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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. This was just the beginning of the plot to assassinate Papa Doc. Just click on the link below. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/The%20plot%20to%20assassinate%20Papa%20Doc%20Page%201.jpg
  2. So, are you saying that the Mormons killed JFK?
  3. Nixon was also to be assassinated in 1970 and 1972. First was at Key Biscayne, the second was at the VVAW at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach Both events were financed by Pawley, both Nixon and Pawley are found in my father's phone book as well. This Paz, it is the name under "Bill Pawley" in the phone book page above, I'm not even sure if his first name really is Rafael, as I've already discovered some of the names in the book to be associated with alias. I'm not saying it is, but if "Rafael" is an alias name, I doubt that the name Paz is? Not a very common name. I'm wondering if it could be this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgilio_Paz_Romero or this one http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKcastroFr.htm sense my father knew them both.
  4. Nixon was also to be assassinated in 1970 and 1972. First was at Key Biscayne, the second was at the VVAW at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach Both events were financed by Pawley, both Nixon and Pawley are found in my father's phone book as well. This Paz, it is the name under "Bill Pawley" in the phone book page above, I'm not even sure if his first name really is Rafael, as I've already discovered some of the names in the book to be associated with alias. I'm not saying it is, but if "Rafael" is an alias name, I doubt that the name Paz is? Not a very common name.
  5. Wow! Jim! You got all this information from the video I posted? That's great! Maybe, I should post more videos. Hope your having a good day. SK ======= Well Yes, he has a lot of creativity. Certainly, if you find another one this good, toss it out there. It appears that Neal is a good JFK research type and the imagery of the LHO holding up the newspaper thing in his music video links back to the "Hunter of Fascists" photo, by association with the LHO theme. Then the JBS types with Hunt, Merchinson, Walker and the lot from Dallas, as the Fascist games are associated with them. What Neal does attracts attention and it is something that is needed to keep things moving and the public's minds thinking, so that eventually that rising tide of truth will float everyone's boat. He appears to have several other songs in the release that work on other areas needing truth. I may have to listen to those soon also. The more entertainers that get on the Solve JFK Assassination bandwagon, the soon we will gather the public attention to finially force out the truth on JFK. And that truth is "Oswald Didn't Do It!!! But the Birchers were up to their necks in doing it. The Birchers were extremely obvious in Dallas, and very hard to miss as hating JFK, and exceptionally so with Walker. Well, I'm going to go out on awhem here and you could probably start a whole thread on what I'm about to say if there all ready isn't one out there. I'm going to say that it was Nixon who would be my chief suspect in plotting JFK's assassinations and getting the CIA and the mob involved, sense Nixon had relations to both. Nixon needed financial backing and Pawley had the money, to many involved to count and many had to die. And to tell you the truth, if that SOB was still alive today (Nixon) with as much motivation as I have. I would have my attorney take him to court accusing him of murdering Kennedy and put him on the stand. But that's me, not afraid. Maybe stupid, but not afraid.
  6. Nixon was also to be assassinated in 1970 and 1972. First was at Key Biscayne, the second was at the VVAW at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach Both events were financed by Pawley, both Nixon and Pawley are found in my father's phone book as well. At risk of again incurring the "wrath" of the Pawley descendents, it is most unlikely that Wiiiiam Pawley played any knowledgeable role in the assassination of JFK. A knowledgeable role, as well as potential financial assistance, in a plan which originally began with a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro???--------YEP! That this operation most likely ended with the shooting of JFK, has sent many, many, "running for cover". Pawley himself was most likely not involved in the Dealey Plaza operation, but John Martino, an Atlantic City and Havana casino guy who was on the Bayo-Pawley mission certainly knew something about since he expressed foreknowledge of the details. Somewhere, I read, that "John Martino" also mentioned that Oswald was in Miami. But no evidence of his claim materialized. I beleive that it was a friend of mine who said it on Facebook. Also, Has anyone seen or know the name Paz? Or who he is? This name has been driving my crazy, and for some reason it seems important to me, and I don't know why?... Also, Someone said that Pawley was connected to Regan and had nothing to do with Nixon, something like that. I can't find it now, but I thought Pawley and Eisenhower were good friends while Eisenhower was in office, and wasn't Nixon his VP? I also read somewhere that Pawley would on many occasions call Nixon on the phone. I'm assuming to talk, but I'm not sure if Pawley had to dial any letters to get connected.
  7. Guess Oswald told 'em about the Warren Commission too. Anyone paying attention would see that the paper was "Photoshopped." Nevertheless, it was a good video posted by Scott. (Nice edit of his original post by Phelps, who realized only after the fact the newpaper wasn't real) Thanks Michael, I enjoy reading so much material in this forum, so much. I am horned to be here. SK
  8. Wow! Jim! You got all this information from the video I posted? That's great! Maybe, I should post more videos. Hope your having a good day. SK
  9. Hey Scott, nice song, who is it do you know? Dawn Hi Dawn, Hope you have been doing well, John answered it for me, no one that I know though. I think its a great song.
  10. Oh, you mean the photographer? That's something new I just learned, I did not know a "shutter bug" is someone who is called taking photo's. It was my mother, the cockroach, lol...
  11. Thanks for that one Scott. You are in a unique position to be able to talk to some of those Cubans and CIA contractors who knew your father, and obtain their trust so that you can talk one-on-one, and give them the info that you found and get the info from them that they know. Peter Janney, the son of a CIA officer, also got the cooperation of some CIA officials like Dino Brugioni of NPIC. Tony Summers has an Irish expression for the type of charisma that a person has that can get people to talk and open up to them with the truth, a rare commodity, as most people are combative and accusatory, while sometimes it is necessary to be empathetic, understanding and trustworthy. Bill Kelly Thanks Bill!, I plan on going to Miami in the next month or two, I have a few people down there I would like to talk to, just keep me in pray, in case I don't come back.
  12. I thought that maybe someone may have seen this article and would be able to share what it says, I explained to Gordon that it was hard for me to read, so he suggested that I check it out at a library on microfilm. The problem with that is I don't think that all the libraries would carry it and I would need to visit the Main Library downtown Miami to find it. SK
  13. My conversation with Rolando Masferrer. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Rolando%20Masferrer%20%26%20Scott%20Kaiser.MP3
  14. My mother told the FBI that my father went to Haiti, he left just after hearing the news that Frank got arrested, my mother knew my father had already taken off on one of those trips with Frank to Washington and felt my father went into hiding. I'm guessing that's how my father ended up with the photo's of Hunt, Sturgis, Liddy and others that everyone was looking for, my father stole them. My mother says she has seen these photo's in my father's attache case. It wouldn't be long until my father started to plot the assassination of Papa Doc. And, "I do beleive, my father killed him."
  15. Hi Scott, Thanks for the kind words – I greatly appreciate it! I am glad you are not giving up on your search. Keep digging, you never know what you might find, or where you might find it. Continuing the inquiry on Jerry Buchanan and looking through my copy of Ed Arthur's Glory No More, I found the following passage that may be of interest to you. Keep in mind there is no index in the book and there are a few spelling errors (Jerry Henning being an example), I found this entry on page 153-154 of a man named Kaiser: Zach Excellent find Zack! Again, you have proven yourself. I have to commend you on your find, "Bill" Kaiser was one of my father's alias names, also quoted by a Mike Wales an investigative reporter for the Sun Sentinel News paper in Pompano Beach sited a reliable source saying that he heard a sixth man was involved in Watergate and he knows of one "Bill" Kaiser that was long time friends with Sturgis. The FBI hand writes my father's name on the document as Edwin B. Kaiser Jr. Also, Another example of my father using the name "Bill" is when I came across a very curious file from June of 1963. This file is a transcript of conversations, audio recorded by the FBI during a surveillance of a mafia planning session. In it, the parties involved make mention of Jimmy Hoffa, his henchmen and one "Bill Kaiser". “This Kaiser is coming in with a lot of f. . . . . . pressure.” Says Hoffa, What pressure was my father bringing? “Bill Kaiser” is documented as one of my father’s many aliases. Apparently my father had some dealings with Hoffa as well. Good work Zack! Thanks.... SK
  16. You're welcome Bernice - thank you Here is one more entry on Jerry Buchanan. This is from Ed Arthur's Glory No More © 1975, a great book if you can find it: [snipped, to save space] Zach, these are all GREAT posts, and you apparently have done your homework, knowing what your looking for, however, I'm not hanging my hat just on Jerry or what others are saying or not saying. I also have to beleive my mother when she says that my father met Lee Oswald in Miami in 1962. Most of the information of Lee being in Miami was in 1962 and if that name and number my father has in his phone book can be linked to the Lee Oswald we all know then that's all the proof I need. I'm still looking into it, and I'm not giving up. Hi Scott, I would like to hear more details about your mother's account of your father meeting Oswald in Miami in 1962. (Perhaps you have written about this or posted it elsewhere? Please do let me know). Meanwhile, I think everyone studying this matter should also be aware of another piece of critical evidence--an undated postcard received by Robert Oswald (from Dallas) that is postmarked January 10, 1963. This is WC Exhibit 324 (16 WCH 916), and reads (typed out line by line) as follows: Dear Robert, Sorry I took so long in saying “Thank you” for the nice Xmas present You sent June. I was out of town For a few days so I didn't hear about It until after Xmas. Please send pic My regards when you write him, I Seem to have mislaid his address. Your Brother, Lee. P.S. Marina says “Hello” UNQUOTE If true, this text suggests that LHO made a brief "out of town" trip in the day or two or three just following Christmas, 1962. (Remember: he was at a X-mas party, brought there by DeMohrenschildt). Marina was questioned about this postcard by the HSCA and denied he was gone for the length of time necessary to make a bus trip to Florida (I do not have the page reference immediately at hand). FWIW: I was never completely satisfied that we know the whole story on this particular matter, and I think the whole "bus trip" idea provides a possibly incorrect context. This post card is very important evidence. It was auctioned at ebay (by Robert Oswald) around 2005, and it may have been sold. The asking price was about $20,000. Robert Oswald's testimony about the postcard is at Volume 1, p. 390. He simply acknowledges it exists, and at that point it is mentioned as being Warren Commission Exhibit 324. If Oswald in fact left town for a day or two, I don't think he went by bus (which was the way the HSCA questioned him). I would assume he was flown somewhere, and then back. So this entire "out of town" trip could have been simply a matter of, say, two nights and three days--which is the likely model that I would use in analyzing it). As far as I know, the implications of the text of this postcard--a brief out of town trip by LHO immediately after 12/25/62--was never investigated by the FBI (but I could be wrong). Anyway, I would very much appreciate it if you could set forth the details of what your mother related about your father having met Oswald--the when and where of it, when he recollected it; was it something that he immediately realized on 11/22/63 when Oswald's name was first in the news, etc. Thank you. DSL 8/14/11; 12:25 PM PDT Los Angeles, CA Hi David, Its very nice to met you, according to my mother my father helped my grandmother move from Norwalk Conn. to Miami Beach, sometime in November of 1962. My parents got married in September of 1962, my mother was already working and staying with my father's aunt Dorthy in Norwalk. I called her aunt Dot, anyways, my father apparently did not return back to Norwalk until late Janarary of 1963. In which he had mention to my mother that he met a lot of Cuban people down there, he also said that he had met two Americans down there named Lee Oswald and Frank Fiorini. In one of his letter's he writes to me says, the first time my father meets Frank was at a house of a Cuban by the name of Wilfredo Navarro, so I'm assuming that my father was also talking about meeting Navarro as being one of the Cubans while in Miami in 1962. Navarro and Sturgis knew each other sense 1960, so when we all as a family move in Miami in November of 1968, my father gets himself reacquainted with Navarro and Sturgis. And it was at that time my father started to get wrapped up in the Cubanos Unidos and the Cuban problems.
  17. You're welcome Bernice - thank you Here is one more entry on Jerry Buchanan. This is from Ed Arthur's Glory No More © 1975, a great book if you can find it: Mary Ferrell's Database: BUCHANAN, JAMES "JIM" BUCHANAN, JERRY Zach Zach, these are all GREAT posts, and you apparently have done your homework, knowing what your looking for, however, I'm not hanging my hat just on Jerry or what others are saying or not saying. I also have to beleive my mother when she says that my father met Lee Oswald in Miami in 1962. Most of the information of Lee being in Miami was in 1962 and if that name and number my father has in his phone book can be linked to the Lee Oswald we all know then that's all the proof I need. I'm still looking into it, and I'm not giving up.
  18. I just got off the phone with Rolando Masferrer (Rodolfo son) Rolando Masferrer's nephew, are you following this so far Len? And understanding what I'm saying? Or must I put it in quotations for you as well? Anyways, after a fifteen min. conversation he tells me that there are lots of inaccuracies about Rolando Masferrer and the JFK assassination, much of them coming from Hemming. Also, he can not confirm as to whether Oswald was ever in Miami and does not know for sure, but says his uncle never met Oswald yet there is this information. An unidentified man said to have been an ex CIA employee whom Nagell observed talking with Manual Airtime and Rolando Masferre that January 1963 in Miami. He, along with a partner would later come into direct contact with Lee Oswald. This is getting harder and harder for me, now I have told him that I will email him a tape I have including all of my father's phone book pages as he said he would like to help point me in the right direction. Len, (You Super Member ) are you getting this so far?
  19. Pilot David Ferrie was a CIA asset whom Oswald knew from his youth in the Civil Air Patrol and with whom he renewed his acquaintance that summer. They were joined in their travels by Clay Shaw, a CIA operative whose activities were charted by at least five CIA components. The sources who observed Oswald with Shaw and Ferrie in those hamlets north of Baton Rouge are unimpeachable, and include Dr. Frank Silva, the medical director of the East Louisiana State Hospital at Jackson where Oswald applied for a job. Dr. Silva himself observed at the hospital, chatting with some orderlies, a sloppy, unruly figure in an T-shirt bragging about how he had learned to shoot in the Marines and planned to go to Cuba to kill Fidel Castro. This man invoked his Marine Corps manual, exactly what Oswald had done when he visited Carlos Bringuier’s New Orleans store in an effort to join the DRE. (Of course, if he really wanted to join the Directorate, he would have been in Miami, and not in New Orleans that summer. Oswald did visit Miami, only for the anti-Castro people training there, as Ed Arthur told me, to be instructed by their CIA handlers to “stay away from him”). http://www.maryferrell.org​/wiki/index.php/Essay_-_Wh​o_Was_Lee_Harvey_Oswald.
  20. You wrote, "Considering the fact that my father was in Miami in November 1962 and Oswald was arrested in Miami November 1962 with thirteen other's that were apart of an anti-Castro group." Okay, Len, Remember my other quote, "Just sit back and enjoy the ride"? Well, this is what you need to do.
  21. Just to clarify again, NO ONE ever once attempted to get ever member of Interpen to appear as an Oswald impersonator. Steve Wilson is the main focus here. One can look at the images and decide for themselves. John Thomas Masen was not a member of Interpen. His photo is there to show he really doesn't resemble Oswald despite earlier allegations. Billy Lovelady was also not a member of Interpen. He worked at the TSBD with Oswald. I really don't think it was very difficult to impersonate Lee Harvey Oswald. Information independent from Gerry Hemming and photographs of Edwin Anderson Collins are available on this Forum and the Spartacus website for your perusal. Thanks, Zach Okay, I understand were you're coming from, however, I'm not getting it. Who started this whole Oswald double look a like in the first place and what was they're motive? I plan on having a discussion with Mr. Masferrer as to whether his uncle Rolando knew Oswald and if he or anyone he knows may have anything on Oswald being in Miami. I have several contacts in Miami, and I plan on going down there in the next month or two, I want to tape record my conversations with them as I taped recorded my conversation with Tony Calatayud, I would like to put this Oswald double theory to rest. "I would like to put this Oswald double theory to rest." - Scott Kaiser That would be terrific if you you could do that Scott, but consider the fact that Oswald was elsewhere when he was alleged to have been in Miami. I'm making a few phone calls today and see who I can get a hold of. So was Elvis, and now there are sightings of Micheal Jackson too.
  22. Just to clarify again, NO ONE ever once attempted to get ever member of Interpen to appear as an Oswald impersonator. Steve Wilson is the main focus here. One can look at the images and decide for themselves. John Thomas Masen was not a member of Interpen. His photo is there to show he really doesn't resemble Oswald despite earlier allegations. Billy Lovelady was also not a member of Interpen. He worked at the TSBD with Oswald. I really don't think it was very difficult to impersonate Lee Harvey Oswald. Information independent from Gerry Hemming and photographs of Edwin Anderson Collins are available on this Forum and the Spartacus website for your perusal. Thanks, Zach Okay, I understand were you're coming from, however, I'm not getting it. Who started this whole Oswald double look a like in the first place and what was they're motive? I plan on having a discussion with Mr. Masferrer as to whether his uncle Rolando knew Oswald and if he or anyone he knows may have anything on Oswald being in Miami. I have several contacts in Miami, and I plan on going down there in the next month or two, I want to tape record my conversations with them as I taped recorded my conversation with Tony Calatayud, I would like to put this Oswald double theory to rest.
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