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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. You, Scott, seem to be implying in your above remarks that you have some doubt as to whether Johnny Brewer actually followed Oswald to the theater AT ALL. Right? And you seem to doubt that Officer McDonald was telling the truth about getting his hand pinched during his struggle with Oswald. Right?

    In other words, you seem to want to blame everybody in sight except that guy with a gun in his hands in the theater who was acting "funny" and "scared" (per Brewer's testimony)---and that would be Mr. Oswald.

    I'm not implying Brewer didn't follow Oswald, he may have. I'm not saying Officer McDonald didn't pinch his hand in a struggle with Oswald. What I am saying is that Mr. McDonald alludes to the fact that had he not placed his hand between the hammer (which went off) and the primer known as the bullet he would have been dead. I along with most folks would have wanted to take a photo of my pinched hand to prove what I'm saying is true. All I'm asking for are photos were there any photos taken of Mr. McDonald's hand that there is evidence of what he says happened is true.

    I'm not saying that Oswald couldn't do all these things either, but let's face it, dead men don't talk.

  2. Taking a last sneak peek before I sign off for the night, regarding Mr. Helms, he's someone I would love to pick apart, and because it's an hour tape this will be something I will have to do tomorrow, but to say they needed to justify this KGB's bonafides and his connections to Oswald is something to be desired, taken in, digested and even try to believe half the crap Helms says.

    Good night.

  3. You have apparently been sent down from heaven

    You are right about that, this is nothing personal, and I don't choose sides, if I am wrong, I will accept that I'm wrong, there's no shame in admitting when you're wrong. In fact, that's what my father use to say about becoming a man, admitting when you're wrong. If what I have said is not true, please point out where I'm wrong. If I don't cover up my own father's crap, why would I cover up someone else's?

    John was a little tougher, Paine is too easy, do you have anyone else? I'm pretty drained for the night will need to pick back up again tomorrow, good nite friend.

  4. 1964 video with Johnny Brewer in his show store....


    I don't doubt he saw Oswald, I'm sure it was Oswald standing outside his store, Oswald was arrested at the theater. Now seeing the inside of the store I can get a visual of how it all took place. Now, he says Oswald entered the lobby stood next to the tennis shoes inside the lobby of his store, but

    Mr. BREWER - The entrance to the store is about 15 feet from the sidewalk, front doors.

    Mr. BELIN - The front doors?

    Mr. BREWER - Yes; they are recessed, and then there is windows, show windows on each side.

    Mr. BELIN - This would be, if we were if we would take a look at the letter "U," or see the letter "V," your doorway would be at the bottom part of the letter and the show cases would be at the sides of the letter, is that correct?

    Mr. BREWER - Yes.

    Mr. BELIN - What you call this lobby, that is the area between the sidewalk and your front door, is that correct?

    Mr. BREWER - Yes, sir.

    ​He's clearly pointing to inside his store where Oswald stood right?

    He walked into the Lobby of my store.

    How far did he walk in John?

    Ah, just a few feet he was standing right where those tennis shoes are.

    The Warren Commission testimony;

    Mr. BELIN - What you call this lobby, that is the area between the sidewalk and your front door, is that correct?

    Mr. BREWER - Yes, sir.

    ​Isn't the lobby between the sidewalk and the front door consider part of the exterior? How then did Oswald enter the store and stand by the tennis shoes?

    If you look at where he said Oswald stood at the inside of his Lobby, that window is what's called a display window for passing customers as they walk by, there's nothing fancy about that window, so you're either inside or outside of the store, when he says Lobby I'm thinking Oswald walked into the store, but then he said all Oswald did was stare at him, in the WC testimony. Here he says when the police officer made the U turn Oswald tuned and walked up to the theater.

    At what point did Oswald turn from Zangs, and at what point did Oswald look over his shoulder to make sure the police had gone by? Just when John decided to follow Oswald to the theater who covered the cash register and watched the store while he says someone covered the back exit and our man John covered the front exit.

    Did Oswald say, well it's all over now or "This is it".

    Boy, was that officer lucky he got his hand in between the hammer and the primer, I'm sure that left a hell of a pinch on his hand that there had to be busies and photos were taken to show how he was able to save his life right. And, I'm sure these photos exist, he's a hero!

    I heard about someone coming out and bleeding.

  5. There's no video or audio of the WC hearings, Scott. But we've got Brewer's "testimony" at the 1986 mock trial:

    There's more holes his the video mock trial then his testimony at the Warren Commission, or Swiss cheese.

    Mr. BREWER - I looked up and out towards the street and the police cars----

    Mr. BELIN - When you looked up, did you step out of the store at all?

    Mr. BREWER - No; I was Still in the store behind the counter, and I looked up and saw the man enter the lobby.

    Mr. BELIN - All right, is the entrance to your store right on the sidewalk?

    Mr. BREWER - The entrance to the store is about 15 feet from the sidewalk, front doors.

    Mr. BREWER - No; I was Still in the store behind the counter, and I looked up and saw the man enter the lobby.

    Mr. BELIN - When you say the lobby of your store, first let me ask you to describe how is----how wide is your store, approximately?

    Mr. BREWER - About 20 feet.

    Mr. BREWER - No; I was Still in the store behind the counter, and I looked up and saw the man enter the lobby.

    Does this mean the width of the store is wider then then the dept of the store?

    Q- Did you get a good look at his face

    A- Yes I did.

    Q- How far away were you from him?

    A- Probably around 10ft.

    Q- Was there anything suspicious about him apart from his physical appearance, now I understand why this is called a mock trial, was it to make a mockery out of Oswald? I can't believe the judge even allowed that question to be answered when it calls for pure speculation. But, his answer is priceless as he starts off by saying "The FACT he was facing me", absolutely priceless.

    I'm sure he was coached not to say Oswald, but he keeps slipping up, then refers to the "the man" who looked over his shoulder to make sure the police had gone by,

    Mr. BELIN - Did you notice any of his actions when he was standing in your lobby there?

    Mr. BREWER - No; he just stood there and stared.

    Mr. BELIN - He stared?

    Mr. BREWER - Yes.

    Can you please point out to me where in his 1963 testimony Mr. Brewer testifies to the Warren Commission that this man looks over his shoulder to have made sure the police went by?

  6. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see this man do?
    Mr. BREWER - He turned and walked out of the lobby and went up West Jefferson toward the theatre, and I walked out the front and watched him, and he went into the theatre.

    I thought he turned at Zangs? Now, Mr. Brewer, where did you really see him turn out of the lobby or at Zangs?

    Mr. Brewer - at what point did you leave from behind the counter that you were able to witness all this?

    Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I don't remember?

  7. David,

    Sounds to me that Mr. Brewer spent sometime with the questioning counsel, could he have been coerced or coached into what should be said?

    Mr. BELIN - All right, you saw a man going into what you referred to as this lobby area?
    Mr. BREWER - Yes; and he stood there with his back to the street.
    Mr. BELIN - When did he go in now? What did you hear at the time that he stepped into this lobby area?
    Mr. BREWER - I heard the police cars coming up Jefferson, and he stepped in, and the police made a U-turn and went back down East Jefferson.
    Mr. BELIN - Where did he make the U-turn?
    Mr. BREWER - At Zangs.

    The highlighted question almost makes it sound as though Oswald entered the store, and Mr. Belin wanted to know from Mr. Brewer what he heard?

    Objection, calls for speculation, how could Mr. Brewer see where Mr. Oswald made his "U" turn at Zangs if he just testified, well, I'll let you read what he said.

    Mr. BREWER - No; I was Still in the store behind the counter

  8. You don't think it was strange for him to be lurking in the entrance to Johnny Brewer's shoe store, with his back to the street as police cars were roaring by on Jefferson Boulevard?

    David, my brother, don't believe everything you see on TV you do realize a lot of that stuff is Hollywood right?

    You don't think it was strange for LHO to duck into the theater without buying the cheap ticket (even though he had more than $13 in his pocket at the time)?

    Was the ticket counter person at their place to sell the ticket? By not buying the ticket does that make them guilty of murder? Or, perhaps, Oswald knew that with all his connections to anti-Castro Cubans and the CIA - FBI that maybe, just maybe he knew he was getting setup for killing the president, and maybe, just maybe he didn't even know anything about Tippit's murder, that was just a bonus on behalf of the conspirators to apprehend Oswald. Was there any real solid description of Oswald killing Tippit? How do you explain the .38 special shell casings found at the sight when Oswald's gun was a .38?

    I know, another screw up right?

    You don't think it was odd (or a sign of guilt) for Oswald to be brandishing a revolver when the police approached him in the movie theater?

    I'm going to let you in on a little secret, my father, who was a "convicted felon" had been caught carrying his concealed .45 several times in Miami, even put that gun right up to Maurice Ferre's head, and threatened to kill him. Do you think it's odd that my father never spent a day in prison?

    You don't think it was odd (or a sign of guilt) for Oswald to shout out "This is it!" when he was seized by Officer McDonald?

    If you knew you were getting set up, and it all went down the same way, and you knew that whoever it was that set you up made sure you got caught, wouldn't you be saying "this is it" too?

    All of that stuff was just normal everyday activity in the life of Lee Harvey Oswald? Is that it, Scott?
    If it truly was, then how can you account for all the screw ups pertaining to a high profile murder. Frankly, I've never in my life has seen more sloppy of work in any murder investigation let alone Jack Kennedy, the president of the United States. Now, had this been,, say, Lizzy Borden trail, well now, we're going as far back as 1892. Times have certainly changed since then, but not by much when it came to Kennedy.
    It was six months of display and show, that the Warren Commission only had one thing to sell, their opinion, don't you find that odd?
    If the glove don't fit, you must acquit, is that it?
  9. I have a question, do you know if the serial numbers off the rifle found at the TSBD are those that matched to Oswald's? It really wouldn't have been that hard to set up Oswald, even if A. Hidell's postal money order was never stamped as paid by the bank. That only indicates the plotters did NOT want that postal money order to reach the bank but why? Because the bank would have had to turn it over to the postmaster, and the postmaster would have declared the money order a forgery, which would have opened a whole new can of worms, so rather then the postal money order being declared a forgery it's better to prove that Oswald had an ID as the alias A. Hidell, who else knew he had that alias too?

    It's not looking very good for those who believe Oswald acted alone.

  10. ...a flurry of police officers arrives at the Texas Theater because someone didn't pay for a ticket...

    This is nothing but total B.S. invented by CTers who are desperate to keep Lee Oswald blameless for all November 22 crimes.

    The reason the police swarmed the Texas Theater was certainly NOT because Oswald had entered without buying a ticket. The reason, instead, was a perfectly logical and sensible one, all explained by the person who called the police, Julia Postal, in her Warren Commission testimony (the key sentence in Postal's testimony emphasized in bold text by DVP below).

    I don't think the police even knew that Oswald had not bought a movie ticket when the police went to the theater. There's nothing in Mrs. Postal's testimony that would indicate she told the police on the phone that the man who just entered the theater had not purchased a ticket. It's possible that she told the DPD that information, but she certainly doesn't indicate it here....

    JULIA POSTAL -- "I told Johnny [brewer] about the fact that the President had been assassinated. "I don't know if this is the man they want," I said, "in there, but he is running from them for some reason," and I said "I am going to call the police, and you and Butch [burroughs] go get on each of the exit doors and stay there." So, well, I called the police, and he wanted to know why I thought it was their man, and I said, "Well, I didn't know," and he said, "Well, it fits the description," and I have not---I said I hadn't heard the description. All I know is, "This man is running from them for some reason." And he wanted to know why, and told him because everytime the sirens go by he would duck and he wanted to know----well, if he fits the description is what he says. I said, "Let me tell you what he looks like and you take it from there." And explained that he had on this brown sports shirt and I couldn't tell you what design it was, and medium height, ruddy looking to me, and he said, "Thank you," and I called the operator and asked him to look through the little hole and see if he could see anything and told him I had called the police, and what was happening, and he wanted to know if I wanted him to cut the picture off, and I says, "No, let's wait until they get here." So, seemed like I hung up the intercom phone when here all of a sudden, police cars, policemen, plainclothesmen, I never saw so many people in my life. And they raced in, and the next thing I knew, they were carrying----well, that is when I first heard Officer Tippit had been shot because some officer came in the box office and used the phone, said, "I think we have got our man on both accounts." "What two accounts?" And said, "Well, Officer Tippit's," shocked me, because Officer Tippit used to work part time for us years ago. I didn't know him personally."

    Complete Testimony Of Julia Postal

    Since when has it become a crime to run? That's it! I'm walking everywhere I go now!

  11. The movie theater is a mile from where Tippit was shot. Not exactly nearby.


    I would expect the police to send two squad cars with four officers to check it out. One car for out front and the other for out back.

    Certainly NOT 15 squad cars and 26 officers! How ridiculous!

    Would that have meant they dispatched the entire police department to check on someone who reportedly entered the Texas Theater without paying his ticket? The moral of this story folks is don't try to sneak in to "cop a free show"!

  12. And here, Scott gives a great example of an argument that holds water. There are just too many HIGHLY UNLIKELY occurrences in the JFK assassination case to believe it was what it was made out to be... a simple murder.

    I'm sure someone could come up with some real good ones, and lay them all out, but some of my all time favorites are, not practically in order.

    Mrs. Goodpasture's testimony.

    IF A TAPE OF OSWALD'S VOICE EXISTED AT THE TIME OF THE ASSASSINATION, THEY DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT. Then it get's right into the CIA and those responsible for creating all this BS in the first place, knowing the CIA was trying to create something that wasn't there. Then, give it to the FBI who's taken the lead in this case.

    Q. Were they able to locate the original tapes?

    A. I don't think so.

    Q. Do you recall what was done with those tapes?

    A. NO.

    Q. Did you ever.

    A. I never heard them. (How would she know to answer the next question if he hadn't finished asking?)

    It's suppose to be a "Q" but, of course, it's a "screw up" and was typed out as an "A."

    A. You never heard them?

    A. No.

    Q. On what basis do you say the original tapes were found?

    In Goodpatuer's prior testimony she says copies of the tapes were made, she says that her boss, Win Scott GAVE her a copy of a tape to give to the FBI, here when asked if she recalls what was done with those tape(s), instead of suggesting copies were made and given to the FBI she says no.

    But, this is just another 'screw up' right? But Scott! How could it possibly be a screw up? I ask you now, has ANYONE in the CIA or ANYONE in the FBI ever produced the tapes that could have very well been the finial nail in the coffin for Oswald so to say?

    I'll answer that your honor, hell NO!

    But, it's just another screw up!


  13. After pondering the long and arduous conversation of this thread it dawned on me, how many "screw ups" were there throughout the course of the "alleged assassin" that the CIA needed to cover this up because President Johnson didn't want to engage into war with Cuba that would have ultimately dragged in Russia. So, the new president lets them run a muck. What are the odds of Oswald getting shot, Kennedy getting assassinated in six seconds, the bank doesn't stamp the postal money order, a flurry of police officers arrives at the Texas Theater because someone didn't pay for a ticket, the list is long.

    Let's just say, I'd have better odds at playing the lotto!

  14. Thank you, Saint Scott. :)

    However, as unlikely as the "Bank Screwed Up" theory might be, I will say this....

    That "Screwed Up" theory is still MUCH more likely to be true than the nonsensical "Everything Connected To The Rifle Purchase Is Fake" theory.

    "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity [or incompetence]."


    Stupid is as stupid does.

  15. So, Scott, the plotters could be guilty of incompetence, but the First National employees could not? Is that it?

    Golly gee! I should have known that of the hundreds of thousands of PMOs the bank takes in regularly the only one they were told to screw up on is Oswald's, but why only Oswald? Well for starters he was first accused of killing a cop, now we can get him on conspiracy to kill Kennedy too! Yes! How stupid of me to overlook your theory David, but of coarse, it was the banks fault, mums the word.

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