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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Alexander Irwin Rorke, Jr. Who lived in New York is also found in my father's address book. Interesting to know that my father's step father wanted to send my father to Georgetown University too. I'm wondering how early did my father get himself involved. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/Alex.png
  2. Alright fella...I used the SKS as an example of a moderate velocity firearm. I also have three .22s (one a target model) which go off (depending on ammo variety) at about a thousand FPS muzzle velocity, a .357 Mag which has about the same. An SKS and an AK-47 which pump the lead at about 1800 fps muzzle velocity, a .270 Winchester which pops em out at around 2800 fps with a 130 grain bullet...and a 7MM Remington Magnum which hits 3000 fps muzzle velocity with a 130 grain...slightly less with a 150 grain. I shoot all of these guns on the range routinely and at a friends place where we set up "fun" targets. So PLEASE don't talk to me about BB-Guns and how smart you are. I started shooting .22s when I was seven years old pal. You obviously know very little when it comes to firearms. Ooooh 100 posts .... . ..and P.S....it did look like maybe 10% of the melon actually came a bit forward in those shots. Next time I'm at my buddy's place I will make a point of laying down a Hanky and trying what I said. If you are right I will accept defeat...which I seriously doubt (but the bet thing was just me trying to make a point - us Mormons don't gamble). That 10% you saw coming from that watermelon would have been the same results when Kennedy got SHOT FROM THE REAR, the other 89% went everywhere else with most of the blood splatter on Mrs. Kennedy and that 1% ended up on the back of the trunk of the car. I'm glad to see you know your ballistic mathematics it doesn't take long to refresh your memory after watching a few youtube shows, huh? I like that cheers one you got going but its not here, could you teach me how to do it, I'm big on the smiley faces.
  3. Not true...later, small portions go in all directions...but larger portions of matter which are blown off at impact..go in the direction of the force that is the primary mover. This is getting beyond silly - shoot a watermellon (which we do often for fun) - almost ALL of the debris goes in exactly the direction of the incoming bullet that hit it. It's simple physics. ...and it doesn't matter what happens after impact - all the stuff is already blown in the direction that the bullet was going. Honestly...I would be willing to put a spotless handkerchief down in front of a ripe pumpkin or watermellon (two feet in front) and bet $50 that after I shot the mellon with my SKS there would be no spots on the handkerchief (and fifty dollars is real money to me). I'm just wondering what kind of gun you use that gets an object to travel in the same direction? A bb-gun perhaps? I have one of those too, a "SKS". Its called a Scott Kaiser Special. Hope you enjoy your little clip below and I only take cash, no credit cards or checks please. Thank you!
  4. Jackie chased a piece of JFK's head over the back/left part of the car. Shots from the rear do not propel large fragments in the opposite direction...the man's head was not moving at impact...any fragments would be gone - past the influence of any "head jerks" or spinal column reactions. The vast majority of debris from an impact like that goes the same direction that the bullet was going. You can add to that - that the car was actually going forward (or maybe almost stopped but definitely slowing) at the point of impact. Any forward (and slowing) momentum would actually (slightly) push the debris from impact forward - yet it did as expected and went back and to the left - from a close shot with a high powered rifle from the Grassy Knoll. I can't believe we are even discussing this. Not true, anyone who has ever been hurt themselves on "impact" knows that the tissue and or blood will travel in "SEVERAL" different directions. back and to the left are Custards famous last words, I mean Kevin Costner.
  5. Oh Please...and Santa Clause comes down from the moon every 25th of December and gives out chocolate eggs. Any fool can tell that it was an instantanious motion...back and to the left...caused by a shot from the right that didn't hit dead center but got enough of the right side of the head to blow out enough brain to be fatal. If the shooter had missed "dead center" to the left (of Kennedy) he would have gone the other way and been hanging over the side of the car. Simple physics and ballistics. If the shot would have been from the other direction (6th floor SBD) - Jackie would have been trying to climb over Mrs. Connally to get back a piece of JFK's head instead of going back and to the left. Please stop boring me with made up junk....shoot a few guns an you (should) be able to understand...unless your mind is made up so tight that facts do not matter to you. Well, if the man in the moon gives Santa Clause chocolate eggs to hand out, then the Easter bunny may find himself standing in line at the unemployment office. Reading frame 4:00 says it all. "Forward motion"
  6. Something, I wanted to share with all of you, my uncle on my mother's side of the family was also a gun dealer and a ballistics expert for over 40 years, so I'm guessing that would make him qualified to review the film, and give his "opinion" he said, that the shot came from the rear and not the front as you can clearly see the movement in Kennedy's head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofSQSYC_zJE
  7. I conquer with your statement about the hobos that is, judging ones appearance does not necessarily mean one is or is not, I simply believe that one should not judge the book by its cover, no pun intended. Coming from a gypsy hobo background myself, all I'm saying is, if I had the chance to ware boots, nice pants and have a clean shave then no one would have given me or my friends any money after running away from home. I'm just going off of the terminology that society said they were, including Micheal Canfield. And making an analysis statement myself. According to the photo below. For the three to be Hobo's, seem offal clean to me. I do hope, your not offended by my lack of observation. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/The%20tramps.jpg
  8. Back and to the left, is a nice piece of a fabricated Hollywood story line, and if said enough times one would beleive that its true after seeing the Zapruder film at regular speed. After Kennedy got shot, the momentum carried Kennedy's head "forward" before he leans back towards Jackie. The motorcade car certainly slows down before the shot and you can clearly see the brake lights on, however, after the shot the car sped off which would explain Kennedy falling "backwards". Although, a few 100 witnesses say they heard a shot from behind the fence and a cloud of smoke, but no ones around? He, she, they just vanished, gone and with their weapon too, no one is seen driving in or out of the train yard except one person who identifies himself as Secret Service, flashes his ID and says he is investigating that area? When all the other SS men went to the hospital? Then this person is later identified as Bernard Barker, what a guy, we all know who's friend he was. There were people in the train yard and people running towards the grassy knoll, no one sees anything. And, why the train yard? The two officers who were casually marching down the street with the three apparent hobo's found on the train who I don't believe were hobo's after all, or if they we're, they we're the cleanest hobo's I've ever seen. Also, how does anyone really know that every train car was searched thoroughly? They say they searched every car, but when its a planned CIA hit. I can assure you that there will always be one or two cars that never gets looked at. LHO knew something was up or he would not have written that note to Howard Hunt "he needed to know more details." Hemming and Sturgis played Oswald like a violin and Oswald got wrapped up into a web of his own selfish pride of wanting to be someone. He did, to bad it cost him his life.
  9. Letter I received from the CIA http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/CIA%20letter%201.jpg Letter I received from the FBI http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20673422/FBI%20letter.jpg
  10. After hearing about Oswald getting shot my mother says she does not remember my father having any expression to it what so ever, she also said that she gave it no thought if it were the same Oswald my father met in Miami, it was nearly a year later she said, and at that moment she was in awe that they just shot the man who shot Kennedy. I am now having to fight with the FBI and the US Justice Department in releasing all of my father's information, I have recently received a letter by the CIA indicating that all of my father's records have been released, but a letter sent by the FBI and US Justice Department says that my father's information warrants are continued classified material. Something does not add up.
  11. You're welcome Bernice - thank you Here is one more entry on Jerry Buchanan. This is from Ed Arthur's Glory No More © 1975, a great book if you can find it: [snipped, to save space] Zach, these are all GREAT posts, and you apparently have done your homework, knowing what your looking for, however, I'm not hanging my hat just on Jerry or what others are saying or not saying. I also have to beleive my mother when she says that my father met Lee Oswald in Miami in 1962. Most of the information of Lee being in Miami was in 1962 and if that name and number my father has in his phone book can be linked to the Lee Oswald we all know then that's all the proof I need. I'm still looking into it, and I'm not giving up. Hi Scott, I would like to hear more details about your mother's account of your father meeting Oswald in Miami in 1962. (Perhaps you have written about this or posted it elsewhere? Please do let me know). Meanwhile, I think everyone studying this matter should also be aware of another piece of critical evidence--an undated postcard received by Robert Oswald (from Dallas) that is postmarked January 10, 1963. This is WC Exhibit 324 (16 WCH 916), and reads (typed out line by line) as follows: Dear Robert, Sorry I took so long in saying “Thank you” for the nice Xmas present You sent June. I was out of town For a few days so I didn’t hear about It until after Xmas. Please send pic My regards when you write him, I Seem to have mislaid his address. Your Brother, Lee. P.S. Marina says “Hello” UNQUOTE If true, this text suggests that LHO made a brief "out of town" trip in the day or two or three just following Christmas, 1962. (Remember: he was at a X-mas party, brought there by DeMohrenshieldt). Marina was questioned about this postcard by the HSCA and denied he was gone for the length of time necessary to make a bus trip to Florida (I do not have the page reference immediately at hand). FWIW: I was never completely satisfied that we know the whole story on this particular matter, and I think the whole "bus trip" idea provides a possibly incorrect context. This post card is very important evidence. It was auctioned at ebay (by Robert Oswald) around 2005, and it may have been sold. The asking price was about $20,000. Robert Oswald's testimony about the postcard is at Volume 1, p. 390. He simply acknowledges it exists, and at that point it is mentioned as being Warren Commission Exhibit 324. If Oswald in fact left town for a day or two, I don't think he went by bus (which was the way the HSCA questioned him). I would assume he was flown somewhere, and then back. So this entire "out of town" trip could have been simply a matter of, say, two nights and three days--which is the likely model that I would use in analyzing it). As far as I know, the implications of the text of this postcard--a brief out of town trip by LHO immediately after 12/25/62--was never investigated by the FBI (but I could be wrong). Anyway, I would very much appreciate it if you could set forth the details of what your mother related about your father having met Oswald--the when and where of it, when he recollected it; was it something that he immediately realized on 11/22/63 when Oswald's name was first in the news, etc. Thank you. DSL 8/14/11; 12:25 PM PDT Los Angeles, CA Hi David, Is there a stamp on the post card saying where it is coming from? Thanks. SK Never mind, I just saw it was coming from Dallas.
  12. Mike, Excellent post and fantastic links. I have the Soldier of Fortune magazine where the Bayo-Pawley article was published. A Plot to Destroy JFK and Invade Cuba is must read material for anyone seriously interested in studying the assassination. Some of the early issues of SOF have articles related to the Secret War against Castro that have never been reprinted anywhere and about the only place you can find them is on Ebay. SOF won't reprint them. This particular article proves that elements within the CIA were planning on undermining the administration of their own Commander-In-Chief five months before he was assassinated on the streets of Dallas. David Morales was the one who signed off on this mission. Ted Shackley gave it the "OKAY" as he trusted Morales. I really do not think anyone in Washington really knew anything about this. Here is a blowup of the two CIA agents - "Ken" and "Mike" from my copy of the magazine: [soldier of Fortune Magazine Spring 1976 issue #2] Zach Zach, This some good information, I thought that is was Ted that signed off on the Bayo-Pawley Mission, I didn't know that David was the one who initially approved it. And wow! Your so lucky to have that issue, how did you get it? Off of Ebey? Its crazy what you can find there nowadays, just for the hell of it I started poking around to see what I could find and I found my grandmother's old catalog when she owned the company called the Murvon Seed Company, there is and article in the Norwalk paper about her and my father's step dad when they would visit Cuba during the 1950's selling theses seeds to that island in which most of their plants today are a direct result of my grand parents planting them in Cuba. I found that to be pretty cool. There's a sense of "pride" for you Len! http://cgi.ebay.com/OLD-SEED-CATALOG-MURVON-1944-ORIGINAL-MAILING-ENVELOPE-/7212748047
  13. Mike, Excellent post and fantastic links. I have the Soldier of Fortune magazine where the Bayo-Pawley article was published. A Plot to Destroy JFK and Invade Cuba is must read material for anyone seriously interested in studying the assassination. Some of the early issues of SOF have articles related to the Secret War against Castro that have never been reprinted anywhere and about the only place you can find them is on Ebay. SOF won't reprint them. This particular article proves that elements within the CIA were planning on undermining the administration of their own Commander-In-Chief five months before he was assassinated on the streets of Dallas. David Morales was the one who signed off on this mission. Ted Shackley gave it the "OKAY" as he trusted Morales. I really do not think anyone in Washington really knew anything about this. Here is a blowup of the two CIA agents - "Ken" and "Mike" from my copy of the magazine: [soldier of Fortune Magazine Spring 1976 issue #2] Zach Zach, This some good information, I thought that is was Ted that signed off on the Bayo-Pawley Mission, I didn't know that David was the one who initially approved it. And wow! Your so lucky to have that issue, how did you get it? Off of Ebey? Its crazy what you can find there nowadays, just for the hell of it I started poking around to see what I could find and I found my grandmother's old catalog when she owned the company called the Murvon Seed Company, there is and article in the Norwalk paper about her and my father's step dad when they would visit Cuba during the 1950's selling theses seeds to that island in which most of their plants today are a direct result of my grand parents planting them in Cuba. I found that to be pretty cool. There's a sense of "pride" for you Len! http://cgi.ebay.com/OLD-SEED-CATALOG-MURVON-1944-ORIGINAL-MAILING-ENVELOPE-/7212748047
  14. John Martino: "The Cubans in the South Florida area have had dealings with Oswald in the past and they are not willing to join the press in dismissing him as a fanatic, a psychopath or a pathetic, maladjusted youth. When he was in Miami, Oswald attempted to join an organization of Americans engaged in training Cubans in guerrilla warfare, headed by Jerry Patrick [Hemming]. As a former Marine, Oswald would have been useful, but he failed to pass a security check and was turned down. Oswald made similar approaches to the Cuban Revolutionary Student Directorate (DRE) and to JURE, another organization of Cuban freedom fighters, but was rejected." http://cuban-exile.com/doc_226-250/doc0237.html http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?absPageId=331565 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11565&relPageId=2 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11061&relPageId=2 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=29002&relPageId=1 The Bayo-Pawley Affair: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=28888&relPageId=2 Mr. Hogan, Thank you for this information, I do beleive my mother when she tells me that my father met Oswald while my father was in Miami from November 1962 to late January 1963. I also beleive that the number in my father's phone book was Oswald's. Thank you for sharing this information. SK
  15. Interesting stuff, interesting you say this, my mother still has a five dollar bill note that says "Sliver Certificate" on it and not the Federal Reserve. I'm not looking to ever sell it or give it away to a collector or dealer. Its something I plan on keeping and handing down to my children explaining to them how this bill was made when Congress was allowed to regulate the value of our dollar and now we nor Congress has control over our money anymore.
  16. One could say "The list is long", but what if the list is not as long as you think?. I mean, if 20,30 or 40 people were involved wouldn't someone have talk? Take Howard Hunts deathbed confession for example. Surely, even killers have a conscience. What if there were but a select few? And the person most likely to be involved who wanted to do a way with Kennedy was the one who was called an elephant by Kennedy. Not because he was called an elephant meant he wanted to kill Kennedy, but he surly didn't want to lose against Kennedy in the presidential running. I wounder if Kennedy had lost his election in 1960, would his rival soon manifest a planned attack on Cuba? But wait, Kennedy wouldn't have lost because he assured to strengthen the Military Industrial Complex, back the CIA and move forward in building nuclear war heads, so did Kennedy have a change of heart after he was elected into office? What if all you needed was just a hand full of people, people you could trust, who had a record, trained by the CIA. Who were apart of Operation 40 and Operation Mongoose, who were the go to guy's in JM/WAVE that got the job done. They were apart of the BOP no matter the failure, after all Kennedy accepted responsibility for it. Although, they were successful in their strategic planning and the assassination of a president, they were also as careless as leaving something as simple as their phone book in a hotel room only to be discovered. What if they now needed to come up with a story by first blaming Castro in hoping that it would start an all out war against Cuban, but would the United States be prepared in case Russia decided to step in? And, Only after figuring out that Castro could not be used as away to ignite a fire why not blame the KGB? Then would the United States have enough balls to go after Castro? No, it wasn't Castro or the KGB, but it was the powers of elite that wanted to create WWIII, and if they had they're way they would've, under any circumstances, no matter the cost, after all. All they knew was war, fighting and killings, they were not your average men who would have families of they're own. Families were forced upon them, however, they were not cracked up to be father's, husbands, brother's, uncles or model citizens. They were your natural born killers, and your worst one, was that guy who would grab a hold of "ultimate power" by holding onto a title that says's "President of the United States of America". And this aphrodisiac of 'power" would make this man grab this power by its rains as he sought by keeping it at any means. It was away for him to think that he would have made his father, mother and brother proud of his accomplishments although, they too were already dead. He was, at one time, unstoppable, but Watergate stopped him in his tracks.
  17. Thanks! John, I'll work on that tonight, right now I'm going to sit down for dinner and get some rest, my back has been hurting me a lot lately. SK
  18. My father in his letter says, "I have information on exchange" and tells my mother in another letter about this guy Ramon Orozco, also says that a guy by the name of Osvaldo Coello was a radio operator at Kennedy's assassination. That is how my father spells his name in his phone book and writes (Radio Operator) under his name. And mentions that he worked for the CIA. I tried to up load the image but it says it to large and I'm not good at re-sizing it and re-posting it so if anyone is interested in sending me your email I'll forward it to you if you can put it up for other's to see. Thank you. SK My email address is scott@kaiser-industries.com Scott
  19. My father in his letter says, "I have information on exchange" and tells my mother in another letter about this guy Ramon Orozco, also says that a guy by the name of Osvaldo Coello was a radio operator at Kennedy's assassination. That is how my father spells his name in his phone book and writes (Radio Operator) under his name. And mentions that he worked for the CIA. I tried to up load the image but it says it to large and I'm not good at re-sizing it and re-posting it so if anyone is interested in sending me your email I'll forward it to you if you can put it up for other's to see. Thank you. SK
  20. I'll certainly look into it and read some of it as it all sounds very interesting. Thanks! SK
  21. I was just kidding you Jim, I love the way this forum is set up with its tabs, buttons, quotations and smiley face's. I may just post here a lot more often,
  22. If anyone can save this document and maybe re-size it and re-post it to where it is readable that would be great, I'm not sure how to do it as I'm having trouble with my computer, all I know how to do is turn it on and off, thanks. SK
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