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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Chajet said Frank was very active in CHIPP which he describes as a humanitarian venture designed to raise funds and petitions for Communist political prisoners throughout the world. "Frank was a regular companion of Chajet, who would tell Chajet of his activities and how they would lead to funds to enable CHIPP to succeed and Sturgis to recapture Cuba."

    Seven people, Barker, McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, Chajet, Anderson and Kaiser were the only ones that really knew what Watergate was truly about. My father went on the first break-in with Frank Sturgis, he knew their plan wouldn't work if the president decided to stop paying out their bribe, or not pay at all. The plot was to setup Nixon, and get him to pay out huge amounts of funds to finance their operations into Cuba since getting money from the CIA to carry out infiltrations was getting increasingly harder to get; and since the president had greatly reduced the CIA to nearly nothing in Miami, and JM/WAVE was now shutdown, and because my father backed out of assassinating Nixon, it seemed as though Watergate was the only way to go, and Watergate was working for them as they started to get paid. The goal was to get Nixon to fund the burglars by bribing the president of the United States in order to try and recapture Cuba while putting some money in their pockets.

    If Nixon elected not to play ball, than Hunt would expose Nixon and connect him to the break-ins if Nixon refused to pay. Nixon had hired Hunt as a plumber who had his own office in the White House. They needed a million dollars or more to finance another invasion similar to that of the Bay of Pigs, but on a much smaller scale in way of ships and planes. The budget wouldn't include large ships and planes on the same scale as the Bay of Pigs, but rather speed boats and formulas the CIA would provide. The money would be strictly used to purchase weapons and pay for the manpower needed to take out Fidel Castro.

    In early 1972, Frank Sturgis often referred to Watergate as the "Big Project" not to get confused with the "Big Event" Hunt mentions in 2008. Sturgis referred to Hunt as the "big boss", a "higher-up in the White House". Elias Chajet was introduced to Hunt, who was leaving Bernard Barker's office just as Sturgis and Chajet were arriving. During this time Frank was making frequent trips to Washington.

    Chajet said that he took Frank to the airport on Friday, June 16, 1972 the day before they were arrested. The day Watergate broke and made headline news, my father took off to Haiti and stayed at Mike Mclaney's Hotel. If my father wasn't involved in Watergate than why would he take off to Haiti? Chajet said he was aware that Frank Strugis was very close to Jack Anderson. Chajet learned through my father that Frank had went to Cuba to fight for Castro, and he lost his American citizenship. Frank was able to regain his citizenship through the assistance from Anderson and Senator George Smathers.

    - Scott Kaiser


    A Man Without A Country


  2. By the way Tom, speaking of Mary Bancroft, one nice thing about being a semi-regular on BOR is we get letters from enthusiastic people who like listening.

    In response to my discussion of Talbot's book, a listener wrote in and said how much he enjoyed the discussion.

    He then added that he knew Mary Bancroft. He once asked her if she thought Dulles was in on the Kennedy assassination. She replied that it would not surprise her in the least. They were all a bunch of Nazis anyway.

    Thanks for sharing that, Jim. She positively NAILED IT with that "Nazi" comment. For those who haven't read the book, "Mistress" Mary and Clover Dulles referred to him as "Shark." As Bobby Darin sang: "When the SHARK bites..."


    "When the SHARK bites"

    Sounds like something right out of a movie.

  3. Who took part in the plot to kill JFK?










    E.H. Hunt

    H.L. Hunt

    D. Byrd





    Mac Wallace

    Lee Oswald

    Jack Ruby

    Pinky Westbrook

    McGeorge Bundy

    Curtis Lemay

    Who have I missed besides James Files, Charles Harrelson, J. Edgar Hoover, and James Rowley?

    If we now add in the 187 shooters Gordon Winslow told me they've counted so far at a meeting at the SFRG, is there any chance of Kennedy getting out of Delay Plaza alive? Now, add in all the manson's Jim Phelps wants to throw in the mix, hell, Dallas it is!

  4. ...had the Bay of Pigs been a successful mission rather than a failure, Dulles was already planning his retirement from the CIA shortly thereafter


    What is your source for Dulles' planned retirement following a successful BOP invasion?

    As David states, Dulles' future changed, so his motivations may have changed as well.


    A personal friend whom I've known for 40 plus years, and has since lived in Michigan who has been friends with Richard Bissell's son.

  5. Here's a bit of information most folks don't even know, so many researchers are too quick to blame Allen Dulles as being at the top of the suspect list in his involvement in Kennedy's assassination, and I'll be the first to tell you it's all hogwash!

    What most folks don't know is, had the Bay of Pigs been a successful mission rather than a failure, Dulles was already planning his retirement from the CIA shortly thereafter, in fact, his release of his position by his Commander in Chief allowed Dulles to muster out with a pension.

    Dulles was the longest standing DCI at the CIA before his release and [oversaw] the topple and coup of the 1954 Guatemalan, Operation Ajax, the overthrow of Iran's government, sounds familiar? LSD experiments on homeless people without relatives to report and the Bay of Pigs.

    Just six years later, after serving on the Warren Commission, Dulles would die of complications he had already contracted early on, and it was because of his failing health that his service to the United States would come to an end after serving on the commission.

    Year after year Mr. Dulles would contract the flu, and on top of that he smoked, a recipe for disaster, it was during his final years of his life that he contracted Influenza which was the corporate for his death.

    So, when I hear from researchers tell me they believe Dulles was at the forefront of Kennedy's assassination, I always ask them, is it because Dulles was fired, and he didn't want to lose his job that made Dulles want to kill Kennedy? Get real.... smh....

  6. I'm inclined, therefore, to believe the cover-up fell into place naturally and was not connected to the plot to kill JFK


    ​Your inclination is correct, the plot to cover up the assassination was never part of the need to get rid of Kennedy. Don't forget, Dallas was not the only targeted city to eliminate the president. The question is why the cover up? Aside from blaming the entire military industrial complex and every three letter agency as some would.

    Their screams and yells fell on deaf ears when everyone was blaming the Russians, KBG and Fidel Castro, it was the end of the Cuban missile crisis as we knew it as the band on nuclear missiles, a treaty between the United States and the Russians was the only result.

    Yes, the cover-up had fall into place naturally, to prevent WWIII.

    Is it not better to sacrifice one man, then for a whole nation to perish?

  7. Aside from everyone's [opinion], please display a rouge of facts, everyone has a theory and opinion. Frank Sturgis also said, at no time did he ever visit Dallas Texas in 1963. I prove that's a lie, and I said prove, Frank was also supposed to have taken a polygraph, in-fact he did. I later found out that Frank took a polygraph test, and those results were turned over to his attorney Henry Rothblatt who then said he sold Frank's polygraph when he [promised] attorney Mark Lane he would release the results, but he didn't. That test had never been disclosed to the public.

    The Rockefeller Commission said no test had ever been administered, another cover-up, I prove it has. No one, and I mean no one, not Marita Lorenz or the nephew by marriage James Hunt has written in more indepth report on Frank then I. And I'm not saying this in an arrogant way, I'm just telling you the truth. In my up date there is information I expose that has never before been exposed, such as Frank's role in the Chilean embassy break-in at Washington DC, all the Democratic senators they were planning on setting up during Watergate including Ted Kennedy for the sole purpose of extorting money out of them for another invasion into Cuba.

    Who the inside men were at the Chilean embassy and at the Watergate hotel, "Deepthroat" was a fictional character created by Mr. Felt and sold to Woodward and Bernstein because of their role in discovering the money trail. So, this Deepthroat was created to sell their books.

    If there is one single person in this forum, or a member of another that can provide proof that Frank Sturgis had no involvement whatsoever in Kennedy's assassination, I will be more than happy to counter your proof before the release of my new material with facts.

  8. Hi Scott,

    Very nice article. I especially found the reference to the president's decision to act rather than abdicate the leadership role to be quite accurate in terms of the true historical context surrounding the crisis. While many certainly disagreed with his course of action, I for one believe that president Kennedy possessed foresight that few of his contemporaries in politics or the military were able, (or willing), to grasp. Those two weeks were truly significant in terms of testing of our democratic principles. We were very fortunate to have John F. Kennedy as our president during this critical time in our history.


    Craig C.

    Hi Craig,

    I completely agree, many may disagree, but I don't believe anyone would have had the courage to stand fast to their conviction. I believe if it had been Nixon or anyone else in office as president, they would have buckled under the military pressure of instigating a war.

    Mr. Irwin says it best when he measures up Mr. Kennedy in his role of leadership. Now, this praise I'm transposing for Kennedy doesn't mean I could be fully correct in what I say, but on the other hand. I also wholeheartedly believe that had Mr. Kennedy not reacted in the manner of which he did as a true leader should have, I would not be here today.


  9. "I was pointing out the white fingers of those two guys, that's all." -- Graves

    Help me to understand what you're saying here, are you saying that all dark complicated or black guys have white fingers? -- Kaiser


    I'm sorry but I'm a bit tired right now and it's too complicated for me to explain.

    The best thing for you to do is start at post # 11 and read the whole thread from that point on.

    If you do that, I'm sure it will start making sense.

    The critical thing it that you've got to follow my instructions regarding that Black Op Radio video -- In other words, go to 03:40 or so and start watching from there. At 03:55, a guy walks in from the left. He is scratching the back of his neck That's the guy I'm calling "Neck Scratcher." Look at his fingers, especially the tops of them and the sides. They're much lighter than the rest of his skin, right?

    I think this guy (who is scratching his neck) could be Dave Morales or Nestor Izquierdo because they have fingers like that, too.


    --Tommy :sun

    No worries, I believe you, just for xxxxs and giggles, I thought I'd add Muhammad Ali too... Good night my friend... :)


  10. "I was pointing out the white fingers of those two guys, that's all."

    Help me to understand what you're saying here, are you saying that all dark complicated or black guys have white fingers?

  11. Morales was not involved with Frank's group, the Golden Hawks, Frank's group was an arm of CU. Both Frank and Ed were close, very close, including during a few 1976 meetings when things were happening in and out of CORU. Just talked to him a few months ago.

  12. I know Gordon Winslow personally knows Eugenio Martinez, he tells me he has complete confidence in Mr. Martinez and is one of the few he would believe, that's what he tells me. I wonder how many people here besides Mr. Winslow sat down with Mr. Martinez and asked him about his mission in the Bayo-Pawley plot, and since my father worked with Pawley, Martino and Morales in 1973 and perhaps even at some earlier point in time. How much information do you suppose Mr. Martinez was willing to share?

  13. I find no evidence that he conceived of any major operation using CIA assets entirely outside his various assignments.

    And, no one ever will, that part of his operations are shrouded in secrecy, no need to mention his position in Laos


    "On the other there is a good body of at least circumstantial evidence that he enabled and incited individuals the Agency was working with to go way beyond the charter and personally endorsed those activities."

    No need to mention Operation Tilt, Tide PBSUCCESS otherwise known as Bayo-Pawley where an entire commando team was loss during infiltration.

    "So...I find Morales involved with [third party activities] going way beyond those sanctioned in CIA operations."

    What do you call Alpha 66 and the Cubanos Unidos?

    "What he might have personally done in a similar vein in Vietnam is a matter of opinion. "

    ​What do you consider the assassination of the Diem brothers carried out by the CIA with Morales in VN over the same weekend Kennedy released his poorly drafted cable? Just a matter of opinion?

    " I also suspect Morales directly influenced a number of individuals who themselves were involved in a good number of things the Agency would never have sanctioned"

    Again, you mean like the Bayo-Pawley mission?

  14. Cliff,

    You are correct, about the drug smuggling in from Cuba. There was a lot of that going on, after Vietnam and Laos very few kept in touch with the drug trade in those regions especially after all them boys have come home. The most single largest smuggling was coming in from Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti. After the war when Nixon shut it all down, and Ford brought everyone home 1974-75 Vietnam and Laos was just too far away to use military as cargo until the Reagan Administration, then the United States involved itself again with the Contras.

    However, since Cuba was only 90 miles away from the coast of Florida, Cuba has always been a leading provider of drugs smuggled in by many anti-Castro Cubans I'm personally aware of who have made millions of dollars, and in-fact during the 80s Miami was the drug capital of the world with dealers killing other dealers for territory and possession. It was a very big business, very lucrative, I don't believe very many folks understand the magnitude of money flowing in Miami because of drugs. Just from the sales alone kingpins had to invest their millions into dummy construction companies working for general contractors who have invested millions upon millions of dollars building high rise condos that have expanded from downtown Miami to all of South Beach and Miami Beach areas.

  15. Not sure if Lisa knows this or not, but the person [in-charge] at Moa Bay was Captain Jose Pujol who was a boat captain for the CIA who infiltrated Cuba at Mao Bay, prior to Jose switching sides while still working in Moa Bay his direct boss was Che Guevara who made Pujol "Port Supervisor" in Moa Bay. The reason for the American Government's interests was the nickel and cobalt to make nuclear weapons.

    David Atlee Phillips under his direction set up a hit team to take out Fidel Castro who was to visit Moa Bay, Jose Pujol was apart of that team, while waiting on Castro to arrive someone had tipped him off about the assassination plot, and Castro did not go to Moa.

    Just filling in some of the blanks if in-case no one already had this information.

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