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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. No way, no how, would Nixon save anything other then his own ass, now if we were talking about Eisenhower. I would say yes he would have sent in every branch of the military, later the Cuban anti-Castro groups would grow into over 4,000 members but Nixon would soon break them up as they then dwindled down from 4,000 to 30 because of Nixon. The Cubans had hope that it would have been Nixon to work with them in the ousting of Castro sense Nixon was Eisenhower VP. Did he have a change of heart or use the Cubans to get into office? Thus the reason the plot to assassinate Nixon took place in 1970 and 72. Nixon did not turn out to be the president the Cubans were hoping for. He got lucky he lived a little longer then he did, Kennedy didn't get so lucky.
  2. Reading reports is one thing, I have talked to several former Brigade members of 2506, first I'd like to say that Kennedy and the CIA knew the Cubans would never secured a beachhead, it was plain suicide sending them in there like that and the CIA knew it, however, they were fighters and had heart to fight, secondly the second air strike was apart of the original plan, the CIA wanted and expected Kennedy to make the call. Prior to the invasion Kennedy made it specifically clear that NO American military would intervene with the invasion. They didn't have to, he (Kennedy) accepted the failed BOP publicly saving the CIA from there own embarrassment and admitting that the CIA was involved to the American people, of course it would soon all be found out. Don't think that reports you have read can be altered or tampered with, next month I plan on visiting and talking to those who were directly involved, but I don't think your getting all the correct information.
  3. So, basically what your saying is that it was a racist issue that killed JFK? Talking about NAZI's, Zionists, Egyptians and Russians? You have an incredible mind of which I would love to explorer and understand what it is that makes you think this. I've watched the youtube video and it's presentation is well presented, I'm assuming you are the one who put it together? I have witnessed the amount of books, videos and hogwash many have put together for their own deceitful taste of pleasure. My mother has kept information never been made known to anyone and she now whats to come forward with the information my father was killed over. And if you think its not a personal vendetta I have against the CIA? After all it was the CIA that took the boat my father was killed and sunk it in the ocean. Are you familiar to what extents the CIA would go to, to cover up their actions? Seriously Mr. Phelps, it was not the Mormons, Jews Zionists, NAZI or the KKK who assassinated JFK. However, you could write a good fiction book, not me. ====== Mr. Kaiser, No, I didn't make any videos on JFK and don't know who did. I have zero videos on You Tube. If your mom has some good info---then get it out there in this book and we'll all kick the tires and see if it is a good fit. The success or failure of your story is yours to perform, and I'll continue to watch and keep a low profile. But, do count on my theme for JFK being Birchers, Rockefellers, and all their associated Mob. So, until you fit in the larger History of Ike Riding around with Kruchev and setting off the Russian Hate again, until your fit in the CIAA and Rockefellers cranked up long before there was a Castro causing problems, and the court in the Southern America was Rockefeller built, you are not going to get a lot of my attention for the fuller aspect per JFK and the Communism issues that Rockefeller was using the Birchers to set up to control foreign policy. The Control started under Ike, and they so alienated persons like Goldwater and Buckley they bailed out of the extreme Right Birchers that were doing lots of the Rockefeller biddings on foreign policy. You do what you need to do for your story, and I'll watch. But if all the others don't buy-in, it is your ability to sell the story and expose the issues that must come from your ball handling. It won't be me that makes or breaks your story. It may however be, this run on diatribe that happens on your threads because you can't block detractors. I am just telling the Bircher issues that directly link to the Rockefeller goals for Foreign Policy and Banking Control. But anyway, lets see this book and all your mom's secrets. Take your time and write a very good book. Don't be dupped into telling stories that make the book anti-climactic by those wooling your around on EF. Apply yourself to your book. I am not going to toss you any insults in return for yours. Keep telling your story, but I do think it is obvious that it doesn't fit well into the Bircher theme. I do hope you've said your peace here, and get back to work on your book. The truth always wins out, but when there is a great aversion to truth for money and polical power, it takes time to bubble up. So, get the point here. I am not going to debate your book issues here. Do that you your thread. I likely won't chime in, but watch occassionally. I just add to the boyancy effects per Birchers, Rockefellers, Money and Power. Okay, so if your going to point out the Bircher's and the Rockefeller, why not point out the Duponts and Chase Manhattan's too? And if the Control started under Ike then why not assassinate Eisenhower? Why wait to get to Kennedy?
  4. So, basically what your saying is that it was a racist issue that killed JFK? Talking about NAZI's, Zionists, Egyptians and Russians? You have an incredible mind of which I would love to explorer and understand what it is that makes you think this. I've watched the youtube video and it's presentation is well presented, I'm assuming you are the one who put it together? I have witnessed the amount of books, videos and hogwash many have put together for their own deceitful taste of pleasure. My mother has kept information never been made known to anyone and she now whats to come forward with the information my father was killed over. And if you think its not a personal vendetta I have against the CIA? After all it was the CIA that took the boat my father was killed and sunk it in the ocean. Are you familiar to what extents the CIA would go to, to cover up their actions? Seriously Mr. Phelps, it was not the Mormons, Jews Zionists, NAZI or the KKK who assassinated JFK. However, you could write a good fiction book, not me.
  5. Mr. Phleps, I do appreciate your views and find your material interesting, however, I also beleive that you are pretty far from the truth. ===== Mr. Kaiser, Since there isn't a defintion for "beleive," I guess you didn't say anything of relevance. Produce that book of yours and we'll see how your issues stack up. So far, I am not moved by your accounts, but listening carefully. The production of the JFK assassination cover up took far more buy-in that just small CIA players. The JFK cover up involved the highest eschelons of Govt and its military. The only way to get that large a buy in was the Crooks in Dallas and the Rockefeller JBS players. Recall LBJ tried to get Rockefeller to follow him as President to perpetuate the LBJ cover up on the JFK hit. That gets the LBJ buy-in with Hoover, Hunt, Merchinson, Jaffee. Toss in the Hunt and Walker Nazi connections and one finds the Jewish buy-in games and why Milteer was able to make his prognostications. The NEXUS was JBS, but you are entited to "BELEIVE"---whatever that means for you. Everyone forms their own opinions. The JBS ring leaders fits rather well, and supports what I was told on Nov. 22, 1963 about the "ring leaders" for the JFK hit. When all the archives are opened, I do think everyone will find that to be so. LHO was shapped as the Patsy by FBI Bircher in New Orleans, Birchers were heard all over the place planning to off JFK. Very hard to deny the bulk of that evidence. Although you have perpetuated and presented a well thought out theory that is all it is a theory, I prefer facts over hearsay, you said, "The production of the JFK assassination cover up took far more buy-in that just small CIA players." I think you misunderstood the OSS who has given birth to the CIA and the heed of Eisenhower's warnings. You have misunderstood the meaning and concept of the love for ones country and having to give up their country for a dictator. I do not expect you to decipher my language or what I'm trying to say, so I'll be blunt. The Cuban people in Miami were always protected and under the wing of the CIA. The Birchers in New Orleans and the Rockefellers did not have what it took to assassinate Kennedy. LBJ's part in the assassination was suppressed by the controlling government those who were in the CIA. the seventy five year to withhold information from the general public was not something LJB came up with but was designed to allow that much time to go by in the hopes that the American public would no longer be interested in the case. When Pujol was facing 10 years in prison and a 250,000 dollar for an act of crime several prosecutors said he had committed with Luis Posada they tried to put him away, however, the CIA said what can we do? Pujol said free Posada and guess who's strings got pulled? And who were pulling the strings? I have told you all along that Kennedy's downfall was both Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis. And, I will provide you with evidence that will move you, I'm not looking to stack up my information to anyone else's as it is not a competition for me it's personal. I am not a reseacher or a conspiracy theorist.
  6. Mr. Phleps, I do appreciate your views and find your material interesting, however, I also beleive that you are pretty far from the truth.
  7. Ah yea, the ole Papa Doc incident, God says, we should not call anyone a fool, Where to begin with you? The Fool (Proverbs 26:1-11) THE FOOL HAS NO DESIRE FOR WISDOM, AND WOULD REJECT IT EVEN IF HE COULD ACQUIRE IT BECAUSE HE HATES IT: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction (1:7; cf. 1:22). The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on folly (15:14). A fool does not delight in understanding, But only in revealing his own mind (18:2). Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words (23:9). I could go on and on and on with you but why? Now for piece of mind, LEN, CAN YOU SHOW ME WHERE I TALKED ABOUT, SAID OR MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT A PHONY ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, PLOT OR ANYTHING ELSE IN REGARDS TO PRESIDENT FORD, AS (YOU) SAY I DID IN YOUR TITLE OF THIS THREAD.... PROVE IT TO ME, I'M WANITING!! AND IF YOU CAN, THEN I WILL PRODUCE ANYTHING YOU ASK FOR OR REQUEST DEAL.?
  8. Someone has been helping you with an English dictionary I see and has picked up on some big words, your achievements give full contentment to satisfy oneself by investigation. Sufficiently to solve or dispel, as a person of doubt. You are well on your way in achieving high expectations of a person who is notably lacking in good judgment, or in this case is a complete moron. Have a good day!
  9. MLK gave his speech "I have been to the the Mountaintop" speech as if he knew his time was near, perhaps profitizing his end, and it would be shortly after his speech he was assassinated. President Kennedy said right after the failed BOP "Well if they are going to shoot me, now's the time". Was Kennedy also profitizing his end?
  10. Ah yea, the ole Papa Doc incident, God says, we should not call anyone a fool, but its hard not to in this case. You really are way off the mark and have no idea what your talking about, do you really think that my father couldn't get near Papa Doc? Do you really think he didn't go to Haiti? Do you really think he wasn't plotting the assassination of Papa Doc? Do yourself a favor, and stay off and away from American History unless you want to be known as the jester of knowledge.
  11. I hope you will beleive me now, much more information to come at a later time. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Phone%20book%20osvaldo-coello-kaiser.jpg
  12. What is the background to you joining the FPCC? William Sullivan once told J. Edgar Hoover that there were more spies in the American Communist Party than actual members. I suspect that was also true of the FPCC. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> John First, involvement in all political spying continues to be my regret. Re; FPCC, as a member of Castro's 26th Of July Movement we were instructed to join this new organization "as it was going to be of help to the {Cuban} revolution" Hoover said " The informant program is the heart of our operations" Harry During the 26th of July Movement, Castro's failed attack led Castro and many others in prison under Batista's regime. Ramon Orozco who was also apart of the 26th of July Movement became Castro's lead radio operator in communications in covert operations. After the release of Castro and others they all regrouped in the mountains which they would then try a second time to overthrow the present government of Cuba, this time it would be more successful with the help of the CIA, Pedro Diaz Lanz and Frank Sturgis. Little did the CIA know they would be double crossed by Fidel Castro himself. Castro met with Sturgis in Miami before the 1959 coup in Cuba to perpetuate and formulate a plan of attack, Ramon Orozco played a key roll in the 1957 coup for Castro, once Castro took office and declared his legions to Russia many defected. Along with the defectors was Ramon Orozco who later offered his services to the CIA. Orozco became the CIA's top radio man as he would listen in on Cuban intelligence and would decipher and translate Castro's plans, ideas and correspondences with Cuban intelligence. During the 1961 Bay of Pigs, Orozco was the main radio operator on the ship Barbara. On April 15, 1961 eight B-26 bombers carried out their air strikes to destroy the Cuban air force but was only partially successful, the CIA was awaiting orders to launch the next air strike to finish off Castro's air force base, but no orders were received and the second air strike opportunity was inadvertently canceled. The first person to receive word by radio that the second air strike would not happen would be Ramon Orozco. His roll as a top level radio operator at one time for Fidel Castro led him to directly work for the CIA that ultimately resulted in the failed Bay of Pigs. Orozco voled to get even with Kennedy, my father's information puts Orozco in Dallas on 11/22/1963 as one of the radio operators during Kennedy's assassination. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Scan5_0005.jpg I know that my co-author is getting pissed at me for releasing some of my father's information, but I hate the feeling of having to hold onto it without sharing what my father has left behind. I feel its all apart of history and would like for others to have it as well, the little information I have provided, I hope in some ways it has been helpful to some until the release of my book. Scott I apologize it was not Ramon Orozco that's another story, the person was "Osvaldo Coello" who was the radio operator, sorry for any confusion I may have caused and mistake. I wanted to make sure I had the right person and needed to look the name up on my father's information, I just got a little head of myself. SORRY! Scott
  13. On November 27, 1963, Alan Courtney advised that John Martino, 2326 Alton Road, Miami Beach. Florida, claimed he received a report that Lee Oswald was in Cuba between September and October 1963, and went there by way of Mexico. Martino further claimed that during the past year Oswald distributed pro-Castro literature in Miami, had the literature printed by a Miami printer, and paid for the printing by check signed by the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" FPCC. Would anyone know about this check or printing place?
  14. Hunt's sons only confirmed what Marita Lorenz and someone else I am very close to, have been saying for decades about persons suspected of being involved with both the JFK hit and Watergate like former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. People like Gordon Winslow and even Gaeton Fonzi were convinced that Lorenz was fabricating what she described about her personal knowledge of the involvement of Jack Ruby, E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis and their ill-fated trip to Dallas, and they both went to great lengths for some reason, to convince everyone else that she suffered from "false memory syndrome" on these topics. Once I saw "Kram Diaz" going buddy-buddy and getting chummy with both Gordon Winslow and then Gaeton Fonzi I knew something was rotten in Denmark. Just suffice it to say that Frank Sturgis went out of his way to try and silence Marita Lorenz and anyone else who could implicate him directly in either the JFK hit or Watergate. Both Sturgis and Hunt were in Dallas that day, in either frontline or "back-up" roles as Hunt had stated shortly before his death and as Lilly Tomlin used to say: "And that's the truth." After Sturgis and his pals missed their chance at JFK in Miami after the motorcade was cancelled, they plotted all night in "Grapeland Heights" right down the road from Dr. Robert J. Morris who live at 3610 N.W. 15th Street, then took off for Dallas right after that in the road trip to Dallas and the rest is history. Did you know that Oswald once mistakenly wrote "3610 North Beckley" instead of "1026 North Beckley" I think it was, on his application for a P.O. Box in Dallas then crossed it out, leaving the mistake still legible before writing in the correct number? Does that mean Oswald in Miami at Dr. Robert J. Morris' home, was in fact a reality and that the 3610 North West 15th Street address in "Grapeland Heights" was firmly embedded in his memory? Count me in as a believer in this theory. Coincidence? Hardly. If Ruby could be in Miami gun running using that Pepto-Bismol pink Nash Rambler station wagon (later bought by Richard Bartholemew) on the Key West ferry to Cuba or to boats waiting on Islamorada in the Florida Keys, then Oswald could have very well have been in Miami, too. And this close business and personal relationship between Ruby and Oswald which stretched from Miami to New Orleans then on to Dallas would totally explain why Ruby "had" to snuff Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Station. Oswald was the only one who could drag Jack into the plot to kill JFK as a willing conspirator before the fact of the events in Dallas. You can bank on that. More later... And William F. Buckley was mentioned prominently in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon in 1958, when he was referred to as: "...that fascinating young man who wrote about Man and God at Yale." I mean Richard Condon knew that Buckley was involved with the early days of the CIA involvement in MK-ULTRA style Mind Control projects in 1958. That is some really amazing stuff, dudes. Buckley actually wrote: "God and Man at Yale" published by Regnery Press which was owned by William Regnery of The America First Committee. Henry Regnery published the book "Betrayed" by Robert Morrow so you know where these guys were coming from. When the Buckley family lost their Mexican oil interests who rode in Gen. John J. Pershing's cavalry to chase down Pancho Villa, the Mexican bandito? George Otis Draper (Wickliffe Draper's uncle), Charles Willoughby and James Angleton's father who had married a Mexican woman. Look what the Drapers, Willoughby and the Angleton's did later (50 years later) in the JFK plot. More amazing stuff. Dick Russell describes the part played by Los Tecos (The Owls) who were part of the Mexican contingent to both the World Anti-Communist League and the Mexico City WACCFL confab run by E. Howard Hunt in the late 1950's (1958 as I recall). WACCFL was the World Anti-Communist Congress for Freedom and Liberation. The plan there was to keep the Commies out of Mexico and out of anywhere else as well. You know all this stuff just proves out the comments of Gen. Smedley Butler who broke up "The Plot to Take the White House" a book by Jules Archer in about 1967, when he said: "War is a Racket". Google Gen. Smedley Butler or read "The Plot to Take the White House" and you will see that the reactionary goons and prenatal Nazis who tried to snuff FDR were closely related to the Reich Wing goons and lizards who did in JFK. And that's the truth. And that plot against FDR included both Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith and William Dudley Pelley of the Nazi Silver Shirts who were both closet Nazis, too. And Condon mentioned Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith BY NAME in The Machurian Candidate. Pat Robertson's father was the other Senator from Louisiana (Willis Robertson) when Huey Long was snuffed by Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith just because he started a "Share the Wealth" program that was no longer going to include Rev. Smith. Where did GLK Smith get the money to start building "Christ of the Ozarks" in Arkansas in the Spring of 1964? Smith was at The Giesbrecht Incident in Winnipeg in Feb of 1964 and got his windfall profits from Wickliffe Draper. Glenn Jeansonne documented the fact that Smith only had less than $5,000 in the bank as of 12/31/1963 and yet he spent almost a million dollars on Christ of the Ozarks starting in the Spring of 1964. Can you put 2 and 2 together? I did. And why did that character named "Kenneth Smith" go to the JFK conference in Dallas in 1993 or 1994 and ask me about my "Cross and the Flag" manuscript? His grandfather was GLK Smith and his grandfather's publication was called "The Cross and the Flag", that's why. His grandson at age 50 looked almost exaclty like his grandfather did at age 50. More relevant and fascinating stuff to come... Deleted: Sorry, but I just received an email from my co-author asking me to take down my information, I apologize.
  15. FYI: Mike McLaney was an American gambler, golfer and gangster, pals with Meyer Lansky, played golf with JFK, and with Carroll Rosenbloom, purchased the Hotel Nacional casino from Lansky a few months before Castro came to power. I think Lansky knew what was going to happen and cashed in his chips. When LBJ was in Atlantic City for the Democratic National Convention he stayed at Rosenbloom's beach house. Oh, yea, McLaney's brother Bill owned the fake training camp on Lake Pontchartrain that Oswald and the FBI both visited, and Bill McLaney's wife may have owned the apartment on Magazine St. in New Orleans where Oswald lived. Kellys Golf History: Carroll Rosenbloom This is all very good information, I had no idea that it was Rosenbloom that moved the Clots in the dead of night, now I do. I think if the colts had to be moved not due to financial restraints, but because of making more money, I'd move them in the dead of night too. I always wondered who was responsible for that... Thanks Bill,
  16. The problem with the Haitian exile community was they were afraid of an uprising with 15,000 Haitians that were in Cuba or a mass genocide in Cuba if an uprising took place and Castro killing them all, so apparently Papa Doc who was targeted for extermination needed to make it look like a natural cause of death but wasn't noted as such. My father found a way to get the Haitian government to apprehend him, I'm sure all he needed to do was to get close to Papa Doc. To finish the job, and that he did. He (my father) wasn't there (in Haiti) for a vacation trip, that's for sure.
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