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Zach Robertson

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Posts posted by Zach Robertson

  1. "The pastimes of great men are of very little importance. Too intelligent, in too much of a hurry, too hard-working, too enthusiastic, too generous,

    John Kennedy also had too much vitality and too much heart. The national interest requires that the state be a cold monster. The weakness and the

    hypocrisy of its citizens demand the same attitude of a Chief of State. Kennedy was treated with cortisone, but he hid this from the public, and he was

    wrong. Eisenhower had suffered a heart attack and a serious operation, and the details were known to every American. Ordinary men take comfort in

    the illnesses of the great. Kennedy took several baths a day and slept on a horsehair mattress with a bedboard, but he would have walked if he were

    half dead. People distrust those who are not like themselves.

    It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep." -- Farewell America

    Thanks for sharing that Greg!


  2. Thank you Jack! That is the best photo comparison I have seen on identifying the Umbrella Man.


    Placing Gordon Novel in Dallas in 1963 via an official document hasn't entered the equation yet, but apparently he was associated

    with Dallas circa 1975


    Memorandum Gordon Novel


    Gordon Novel (104-10312-10026)

    Dallas, Texas (undated)


    The latter is basically a shell of a document

    Deposition of Gordon Novel


    You might want to get a cup of coffee, I believe the whole depo is some, almost 400 pages

    And it is a very interesting read, at the last page the depo still appears to be ongoing, leading me to think that

    it probably has a companion document......

    If you are one of those who believes there are some shenanigans regarding

    Witt and Novel, you probably will have reason to feel your suspicions

    have some validity, from the sampling of the depo I have read

    See Novel's account of his "honeymoon"...lol


    Thanks Robert, that is interesting stuff. I tend to believe Roy Hargraves was the Umbrella Man and Gordon Novel is more disinfo.


  3. I have read that there are new updates in the kindle edition of Bloody Treason - what are they? I just got the regular book copy in the mail the other day for a reasonable price. I have skimmed it but not read it all as I am reading others right now. It looks like a great book but I will exclude it from my list since I have not read it yet. Here is my list:

    1. Harvey and Lee, Armstrong

    2. The Last Investigation, Fonzi

    3. Someone Would Have Talked, Hancock

    4. Not In Your Lifetime, Summers

    5. The Dead Witnesses, Roberts

    6. Crossfire, Marrs

    7. The Killing of a President, Groden

    8. Denial, Robertson (no relation)

    9. The Assassinations, DiEugenio and Pease

    10. Who Killed Kennedy?, Buchanan

    Honorable Mention:

    The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald, Groden

    JFK the Second Plot, Smith

    Brothers, Talbot

    Also, does anyone know when Groden's new book Absolute Proof will be out?

  4. Best Reading Material:

    The Kennedy Vendetta, Harper’s Magazine (August, 1975) by Tyler Branch and George Crile III

    And They Were the Pros: A Professional Soldier Evaluates CIA/Cuban Exile Operations, Soldier of Fortune Magazine (#9 Jan. 1978 and #10 March 1978) and The Search for El Indio by Bradley Ayers

    The Bayo/Pawley Affair: A Plot to Destroy JFK and Invade Cuba, Soldier of Fortune Magazine #2 Spring 1976 by Robert K. Brown and Miguel Acoca

    The AMLASH Legacy by David Atlee Phillips, An Unpublished Novel [Notes by Jim Lesar]

    The Dead Witnesses by John Armstrong and Craig Roberts, 1994

    Bloody Treason by Noel Twyman, 1997 and 2010 update

    The Fish is Red & Deadly Secrets by Warren Hinckle and William Turner, 1981 and 1993 update

    Not In Your Lifetime by Anthony Summers, 1998 – Revised and updated version of the classic Conspiracy, 1980

    3. The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi, 1993 and 2008 update – Reveals the truth about why the government doesn't want to solve the JFK assassination.

    Original Manuscript (1979-80): Part I & Part II

    2. Harvey and Lee: How The CIA Framed Oswald by John Armstrong, 2003 –

    JFK 101

    1. Someone Would Have Talked by Larry Hancock, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2010 update – The best book written on the subject; it is an in depth, documented look at the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the conspiracy to mislead history. The accompanying SWHT website contains many exhibits, documents, and photos. Larry has also made available a Continuing Studies page that contains rare articles and notes including the Noel Twyman – Roy Hargraves Interview from 2001.

    Larry’s follow up work, NEXUS (2011) is also a tremendous and invaluable resource.


  5. I risked $20,000 out of pocket to produce the videos. Fortunately I finally recouped all the fund,

    without ever realizing a profit. Having broken even, I have now made all the videos available on the internet for free.


    Wow I did not know that. Thank you Jack for posting them for free on google videos. They are excellent and everyone should take a look at them.


  6. I have been wanting a copy of Armstrong's book for some time, but the price of the ones that I find on-line are very expensive. Wondering if anyone knows where I can get a copy for something less than the $100 minimum that I see these days.


    I have been trying for days to get one under the $100.00 range (or the range that I can buy a book and not have my wife slap me around)

    Call the Last Hurrah Bookshop at 570-321-1150. It is $60 + shipping. I think it turns out to be $72 total. That is where I ordered mine. When the book came out, I think it was $45 so that price is not too bad. Much better than $100 for a used copy on Amazon!


  7. Zach Robertson was born on 2 July 1981 in Pittsburgh, PA. He completed a Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies Education from West Liberty University (WV) in 2003, and also earned a Master of Education degree from Heidelberg University (Tiffin, OH) in 2008.

    Robertson has worked at all NCAA levels of basketball as well as Junior College and high school since 1999. He coached at JUCOs in Iowa and Tennessee as well as Heidelberg University, where his team earned a conference championship and made an NCAA tournament appearance in 2008. Robertson is a public school teacher and has been interested in the events surrounding the Bay of Pigs Invasion since 1997.

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