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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Not true. Oswald was not "eating lunch", nor was he "drinking a Coke" when he encountered Marrion L. Baker on November 22, 1963. Why do conspiracy theorists continue to cling to these worn-out and proven-false myths? http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/oswald-baker-truly-and-coca-cola.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/dr-pepper-talk.html Okay, after reading your Warren Commission exhibit about "a man" on the second floor in the lunch room "drinking a coke" (strike those words) sorry. I'm sure he meant to say something else, but forgot what to write down. I'm sure what he meant to say was something entirely different, after all the Feds wanted to put this away as quickly as they could, I mean it only took nine months for the Warren Commission to conclude Oswald acted alone, when other cold cases have gone on far much longer. I said cold case, not "case closed" common man! Now, if you were to buy into that well then, I have some great ocean front property in Arizona I'll sell you, but lets get back on topic! So this police officer has given a sworn testimony to the FBI who by the way is an organization I certainly wouldn't believe, not entirely, and not when it comes to Oswald. I'm sure Hoover had his reasons. But what about those two women that were walking "up the stairs" that said, they didn't encounter "ANYONE" in the staircase? Now, do you suppose Oswald fired all three shoots, then... Wait a minute let me finish! Then Oswald runs down the stairs passing both women, WAIT YOU'RE NOT LETTING ME FINISH! Oswald runs pass these women, pulls twenty five cents (one quarter) out of his pocket puts it in the coke machine takes his lunch out and just before he sits down to eat the police officer walks in and sees Oswald with a coke in his hand? But wait! That's not the best part, it gets even better then that. This is the best part, Oswald fires three shoots killing the president, runs down four flights of stairs passing two women who never see him, pulls twenty five cents out of his pocket, purchases a coke, and as he's ready to sit down to lunch a police officer walks in on him.... AND!!! He did all this in seventy seconds or less, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt by giving Oswald the allowed time of seven seconds that the Warren Commission says it took Oswald to kill the president, so, if we were to subtract the seven seconds it took to kill the president from the seventy seconds it took the police officer to enter the second floor of the TSBD. Then it really only took Oswald sixty three seconds, that's a minute and three seconds to do everything I mentioned he did above? And he never breaks a sweat, now that's incredible! I think you should re-due your web-site to say "Oswald didn't do it" would look better in red.
  2. Your calling DiEugenio the village idiot sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle "black". --Tommy Tommy, I agree with you, there seems to be a few out there, I have no idea what this lady is on, but I'm sure she could be arrested. President Kennedy's trip to Dallas was first announced to the public in September 1963.[4] The exact motorcade route was finalized on November 18 and announced to the public a few days before November 22. There was NO change in the motorcade route. On Friday, November 22, 1963, at 11:40 AM CST, Kennedy, his wife Jacqueline, and the rest of the presidential entourage arrived at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, aboard Air Force One after a very short flight from nearby Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth. The motorcade cars had been lined up in a certain order earlier that morning. The original schedule was for the president to proceed in a long motorcade from Love Field through downtown Dallas, and end at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart. The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:10 PM, followed by a 12:15 PM arrival at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart so President Kennedy could deliver a speech and share in a steak luncheon with Dallas government, business, religious, and civic leaders and their spouses. Invitations that were sent out specify a 12:00 PM start time to the luncheon while SS agent Lawson told Chief Curry that after arriving at Love Field and leaving at 11:30 the 38-45 minute trip would get them to the Trade Mart on time. Air Force One touched down at 11:39 AM and did not leave Love Field until approximately fifteen minutes later. Dallas' three television stations were given separate assignments. As Bob Walker of WFAA-TV 8 (ABC) was providing live coverage of the President's arrival at Love Field, KRLD-TV 4 (CBS) with Eddie Barker was set up at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's luncheon speech. WBAP-TV 5 (NBC), being a Dallas/Fort Worth network based in the latter, had done live coverage of the President's breakfast speech in Fort Worth earlier that day. On hand to report the arrival on radio was Joe Long of KLIF 1190. The route scheduled to be driven was as follows: left turn from the south end of Love Field to West Mockingbird Lane, right on Lemmon Ave., right at the "Y" on Turtle Creek Blvd, straight on Cedar Springs Rd, left on North Harwood St, right on Main St, right on Houston St, sharp left on Elm St, through Triple Underpass, right turn up ramp to North Stemmons Freeway, to Dallas Trade Mart at 2100 North Stemmons (This same exact route cannot be driven today; there is a NO RIGHT TURN sign on the corner of Main and Houston as well as highway progressions in other areas) The original route had the motorcade continue straight onto Main instead of turning onto Houston, but it was discovered that Elm Street provided the only direct link from Dealey Plaza to the Stemmons Freeway, thus the route was altered. The presidential motorcade began its route without incident, stopping twice so President Kennedy could shake hands with some Catholic nuns, then some school children. The route taken by the motorcade within Dealey Plaza. North is towards the almost direct-left At 12:29 p.m. CST, the presidential limousine entered Dealey Plaza after a 90-degree right turn from Main Street onto Houston Street. Over two dozen known and unknown amateur and professional still and motion-picture photographers captured the last living images of President Kennedy. Just before 12:30 p.m. CST, President Kennedy was riding on Houston Street and slowly approached the Texas School Book Depository head-on. This point in the route gives birth to one of the better conspiracy theories that there were several shooters, for if there was only a single shooter in the sixth floor in the Book Depository, the shooter would have had a much better view of the President on Houston Street, slowly coming towards the shooter, not when the President was moving away from the shooter on Elm Street. Then the limousine made the 120-degree left turn directly in front of the depository, now only 65 feet (20 meters) away. [edit] 12:30 PM (CST): Shots are fired According to witnesses, the shooting began shortly after the limousine made the turn from Houston onto Elm Street. Most of these witnesses recalled the first shot happened after the president had started waving with his right hand. Most of these witnesses recalled hearing three shots, with the last two bunched distinctly much closer together than the first two. As seen in the Zapruder film, when the president first emerges from being temporarily behind the Stemmons Freeway sign at Zapruder film frame 224 to 225 his mouth is widely open in a shocked expression and his hands clench into fists, then he quickly raises his arms dramatically upwards towards his throat as he turned leftwards towards his wife. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill testified that he heard one shot, then jumped off the running board of the Secret Service follow-up car directly behind Kennedy (Hill was filmed jumping off his follow-up car at the equivalent of Zapruder frame 308; about a quarter of a second before the president's head exploded at frame 313). Hill then rapidly ran towards the Presidential limo and then a shot hit Kennedy in the head, opening up the right side of his head. As the gore-splattered limousine began speeding up, Mrs. Kennedy was heard to scream[19] and she climbed out of the back seat onto the rear of the limo. At the same time, Hill managed to climb aboard and hang onto the suddenly accelerating limo, and Mrs. Kennedy returned to the back seat. Hill then shielded her and the President. Both of the Connallys stated they heard Mrs. Kennedy say, "I have his brains in my hand!" The limo driver and police motorcycles turned on their sirens and raced at full speed to Parkland Hospital, passing their intended destination of the Dallas Trade Mart along the way, and arriving at about 12:38 PM. During the shots Governor Connally was also struck, and his wife pulled him closer to her. He suffered several severe wounds that he survived; a bullet entry wound in his upper right back located just behind his right armpit; four inches of his right, fifth chest rib was pulverised; a two-and-a-half inch sized chest exit wound; his right arm's wrist bone was fractured into seven pieces; and he had a bullet entry wound in his left inner thigh. Although there is controversy about exactly when he was wounded, analysts from both the Warren Commission (1964) and House Select Committee on Assassinations (1979) believed that his wounds had been inflicted nearly simultaneously with President Kennedy's in their theories that the two men were struck by a single bullet. The Commission theorized both men were hit nearly simultaneously between Zapruder film frames 210 to 225, while the Committee theorized it happened at frame 190. During the shots a witness, James Tague, was also wounded when he received a minor facial wound on his right cheek. The Main Street south curb he had been standing 23.5' away from was struck by a bullet or bullet fragment that had no copper sheath, and the richocheting bullet fragment struck Tague. At Zapruder frame 313 Tague's head top was located 271' away from and 16.4' below President Kennedy's head top. The bullet or bullet fragment that struck the cement curb was never found. Lee Harvey Oswald was confronted by an armed Dallas policeman, Marion Baker, in the depository second floor lunchroom only 74 to 90 seconds (according to a Warren Commission time recreation) after the last shot.[20] Baker first testified that the first shot he remembered hearing as he approached the depository and the Dallas Textile Building had originated from the "building in front of me, or, the one to the right." In the second floor lunch room, Oswald was identified by the superintendent of the building, Roy Truly, then released. Both Baker and Truly testified that Oswald appeared completely "calm, cool, normal, and was not out of breath in any way," and was not sweating. According to the Warren Commission, Oswald was next seen by a depository secretary as he crossed through the second floor business office carrying a soda bottle.[21] He left the Texas School Book Depository at approximately 12:33 p.m. through its front door.[22] The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had traveled from the sixth floor easternmost window, and hid an 8 pound, Italian-made 1938 Mannlicher-Carcano, 6.5 millimeter rifle equipped with a four-power scope along the way. The rifle was reported discovered by a Dallas police detective at 1:22 p.m., having been placed between stacks of boxes. After being discovered, the rifle was photographed before being touched. Estimates of when the Depository Building was sealed off by police range from 12:33 to 12:50 p.m.[23] The Dealey Plaza immediate area streets and blocks were never sealed-off, and within only nine minutes of the assassination, photographs show that vehicles were still driving unhampered down Elm Street, through the crime scene kill zone. About 1:00 p.m., after a bus and taxi ride, Oswald arrived back at his boarding room (1026 North Beckley Ave.), and according to his housekeeper Earlene Roberts, left three or four minutes later. She last saw him standing and waiting at a bus stop.[24] At 1:15 p.m, Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit was shot dead near the intersection of 10th St. and Patton Ave.[25][26][27] This was 0.86 mile from Oswald's rooming house. Thirteen people witnessed the man shooting Tippit or fleeing the immediate scene.[28][29] By that evening, five of the witnesses had identified Oswald in police lineups, and a sixth identified him the following day. Four others subsequently identified Oswald from a photograph.[28][29] After the Tippit murder, Oswald was witnessed traveling on foot toward the Texas Theatre on West Jefferson Blvd. About 1:35 p.m. Johnny Calvin Brewer, who worked as a manager at Hardy's Shoe Store in the same block as the Texas Theatre on Jefferson Blvd. saw Oswald turning his face away from the street and duck into the entranceway of the shoe store as Dallas squad cars drove up the street with sirens on. When Oswald left the store, Brewer followed Oswald and watched him go into the Texas Theater movie house without paying while ticket attendant Julie Postal was distracted. Brewer notified Postal, who in turn informed the Dallas Police at 1:40 p.m. Almost two dozen policemen, sheriffs, and detectives in several patrol cars arrived at Texas Theatre because they believed Tippit's killer was inside. When an arrest attempt was made at 1:50 p.m. inside the theater, Oswald resisted arrest and, according to the police, attempted to shoot a patrolman after yelling once, "Well, it's all over now!" then punching a patrolman.[30] At 3:01 p.m. Dallas time, only an hour after Oswald was taken into the Dallas jail, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo to his assistant directors in which he stated, "I called the Attorney General at his home and told him I thought we had the man who killed the President down in Dallas, at the present time." Meanwhile, the situation at Parkland Hospital had deteriorated. Even as the press contingent grew, a Roman Catholic priest had been summoned to perform the last rites for President Kennedy.[31] Dr. Malcolm Perry, assistant professor of surgery at UT Southwestern and a vascular surgeon on the Parkland staff was the first to treat Kennedy and he performed a tracheotomy, followed by a cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed with another surgeon.[32][33] Other doctors and surgeons who gathered worked frantically to save the president's life, but his wounds were too great.[34] At 1:00 p.m. CST, after all the activity had ceased, and after the priest administered the last rites, President Kennedy was pronounced dead. Personnel at Parkland Hospital Trauma Room #1, who treated the President, observed that the President's condition was "moribund",[35] meaning he had no chance of survival upon arrival at the hospital. "We never had any hope of saving his life," Dr. Perry said.[30][36] "I am absolutely sure he never knew what hit him," said Dr. Tom Shires, Parkland's chief of surgery.[37] The Very Reverend Oscar L. Huber, the priest who administered the last rites to the president, told The New York Times that the president was already dead upon the priest's arrival at the hospital and had to draw back a sheet covering the President's face so that the last rites could be given.[38][39] Governor Connally, meanwhile, was soon taken to emergency surgery where he underwent two operations that day. Although President Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:00 PM CST, the official announcement would not come for another half-hour. Immediately after receiving word of the president's death, acting White House press secretary Malcolm Kilduff entered the room where Vice President Johnson, who was constitutionally now the President, and his wife were sitting.[40] Kilduff approached them and said to Johnson, "Mr. President, I have to announce the death of President Kennedy. Is it OK with you that the announcement be made now?"[40] The new president ordered that the announcement be made only after he left the hospital.[41] When asking that the announcement be delayed, Johnson told Kilduff: "I think I had better get out of here...before you announce it. We don't know whether this is a worldwide conspiracy, whether they are after me as well as well as they were after President Kennedy, or whether they are after Speaker (John W.) McCormack, or Senator (Carl) Hayden. We just don't know."[17] At 1:33 p.m. CST, Kilduff entered a nurses' classroom at the hospital filled with press reporters and made the official announcement:[42][34] “President John F. Kennedy died at approximately 1:00 CST today, here in Dallas. He died of a gunshot wound to the brain. I have no other details regarding the assassination of the president."[40]” A few minutes after 2:00 p.m. CST, and after a ten to fifteen minute confrontation between cursing and weapons-brandishing Secret Service agents and doctors, President Kennedy's body was removed from Parkland Hospital and driven to Air Force One.[43] According to some Assassination researchers, this removal may have been illegal, as the body was removed before undergoing a forensic examination by the Dallas coroner, and against Texas state laws.[44] The murder of the president was, at that time, listed on the books as a state-level crime and not a federal one, and as such legally occurred under Texas jurisdiction. To this date, however, no official legal body has ruled on this matter, quite possibly as the point is now somewhat disregarded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_John_F._Kennedy_assassination http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/select-committee-report/findings.html Deaths connected to Kennedy's assassination http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/jfkdeaths.htm LBJ Night Before JFK Assassination: "Those SOB's Will Never Embarrass Me Again" http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=15167 Why We Should Still Study the Cuban Missile Crisis http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120124/news/701249841/video/23564656/ JFK library releases last of his secret tapes http://www.usip.org/files/resources/sr205.pdf Anniversary of The Assassination of John F. Kennedy http://www.hisofamerica.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:anniversary-of-the-assassination-of-john-f-kennedy (emphasis added by T. Graves ) Although it's true that "Elm Street provided the only direct link from Dealey Plaza to the Stemmons Freeway", the motorcade could have gotten to the Trade Mart by going down Main Street (thereby bypassing the near-hairpin left turn from Houston onto Elm) and hanging a right onto Industrial Boulevard, and taking it rather than the Stemmons Freeway to the Trade Mart. --Tommy edited and bumped Lee Harvey Oswald was confronted by an armed Dallas policeman, Marion Baker, in the depository second floor lunchroom only 74 to 90 seconds (according to a Warren Commission time recreation) after the last shot. He was eating lunch, and drinking a coke!
  3. Boo-hoo. Cry me the Ohio River, Bill. I just can't muster too much respect and support for a person who says silly things like this: "I say that LBJ used Kenny O'Donnell not only to get JFK to Dealey Plaza but to hijack AF1 for the return trip to D.C." -- William Kelly And this: "The evidence indicates Oswald didn't kill anyone." -- William Kelly That last quote is so incredibly silly, bizarre, and dead wrong that Bill Kelly should be beet-red with embarrassment. http://Oswald-Is-Guilty.blogspot.com Well, since most of the believable evidence supports those two contentions, that LBJ lied about O'Donnell telling him to take AF1 and since Oswald was not on the Sixth Floor ten minutes before the assassination, when others were seen in the Sniper's window, and he wasn't there at the time of the assassination, and he doesn't have a bald spot on his head, as the Sixth Floor sniper had, and he wore a brown shirt and not the white shirt that the Sixth Floor Sniper had on, and he wasn't on the Sixth Floor two minutes later when someone was seen in the Sniper's window, I have only to conclude that Oswald wasn't the Sixth Floor Sniper. You can believe anything you want, but the evidence does not indicate Oswald was the Sixth Floor Sniper, and since a reliable witness has reported that the Dallas Police said that Tippit was killed by someone other than Oswald, it does not appear that Oswald killed anyone that day. If you want to consider this information incredibly silly, bizarre and dead wrong, then that's why few people respect your opinion and it is irrelevant. I have offered you every opportunity to present the case against Oswald, and all you can do is insult those who sincerely study this case. And the main point being that even if everything in the Oswald-is-Guilty blogspot is true, then because of Oswald's clear background as a covert intelligence operative, then whatever you believe happened at Dealey Plaza, it was a covert intelligence operation and not the result of a deranged loner. Bill Kelly Deleted
  4. Boo-hoo. Cry me the Ohio River, Bill. I just can't muster too much respect and support for a person who says silly things like this: "I say that LBJ used Kenny O'Donnell not only to get JFK to Dealey Plaza but to hijack AF1 for the return trip to D.C." -- William Kelly And this: "The evidence indicates Oswald didn't kill anyone." -- William Kelly That last quote is so incredibly silly, bizarre, and dead wrong that Bill Kelly should be beet-red with embarrassment. http://Oswald-Is-Guilty.blogspot.com Well, since most of the believable evidence supports those two contentions, that LBJ lied about O'Donnell telling him to take AF1 and since Oswald was not on the Sixth Floor ten minutes before the assassination, when others were seen in the Sniper's window, and he wasn't there at the time of the assassination, and he doesn't have a bald spot on his head, as the Sixth Floor sniper had, and he wore a brown shirt and not the white shirt that the Sixth Floor Sniper had on, and he wasn't on the Sixth Floor two minutes later when someone was seen in the Sniper's window, I have only to conclude that Oswald wasn't the Sixth Floor Sniper. You can believe anything you want, but the evidence does not indicate Oswald was the Sixth Floor Sniper, and since a reliable witness has reported that the Dallas Police said that Tippit was killed by someone other than Oswald, it does not appear that Oswald killed anyone that day. If you want to consider this information incredibly silly, bizarre and dead wrong, then that's why few people respect your opinion and it is irrelevant. I have offered you every opportunity to present the case against Oswald, and all you can do is insult those who sincerely study this case. And the main point being that even if everything in the Oswald-is-Guilty blogspot is true, then because of Oswald's clear background as a covert intelligence operative, then whatever you believe happened at Dealey Plaza, it was a covert intelligence operation and not the result of a deranged loner. Bill Kelly http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Tippet.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Oswald%201.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Oswald%202.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Oswald%203.jpg
  5. If you think you'll someday see new documents from the CIA on Kennedy, you can forget about it. Just ask yourself this, if the CIA is blockade the release of volume V of the Bay of Pigs what makes you think they are going to turn over any relevant information on Kennedy? You can forget about it!
  6. Boo-hoo. Cry me the Ohio River, Bill. I just can't muster too much respect and support for a person who says silly things like this: "I say that LBJ used Kenny O'Donnell not only to get JFK to Dealey Plaza but to hijack AF1 for the return trip to D.C." -- William Kelly And this: "The evidence indicates Oswald didn't kill anyone." -- William Kelly That last quote is so incredibly silly (and dead wrong) that Bill Kelly should be beet-red with embarrassment. http://Oswald-Is-Guilty.blogspot.com Deleted
  7. Mr. Kaiser, Some members of our group, The S.F.R.G. http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html are interested in listening to what you have to say about your new and upcoming book. You may bring whomever you wish. We will be calling a meeting for Feb 25 at ten in the morning and would like you to attend. (Brunch is on us) Please let me know if this fits your schedule. The venue is not yet announced but you can ride with me or I with you. Please verify your phone number: 210.251.4754. Regards, Gordon Winslow I will be contacting Gordon Winslow as soon as I get into Miami. Thank you for allowing me to speak at your Conference, it would be an honor for me to attend such an important group of people. Regards, Scott Kaiser http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html
  8. Your calling DiEugenio the village idiot sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle "black". --Tommy Tommy, I agree with you, there seems to be a few out there, I have no idea what this lady is on, but I'm sure she could be arrested. President Kennedy's trip to Dallas was first announced to the public in September 1963.[4] The exact motorcade route was finalized on November 18 and announced to the public a few days before November 22. There was NO change in the motorcade route. On Friday, November 22, 1963, at 11:40 AM CST, Kennedy, his wife Jacqueline, and the rest of the presidential entourage arrived at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, aboard Air Force One after a very short flight from nearby Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth. The motorcade cars had been lined up in a certain order earlier that morning. The original schedule was for the president to proceed in a long motorcade from Love Field through downtown Dallas, and end at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart. The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:10 PM, followed by a 12:15 PM arrival at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart so President Kennedy could deliver a speech and share in a steak luncheon with Dallas government, business, religious, and civic leaders and their spouses. Invitations that were sent out specify a 12:00 PM start time to the luncheon while SS agent Lawson told Chief Curry that after arriving at Love Field and leaving at 11:30 the 38-45 minute trip would get them to the Trade Mart on time. Air Force One touched down at 11:39 AM and did not leave Love Field until approximately fifteen minutes later. Dallas' three television stations were given separate assignments. As Bob Walker of WFAA-TV 8 (ABC) was providing live coverage of the President's arrival at Love Field, KRLD-TV 4 (CBS) with Eddie Barker was set up at the Trade Mart for Kennedy's luncheon speech. WBAP-TV 5 (NBC), being a Dallas/Fort Worth network based in the latter, had done live coverage of the President's breakfast speech in Fort Worth earlier that day. On hand to report the arrival on radio was Joe Long of KLIF 1190. The route scheduled to be driven was as follows: left turn from the south end of Love Field to West Mockingbird Lane, right on Lemmon Ave., right at the "Y" on Turtle Creek Blvd, straight on Cedar Springs Rd, left on North Harwood St, right on Main St, right on Houston St, sharp left on Elm St, through Triple Underpass, right turn up ramp to North Stemmons Freeway, to Dallas Trade Mart at 2100 North Stemmons (This same exact route cannot be driven today; there is a NO RIGHT TURN sign on the corner of Main and Houston as well as highway progressions in other areas) The original route had the motorcade continue straight onto Main instead of turning onto Houston, but it was discovered that Elm Street provided the only direct link from Dealey Plaza to the Stemmons Freeway, thus the route was altered. The presidential motorcade began its route without incident, stopping twice so President Kennedy could shake hands with some Catholic nuns, then some school children. The route taken by the motorcade within Dealey Plaza. North is towards the almost direct-left At 12:29 p.m. CST, the presidential limousine entered Dealey Plaza after a 90-degree right turn from Main Street onto Houston Street. Over two dozen known and unknown amateur and professional still and motion-picture photographers captured the last living images of President Kennedy. Just before 12:30 p.m. CST, President Kennedy was riding on Houston Street and slowly approached the Texas School Book Depository head-on. This point in the route gives birth to one of the better conspiracy theories that there were several shooters, for if there was only a single shooter in the sixth floor in the Book Depository, the shooter would have had a much better view of the President on Houston Street, slowly coming towards the shooter, not when the President was moving away from the shooter on Elm Street. Then the limousine made the 120-degree left turn directly in front of the depository, now only 65 feet (20 meters) away. [edit] 12:30 PM (CST): Shots are fired According to witnesses, the shooting began shortly after the limousine made the turn from Houston onto Elm Street. Most of these witnesses recalled the first shot happened after the president had started waving with his right hand. Most of these witnesses recalled hearing three shots, with the last two bunched distinctly much closer together than the first two. As seen in the Zapruder film, when the president first emerges from being temporarily behind the Stemmons Freeway sign at Zapruder film frame 224 to 225 his mouth is widely open in a shocked expression and his hands clench into fists, then he quickly raises his arms dramatically upwards towards his throat as he turned leftwards towards his wife. Secret Service Agent Clint Hill testified that he heard one shot, then jumped off the running board of the Secret Service follow-up car directly behind Kennedy (Hill was filmed jumping off his follow-up car at the equivalent of Zapruder frame 308; about a quarter of a second before the president's head exploded at frame 313). Hill then rapidly ran towards the Presidential limo and then a shot hit Kennedy in the head, opening up the right side of his head. As the gore-splattered limousine began speeding up, Mrs. Kennedy was heard to scream[19] and she climbed out of the back seat onto the rear of the limo. At the same time, Hill managed to climb aboard and hang onto the suddenly accelerating limo, and Mrs. Kennedy returned to the back seat. Hill then shielded her and the President. Both of the Connallys stated they heard Mrs. Kennedy say, "I have his brains in my hand!" The limo driver and police motorcycles turned on their sirens and raced at full speed to Parkland Hospital, passing their intended destination of the Dallas Trade Mart along the way, and arriving at about 12:38 PM. During the shots Governor Connally was also struck, and his wife pulled him closer to her. He suffered several severe wounds that he survived; a bullet entry wound in his upper right back located just behind his right armpit; four inches of his right, fifth chest rib was pulverised; a two-and-a-half inch sized chest exit wound; his right arm's wrist bone was fractured into seven pieces; and he had a bullet entry wound in his left inner thigh. Although there is controversy about exactly when he was wounded, analysts from both the Warren Commission (1964) and House Select Committee on Assassinations (1979) believed that his wounds had been inflicted nearly simultaneously with President Kennedy's in their theories that the two men were struck by a single bullet. The Commission theorized both men were hit nearly simultaneously between Zapruder film frames 210 to 225, while the Committee theorized it happened at frame 190. During the shots a witness, James Tague, was also wounded when he received a minor facial wound on his right cheek. The Main Street south curb he had been standing 23.5' away from was struck by a bullet or bullet fragment that had no copper sheath, and the richocheting bullet fragment struck Tague. At Zapruder frame 313 Tague's head top was located 271' away from and 16.4' below President Kennedy's head top. The bullet or bullet fragment that struck the cement curb was never found. Lee Harvey Oswald was confronted by an armed Dallas policeman, Marion Baker, in the depository second floor lunchroom only 74 to 90 seconds (according to a Warren Commission time recreation) after the last shot.[20] Baker first testified that the first shot he remembered hearing as he approached the depository and the Dallas Textile Building had originated from the "building in front of me, or, the one to the right." In the second floor lunch room, Oswald was identified by the superintendent of the building, Roy Truly, then released. Both Baker and Truly testified that Oswald appeared completely "calm, cool, normal, and was not out of breath in any way," and was not sweating. According to the Warren Commission, Oswald was next seen by a depository secretary as he crossed through the second floor business office carrying a soda bottle.[21] He left the Texas School Book Depository at approximately 12:33 p.m. through its front door.[22] The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald had traveled from the sixth floor easternmost window, and hid an 8 pound, Italian-made 1938 Mannlicher-Carcano, 6.5 millimeter rifle equipped with a four-power scope along the way. The rifle was reported discovered by a Dallas police detective at 1:22 p.m., having been placed between stacks of boxes. After being discovered, the rifle was photographed before being touched. Estimates of when the Depository Building was sealed off by police range from 12:33 to 12:50 p.m.[23] The Dealey Plaza immediate area streets and blocks were never sealed-off, and within only nine minutes of the assassination, photographs show that vehicles were still driving unhampered down Elm Street, through the crime scene kill zone. About 1:00 p.m., after a bus and taxi ride, Oswald arrived back at his boarding room (1026 North Beckley Ave.), and according to his housekeeper Earlene Roberts, left three or four minutes later. She last saw him standing and waiting at a bus stop.[24] At 1:15 p.m, Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit was shot dead near the intersection of 10th St. and Patton Ave.[25][26][27] This was 0.86 mile from Oswald's rooming house. Thirteen people witnessed the man shooting Tippit or fleeing the immediate scene.[28][29] By that evening, five of the witnesses had identified Oswald in police lineups, and a sixth identified him the following day. Four others subsequently identified Oswald from a photograph.[28][29] After the Tippit murder, Oswald was witnessed traveling on foot toward the Texas Theatre on West Jefferson Blvd. About 1:35 p.m. Johnny Calvin Brewer, who worked as a manager at Hardy's Shoe Store in the same block as the Texas Theatre on Jefferson Blvd. saw Oswald turning his face away from the street and duck into the entranceway of the shoe store as Dallas squad cars drove up the street with sirens on. When Oswald left the store, Brewer followed Oswald and watched him go into the Texas Theater movie house without paying while ticket attendant Julie Postal was distracted. Brewer notified Postal, who in turn informed the Dallas Police at 1:40 p.m. Almost two dozen policemen, sheriffs, and detectives in several patrol cars arrived at Texas Theatre because they believed Tippit's killer was inside. When an arrest attempt was made at 1:50 p.m. inside the theater, Oswald resisted arrest and, according to the police, attempted to shoot a patrolman after yelling once, "Well, it's all over now!" then punching a patrolman.[30] At 3:01 p.m. Dallas time, only an hour after Oswald was taken into the Dallas jail, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo to his assistant directors in which he stated, "I called the Attorney General at his home and told him I thought we had the man who killed the President down in Dallas, at the present time." Meanwhile, the situation at Parkland Hospital had deteriorated. Even as the press contingent grew, a Roman Catholic priest had been summoned to perform the last rites for President Kennedy.[31] Dr. Malcolm Perry, assistant professor of surgery at UT Southwestern and a vascular surgeon on the Parkland staff was the first to treat Kennedy and he performed a tracheotomy, followed by a cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed with another surgeon.[32][33] Other doctors and surgeons who gathered worked frantically to save the president's life, but his wounds were too great.[34] At 1:00 p.m. CST, after all the activity had ceased, and after the priest administered the last rites, President Kennedy was pronounced dead. Personnel at Parkland Hospital Trauma Room #1, who treated the President, observed that the President's condition was "moribund",[35] meaning he had no chance of survival upon arrival at the hospital. "We never had any hope of saving his life," Dr. Perry said.[30][36] "I am absolutely sure he never knew what hit him," said Dr. Tom Shires, Parkland's chief of surgery.[37] The Very Reverend Oscar L. Huber, the priest who administered the last rites to the president, told The New York Times that the president was already dead upon the priest's arrival at the hospital and had to draw back a sheet covering the President's face so that the last rites could be given.[38][39] Governor Connally, meanwhile, was soon taken to emergency surgery where he underwent two operations that day. Although President Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:00 PM CST, the official announcement would not come for another half-hour. Immediately after receiving word of the president's death, acting White House press secretary Malcolm Kilduff entered the room where Vice President Johnson, who was constitutionally now the President, and his wife were sitting.[40] Kilduff approached them and said to Johnson, "Mr. President, I have to announce the death of President Kennedy. Is it OK with you that the announcement be made now?"[40] The new president ordered that the announcement be made only after he left the hospital.[41] When asking that the announcement be delayed, Johnson told Kilduff: "I think I had better get out of here...before you announce it. We don't know whether this is a worldwide conspiracy, whether they are after me as well as well as they were after President Kennedy, or whether they are after Speaker (John W.) McCormack, or Senator (Carl) Hayden. We just don't know."[17] At 1:33 p.m. CST, Kilduff entered a nurses' classroom at the hospital filled with press reporters and made the official announcement:[42][34] “President John F. Kennedy died at approximately 1:00 CST today, here in Dallas. He died of a gunshot wound to the brain. I have no other details regarding the assassination of the president."[40]” A few minutes after 2:00 p.m. CST, and after a ten to fifteen minute confrontation between cursing and weapons-brandishing Secret Service agents and doctors, President Kennedy's body was removed from Parkland Hospital and driven to Air Force One.[43] According to some Assassination researchers, this removal may have been illegal, as the body was removed before undergoing a forensic examination by the Dallas coroner, and against Texas state laws.[44] The murder of the president was, at that time, listed on the books as a state-level crime and not a federal one, and as such legally occurred under Texas jurisdiction. To this date, however, no official legal body has ruled on this matter, quite possibly as the point is now somewhat disregarded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_John_F._Kennedy_assassination http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/select-committee-report/findings.html Deaths connected to Kennedy's assassination http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/jfkdeaths.htm LBJ Night Before JFK Assassination: "Those SOB's Will Never Embarrass Me Again" http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=15167 Why We Should Still Study the Cuban Missile Crisis http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20120124/news/701249841/video/23564656/ JFK library releases last of his secret tapes http://www.usip.org/files/resources/sr205.pdf Anniversary of The Assassination of John F. Kennedy http://www.hisofamerica.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=51:anniversary-of-the-assassination-of-john-f-kennedy
  9. MAKING IT EASY Lyman B. Kirkpatrick's report at the direction of John A. McCone director of the CIA. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB341/IGrpt1.pdf The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release December 29, 2009 Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information For those of you who are interested in what the Oval office has to say on the FOIA information and documents that are withheld by our governing agencies I will attach a completed reference of President Obama's Executive Order 13526. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-classified-national-security-information Notes on an April 1963 visit to Cuba by attorney James B. Donovan and a memorandum of statements by Fidel Castro from the same trip, record a secret effort to negotiate the release of American prisoners that also helped to initiate a dialogue between bitter adversaries. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/index.html Lawsuit against the CIA http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB341/CIA_complaint_final.pdf Rebuttal to Kirkpatrick from the office of deputy director Richard Bissell http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB341/IGrpt2.pdf This top secret memorandum of conversation from a meeting of the National Security Council describes continued planning of paramilitary operations in Cuba. President Kennedy says he plans to authorize an operation in which “patriotic Cubans return to their homeland.” Document 7 - White House, 3/2/1963, [Audio conversation between President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy] [Part 1 - mp3] [Part 2 - mp3] In this telephone conversation between President Kennedy and his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, they discuss concerns that a Senate investigating committee might reveal that the President had authorized jets from the US aircraft carrier Essex to provide one hour of air coverage, to create a no-fly zone for Bay of Pigs B-26 bombers the morning of April 19. Due to a timing mistake, the jets never met up with the bombers; 2 bombers were shot down, leading to the deaths of 4 Americans. So who was to blame? http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB341/index.htm Robert and John Kennedy on the Bay of Pigs http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Robert%20and%20John%20Kennedy%20on%20the%20BOP.MP3 Robert and John Kennedy http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Robert%20and%20John%20Kennedy.MP3 Also released today are documents relating to secret efforts by the Kennedy Administration to begin a dialogue with Castro in the days before his assassination in November 1963. In a February 1964 message to President Johnson, conveyed through ABC News correspondent Lisa Howard, Castro tells the new president "that there are no areas of contention between us that cannot be discussed and settled within a climate of mutual understanding," and expresses hope that Johnson will win the November presidential election and continue with the Kennedy Administration's rapproachment effort. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19640212.pdf A memorandum of statements by Fidel Castro from the same trip, record a secret effort to negotiate the release of American prisoners that also helped to initiate a dialogue between bitter adversaries. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19630400b.pdf A memorandum from Kennedy aide Richard Goodwin recounting his August 22, 1961 conversation with Ernesto "Che" Guevara in which Guevara thanks Goodwin for the Bay of Pigs invasion - which he calls "a great political victory" -but also seeks to establish a "modus vivendi" with the U.S. government. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19610822.pdf A November 1, 1961 memorandum from Goodwin to President Kennedy supporting the concept of a "command operation" on Cuba, commanded by Attorney General Robert Kennedy. The reorganization of Cuban operations as described in the memo sets the stage for the decision to launch a new, multifaceted set of anti-Castro activities, codenamed Operation Mongoose. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/bayofpigs/19611101.pdf
  10. Actually, that was the best spot for the ground troops to fight a guerrilla warfare, there was another spot that was also chosen, but the initial spot which was the "Playa Girón" would be the settling place, it was the relentless pursuit and media harassment that doomed the landing, you don't allow your enemy to know your coming, that also contributed in Castro moving his forces where they needed to be, what was suppose to be a surprise attack turn into handing the forces over to Castro on a silver platter. So many things went wrong, but getting the word out to the press was away for Castro to prepare for D-Day.
  11. Many have question whether the Bay of Pigs would have been a successful mission or a complete failure even with the help of the air support that was called off, and was the plan actually "design to fail". I will share with you a report indicating such action and IMHO why the Bay of Pigs failed. The question has been raised in some quarters as to whether the amphibious/airborne operation could not be mounted without tactical air preparation or support or with minimum air support. It is axiomatic in amphibious operations that the control of air and sea in the objective area is absolutely required. The spectacular aspects of the air operations would have gone as far as producing an uprising in Cuba that the CIA and the Cuban exiles seek. When asked if the Agency had taken "a strong position" with Secretary of State Rusk during the meeting at which the D-Day air strike was called off by President Kennedy during the telephone conversation with Mr. Rusk, Hawkins's opinion was reported have been: Probably not strong enough. It was indicated that the worst would be that the invaders would not have their B-26 support and if the ships were on their way out, the force would be denied its resupply capability. After reading this how could anyone suggest that this plan was "designed to fail"? I have said it time and time again, through radio contact the first person that received word that no supply or air support would be given to the Cuban exiles on the ship Barbra was Osvaldo Coello who was the ships main radio operator and who is in my father's phone book as the radio operator in Dallas Texas. The day John F. Kennedy was killed. The Colonel was far more positive about the disastrous results of the cancellation of the pre-D-Day and D-Day air strikes as he closed the third meeting of the Taylor Committee by reading his memorandum on "Factors which Hampered Preparations for and Conduct of Effective Paramilitary Operations. The paramilitary staff, on the other hand, consistently informed ALL authorities concerned that the operation could not be conducted unless the opposing air force was KNOCKED OUT before the landing, and unless the landing force was continually supported by effective tactical air operations as long as it was in a combat situation. So how could anyone come up with the brilliant idea that this was a plan design to fail? NOT! ARE YOU LISTENING? IS ANYONE LISTENING? Scott Kaiser
  12. I have already attached both volumes III and IV for everyone's review, you may download it at no charge, and V may present a bit of a problem. Volume V is the one the CIA does not want you to see. Below is the reason why. Its up to the FOIA to have the files released, it has been an ongoing lawsuit sense 1987. Why the CIA wishes to keep volume V of the Bay of Pigs totally secret: Keeping it secret! Volume five of the history, written by "CIA historian Jack Pfeiffer" –who sued the CIA himself to release the history in 1987, and lost– is described by the CIA as an “Internal Investigation document” that “is an uncritical defense of the CIA officers who planned and executed the Bay of Pigs operation… It offers a polemic of recriminations against CIA officers who later criticized the operation and against those U.S. officials who its author, Dr. Pfeiffer, contends were responsible for the failure of that operation."
  13. A good Cuban cigar is hard to come by, I don't know how many people smoke Cuban cigars or if anyone many be interested in a good Cuban cigar, just let me know!
  14. If Howard Hunts deathbed confession is only going to be partly played to finger point LBJ I think its only appropriate to play the whole tape, don't you think so? I am also attaching a little more information on Hunt. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.php/Confession_of_Howard_Hunt He starts off by saying "I heard from Frank that LBJ had designated Cord Meyer, Jr. to undertake a larger organization while keeping it totally secret." So where does Bill Harvey and the French gunmen come in on this tape? VVV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96FDflK_Iug&feature=related
  15. Its all in volume III of the CIA's report, I beleive it starts talking about that on page five, I do know that there are several pages containing interesting information on a person I call "uncle Sidney Sacks" as a kid, aka William Pawley.
  16. I have already touched on this subject in one of the forums on facebook. Jim Mars, has some of the story correct starting at 5:16 and I'm not sure how he heard of Miami, but he is also missing one other place and that is New York, all of the places have been documented sense 1970 and is written in my fathers hand, my father got this information from those who were planning the assassination. The first place Kennedy was to be assassinated at was in Miami, the second place was in New York, the third place was in Chicago until it finally ended up in Dallas. If anyone is interested in reading my fathers letter let me know and I'll post it for you and paraphrase his hand writings, also, what St. John is saying about his father naming names in his notes he names LBJ, Cord Meyer, David Phillips, Bill Harvey, David Morales and the French gunmen, but in his deathbed confession Howard Hunt makes no mention of Bill Harvey or the French gunmen, he does however make mention of LBJ, Cord Meyer, David Phillips, David Morales and Frank Sturgis. So what are we missing here?
  17. Here is the entire volume III of the CIA's report that was withheld on the Bay of Pigs, the FOIA won their lawsuit against the CIA and the court order the CIA to release its records. Many researchers have been saying that JFK "inherited" the Bay of Pigs and it was never authorized by the Eisenhower administration, but that's not true, in these FOIA documents on page two it clearly states that the Eisenhower administration did in fact approve the plan. It would have been up to the upcoming president to abolish the plan, but Kennedy didn't, he let it follow through. And guess who the "Mastermind" behind the operation was? That's right! Nixon... HELLO! Is it no wonder why Nixon always referred to the Bay of Pigs to Kennedy's assassination? BTW, I have said time and time again why the plans were changed, I told everyone that Nixon want to have the operation kicked off in November, I'm wondering now if any of the researchers are listing? Volume 3 VVV http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB341/BayOfPigsHistory_Vol3.pdf Volume 4 VVV http://www.foia.cia.gov/bay-of-pigs/bop-vol4.pdf
  18. There are still several survivors of the Bay of Pigs, I hope that with their help I can capture history as its told by those who were in the forefront of the battle, and preserver their own words, from the planning to infiltrating Cuba to their release from Castro, what their superiors told them about US Military being used, and why they thought they were betrayed by Kennedy. I will discuss these topics with many of the Cubans in Miami after my assignment has been completed, it could take up to several months, but I know that after my mission it will be well worth the wait. Scott
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