybody's got to be SOMEWHERE. So, if Lee Oswald didn't travel to Mexico from Sep. 25 to Oct. 3, 1963, then where the heck was he concealing himself for those eight or nine days after he was last seen in New Orleans? David Von Pein September 18, 2010
  6. When I first saw this thread title today, my first thought was that Jim was trying to say.... Oswald was not in the Marine Corps. I was all ready to get out this icon ---- ---- when I then realized that "MC" was short for "Mexico City". Maybe Jim should change the title so that others like me won't be confused and want to pull out the eyeroll emoji.  Although, the eyeroll icon can most certainly still be used even though the MC = Mexico City. Because it couldn't be clearer from the bulk of the evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald definitely DID travel to Mexico City in September of 1963. (More facts below.) http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/09/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-793.html
  7. Francois, The YouTube video you posted of the excellent PBS documentary "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" unfortunately cannot be played in the USA. It's been blocked in the United States (and probably in Canada too) by PBS. But it's available at my A/V website, here.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. You bet someone's been asking that question ---- Me! I've been asking CTers that very question for at least 8 years now, including the post below from 2010. No CTer has ever provided any kind of a reasonable or sensible answer to my inquiry either. And I can't even recall any CTer even TRYING to provide a reasonable answer. My question is usually just ignored entirely. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.assassination.jfk/qA5_YBv2BD0/ZGJrTwbeaucJ
  9. RELATED CAT FIGHT.... JAMES DiEUGENIO SAID [ AT DPF ON MARCH 30, 2015 ]: Von Pein is the prime example of the Warren Commission Crazies or kamikazes. I mean, see there was never any evidence that Oswald ever picked up the handgun used to shoot Tippit at Railway Express. In fact, even more exculpatory, there was never any evidence that the FBI even went there. So how did the transaction happen? DAVID VON PEIN SAID: How about that for sterling logic and razor-sharp evaluation of the evidence against Oswald in the Tippit murder, folks? DiEugenio is much more concerned about the lack of a paper trail that would connect Lee Harvey Oswald to the Smith & Wesson revolver that killed Officer J.D. Tippit than he is about the PROVABLE FACT that Oswald had that very same gun ON HIM (as he was trying to shoot more policemen with it) when he was arrested inside the Texas Theater just a half-hour after Officer Tippit was gunned down. There are no words left for me to use to describe how utterly preposterous DiEugenio's thinking is regarding this matter concerning Oswald's revolver and the Railway Express. To DiEugenio, Oswald being caught red-handed with the murder weapon in his very own hands in the movie theater on 11/22/63 is of far less importance than being able to answer the following question --- When and where did Oswald first pick up the revolver after he purchased it by mail order in early 1963? http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/05/More About Oswald & His Rifle Purchase
  10. You're probably only looking at the "simulated" photos, which were taken by the FBI in March of '64. Here's Photo #14, which is a photo taken on 11/22/63, and this picture does seem to show some blood on the ground.... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11029#relPageId=25&tab=page
  11. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2017/04/photos-of-tippit-murder-scene.html Also check out Warren Commission Document No. 630 (below)....
  12. It sure does.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/Oswald In Mexico City
  13. And I never said that you said those things. I merely said your comments "reminded" me of those other comments I posted. Mainly so that I can add various discussions and sub-topics to my "JFK Archives" website. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/04/index.html I didn't attend any college.
  14. Thanks for the "alias" info, Jim. The use of an "alias" on JFK forums is so silly, IMO. Why do people want to masquerade as someone else? And why do they want their posts to be credited to someone else? It makes no sense to me. I, of course, have been accused many times of using an alias myself on the Internet. But I've never done so. And I don't know why people keep insisting that I have. Any idea why Doyle was posing as "Yates" for a period of time, Jim? (Just curious.) BTW, yes, I do know who the "real" Ralph Leon Yates was.* I have discussed the wild story of the real Mr. Yates with CTers in past years, including a brief chat with William Kelly at this forum in December 2010. And, as we can see from reading the FBI report on Yates in the 2nd link below, it turns out that Mr. Yates (the real one) was a bigger fantasist than even most CTers. His story is so obviously completely fabricated.... http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/13820-ralph-leon-yates/ https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=57741&relPageId=67 * And there are probably many Americans named "Ralph Yates". So I never thought it was impossible for a JFK forum member to have the same name as the real Ralph (Leon) Yates who has a connection with the JFK case (albeit an obviously fabricated "connection").
  15. A basic observation that is usually overlooked.... "Just having Lee Oswald in the general area of the [Tippit] crime, with a gun, and acting "funny" and obviously avoiding the police is a good hunk of circumstantial evidence leading to his guilt right there. Where does the road of common sense take a reasonable person when JUST the above after-the-shooting activity of Lee Harvey Oswald is examined objectively? It sure doesn't lead to total innocence, I'll tell ya that right now. (Especially when the stuff that went on inside the movie theater is factored in as well.) In a nutshell, this murder boils down to the following concrete fact (based on the overall weight of the evidence that surrounds the crime): If Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill J.D. Tippit -- then J.D. Tippit wasn't killed at all. Maybe it was all some kind of "Bobby Was In The Shower" type of dream or something instead." -- DVP; October 2006
  16. Your comment reminded me of these fabulously idiotic remarks uttered by a couple of conspiracy fantasists a few years back.... "I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people. I think we also need to figure out a way to move towards prosecuting them. These persons are just in flagrant denial of the obvious evidence of Oswald's CIA relationship." -- Ralph Yates; January 31, 2015 ~~~~~~~~~ "Now can we work on getting Von Pein legally prohibited from use of the internet?" -- Albert Doyle; February 6, 2015 (Oh, my poor weak bladder!)
  17. Same here. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/hilarious-defense-of-oswald.html
  18. Don't be silly, Jimmy. The "rifle transaction" subject is one of my very favorite topics in this whole case. I've spent many many hours working on the two pages of info below. So, of course I'm going to bring it up as often as I possibly can, mainly because (IMO) my arguments (and hard evidence) surrounding the "rifle" topic are so much better, believable, and sensible than anything the conspiracy fantasists have countered with since 1963.
  19. Oh, so you think that I myself arranged to have this guy who works for Los Angeles Airways to appear on Groucho Marx's radio program in 1952 so that he could talk about being able to get a letter to travel from California to New York in less than a day? Seeing as how I wasn't even born until 1961, that would have been a nifty little trick on my part, wouldn't it? Or maybe you got mixed up and were really referring to the time I received the assistance of former postal worker Jimmy Orr when talking about the topic of Oswald's rifle order---in this discussion.
  20. I don't need to fly to Fantasy Land to prove my point about Oswald's letter. I've got rock solid PROOF that it travelled from Dallas to Chicago in one day. And that proof is in the form of the three documents pictured below (CE773, CE788, and Waldman Exhibit No. 7). CE773 is clearly dated March 12 (10:30 AM); CE788 [the money order Oswald bought at the Post Office] clearly has the date of March 12 on it; And Waldman No. 7 [the Klein's internal order form for Oswald's rifle purchase] has the date March 13 stamped at the top of it. Now, just try convincing a reasonable jury of 12 men and women that all three of these documents are fake (which clearly is the fantastic belief possessed by most of the Internet conspiracy theorists here in the 21st century)....
  21. Here's a much better possibility.... Roger Craig lied when he said he looked at his watch and noted the time as 1:06. In 1968, he said he wasn't even on the 6th floor at the time he found out Tippit had been shot.
  22. The above info regarding Roger Craig only further shows what a l-i-a-r Craig was concerning various aspects of this murder case (assuming, that is, that John Armstrong has quoted Craig accurately). Just have a look at this other version of Craig's story pertaining to how he first found out about the shooting of Officer Tippit (which totally contradicts what Armstrong quoted above). The excerpt below comes from THIS 1968 NEWSPAPER ARTICLE ("RC" is Roger Craig)....
  23. Not if the time was really 1:22 instead of 1:06 --- which is undoubtedly the reasonable answer. And don't you find it rather interesting that Craig's time of "1:06" perfectly matches Helen Markham's "1:06"? Odd coincidence, isn't it? When was the first time Craig uttered his "1:06" timeline, BTW? Any idea? Had he known about Markham's specific "1:06" reference when he first dished up his "1:06" fairy tale, I wonder? As a side note here.... You do realize that Roger D. Craig is one of the few PROVABLE LIARS connected to the JFK case, don't you Sandy? There can be no doubt about that fact, as I prove in the article below.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/10/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1194.html
  24. So now, Sandy (et al), if that "1:06" report of Roger Craig's is exactly correct, you've got to back up the actual time of Tippit's murder to about--what?--12:55 or 1:00 or 1:02. Keep going....pretty soon you'll have Tippit being shot before JFK was assassinated. But we know that Roger Craig's 1:06 timing is way off, because the above excerpt posted by Jim Hargrove says that when Craig heard of Tippit's murder, the rifle had just then been discovered on the sixth floor. And we know the rifle was found at precisely 1:22 PM. (Or should I believe the "1:22" official time for the rifle discovery is a "fake" time too?)
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