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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. ^^ You're welcome Tommy, Dennis Harber was a member of Interpen not with Sturgis group ICB. Although, Sturgis and Hemming knew each other and worked with each other, they were like two quarterbacks, on two separate football teams, they both had delusions of grandeur, wanting to be head of there own anti-Castro organization, that is one reason my father kicked Sturgis' a** in our back yard, because Sturgis wanted to take over my fathers group, Frank called himself "Head of Military Intelligence". I call him an a**hole....
  2. Greg, you crack me up, I mean you seem to know it all including the exact statistics and or percentage of the male population that are all known as TODWHOEM... You should try your luck playing the lotto, handling a hot chick would be out of the question. Now if you read my comment and or posts carefully, you would have noticed. I said, "resemble". I didn't say he "was" Oswald, nor did I ever say he "is" Oswald, so I think you should get your facts straight, secondly, I have positively identified two men in these two separate clips, Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender. By the way, you're welcome, because there are NO photos of Bender, he was rarely photographed, that my friend <and I mean that in a sarcastic kind of way> is a rare photo shot of Bender. Haba good day! So Scott, Which one is Bender? --Tommy Tommy, Bender is in the second clip, standing right next to Sturgis, he is wearing army fatigues, a hat and glasses. Here is the photo of Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender.
  3. Most people here really crack me up, I mean, rolling on the floor laughing my a** off, instead of researchers doing their due delinquents researching, many of you sound like school kids arguing over who wants to be right, yes! I find that very funny, I guess Pawley didn't kill himself either? Many who were summons to testify before a Warren Commission or HSCA were killed or they commented suicide, but why would they comment suicide if they knew they would probably end up getting killed for testifying? So why not testify? I mean either way you're going to end up in a box for singing right? Well the answer to the question is easy, would it not be easier for one man to die, then for a whole family to parish?
  4. Greg, you crack me up, I mean you seem to know it all including the exact statistics and or percentage of the male population that are all known as TODWHOEM... You should try your luck playing the lotto, handling a hot chick would be out of the question. Now if you read my comment and or posts carefully, you would have noticed. I said, "resemble". I didn't say he "was" Oswald, nor did I ever say he "is" Oswald, so I think you should get your facts straight, secondly, I have positively identified two men in these two separate clips, Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender. By the way, you're welcome, because there are NO photos of Bender, he was rarely photographed, that my friend <and I mean that in a sarcastic kind of way> is a rare photo shot of Bender. Haba good day!
  5. Thanks, Mark. --Tommy P.S. For those of you who are still laboring under the delusion that we're talking about the guy on the far left--- wrong! We're talking about the guy behind the dude who is holding a pistol in his hand up near his head (Frank Sturgis AKA Frank Fiorini). Oh! You're talking about TODHNOEM! Greg, That's the first time I've been subjected to a todo nome attack on this forum! --Tommy P.S. Uhh.... What does TODHNOEM mean? You mean you've never heard of The-Other-Dude-Who's-Not-Oswald-Either Man???!! And you call yourself a <DELETED>? P.P.S. Dude on the left looks a bit like the Corsican mercenary/assassin Jean Souetre. Greg, I think if you're going to come up with some acronyms that literally spells out several words, I'd think you would want to get it right "The-Other-Dude-Who's-Not-Oswald-Either Man" is actually (TODWNOEM)... Just trying to help... Ummmm? Yes! I'd say that does resemble Oswald very much....
  6. There are two clips to this film, I have only pointed out two people, Frank Sturgis is the man with the hat and gun in his hand, on the second clip, standing behind Frank Sturgis with army fatigues, a hat on his head and waring glasses is Frank Bender. Oh and Marita Lorenz is there too. This is a group of either members of op40 or Franks group International Communist Brigade of which Sturgis accused Oswald of trying to infiltrate or join Sturgis' group. Scott Kaiser
  7. The plan was to form a Cuban government in exile in Haiti.
  8. Thanks Thomas and Bernice! Bernice, I don't think its Walter E. Potts that I'm looking for, unless its an alias in my fathers phone book, under the name General Paul Griffith he has Joseph D. Potts, his name was placed just above Ewdero, aka Edwardo, aka Howard Hunt. Scott
  9. I have posted in the past asking for help, and a few have responded to my questions, so it hasn't been a waist of my time asking for help here when a few have come through for me. And, I want to personally thank you for that, you know who you are Zach and friends. I now come to you with one more question, I have been doing some research on a name and could use some help please, from anyone who may know or heard of this person, he goes by the name of Joseph D. Potts, would anyone know if he was either Secret Service or with the OSS. Thanks! Scott
  10. Can someone, anyone, tell me who this "El Pirate" is? Any information on him or his real name thanks! http://www.maryferrell.org/​mffweb/archive/viewer/​showDoc.do?docId=60101&relPageI​d=29 http://www.maryferrell.org/​mffweb/archive/viewer/​showDoc.do?docId=52282&relPageI​d=71 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/CIA%2052.jpg
  11. Could someone anyone tell me who "El Pirate" is? Can anyone give me any information on him and what was his real name? http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=52282&relPageId=71 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=60101&relPageId=28 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/CIA%2052.jpg
  12. First there was Howard Hunts deathbed confession, Frank Sturgis said, we were all looking for the photo's that were taken of us in Dallas, Eugenio Martinez said, you're father was the man who stole the photo's we were looking for, I asked, so who were the other's and why are they not mentioned here? I was told the other two men were Barnard Barker and David Morales, I asked, so why is Barker's name not listed? Why only list the others if Barker was also apart of Watergate, he said, only one reason I can think of is because Barker answered only to MCcord who was a high level CIA agent that also held a rank of Lt. Colonel. I said, okay what about David why was he not mentioned, I was told there are a lot of things that are not mentioned about Morales, I started to think to myself, is there some truth to what Hunt said in his deathbed confession? Are these the missing photo's everyone was looking for? Have they finally turned up, did anyone know about this? And who the sixth man in Watergate was, probably not. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/CIA%2051.jpg
  13. I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but if you're are lacking space on you're hard drive in order to preserve information, may I ask if you are operating you're web-site off a sever or you're tower? Really doesn't matter although a server would hold more information depending on the size of you're hard drive. You could however, purchase an external hard drive without having to replace you're existing one therefore you have now created additional space. Hope that helped...
  14. There are way to many mistakes here, including the posts I have read throughout, first I'd like to say that there was never a group call "Chicago Junta", Junta was a group found by Manuel Ray Rivero on Sept. 21, 1962 in Miami. By July of 1963 he announced a new formation and the group known as Junta became JURE, however, Junta never expelled their name JURE was just an arm or a sister name to Junta, among them were Antonio Gonzalez, Rogelio Cinneros and Jose Rodriguez aka "Cabezas". Later, the group would fall into the hands of Operation 40 member's who worked for JM/WAVE, and by August 1963 the leader of the group then became Luis Posada who would step up, JURE also signed a unity agreement with another anti-Castro group called Cubanos Unidos in 1969. The leaders of that group were Wilfredo Navarro and Ed Kaiser. Sorry if I'm not going into to much detail, at this time I can not.
  15. Scott, The CIA "won" in its fight against leftists in Guatemala. I chose Guatemala for the comparison posted below because Cuba and Guatemala are close in both land area and in population. Guatemala does not face the challenges of being both an island and a target of a 50 years long U.S. economic and trade embargo. Considering the statistics posted below, Scott, where is it preferable to be born today, in Cuba or in Guatemala? Is it at all possible that the "freedom" fighters you idolize, were fighting in the best interests of just a tiny faction of the Cuban population in the early 1960's, and if they had prevailed in their efforts to restore the pre-Castro political dynamic, the consequences would have been a restoration of the poverty and illiteracy that prevailed in Cuba before the revolt against such extreme wealth and power inequity? Tommy, First I'd like to say, thank you for shorting much of the unnecessary language you once had off to the left of your posts, it took forever to scroll down just so I could read what I thought might be interesting information, secondly, I see you have now posted all that unwanted / unnecessary information at the bottom of your posts just to annoy me, but that's okay. I now know where to stop when scrolling down. Lastly, I do not idolize anyone, however, I must congratulate you on your wonderful analysis of the worlds population, birth and economic living in separate counties, perhaps, you should give a great deal of thanks for living where you live my friend, or what ever you are, God forbid, someone takes it away from you, takes away your freedom, takes away your rights, your money, house and finally your family. Tell me, how many kicks do you think it would take to kick a dog before he bites, Tommy my boy, unless you have lived first hand, and experience first hand, of what I'm talking about, you should keep your graphical comments to yourself, do yourself a favor, shut the hell and just read, don't post, because you have no idea what the hell your talking about...
  16. Frank Castro was not in the Bay of pigs, he was however, involved with many different anti-Castro groups for the sole purpose of ousting out Fidel Castro just like everyone wanted to do, the CIA would train, how to kill, teach everyone how to fight for freedom, but the Cubans and the few Americans like my father who struggled in the fight to free Cuba were all used by the CIA just for their own dirty work, this is why my father never re-newed his American citizenship when he lost it fighting for the French Foreign Legion. My father and Frank Castro were good friends, one night my father heard that Frank Castro got ambushed while driving in his car in Miami, my father called Sturgis and told him what had happen, Frank Castro was the chief of the paratrooper section for the Cubanos Unidos. The paratroop section of the Cubanos Unidos was known as ‘Alcones Dorados’ and were located at the Commercial Airport in Homestead, Florida. The "Alcones Dorados" were actually an arm for the CIA. Carlos, I'm assuming Frank Castro is either your father or uncle, please tell him that Scott Kaiser, the son of Edwin Kaiser says hi.
  17. My Spanish is rusty and I was never up on Cuban slang. Is "pentaho" similar to "pendejo"? What was your understanding of what he meant by this? Thanks. Yes! I wasn't sure how to spell it, nor do I read Spanish very well, I speak it better then I can read or write it, if that makes any sense, I have heard the Mexicans use that word a lot, I seldom have heard a Cuban use it, however, I don't think its any different in the language. I was married to a Mexican women for sixteen years and often heard the word, in short, I'd have to say that Nino Diaz was calling Hunt a dumb ass or someone who is stupid. And, If someone were to ever try and discredit me about what Nino said about Hunt, I have it all on tape, so I have no worries.
  18. A book Nino Diaz gave me and what he said. "To the son of an American whose father died struggling for the liberation of Cuba. With all of my affection." http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Nino%20Diaz%20001.JPG
  19. I am so humble, to be able to talk to people who have been apart of Cuba's operations in the 60 and 70's, who have shared with me their stories and adventures. Who have been in groups such as MIRR, JURE, Cubanos Unidos and many other's, people who have been in the Bay of Pigs and Operation 40, these people are still alive today, and some have shared their stories about my father, some good, some bad, but most of all to know they all respected my father meant a lot, hearing that coming from them really humbled me, I called everyone back this morning wishing them all Happy Holidays, and while talking to Nino Diaz, I asked if he could clear somethings up, today he explained a lot of what the Cuban Revolution was like, everything from the Bay of Pigs to the death of Kennedy and how the Cubans had to deal with the lost of their friends at the Bay of Pigs. I asked who was it that recruited you for the Bay of Pigs, he said, it was Howard Hunt who recruited me, but the person who talked me into it was Pedro Diaz Lanz," I asked what did you think of Howard Hunt? He said, in Spanish, "Hunt was a pentaho" I asked, do you know if Bush was there? In Miami, he said? Sure he was there, always walking around talking to the Americans. For those of you who are awaiting an answer as to whether George W. Bush ever had ties to or worked with the CIA in the early 60's this is what I've been told. Bush recruited Cubans in Miami for the Bay of Pigs in December of 1960 and February Thur March of 1961. "My name is Jose "Pepin" Pujol, I have personally worked with and was an executive for George Bush in 1970 and 71 in his company Zapata Marine. I was made executive in his company due to my faithful work for him and the CIA in the 60's when we tried to assassinate Castro. I worked for the CIA in Moa during the Bay of Pigs, and if something were to happen it would have happen simultaneously to get rid of Castro, no one knew who was suppose to kill Castro in Moa, because I never allowed my name to be used, but Castro was warned by a double agent by the name of Phillip Agee, Phillip told Castro, if you go to Moa someone there is going to kill you, Bush knew about the plan to kill Castro and it was one of the reasons he allowed us the CIA to use his oil rig 60 miles offshore from Cuba, to allow us to infiltrate into Cuba." Anyone dispute Pujols claim?
  20. Harry, Maybe she talks about it during this interview with Jim Fetzer. I haven't listened to all of it yet because I've got other things to do right now (and to be perfectly honest, I find Fetzer's voice to be very irritating). --Tommy http://nwopodcast.com/fetz/media/jim%20fetzer%20real%20deal-k%20holt%20harcourt.mp3 Nothing personal, but I could not listen to the whole thing myself, as I too found his voice somewhat irritating. However, she sounds pretty hott... So I may end up finish listing after all...
  21. John, I saw that you wrote this in (Spartacus Educational) "A couple of weeks later I was talking with Felipe de Diego and Frank Sturgis at our real-estate office when Barker burst in like a cyclone. Eduardo had been in town, and he had given Barker some film to have developed and enlarged. Barker did not know what the film was, and he had taken it to a regular camera shop. And then Eduardo had told him it was the film from the Watergate operation. Barker was really excited. He needed us to come with him to get it back. So we went to Rich's Camera Shop, and Barker told Frank and me to cover each door to the shop in case the police came while he was inside. I do not think he handled the situation very well. There were all these people and he was so excited. He ended up tipping the man at the store $20 or $30. The man had just enlarged the pictures showing the documents being held by a gloved hand and he said to Barker: "It's real cloak-and-dagger stuff, isn't it?" Later that man went to the FBI and told them about the film." You say Please clarify as to who you are talking about? I don't think you have the correct story, First, I'd like to say the green Ford the three were traveling in was my father's car, only three people were there, two of the three were hanging outside the back door of the building, Barker was inside the store by himself. Sturgis and my father were both outside the back of the store, secondly Barker tipped Richardson only $10.00.
  22. This is the first time I had ever seen these video's. The third video corroborates of what I've said long ago and as it's also mentioned in my father's letter's he wrote in the early 70's, the very first place Kennedy was to be assassinated at was in Miami, but the real reason it was called off was because the anti-Castro groups knew that the US Government would have known they were involved. Kennedy was warned about it like the narrator said on this video, but that wasn't the reason Kennedy didn't go to Miami, Kennedy knew he was not liked by many of the Cubans down there and feared a riot would break out, and the local law officials would not be able to keep order within the Miami area, so they decided not to go, if that was true, then why did he go to Dallas when Kennedy was warned about the attempt on his life there too? The second place was New York, then the third place was Chicago until everyone decided on Dallas. Another words, what I'm saying, is that had Kennedy gone to Miami, he could have done so, althought the plot to assassinate Kennedy in Miami was the first place of choice, it had also been called off. Kennedy could have visited Miami and nothing would have happen to him there.
  23. His second video is not entirely correct, true Nixon help found operation 40, but their plan was not to put Batista back into power, that was the whole reason of getting rid of Batista, because he was a dictator and would not allow free voting, their goal as anti-Castro member's of op 40 wanted to put Manuel Airtime into power, this was long discussed sense the birth of op 40.
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