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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. John, thank you for all this interesting information, that Fat Frank was everywhere wasn't he? I posed the question to Mrs. Sullivan if she would know if the address I have in my dads phone book is after all Alex Rorke? Also, there seems to be quite a few people my father was corresponding with who were living in New York, he has quite a few names in his address book. This might explain why the CIA was interested in my father in 1961? AJ Weberman says, and on May 31, 1964, the CIA showed an interest in Ed Kaiser, and two outgoing cables about him were generated which were denied in their entirely. [Ltr. Harry E. Fitzwater, Chairman, CIA Information Review Committee 1.4.82] But I think it happen much earlier, I'm now have to battle the FOIA and FBI for my father's records which they say poses a National Threat to Security. I just think the agencies are hiding something they don't want the American public to know. /srk
  2. Hi Sherry, Its nice to meet you, my name is Scott Kaiser, my father Edwin Kaiser was a long time friend of Sturgis and Co. you mentioned Pedro Diaz Lanz, in which I have a photo of him and my father that dates back to 1973. Anyways, I came across a name in my father's phone book that reads Alex Roasevich, funny thing is there is no Alex Roasevich that I can find and I beleive the name to be Alex Rorke, his exact listed address in my dad's phone book is 160-20-76 Road 212 Flushing NY 11366. I'm not sure if this is a correct way of spelling this address out and it appears that some of the numbers need to be moved around in order to find it on google earth. My question is, if you would know this to be Alex Rorke's living address? Thanks for any help you can give me. Scott
  3. I believe Sherry is a member of this forum. I'm sure you can contact her via her bio page. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2145 Thanks David! I'll send her an e-mail!
  4. I really appreciate everyones help, you guy's ROCK! And I mean that, Tom, thank you for your information, and yes I plan on looking into this and see if I can prove it was in fact Alex's place of residence. I'm also thinking a loud, but if my father met Sturgis in 1962 that would probably put him in contact with Alex at sometime sense Sturgis and Alex were good friends. (Just a thought) David, I don't know who Sherry Sullivan is, if you have away I could contract her, I would love to speak to her, my father's life has been quite the mystery, and with the help I'm received from you guy's on putting together this puzzling puzzle, really has touched my heart. I can't say thanks enough..... /srk
  5. Those smiley faces or not suppose to be there I typed in the letter b and they came up, sorry.
  6. This is what Title 5, United States COde, Section 552 ((1) means. http://www.justice.gov/oip/foia_updates/Vol_XVII_4/page2.htm Another words, each agency shall "separately" state abd currently publish in the Federal Register for the guidance of the public.--- This is the kicker.... ( "(Statements) of the general course and method by which its functions are channeled and determined" Hmmm?
  7. Thank you for your post on what the FBI has cited, however, all that Title, US Code, Section crap is crap, to throw you off the tracks, confusing isn't it? You should refer to what they have cited and that's "Continued Classification under Executive Order No. 12958." http://www.fas.org/sgp/clinton/eo12958.html /srk
  8. Karl, thank you for this information, I did not know Rorke knew Oswald, now I'm begging to think this how my dad may have met Oswald. Properly through Rorke or Sturgis? This is driving me crazy! Thanks again Karl! Scott
  9. By July 1963, a five-digit code had been assigned to every address throughout the country. http://inventors.about.com/od/xyzstartinventions/a/zipcode.htm
  10. Wow! Colby I'm impressed that you found the records, now if I may point a few things out, the first letter pertains to my father, (FBI). I have received several 100's of pages on my father and piecing together his life's adventures took weeks, months over a year to do, I felt there was information missing, so I appealed within my allowed appeal time, I later received a letter from the US Justice Department indicating I won my appeal. I was certainly excited to hear that I may now receive everything on my father, so the US Justice Department remanded my appeal back to the FBI. While I was awaiting their release on the additional information, the FBI takes my father's information to a review committee board that shuts me down, now I've had to hire an attorney Patick Hundley who is working with a Federal Attorney to file a lawsuit in the Southern District of San Antonio Texas to retrieve these records. The information the FBI and the CIA are withholding may be damaging evidence against both agencies. Furthermore, Your reading of the CIA document is inaccurate, please read the document carefully, as the CIA document refers to President "John F. Kennedy", not my father, and if the CIA has released ALL information pertaining to the said subject and the NARA is in compliance with the JFK Act then they should have no problem releasing ALL information, that means, we no longer have to wait until the year 2017 for the release of ALL documents. Are you following me so far? I am now in the process of sending a letter to the NARA along with the copy of the letter sent me by the CIA. Also, your request asking me to post the documents the FBI has released me cannot be posted here, I do hope you understand my concerns, thanking you in advance. /srk
  11. I would, if I knew where he lives, trying to hunt people down is pretty easy if you know or have an idea as to where they're living....
  12. What does "LJB" stand for, "Lousy Job, Blow"? --Thomas aka "Tommy O'Pepper" I did get abit ahead of myself there didn't I? Guess that's why hiring an editor is a good thing eh? And BTW, I never thought that an LJB could actually be an LBJ.
  13. LJB, was always looking over his own shoulders, worried about someone assassinating him, someone who's worried that much isn't involved as much as you think he was other then participating in the cover up, that's it.
  14. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/21/more-likely-nixon-saw-off-lbj-than-he-masterminded-the-jfk-assassination-3/#.TlIUQwgokpk.facebook
  15. All very good points, Jim DiEugenio, "Why not Miami or Tampa with Trafficante's connections?" Michael Hogan, Yeah, yeah we know. And "John Kennedy was an out-of-control Sex Freak who had many, many affairs." Robert Morrow, well what can I say, Steve Duffy, its always a pleasure to read your work, but is everyone forgetting who had more connections to the mob then LBJ? What about Nixon? And, Why not assassinate the president in Miami when they had the chance? Why take it from Miami to Dallas? There certainly is a lot of good information out there, but unfortunately its not all out there. And by the way, I'm not saying the mob did it, so please don't quote me on that. I'm not a mob did it kind of guy, I've always said it was those who were trained by the CIA who were involved in Operation 40, who were trained assassins. That's what they do, that's what they knew what or how to do. KILL. I do beleive that all the assassins came out of Miami.
  16. Is this Robert K. Brown still alive? And did he know my father? Also, that is what Masferrer said about Hemming after I talked to him.
  17. Can you post copies of your FOIA requests and replies (refusals)? I already did, not long ago, both CIA and FBI letter's have been posted, they are on some thread I post within the last week, going to bed now Tylenol PM's are kicking in.
  18. Kathy, At least 2 authors have used material I've posted here for their books without permission - but with credit - albeit in one case, as a belated re-edit. Others have either been given the material by me, or written and asked permission to use it. Frankly, I'm not that fussed. In the end, you have to put ego aside and be content that the material is reaching an audience, even if that audience is not always made aware of the true source of it. That is why I have been badgering a certain author here to drop the WC myths about what happened in the TSBD and how Oswald traveled. I'd rather see him publish the facts, rather than the myth, even knowing he would probably not give credit. In your particular case, if the author has used sources entirely from the web and not given any citations at all on anything, his/her book will simply not be taken seriously. Greg, this is exactly why the people I'm working with have argued that I should not say or post anything until the release of my book, my co-author is now working on getting all of my father's phone book pages and letter copyrighted. So no one can use them, I don't blame them for getting mad at me. And I don't want them to think that I can do what ever I want because its my father we're writing about. This story effects quite a few people who are working on this project, and well, I don't want to blow it for them. I think its because I'm so eager in wanting to get this information out, that I want everyone to know what it is I have. And that sometimes bothers me, because I'm not releasing this information soon enough. I know I have to hold back, but at the same time I don't want to, if that makes any sense. SK
  19. I'm now beginning to think that this document may have something to do with my father meeting Oswald in Miami in 1962, is this why they decided to not investigate it because it was going to take three months of work? Who else would've/could've known? Why would the "Security Supervisor" from the CIA, from Dallas be interested in my father? And isn't this right around the time the HSCA was working on selecting a committee? Then two years later in 1976 it gets off the ground? Then on Oct 30 1976 Aldo Vera is killed, Jan 1977 Pawley kills himself(?) And a month later Feb 7, 1977 my father is killed, the question as to whether my father ever met Oswald in Miami at the HSCA never gets asked, Hmmmm?
  20. After going through 100's of pages of documents on my father received from the FOIA. I discovered one page in particular that really grabbed my attention. Now, I know that my father was involved in the anti-Castro committee travel extensively throughout the United States during 1961-68, until we finally settled down in Miami late 1968. I appealed the redacted information in this document as well as requesting all documents related to my father be released. As you may have seen in my previous post, the CIA and or FBI has said the the information on my father warrants continued classification, but why would they need to warrant continued classification if my father has been dead now of over thirty three years and apparently he was mostly involved in the anti-Castro groups? Or was he? And why let something like this slip by and send it to me? Am I now to beleive that my father was in Dallas at one time? Would anyone know about this information? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Dad%20in%20Dallas%20%28question%29.jpg
  21. In the many other documents I have related to this matter suggests that my father is the one who assassinated Papa Doc, although, the FBI and the CIA do not directly implement him of doing so, there is amble evidence that my father visited the Island of Haiti on September 10, 1970. At this time, he was apprehended by Haitian government officials who questioned him as to his intentions while on the Island. The next time my father would visit the island would be on On April 21, 1971. My father went back to Haiti, where according to Gerry Hemming, he visited Mike McLaney. Hemming said, "Kaiser was delivering an ultimatum to McLaney. A hit was going to go down. And out of professional courtesy, Kaiser asked him to take sides." My instincts tell me that because my father was talking to Mike McLaney in Haiti, that the “hit” to which he was referring, was regarding “Papa Doc” Duvalier. Now whether Papa Doc Duvalier was actually assassinated remains to be told, Duvalier suffered a massive heart attack due to a possible insulin overdose but later recovered. Duvalier finally expired on April 21, 1971. April 21, 1971 was the day my father last visited the island. Upon returning home, he said to my mother, I now have blood on my hands, but did not elaborate. The CIA I'm sure knew what happen, but somehow withheld they're information from the FBI.
  22. I added a new link for better viewing, this is just page one, I beleive. I re-post the link in my first post.
  23. I just so happen to come across this document. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Lee%20Oswald%20in%20Miami.jpg
  24. Yes, it took me into Queens NY. Does anyone know where Alexander Rorke lived in New York? That would be helpful.
  25. This is very interesting information indeed. I also assume that was his phone number was EL-54800. I would like to tack down this address and see where it brings me on google earth.
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