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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. No worries folks, I'm really not being an ahole some think, truthfully, there will be a ton of information to pick apart in my update, some of it will, and I do say will be mind blowing only because the evidence is backed by facts.

    I will give you an example of a "mind blowing" experience, late one evening while I was still researching my father and a person found in my father's address book, someone I [did not] report on, a person found in my father's address book, was just a name.

    But, that name started to eat at me, and eat away, that I finally gave in, what I discovered shocked me, it was the only time during the years spent writing these books that I cried. I will tell you that it now brings together the whole VVAW and Flamingo Park conspiracy to assassinate President Nixon, this person who was with my father believed he was there to kill Vice President Agnew.

    This was the only time I cried writing this book. What I have put together, I have done so, with passion, what I have said, comes from the heart, what I provide is the truth.

    Hopefully, I will find a publisher who will be interested in reading what I have.


    For those of you thinking it's Frank Sturgis, you're way off, not even close. I'll tell you right now, no, it wasn't Frank who took that stole through the park with my father, but it was someone my father does have in his address book.

  2. Folks, for some of you who don't know, there is a difference between fact and fiction, what is visual, what you can see, and what you can't, between evidence and hearsay, between testimony and lies, between reporting the truth, and creative writing, between looking someone in their eyes for answers, and knowing when they are looking away from you.

    Please learn to differentiate from all these, for the most part, everyone here, is pretty smart.

  3. "I think it is. Think about when Eisenhower was told that Castro had to go. And the way they would do it is arming and otherwise equipping a rag-tag group of Cubans who would land at the Bay of Pigs. Eisenhower was a military man. He should’ve known better—“That’s not going to work”—and young John Kennedy comes in and he says, “Well, I don’t want to be soft on Communism, so if you think this will work, O.K. But for God’s sake, don’t you expect that I’m going to commit U.S military forces to this enterprise. You got that? Repeat. Can you repeat that, Allen Dulles? OK, you got it. All right, good.”

    Now, they knew damn well that they wouldn’t be able to unseat Castro. And when Allen Dulles died, there were coffee-stained notes on his desk, which said. “Once we get on the beach, there is no way the president of the United States can refuse to support us with his military.”

    This is the biggest load of crap I've ever read in my life, seriously! Let's wait till the guy is dead, then we can manipulate all the crap we want, in-fact, we'll even come up with a story of coffe stained notes on his desk, which desk would this be, his DCI at the CIA desk when he mustered out with his pension in 1963 and died in 1969? So, he still left his notes on a desk that he was suppose to clear out six years ago? Do I have stupid tattooed across my forehead? Ugh!

    I'm thinking the coffee-stained notes story has its origins in either the Talbot or the Douglass book. If so - shows the importance of citing sources for one's written assertions. Because people bitch, and writers lose credibility.

    David, if there were any notes, let those who say they exist expose them,, like (I) expose my father's [notes] that I discovered. If these notes have been discovered, let them be published by those who say they exist, don't tell me they exist because Dulles wrote them, but no one knows where there are, that's like JVB telling me one of her stories, when I say something I have always found away to provide evidence, always. Perhaps, it's now, that folks are beginning to realizing that Scott is telling the truth.

  4. "I think it is. Think about when Eisenhower was told that Castro had to go. And the way they would do it is arming and otherwise equipping a rag-tag group of Cubans who would land at the Bay of Pigs. Eisenhower was a military man. He should’ve known better—“That’s not going to work”—and young John Kennedy comes in and he says, “Well, I don’t want to be soft on Communism, so if you think this will work, O.K. But for God’s sake, don’t you expect that I’m going to commit U.S military forces to this enterprise. You got that? Repeat. Can you repeat that, Allen Dulles? OK, you got it. All right, good.”

    Now, they knew damn well that they wouldn’t be able to unseat Castro. And when Allen Dulles died, there were coffee-stained notes on his desk, which said. “Once we get on the beach, there is no way the president of the United States can refuse to support us with his military.”

    This is the biggest load of crap I've ever read in my life, seriously! Let's wait till the guy is dead, then we can manipulate all the crap we want, in-fact, we'll even come up with a story of coffe stained notes on his desk, which desk would this be, his DCI at the CIA desk when he mustered out with his pension in 1963 and died in 1969? So, he still left his notes on a desk that he was suppose to clear out six years ago? Do I have stupid tattooed across my forehead? Ugh!

  5. On July 22, 1964, Odio provided testimony to Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the Warren Commission, at the US Post Office Building in Dallas. She stated that in September 1963, three men, whom she described as two Cubans and an American, came to her Dallas apartment and asked her to help them prepare a letter to solicit funds for an anti-Castro organization in which she was involved, the Cuban Revolutionary Junta (JURE).

    Who was training the military of JURE? Posada

    The only other group that had EVER signed a "unity agreement" with JURE is the Cubanos Unidos, no need in telling you who's group that was.

  6. A man, with a Cuban accent called her on the phone asking her what she thought of the American? The Cuban wanted her opinion, he said, we don't know what to make of him he's kind of loco he's been telling us the Cubans should have murdered or should have assassinated Kennedy right after the Bay of Pigs, and they didn't have any guts to do it, they should do it. And, ah, it was ah very easy thing to do at the time.

    Folks, listen to her words, THEY WERE TRYING TO SELL ME THE AMERICAN

    Not, that he was Lee Oswald, he was introduced as Leon Oswald, the FBI didn't want the name "Leon" out of her, but the name "LEE". The FBI had harassed her so much that [they] nearly drove her to her own death, she became suicidal.

    There are a lot of folks here that know about this story, but, they don't have the full story.


  7. I see where you're coming from. I've seen you around various JFK forums talking about your book, and I was looking to see how closely (if at all) it related to my area of interest (New Orleans). But I seem to have pushed a button, sorry!

    In answer to your question: If I correctly suss your book as offering contextual info about anti-Castro operations and personalities, yes. There was some of that in the Turner-Hinkle "Fish is Red," and I know a researcher from Miami who has done lot of work in this area. Bot nothing exactly like your work, no. But it's hard to say as I'm seeing only little glimpses of it in the words you write here.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Hi Stephen,

    No, you didn't push a button, but, you'd think that by reading my post you did right? Sometimes, we read into something that's not there, but we want it to be. Like, when I read your post, you said, "That shouldn't be a problem to answer."

    It didn't feel like you were trying to push a button, I felt like I was put on the spot, never have I said my material is a Kennedy assassination or Watergate book, but I expose stuff in my book that even Douglas Caddy or anyone who was directly involved with Watergate didn't know, now I hope no one misreads what I'm saying because I mentioned Mr. Caddy, so that must mean I'm picking on him, I not.

    Had you asked me if this was a JFK book? I would have said no, I am not an expert in no areas of the assassination, I couldn't teach a class if my life depended on it regarding JFK, but you asked if there are any connections to the assassination, yes, there is. And, I would be the first to argue Oswald, was in-fact a pasty.

    I may not have had any heads turn my way in the beginning when people were first getting to know who I am, oh no, here we go again, another son whose father was involved in all these events, wonder if he can prove it. I am a lot more detailed in my up dated material, I have laid out all my cards on the table, everything I know, I have begged people to discredit my material, I tried getting people to hate me so the process of discrediting would be easier, eight years later or so, only crickets.

    What does that tell you?

    I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable by my answers, my closest friends appreciates my direct approach, it makes me who I am. What I do, I do with passion, what I say, comes from the heart, there's nothing scripted about me.

  8. Only a few will read my posts, the others are all too busy thinking they have it all worked out. A hand full will digest my post, but, very few will understand my post. I am not one for saying this is exactly what happened. I found new evidence of Oswald picking his nose, therefore, only the prideful have it down. There can be no other way, many here have never heard of my father, until I made him known, therefore, how could you understand?

  9. I say there is a lot more to this story because it's true. Jim D. and David Josephs is correct about Oswald not being in Mexico, the FBI tried getting Odio to ID Oswald in Mexico, it's him, it's gotta be him, it can't be anyone else, she was so intimidated by the FBI her stories changed until she couldn't take it anymore and tried killing herself. Now, isn't that sad what they can do to a woman? [They], the CIA and FBI working hand in hand with the FBI taking the lead on the case, and the CIA [assisting] in the cover-up spent more time on Oswald in Mexico than anywhere else on the case, so, when I hear or read from those who believe Oswald acted alone and they say Oswald was in Mexico, I try to explain to them that this is where all that information came from, the CIA.

    But, they're hard headed.

    Acting on the best interest of covering up the case "tampering with evidence", manipulating the cover-up into their favor all by assisting the FBI. So, when I read from other researchers tell me that Oswald was in Mexico, I don't bother wasting anymore of my time reading their BS.

    I do apologize for being who I am and I can't help that, I also refuse to change for anyone, money does not buy me.

  10. Hi Stephen,

    Not trying to push the subject as hard as you did, but I did have a question in my last post, would you be as kind as to answer the question, as I did not duck any of yours. My question was:

    "tell me, of all the researchers you know who's written on Kennedy, have you ever come across information like this before, please be honest."

    I must also point out as I've said before, my material is not a Kennedy or Watergate book, there is really so much more going on inside. You really don't have to answer the question if you like, I understand, ignoring me would be the best thing to do, as no one can argue or debate truth.

  11. I fully understand what you're saying, I wouldn't worry about purchasing the book anytime soon if I don't have a publisher. Would you consider vague and speculative similar to a conspiracy theory? I wouldn't know where to begin Stephen, but here is a small piece I discovered about an associate of my father, Maurice Ferre. There really is a lot more to this story then you're about to read, tell me, of all the researchers you know who's written on Kennedy, have you ever come across information like this before, please be honest. My next question would be, why do you suppose my father was holding a gun to Mr. Ferre's head threatening to kill him?

    It's all in my new material, most folks will [just] read it, some never will. Only a handful will digest it, but, a few will get it.

    "Wilfredo Navarro stated to the FBI that at the time he was a secretary to Maurice Ferre, who was a former six-term Mayor of Miami (1973-1985). Ferre had been the first United States mayor born in Puerto Rico (Ponce) and the first Hispanic Mayor of Miami. He was also an unsuccessful candidate in the 2010 elections for the U.S. Senate seat. I'm not sure if I had something to do with that, but I called Mr. Ferre's candidate headquarters and I asked to speak with Mr. Ferre, his secretary said there's no way of getting a hold of him. I replied, I have some information regarding his involvements with the Cubanos Unidos, and if he doesn't want me to go public with this information I would appreciate a phone call from him within the next hour. To my surprise, he had returned my call within 30 minutes, when I asked him about his involvement with the Cubanos Unidos, he denied ever knowing Navarro or my father who held a gun to his head. He denied ever supporting the Cubanos Unidos, then I reminded him that Navarro was his secretary, he replied I have to get off the phone now.

    During the early 1970s, Ferre was a Miami City Commissioner and already very wealthy. It was around this time that Gordon DiBattisto planned to leave for New York in order to conduct a large press conference, rally and fund-raising drive. He said he planned to hand out a considerable amount of my father’s propaganda material to stimulate exiles in the New York area to prepare a massive propaganda effort against Castro and the government of Cuba. At that time, the Cubanos Unidos were planning for infiltration and sabotage missions against Cuba, which would involve sending their members into Cuba to work among members of the Cuban Armed Forces. There they would try to sabotage gasoline storage facilities and electrical plants in Cuba. The FBI had attempted to intimidate Sylvia Odio into changing her story about Lee Oswald in Mexico by visiting her so often that she lost her secretarial job and was forced to move to Miami. A few hours before Sylvia Odio was to appear at the Miami FBI for questioning, former Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre called the FBI and said Sylvia Odio had attempted suicide a number of times, and was under the care of a psychiatrist. A company owned by Maurice Ferre, Maule Industries, employed one of the brothers of Sylvia Odio, Cesar Odio. The Ferre family was deeply involved in Cuban exile affairs: The father of Maurice Ferre, José Ferre, a prominent Cuban businessman, was the owner of the National Concrete Company of Cuba, and was active in the Civic Resistance Movement of Manolo Ray. When Fidel Castro came to power, the Ferre's moved to the United States, where they had vast industrial holdings. The bodyguard of Maurice Ferre, Ramon Orozco Crespo aka "el pirata", an employee of Maule Industries, was questioned about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the Secret Service. The United States Secret Service considered Ramon Orozco Crespo a threat to Kennedy in the Fall of 1963. In 1970, Ramon Orozco Crespo was arrested for illegally exporting munitions and articles of war; the FBI questioned him in 1973 about an attack on a Cuban fishing boat. (In which he and Edwin Kaiser took part in under William Pawley). Ramon Orozco and Humberto Lopez Jr. were seriously injured in March 1974, when a bomb exploded in their hands as they were concealing it inside a book addressed to a Cuban Embassy. The press we have now, is no different then the press of 50 years ago. It continues to defend the victims which act upon government aggression by assisting in intimidation and subversion. It never reports on the truth which comes from the few living witnesses. Their stories are rarely heard and suppressed. The press is all too willing to assist in a cover up, all in the name of National Security."
    A Man Without A Country
    Your direct question to me was:
    Does this story connect with the JFK assassination?

    Does it not? Is it just vague and speculative or clear and substantial?

    Thank you Stephen for your interest,

    Scott Kaiser

  12. Can I just have a quick overview of how it connects to the JFK assassination?

    I've only been saying it for over eight years, an overview will not explain all the missing information in between, how could you have half a story, or an overview of say a document without having the whole information?

    Please don't tell me overviews are the bases of researchers facts.

  13. Does this story connect with the JFK assassination?

    I'm not sure how to answer that as there are so many events going on in the book, that JFK is certainly one of them Stephen.

    There's also the real reason Orlando Bosch was released, the real reason for Watergate, the plots to [kill] Nixon, and so much more.

  14. Hi again Chris,

    I could not find this address: it seems NE South River Drive does not exist, although NW South River Drive does..Could you resolve this and post a screen shot ?Thanks,h

    Hey Hiram (and Scott),

    Yes, my mistake, NW South River Dr. is the correct address.

    I've drawn a red box around the location of the Warehouse or Boat Shop in your photo. The cement is clearly discolored in an outline that indicates where the building stood and corresponds with the address of that business (coincidently appears to have ceased operations in 1964).




    Chris and Scott,

    If that is the right address, then the cutter would have been docked at the upper left corner of your red square, with the prow toward the top of the picture, based on my recollection of how we went on board.

    The link below is full of great information on this type of vessel.


    BTW, I just found a YouTube shouting match between Scott and Gerry's son Felipe who looks a lot like his dad.

    I would like to contact Felipe, if anyone knows how, via email preferably.


    He's on FB, that address, those ships, I believe were owned by the Bambun brother's they are also found in my father's address book. The ship my father was killed on according to the Miami Beach Police Dept. was first registered to Ricardo Cayo Cabrera, then in "Panama", it then went to Tyler Texas, then somewhere in Florida and finally ended up in Cayman Islands until the CIA took the ship out and sunk it.

    It was docked on 22nd Ave. and 11st. where everyone would meet, at a place called "Centro Commercial Cubano" it was a Shopping Center, a mall situated between West Little River and Opa-Locka area where I said my father stole some photos.

  15. Thank you Chris.

    How did you get and look up the address?


    I am in touch with the owner of the CG 83 foot cutter that is now a display attraction.

    He has zillions of the best photos and even one video clip of these vessels in action.

    He has been very helpful: it turns out the deck planking does indeed come up, as a plug, to hoist the engines.

    There is room in the engine room for a pair of fifteen-foot torpedo or slightly more.

    Also, modifications would have been possible to the bulkheads, etc.

    I gave found a photo of three raiders of fame on the forward deck of another cg83 with a slightly different superstructure.

    These three are, Frank Sturgis, Pedro Diaz Lantz, and a third whose name I have lost. I got that photo off the web and not from my

    private source: I did not know these men.

    Thanks again,


    I am in touch with the owner

    Would you care to share who this person is?

    If you have photos of these vessels would you post them please, if you know the names of the vessels, would you post that please. Thanks,


  16. I think that it will sell better if it's a combined family memoir and a study of what you've learned about anti-Castro and intelligence work in researching your father's life. That's why I suggested Gaeton Fonzi's book to look at, because it's partly a memoir of his journey investigating the Kennedy hit.

    Publishers love the "journey" structure - it's a form of storytelling that they understand, and that sells well to readers. I don't know your first book or whether it was print book or e-book. But you have the makings of a print book seller in the family story and anti-Castro community research that I've seen on this Forum.

    So, to add to what Paul said above, you should also be writing a timeline of your research into the anti-Castro movement and the intelligence community. That's the all-important second half of your work. Unlike Paul, I think you do have to be a historian here. Do it before a publisher's editor compels you to do it - you'll be happier with the results, and make a better book.

    Remember the old truism about Picasso - you have to learn the rules of art before you can break them.

    Hi David.

    I have certainly focused on just that. The book itself is a documentary, it's a true story based on the life of my father, starting as early as seven years old and until his death. I provide documented evidence including background information on all the individuals my father worked with. There is so much information crammed all up into 321 pages that this documentary, drama, lovestory, thriller, actionpac, novel is all rolled up into one book, it really is explosive, and, I'm not just saying that, you'd really have to read the entire book to see where I'm coming from.

    Best Wishes,


    P.S. Most importantly, it's "non-fiction" [a disclosure needed to be implemented] for Hemming's approval. Cough - cough....

  17. But to point out just one other thing that was much more timely back then, at the time of Dulles' interview, what about the SIbert/O'Neil report, which indicated that the back wound did not transit and the bullet came in at a 45 degree angle. So how could it create the throat wound as an exit?

    It was Specter who deep sixed that one.

    When you start to get into a single piece of evidence, it really isn't a bad idea to expose all those who also had their hands in the cookie jar so to say. Warren Commission member, then later president of the United States Gerald Ford would never be charged for a federal crime, and tampering with evidence. The single bullet theory, well, much like the trip to Mexico, it needed to fit.

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