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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Actually Mr. Kelly is not as far from the truth then you think he is, I too for awhile didn't think of Castro being involved in the plot to assassinate Kennedy, however, new and I say (NEW) documentation has convinced me otherwise. Tomorrow I'll be meeting with those in Miami who say they were recruited in both plots, to assassinate Kennedy and Castro. These people are now in their mid 80's and knew my father. My goal is to uncover the truth of what they know and record my conversation with (them). According to one them, he has documents he has has never shown anyone, and as Mr. Hougan stated in one of his threads, it was thought that all of these documents were destroyed, all but one. (Not true). I wish I could put up more information here not to convince you, but rather for you to look at something in a different light, however, I've already posted to much in the past and I can not afford to jeopardize my upcoming meetings. Mr. Harry J.Dean, can you tell me which group you were affiliated with? And with whom did you know personally? There is so much more that I want and will share with you, but time does not permit me to do so right now. Bill, you are on the right track! And Mr. Dean take no offence of me asking you your Bonafides, I am merely seeking and tracking down people who knew my father and would/could share with me their life's experiences and adventures.
  2. There are a few plots that I am aware of to assassinate Castro in 1960,62 and on the day of Kennedy's assassination, I wasn't sure if anyone knew about this, but sense its already out there I will soon be talking to the men who were involved. As I was told by them this information was never released, they also plan on giving me the documents that have not been destroyed and this information will corroborate there story. This is not true, as I said , I will be meeting up with them soon. Scott, while you are meeting with some of the Cubans in Florida, will you ask them if they know the name of Gordon Campbell's yacht, which he kept at Dinner Key. Thanks, BK Will do Bill, if anyone has any question(s) you would like me to ask please compile a list I cannot guarantee I will use everybody's questions, but I can select a few good ones, I will be leaving on Oct 6 to Miami my email is scott@kaiser-industries.com Thanks everyone! Scott
  3. There are a few plots that I am aware of to assassinate Castro in 1960,62 and on the day of Kennedy's assassination, I wasn't sure if anyone knew about this, but sense its already out there I will soon be talking to the men who were involved. As I was told by them this information was never released, they also plan on giving me the documents that have not been destroyed and this information will corroborate there story. This is not true, as I said , I will be meeting up with them soon.
  4. That's because Virgilio Martinez was CIA all the way.
  5. I'll try not to sound narcissist because I'm not, I will however, say your welcome!
  6. Holy crap man! I feel the real need to take Jim Phelps to school. Wow! He has now solved the JFK assassination by blaming it on The John Birch Society, Communist, George Washington, Zionists in Germany, Zionists from Eastern Europe, NY Zionists, German Jewish Bankers, the Queen in the UK, Arabs in Egypt, NAZI's, The Baptist, no I'm sorry it wasn't the Baptist it was the Morons, Ugh! I mean Mormons, the Rockafellas not to mention President Abraham Lincoln and his wife said so. Holy Cow who's next? He certainly has way to much time on his hands.. Phelps says, "If the simple story was only the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida and New Orleans offed JFK, they'd have been outed by every intelligence agency on the planet. And the FBI and the CIA would have them gunned down in the streets for the publicity." This guy really has no idea what he is talking about... Only one thing left to do and that is to contact John Simkin and ask him to shut down this forum, the assassination has now been solved by Mr. Phelps.
  7. Lets break this down, now the PS is fairly identifiable in the trems of anonymous, however, (I) speaking of yourself (find) which is a verb as it pertains to an action word (you) perhaps meaning singular but in this case a more appropriate word would have been (your) (claim) again a singular word used in a sentence structure that would not fit accurately sense Scott has made several (claims). How's that for spelling Mr. Phillips or whatever your name is and you too Lenny my boy!
  8. I see your "Divine Love" has not wavered to me? Or is it "for" me? http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~mclennan/Classes/US310/Poetry-Divine-Love.html Aw, Len! I had no idea how much you really cared! I'm sure there are those who wish to hide the truth from you, kinda like that ole cliche "The truth hurts" or it's because they allow you to continue to make an ass out of yourself, either way, I'm sure they don't care. They are just as much your friend as I am sweet Lenny my boy! NOT!!
  9. So because you are a professor of spelling I guess that is what makes your case right? I don't base my material on hearsay, theory or because Abraham Lincoln and his wife said so. Deleted
  10. Key word MOST, are these the people who are being mislead by your accusations? And, what is my story?
  11. This documentary is one of the better ones I've seen yet from Jack Anderson, however, he focus' to much on the mob, although, I do believe the mob was somehow involved, hence Jack Ruby. I don't believe that they were totally responsible for the assassination. I beleive that the plot started in Miami to assassinate Kennedy NOT WITH THE BIRCHERS in 1940 or whenever. I beleive that when my father writes (A Bud Apparent) that Kennedy was to be assassinated he knew something, he goes on to mention New York, Chicago and then Dallas. But, he forgets or does not want to make mention of Miami. I beleive my father leaves out Miami simply because it would have implemented the plot as to were it was being generated. Again, NOT THE BIRCHERS! UGH!!!
  12. Ummmm? NO! Inquiring minds want to know, but I think your still way off on the Birchers, Mormons, Hitler, DuPont's, Jews, Afghans or anyone else your going to conjure up. Seriously Mr. Philhps! UGH!!!!! This letter is still under investigation as to whether its a hoax or not. Some beleive that this letter was not written by LHO.
  13. The correct English in the statement above would be "I can’t come up with any good replies FOR Len so I’ll just lash out at him." I'm so very happy that you know how to translate what it is I'm trying to say. Very truly yours, Mr. sixth grade ed-gu-ma-k-tion! LOL...!
  14. Mr. Hogan, Thank you for this, it is very moving, my heart also goes out to Mr. Colin. It is documentaries such as these where the son's are looking for their father's that touches my heart, God Bless you for posting this, I'm sure there are many more sons out there wondering what happen. Scott
  15. Len, I would love to do just that, but also know that I don't care as to whether you or anyone else believe what I say, you see, there are some tape recordings I cannot post here, and I will not. I do hope you do understand and if you don't or can't then that's not my problem. I will not get upset because (YOU) can't hear my tapes or know what I'm doing or who I'm communicating with simply put I don't have to convince you of what I have or don't have do you understand me? I'm not lashing out at you or getting upset, like I said, I find you to be a funny guy that simply likes to hang on to my tail. So I've learned its better to let you swing off my tail then it is to argue with a fool. These are your ridiculous questions and you want me to give you a straight answer? Common man! Seriously!! If its a poll you want go for it, all my stuff will be proven momentarily not when Len Colby says Scott Kaiser needs to, sorry pal but it doesn't work that way, its on my terms, when I decide not you. I seriously doubt anyone would even participate in any poll until its all said and done, man you sound ridiculous, crazy, desperate and did I mention crazy? Wow! I got you pegged, but please do me the favor of communicating with me its not everyday I wake up in the morning feeling like I'm in a good mode until I read another email by someone else about you then I start to laugh and I'm in a good mode again. Thanks Len!
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