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Zach Robertson

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Posts posted by Zach Robertson

  1. Thomas,

    Here is a an image I constructed taking the Secret Service photo and adding Sorrels' photo from the Abeline Reporter News from 11/24/64.

    Boris Pash does resemble the man in the image with LBJ but Pash was shorter. Sorrels was in the car ahead of Kennedy on 11/22. He retired in 1969 after 47 years with the Secret Service, spending many years at the Dallas branch office.

    post-6350-029244600 1319240011_thumb.jpg


  2. #4) Was the man who resembled Boris Pash at Parkland Hospital ever identified? (I think he was photographed leaving the hospital with LBJ.)

    Hi Thomas,

    I am pretty sure the man who exited Parkland Hospital in between President Johnson and Secret Service Agent Rufus Youngblood was Forrest V. Sorrels an Agent of the Secret Service's Dallas office.


  3. I think Larry originally wanted to write a short monograph e-book that was to further explore where SWHT had left off in the 2010 paperback edition. This e-book was to be available by the 2011 November Conferences. It was titled, “A Mansion Has Many Rooms,” an obvious reference to the infamous James Angleton quote in the New York Times on Christmas day, 1974. However, the project quickly grew into a full length book that is now available for both e-book and paperback editions.

    "NEXUS" refers to a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, in this case within the U.S. intelligence community. It tells the story about how an element within a government agency could remove its own commander-in-chief.

    I have read the book and I must say it is absolutely phenomenal. There is some material in the book that I have not seen elsewhere. Eventually there will be a linking website for the book that contains documents, photos, etc. I encourage others to take a look at the book, as it is well worth your time.



  4. You are welcome Scott.

    Here is Nino's BOP file. Looks like he was a Ft. Benning graduate:

    First Name HIGINIO

    Last Name DIAZ ANE

    CIA Number 1336

    Brigade Registration Date 3/13/1961

    Batallion Unit BON ESP CO JEF

    Age at Invasion 36

    Birth Place ORIENTE

    Brigade Position JEFE BON

    Arrival Ship SANTA ANA

    Sandalio Herminio Diaz Garcia was not a Bay of Pigs veteran. He was involved in a series of nefarious activities in the Carribean in the 1950s. Herminio Diaz did not emigrate to the United States until the summer of 1963 via Mexico City, where he allegedly met up with a curious group of folks.


  5. I always thought The Last Investigation would make for the best movie about the JFK assassination. It would be a fine follow up to Oliver Stone's film, so people - not just researchers - would understand how the HSCA really worked and see why the government doesn't want to solve the JFK assassination. I am a little surprised that no one has attempted to do so, but maybe people have and there are other factors at work here.


  6. I have found the following to be as revealing a look at the DIA as one will find, also The Invisible Government

    as old a book as it is, is also fairly indispensable

    google books results


    Church Committee: Book I - Foreign and Military Intelligence

    XV. Department of Defense


    below is particularly good

    page 159-160 The Spy Book: The Encyclopedia of Espionage

    The man who knew too much - Page 142

    books.google.comDick Russell - 2003 - 588 pages

    Dulles would later write of the possibility "that two such powerful and well- financed agencies as

    CIA and DIA will become rivals and competitors ... It was William Quinn who set up

    James Angleton as his man in Italy after World War II. ...

    First DIA head after creation during JFK Administration


    Sources: 1969 Who's Who in America; Brink: Cuban Crisis, Detzer (95); CIA: Myth & Madness, McGarvey (141, 143); Cold Warrior, Tom Mangold (391); Deep Black, Burrows (110); Farewell America, Hepburn (321); Hidden Terrors, Langguth (107); Invisible Government, Wise & Ross (215); JFK, Prouty (228); JFK and Vietnam, J. Newman (280-281, 466); Keeper of the Keys, Prados (204); The Pentagon, Mollenhoff (116); Puzzle Palace, Bamford (190); Widows, Corson & Trento (203); Who's Who in CIA, Mader.

    Mary's Comments: DOB: Mar 19, 1910. POB: Chicago, Ill. Son of James Michael and Sara (Kane) Carroll. Married Mary Ann Morrissey, Aug 21, 1937. Children: Joseph Francis, James Michael, Brian Patrick, Dennis Thomas, Kevin Martin. Admitted to Illinois bar 1940. Spl. agt. various field offices FBI 1940-44. Chief of general criminal sect. Washington, asst. div. chief. gen investigations dir. 1944-45. Dir. compliance enforcement div. Surplus Property Administn. and War Assets Administrn., 45-47. insp. in charge of fraud and accounting matters, FBI, May-Dec. 1947. Commd. col., USAF. Re. Jan. 1948. Brig. Gen. U.S. Air Force, Feb. 1948. Called to active duty, May 1948, now Maj. Gen. Dir. Of. of Spl. Investigations, The Insp. Gen., USAF, 1948-50. Dep. Insp. Gen. for security, 1950-59. Dep. comdr. USAFE, (REAR), 1958-60. Lt. Gen. & Dir. of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 1966. Recipient Chief Justice White Scholarship award, Loyola Univ. Law Sch., 1940. Legion of Merit, 1949, D.S.M. Mem. Ill. Bar Assn. Roman Catholic.

    Thank you very much Robert!

    I will check out the Invisible Government. Information is few and far between but here is a brief history of the DIA I found that contains some good stuff:

    A History of the Defense Intelligence Agency


  7. This is why he brought in an outsider like McCone and then placed RFK as a kind of ombudsman over the CIA. HE then instructed McNamara to set up an alternative intelligence agency, the DIA.

    Hi Jim,

    Well said above. Without going too far off topic, I was wondering what you think are the best sources for researching the origins of the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA] and their founding director, General Joseph Carroll?

    I find it a little surprising that there is not much said about the DIA during the Kennedy years on this forum and elsewhere.



  8. In regard to CIA-involvement in foreign assassination plots he did write some pieces for a sexy men's magazine, Swank--edited by his good friend, the late Bill Ryan--about that topic: How the C.I.A. Blew Away Trujillo, in October, 1975; and Why the CIA Will Win; Why the Rest of Us Will Lose, in February, 1976. I don't imagine that these articles were widely read, but we needed the money, and everything he wrote was passionately researched.

    Does anybody have these articles? They sound really good. Everything I have read by St. George is excellent so I'm sure these are as well.

    "Why The CIA Will Win; Why the Rest of Us Will Lose"



    In the '70s, Senator Church tried to clean house at the CIA -- he failed. His committee became lost in polite colloquies with bureaucratic witnesses -- ambassadors, generals, senior administration officials -- and rarely forced testimony on CIA genocide around the world. If you still believe that Congress can clean up America's festering corruption, this article is for you.


  9. The photocopy of his passport photograph is all I could get from my usual source. Maybe Wikileaks could provide me with a better picture.

    I wonder if Julian Assange takes requests?

    My favorite line from the movie is when the Oswald Imposter [James MacColl in his only film role] is at the car dealership and says something like: “If I was a doctor, and I wanted to give the world an enema, I'd stick the nozzle right here in Dallas, Texas.”


  10. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your reply. I probably saw Pat's post at some point but I have been through so many Forum pages, I can't remember. Thanks for bringing it back.

    I very much respect Mr. Scott and all the great work he has done. His reply was from 6 years ago and I think it might be worth revisiting this subject. I think Larry Hancock has done the best job in disseminating the information surrounding Carl Jenkins and it is included in the 2010 update to his great book, Someone Would Have Talked.

    I'm interested in learning all I can about Carl Jenkins.


  11. I'm very interested in learning more about Carl Elmer Jenkins. Are there any other photographs of him available besides his passport?

    There are only a small handful of documents on Mary Ferrell on him as well. Jenkins did use the pseudonym "James E. Beckhoff." Here are a couple worth noting:

    Safe Houses for AMWORLD as discussed with Michael C. CHOADIN

    11/21/63 Telecom with Beckhoff [Jenkins] and Reuteman [shackley]

    11/1/67 Possible Guerrilla Activity in Chile

    Does anyone know if he used any other field names, and if so, what they were? Anything at all would be greatly appreciated!



    Here are a couple other items on Jenkins:

    Posted on Sat, Apr. 16, 2011 The Miami Herald

    Useppa: island with a Bay of Pigs pedigree




    Shaded by ancient banyan trees, the old "pink path" links Useppa's Collier Inn with other parts of the 100-acre island.

    As historians look back 50 years on the Bay of Pigs invasion, one often-ignored sidelight is the small but important role played by a tiny island off Florida’s Gulf Coast.

    Useppa, a secluded, sun-dappled 100-acre plot of land west of Fort Myers, briefly became a jumping off point for the dreams of Cuban exiles yearning to take back their country. Here is the story of that role as told to the author by Carl Jenkins, a CIA officer who also served in the Marines.

    Jenkins had been training an infiltration teams in Saipan, in the western Pacific, to help bring about the eventual downfall of Indonesian’s President Sukarno when he was recalled and sent to Miami for a somewhat similar assignment involving a dictatorial leader closer to home.

    When he arrived, Jenkins said in the 2008 interview at his home in Texas, he joined forces with Manuel Artime, a disaffected one-time Castro revolutionary considered by the CIA to be the key to any effort by exiles to mount an invasion of their homeland. Artime had connections to the Agrupacion Catolica, a student group tied to Havana’s Villanova University. He also knew disaffected Cuban army troops.

    “We came to an understanding that Artime would provide the students and he would establish contact with ex-Cuban Army people,’’ said Jenkins. “They knew each other, but they weren’t prepared to work together at that point.”

    Meanwhile, the CIA was arranging cover and setting up a covert training facility on Useppa, located 15 to 20 minutes by boat off Florida’s Gulf Coast.

    For centuries, the island had seen only occasional use by fisherman and adventurers. In 1894, it was acquired by John M. Roach, a Chicago street-car tycoon.

    One of Roach’s guests was Baron G. Collier, a New York advertising executive and wealthy Florida land owner who developed much of Southwest Florida (Collier County is named for him) and built the Tamiami Trail between Miami and Tampa.

    Now, it was to become the first covert CIA base in Florida.

    Freddie Goudie, a well-to-do Cuban businessman of Scottish descent, along with a half dozen others, provided the cover, leasing the island under Goudie’s name. Jenkins was listed as the company manager.


    “The idea,” said Jenkins, “was that Goudie and his group had contracted with a personnel company that would assess the abilities of all the people that they sent over there and try and assign them to jobs that they fitted…based on language abilities and so forth.”

    President Eisenhower signed off March 17, 1960, on what was to become the Bay of Pigs. Jenkins and another CIA agent started ferrying recruits from Miami to Useppa a month later.

    In two rental cars, he and a CIA colleague would pick up the exile recruits in the afternoon at a White Castle parking lot on Brickell Avenue in downtown Miami. They would then drive on the old Tamiami Trail through the Everglades to the departure point by boat for Useppa, returning the same night; a round trip of some 300 miles.


    Jenkins estimates it took a couple of months to ferry the 80 exile recruits to Useppa where he decided “we needed to have serial numbers if we were going to have a semi-military operation. We would start with 2,500…if they were picked up and asked for their serial numbers it would indicated there were 2,500, or more than there actually were…the first number went to Goudie, the front man.”

    The arriving recruits were housed at the island’s Collier Inn, formerly known as the Tarpon Inn. As part of the vetting process, personnel assessments were prepared and lie-detector tests were given.

    “Before we were finished, we knew more about these people than their parents did,” said Jenkins. It was the beginning of what eventually was to become Brigade 2506, although at the time there was no intention of a brigade or an invasion. “It was August, 1960, before that idea was ever sold…and I opposed it from the start,” said Jenkins.


    In June, 1960, about 30 of the 80 or so recruits at Useppa were sent to Panama for further training in communications as radio operators, as well as intelligence gathering and propaganda. Most of the others went to a newly opened training base in Guatemala. Jenkins was to become the first commander there as well.

    As for Useppa, it now is an exclusive home for the well-to-do, with, according to its website: “140 privately owned homesites, two marinas, two food and beverage facilities, a retail store, a wide array of island accommodations, a service department and a utility company.”

    The island is administered by The Useppa Island Club.

    You can’t just drop in. To get to the island as a visitor, advance permission is required.

    The island’s boast: No Bridges, No Cars, No Crowds.

    But it does have a history. And a Bay of Pigs pedigree that is unique.

    Don Bohning, a retired Miami Herald Latin America editor, is author of ‘The Castro Obsession: US Covert Activities Against Cuba 1959-1965.’

    Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/04/16/v-print/2170877/useppa-island-with-a-bay-of-pigs.html#ixzz1WrLuEu66

    Here is a snippet of another from the Washington Post

    The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory; From Nixon to North, From Castro to the Contras, the Christics Can Explain It All

    The Washington Post

    Author: Mark Hosenball

    Date: Sep 11, 1988


    Together, [Daniel Sheehan] asserts, these unlikely partners devised a plan to train a secret band of ultra-right-wing Cuban exiles-or "contras," as Sheehan cleverly calls them-who would be infiltrated into Cuba to foment a counter-revolutionary uprising. Within this clandestine army was an even more secret squadron allegedly composed of professional assassins. Sheehan calls them the "shooter team" and says that in 1962 a young CIA officer named Ted Shackley and a sidekick named Tom Clines were put in charge of the "contra war" against [Fidel Castro].

    While in Southeast Asia, according to Sheehan, Shackley and his accomplices got up to a variety of nefarious activities, ranging from a campaign of political assassinations in Vietnam to meetings with Florida gangsters and Laotian opium warlords. Sheehan adds that during a brief sabbatical as head of the CIA's Latin America division in Washington in the early 1970s, Shackley managed to mount a military coup against Salvador Allende, the Chilean Marxist. Meanwhile, according to a version of the theory outlined by Sheehan in a speech on Sept. 4, 1987, three members of the "shooter team" were among those arrested while planting bugs in the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee; other team members were involved in the assassination of President [John Fitzgerald Kennedy].

    Then it was back to serious dirty work, according to allegations made by Sheehan in court documents. Serving first as the CIA's East Asia operations chief and later as assistant deputy director of clandestine operations, Shackley (with his trusty aide Clines) supposedly stole tons of U.S. weapons from South Vietnam and stashed them in Thailand. Later, Sheehan claims, Shackley, Clines, [Richard V. Secord] and a member of the "shooter team" named Rafael "Chi-Chi" Quintero siphoned off millions of dollars in Southeast Asia opium profits and laundered them through the mysterious Nugan Hand bank of Australia.

    Link to google news archives for "Carl Jenkins" "CIA"

    Most of these items are Pay-Per-View, and I can certainly appreciate the bigwigs at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram trying to profit off an article from June 14, 1992 - but, to me, this is easily one of the most annoying aspects of research :angry:


  12. I watched Executive Action for the first time last night. For those who don't know it is a 1973 movie about the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. I think it is an impressive film.

    The assassination is organised by James Farrington (Burt Lancaster), a black operations specialist who used to work with the CIA. I imagine that Farrington is based on David Morales. Ed Lauter (Carl Elmer Jenkins) is the man who trains the assassination team. This part of the film is very convincing.

    I agree that Executive Action is a tremendous film. It was a very bold project considering it was less than 10 years after the assassination and I think everyone who worked on the film knew it would be extremely controversial.

    I'm very interested in learning more about Carl Elmer Jenkins. Are there any other photographs of him available besides his passport?

    There are only a small handful of documents on Mary Ferrell on him as well. Jenkins did use the pseudonym "James E. Beckhoff." Here are a couple worth noting:

    Safe Houses for AMWORLD as discussed with Michael C. CHOADIN

    11/21/63 Telecom with Beckhoff [Jenkins] and Reuteman [shackley]

    11/1/67 Possible Guerrilla Activity in Chile

    Does anyone know if he used any other field names, and if so, what they were? Anything at all would be greatly appreciated!



  13. Greg, Bill, and Robert:

    Thank you for all the tremendous information - it is greatly appreciated!

    I agree with Greg's sentiment that this is the heart of the conspiracy.

    Here are a couple other tidbits worth noting here:

    Mexico Casa de los Amigos

    Report of the Jubilee Celebration: October 27-29, 2006

    Now over fifty years ago, Ed Duckles drove around Mexico City in his banged-up truck, called “Nunca Tomo”, with a copy of the Excelsior classifieds in the backseat, the notice circled for Ignacio Mariscal #132. Buying the house was a bold move for the visionary Friends who wanted to create “a meeting place to strengthen and affirm the bonds of true sisterhood and brotherhood.” This October, friends of the Casa de los Amigos traveled from near and far to celebrate a half-century of Quaker service, community, and peacemaking in Mexico. The anniversary was the Casa’s fiftieth year as a recognized civil association, a “Jubilee” watermark and a time for sharing memories, forgiveness, and renewal.

    Members of the Casa’s reconstituted Asamblea (board) opened the Jubilee, new executive director Bridget Moix unveiled the Casa’s future program directions, and Casa co-founder Jean Duckles unveiled the new bronze plaque on the front of the Casa reading: “Centro de Paz y Entendimiento Internacional” (Center for Peace and International Understanding). More than 45 people gathered for Meeting for Worship with the Mexican Friends Monthly Meeting on Sunday, filling the small meeting room, and an Open House that followed provided a time for relaxing and cracking open birthday piñatas for the Casa.



    Casa de los Amigos official website

    Mary Ferrell documents: Originally posted by Robert Howard

    Warren Commission Documents: Oswald Dossier

    Oswald 201 File, Vol 24

    Associated Forum Topic:

    The Big Con At Dealey Plaza


  14. Thanks Greg,

    Here is an item from the Weisberg collection:

    The Fourth Decade: The Casa De Los Amigos, by Jerry Rose (May, 1998)

    The story begins on page 19. Here are the pages:



    Mary Ferrell entry:

    A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database

    Record: KENNAN, STEVE -----

    Sources: WC Vol 24, p. 658; CE 2948; CD 422; CD 1084

    Mary's Comments: In December 1963, Homobono ALCARAZ Aragon described Kennan as a young American in Mexico in 1962 and 1963 who was procommunist and might have known LHO. Kennan was seen several times in Sanborn's Restaurant next to American Embassy building in Mexico City.


  15. Excellent post and fantastic links. I have the Soldier of Fortune magazine where the Bayo-Pawley article was published. A Plot to Destroy JFK and Invade Cuba is must read material for anyone seriously interested in studying the assassination.

    Some of the early issues of SOF have articles related to the Secret War against Castro that have never been reprinted anywhere and about the only place you can find them is on Ebay. SOF won't reprint them.

    Zach, Bill agrees with you:

    One of the most important articles published about the assassination of President Kennedy is The Bayo/Pawley Affair by Miguel Acoca and Robert K. Brown in Soldier of Fortune Magazine (Vol. 1 #2, 1975), which is no longer available from the publisher.

    Thanks Mike,

    I think the expression that applies here is "Great Minds Think Alike!" :D

    Here is a link to that important thread:Bayo/Pawley Affair: Soldier of Fortune

    Robert K. Brown, as I'm sure you know, was very close to Robert Emmett Johnson. Here is a little background on Brown from A.J. Weberman:

    The Lee Harvey Oswald Story Part 3

    Robert K. Brown was one of INTERPEN'S guerrilla warfare instructors. Robert K. Brown was born in Monroe, Michigan, on November 2, 1932. In the mid-1950's, he attended Army Intelligence Analyst Training School in Fort Holabird, Maryland.

    Robert K. Brown became involved in the anti-Batista movement in December 1957. He helped organize the 26th of July Movement at Colorado University and then traveled to Cuba in 1958.

    Robert K. Brown, contacted in July 1992, stated: "I went down to Cuba in the Summer of 1958 for ten days. I went down there to work on my Masters degree in February 1959 for a couple of months. I met STURGIS briefly at the Hotel Tropicana. I went back down the same time in 1960, came back, and then I went down to Miami to work on my thesis. I ran into these guys in the Spring of 1962. They had a little half-assed camp in the Everglades. I didn't get down to their camp on No Name Key."

    When Robert K. Brown returned to America in April 1960, he offered to train INTERPEN members.

    Robert K. Brown: "I have different perspective on this. I've known GERRY for 25 years. He deals in a fantasy land. As far as conducting raids, to the best of my knowledge, he never went on one goddamn raid into Cuba. After the Bay of Pigs there was a significant quantity of Americans who came down to Miami, young guys that wanted to be soldiers-of-fortune and get a piece of Castro.

    After a couple of weeks of sleeping on park benches, they'd finally get smart and go home. Now there was about a dozen guys that stayed on until the last hurrah in 1969. These guys were involved in a lot of peripheral plots. As far as accomplishing anything, I always characterized them as soldiers-of-misfortune. HEMMING was the most talented of the lot. But he was dealing in this mystical land of make believe."

    In June 1962 Robert K. Brown had written an article entitled, "Cuban Exiles Have Learned to Hate The CIA." He held the CIA responsible for the lack of anti-Castro activity in the Miami area.

    He accused the Cuban Revolutionary Council of having cut back exile funding. Robert K. Brown went through the CIA's garbage. Because of his propensity for raiding trash bins and dumpsters in his CIA surveillance, Robert K. Brown was described by DAVID PHILLIPS as "one of the first garbologists."

    Robert K. Brown recalled, "We found out about an alleged CIA front. All we had was the location and the name 'Caribbean Marketing and Research.' I pulled out a document marked Secret. I called Jay Mallin who referred me to an FBI Agent. The next night there was no garbage there at all."

    Brown also edited the English version of the book 150 Questions for a Guerrilla. The translation was done by Dennis Harber. The first printing, in February 1963 contained an eight-page appendix calling for support for Cuban exiles and contained several photographs of Interpen personnel in training. Curiously, in the second printing, July 1963, all this material was removed never to be seen again.

    Here is an image of Brown you may not have seen, from his book Merc.



  16. So-Called mercenaries in 1962, part of a group allegedly sponsored by US Intelligence at No Name Key in Florida for the purpose of overthrowing Castro’s Cuba or assassinating Castro

    1 – Steve Wilson

    2 – Roy Hargraves

    3 – Lawrence Howard

    4 – Little Joe Cavendish Garman

    5 – William Seymour

    6 – Bill Dempsey

    7 – The Leader, Gerry Hemming

    8 – Ronald Ponce de Leon

    Here is a larger version of the above image. It was Jim Garrison, district attorney of New Orleans, who first investigated these men and their possible connection to the JFK assassination.



  17. Hi Bill,

    Here is another link to the article. This is Larry Hancock's website. The article might be a little better here:

    Someone Would Have Talked Exhibits Chapter 1

    There are a couple more documents on TILT and some of the key players from WAVE here from Larry's page as well:

    Appendix B [click on Appendix B at the top]

    Hi Scott,

    Yes I bought the magazine off Ebay. It is amazing what you can find sometimes.

    Here is a document from TILT that describes some of the key players. I can't remember where I found this. It might also be from Larry's website, but I can't find the link. There is also a series of TILT memos, one authored by Rip Robertson.



  18. Hey Zach,

    Can you scan and post that magazine. It is not even available from Soldier of Fortune Mag anymore and not on line as far as I know.



    Hi Bill,

    Do you want me to scan the entire magazine? The only relevant article in the magazine is this one: The Bayo Pawley Affair.

    I don't own a scanner but I can get images of the Op Tilt photos if you'd like. I realize the quality on Mary Ferrell for the images is bad, although the text is fine, especially when you enlarge it to 200%. I think most of the images are on Spartacus here: Photographic Archive: Operation Tilt

    The "Rip" mentioned in the article was of course Rip Robertson, although he used the name Rutherford in this operation. Robertson also used the name Irving Cadick in Guatemala.


  19. John Martino:

    "The Cubans in the South Florida area have had dealings with Oswald in the past and they are not willing to join the press in dismissing him as a fanatic, a psychopath or a pathetic, maladjusted youth. When he was in Miami, Oswald attempted to join an organization of Americans engaged in training Cubans in guerrilla warfare, headed by Jerry Patrick [Hemming]. As a former Marine, Oswald would have been useful, but he failed to pass a security check and was turned down. Oswald made similar approaches to the Cuban Revolutionary Student Directorate (DRE) and to JURE, another organization of Cuban freedom fighters, but was rejected."






    The Bayo-Pawley Affair: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=28888&relPageId=2


    Excellent post and fantastic links. I have the Soldier of Fortune magazine where the Bayo-Pawley article was published. A Plot to Destroy JFK and Invade Cuba is must read material for anyone seriously interested in studying the assassination. Some of the early issues of SOF have articles related to the Secret War against Castro that have never been reprinted anywhere and about the only place you can find them is on Ebay. SOF won't reprint them.

    This particular article proves that elements within the CIA were planning on undermining the administration of their own Commander-In-Chief five months before he was assassinated on the streets of Dallas. David Morales was the one who signed off on this mission. Ted Shackley gave it the "OKAY" as he trusted Morales. I really do not think anyone in Washington really knew anything about this.


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