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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. This is all very good information and well worth reading, all very well documented research, I can't thank you enough for this information, and I'm now seeing how it links to my dad, I really can't thank you all enough, and if there's anything I can do for you Tom and Linda just let me know, I'll try.
  2. Tom! Thank you so much for that email, you certainly are incredible at researching someone as well, I have not read the article yet, because I was so excited to see it that I wanted to say thanks! A lot man!!! He was not 49 years old, but a 49-year veteran. Yes! That was my mistake I misread that information and misunderstood it, my bad...
  3. Tom! Thank you so much for that email, you certainly are incredible at researching someone as well, I have not read the article yet, because I was so excited to see it that I wanted to say thanks! A lot man!!! Very interesting to find out that he was a "Master Freemason".
  4. Linda, you are simply amazing, I was just telling Zach, if there is anyone I'd want to find something on someone no one else could find it would be you and Zach
  5. My mistake, you're correct! So if he died at 76 that would have been sometime in 1973, (what were his duties, the Generals)? At that time, my father was engaged heavily into the anti-Castro groups and Watergate. And in some FBI documents it states that my father had a military (phone card), and many of my father's member's in his organization said they saw him use it to call Washington, or the Pentagon, and report back to someone there, I'm wondering if it was General Griffith my father was reporting to. And why? How involved was Griffith in the early 70's? Was it his ranch in the South Florida Everglades the training of anit-Castro groups took place, or was the ranch owned Howard Hughes? That's the mystery. What did the general know about the Cuban crisis going on in Miami? Was the general working with or advising the CIA on their plans? How much information did the General know about Kennedy's assassination? What position did the General have while Kennedy was in office? Where did the General work while Kennedy was in office, these, along with a half-dozen other questions are still unanswered about this person with such little information. I can't find anything else more then this: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/oralhist/griffith.htm
  6. Entire text of Gen. Griffith obit can be purchased for $3.95 Thanks Tom, What I find odd, is that the New York Times usually posts news like this at NO charge. In his semi-report showing 1917-1966, I guess, I got confused, and miss took 1966 as being the date he died when in-fact he died at the age of 76 which the year would have been 1993. Interesting enough there isn't much information about his life in the military or not much can be found, and what rolls he played during the Bay of Pigs/Cuban Missile Crisis. I'm sure he was active during those time periods.
  7. Hope to find some real research on this General, until now, I have not seen any information or anyone write about him, so what do we really know? Like this as well as many NEW names will be added in my upcoming book, it will allow the experienced researcher to explore new avenues, research new names, and there is a slew of people my father was acquainted with.
  8. While everyone is trying to figure out why the sky is blue, who wore what shirt to the TSBD, and who farted in the wind there are more important matter's like who the hell is General Paul Griffith on a post I posted earlier, perhaps we could use some real research on the matter, thank you!
  9. Ralph, I understand that you are a doctor. I hope you do not talk to your patients like that. It is hardly the language of an educated adult. You say that you would expect to see something of the dark trousers, even if another was blocking him. Not necessarily so. This blow-up of this part of the frame is a poor resolution image. In addition the sun is streaming into the area, evidenced by the number of people covering their eyes from the glare of the sun to see the procession. If we had a better resolution and, IF, we still could not see the dark trousers then I would agree with you. Robin Unger may not be a university Professor but he is one of the most educated and skilled researchers regarding the images of the assassination. His service to other researchers in gaining a better understanding of what happened is outstanding. It does not assist your credibility in the research community to so easily dismiss him. Many of the images you are using both on this site and on Lancer have been provided to researchers at some point by Robin Unger. James Thanks James. I appreciate the generous comments. Cinque is green as grass when it comes to assassination research. a fly by nighter trying to big note himself. He would not even be aware of the history of most of the Researchers who have contributed to this thread. It appears he can only stamp his foot up and down, and put on a tantrum like a five year old child. Whaddaya say we have a POLL as to the identity of the guy on the steps in the Altgen's photo? You know, "Is it Lovelady or is it Oswald?" I say it's Lovelady. Current poll results: Lovelady - 1, Oswald - 0 --Tommy ^^LOL... Make that 2-0
  10. Mr. Kaiser, Some members of our group, The S.F.R.G. http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html are interested in listening to what you have to say about your new and upcoming book. You may bring whomever you wish. We will be calling a meeting for Feb 25 at ten in the morning and would like you to attend. (Brunch is on us) Please let me know if this fits your schedule. The venue is not yet announced but you can ride with me or I with you. Please verify your phone number: 210.251.4754. Regards, Gordon Winslow I will be contacting Gordon Winslow as soon as I get into Miami. Thank you for allowing me to speak at your Conference, it would be an honor for me to attend such an important group of people. Regards, Scott Kaiser http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html Scott, I hope your speech on the 25th goes well! --Thomas Thanks Thomas! So do I.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yLKqasPD14 http://www.presidentialufo.com/
  12. I don't want to loose any more money then I already have, however, I bet you're right though! And, if bets are still on, I'm sure you'll find O'Reilly's book sitting next TOM HANKS AND VINCENT BUGLIOSI. (Just saying)...
  13. OMG!!! Means "Oh My God"!!! It never seizes to amaze me that an argument can be brought over someone warning a rolled up sleeve, the funny part is that you can go into all this detail, write a phenomenal article and a well thought out presentation on who it might be and you have absolutely no clue yourself, yes! OMG! I find it odd that Fetzer could write about the color of someones crap. OMG! Well, if you can't beat them, join them I always say, but I'm not about to write a diluted story, surgar coat it, and top it with crap, however, I think my writings are getting better don't you?
  14. It could have been coincidence OR it could be that Frank Sturgis murdered your dad because of what he might say about the JFK assassination and God knows what else. I am waiting to read your book about your father, Mr. Kaiser. Thank you Robert, and please I'm not a formal kinda guy, just a country good ole boy who loves his dad, please call me Scott, I'd prefer it that way, when people call me Mr. Kaiser, I'm looking around for my father. Also, to answer your statement on waiting to read my book about my father, (thank you). It will be out within the next three months. I have been doing an extensive amount of traveling to Miami, and now I'm hoping to write a spectacular ending or have someone fill in the blanks so to say for the ending of this book. (in case I'm not around). Perhaps, something like. A son, completing his father's work would be nice. We'll see what happens in the next few months, so sit back, and hold on, its going to be a bumpy ride.
  15. Besides, James Files, Mr. White, Frank Sturgis, Tom, Dick and Harry who else fired from the grassy knoll?
  16. And all the people who saw LHO on the second floor are simply lying? I find it curious that everything Fetzer writes about involves some sort of alteration by the government. Dawn ^^AND BINGO WAS HIS NAME-O!
  17. What you "think" is an "appropriate" comparison is worthless considering you have no clue about well established principle that is involved here. It HAPPENS EVERY TIME when a stupid resizing comparison like this is done. In fact it even happens when you try and resize items from with the SAME PHOTOGRAPH. The comparison is rejected because it fails to address photographic PERSPECTIVE. Your ignorance of this subject matter does not a rebuttal make. Get back to us when you have purchased your first clue jimmy. And!...BINGO WAS HIS NAME-O! How could anyone in their right mind say this is Oswald? If you were sitting on a jury panel and this photo was passed around for (YOU) to POSTIVILY IDENTIFY beyond reasonable doubt could you? I don't know about you, but I couldn't, no way, no how, never! Not in a million years with a million overlays, are you kidding me? WOW! I bet I could sell some of you my ocean front property in Arizona, its going cheap!
  18. Below, I received this posts by Michael Canfield, but before I go into Mike's quote I'd like to share some additional information. I also asked Janet Sturgis, but I don't think she will answer me, because I have accused Frank Sturgis of killing my dad. Autumn who is Franks step-daughter, James Hunt who is Franks nephew by marriage, and Janet who is Frank's wife won't talk to me, they don't understand or they don't want to hear what it is I have to say, and I don't blame them. I mean who would want to be associated with someone who says their dad or uncle or husband killed my dad? Michael Canfield says, "Check the photo report and hight study in COUP D ETAT IN AMERICA...I think its in there." And this is what I found on page 299. Mike in your book this is what it says, "The FBI's height study claims Hunt is 5'9" (Hunt says he is 5'8" in his resume) and Sturgis is 5' 11" (Canfield found he was about 6'1)." End quote, I thought he was 6'2" because my father was only 5'10" and I knew Sturgis was taller then my dad, so if Canfield found Sturgis to be about 6'1" then he's right. I knew Sturgis was at least 6ft or taller and I'm going off my memory.
  19. Emphasis by Scott Kaiser, When President Kennedy threatened to break up "that establishment, a plot developed to assassinate him". The writer must be indicating the only establishment I can think of the CIA?. Duh? The "schoolbook workers became involved in the plot" What plot? the assassination plot? OH SH*T! Gary! could that be true? When they relocated into the seven-story building that overlooked a 120-degree turn at Elm and Houston Street.
  20. Paul, I'm not sure if you've been missing any of my past posts or you're just trying to give me a hard time, I really don't know what it is, and I thought perhaps you would have just let it go by now, but it seems you want to drag this on and for what reason? I really don't know, you're a reseacher why don't you find out yourself how tall Frank is. I really don't care to argue the fact of Frank hight. Is it not enough that you don't want to believe me? I guess it wouldn't help telling you that I knew Frank for nine years either would it? ... but I'm telling you he was taller then my dad, I do remember... Scott, I admit my comment was too sarcastic. I've read different reports about Sturgis' height, so it gets confusing. Yet you're an eye-witness, so that's a different matter. Also, your real point was about your dad, not about Frank Sturgis' height. So, my sarcasm was out of place, and I apologize. --Paul No worries Frank its all good, and I'm not certain what point I was trying to make all that I was saying was my father stood at 5'10 and Frank was taller then my dad, that's all, its all good, no biggie...
  21. I'd say that the six floor museum is going to have a difficult time setting up the apparent snipers nest exactly how it was when Kennedy was killed, and I'm sure they'll tell you the same, its exactly how this "snipers nest" was set up, to the (T) without Oswald in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11Fl9ZVJ7B8 Apparently, I've already made some friends, no worries Gary, I promise not to quite my day job!
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