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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. I don't know if there is a connection but, I have reports regarding my father and his absence in Miami just [after] Watergate. We know he went to Haiti just after Watergate broke and on October 1972 he was last heard of being in Alaska at Ft. Richardson where he presented false credentials to gain entrance to the base. The FBI has reports on him and was investigating my father in Alaska that day, however, some of the information is scrubbed out and the line of inquires stop.
  2. I'll let the Colonel himself do the talking.... Coincidentally, with a "JFK" connection (sort of)....the first "What's My Line?" aired after the assassination; but it's not a live show; it was pre-recorded in early November '63.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkGaT7FJ4ZY ​I hope the next question that pops through his head isn't asking you how you choke it, I'd be getting a bit worried.
  3. Gee, what a lovely thing to say, Scott. Thanks so much for caring about me. Great film. I've got a page for it on my Movies site. .... classic--movies.blogspot.com/2011/03/cuckoo-nest.html Of course I have. Why do you ask? (What a strange post you just wrote, Scott.) ~shrug~ Did you hear the whole thing? Did you take the time to really listen to the entire video I posted, hing off every word? Kinda reminds you of this thread doesn't it? "I'm tried already this is full of bologna."
  4. David, you really are one peanut away from a full snicker's bar. Or, perhaps, the one who flew over the Cuckoo's nest? Have you ever speculated Mr. Pein? Sounds like they're ganging up on you too Jim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBHN7aJGogY&spfreload=10
  5. . ​So sad to hear of this Stephen does it make a difference whether someone uses any information you or anyone posts to further publish what might be true? If someone thinks what's published on the internet should not be pirated I'd say don't publish unless it's protected and copywrited material, then it becomes fair game, after all, it happened to me too, ask me if I care? I know where it came first. Greg Parker informed me that the CIA financed $150,000 champagne to assassinate Fidel Castro back in 1964 is old news. I wanted to know how old it really was, he kept reiterating how this information was already exposed and went nowhere. He even pointed out that two books had covered it, and a few names were thrown around, when I asked him if he or any other researcher in the world knew who the architects of this purposed assassination plot was, he couldn't give me an answer, you see, those who were involved was Babun and my father. But!, not a single person knew about it, not single person had ever written about the full story, not a single person had any knowledge of the whole story, and I don't mind releasing this information so that those who are familiar with this story now have the whole truth. First released by, Scott Kaiser
  6. You can't be serious, this is all one big joke, and someone is going to let the kitty out of the bag right? This bickering about what he said she said over what they said regarding what? Kennedy's assassination? And these are our top researchers? I know this is a joke, can someone please tell me when the joke is up?
  7. I feel for yeah pal, I have six kids, I don't remember the last time I was called dad, but I do recall all the late night phone call withdrawals from the first bank of Kaiser over the phone.
  8. "BTW, I asked a bank supervisor about postal money orders a few days ago." Most moving companies will ask for a "postal money order" vs a cashier's check or any other form of payment, it assures payment, a postal money order is no difference then cash.
  9. Ah, Mitch, yes, he did. Misdirected paranoia? Or informed vengeance? Neither, just informed.
  10. For starters, Anderson was a different kind of enemy to the United States, he played both sides of the fence while also maintaining to be a loyalist to Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt and the anti-Castro community. If he has that million dollars up, then, and only then will I be more than happy to "provide" him with what is known as [real facts], lets sit-down, count the money out, and I'll give him the evidence, he can decide whether the evidence is real enough before giving me the money. Folks, don't believe, and that's okay, I plan on exposing information no one has ever known before or written in books, sure, they've come close, but I consider coming close in a game of horseshoes. Yeah, I have something to say in my update about the media too. Pretty sure they're not going to like it very much, for example, how CBS was planning on paying $300,000 just to cover an assassination of a government official before it even happened, and I'm not talking about here in the United States or Fidel Castro. That's right CBS wanted to pay out $300,000 to cover a coup, interesting. I also have more to say about the media in my update. Larry was correct when he said, Two words, Edward Snowden
  11. Well, well, well, now isn't this a bit interesting, and now, we have Liddy who was [dispatched to infiltrate Larry's empire], and Liddy won't even talk to me after trying to contact him several times that I may engage in a private conversation with him, he shutdowns his Facebook account, and his radio station, I'm certain, I had nothing to do with that. If Flynt's offer is still good, I'd like to cash in on that now.
  12. Um, Jon, do you actually KNOW the military history of Major General Edwin Walker -- a man who went to military school as a boy, and graduated from West Point in 1931 before entering what would now be called "Special Forces" as a youth? During WW2 Edwin Walker was in command of a sub-unit of the Canadian-American "First Special Reserve Force" -- the third regiment while in Italy. They started combat in December 1943 and were redeployed to the Anzio beachhead 1944 and joined the fight for Rome in June 1944. Walker's regiment landed on the French Riveria in October 1944 and took out one hell of a German garrison. Walker ended in command of all regiments of the "First Special Reserve Force" up through 1945. Sorry -- nobody can call this sort of a fighter an amateur in military action or planning. If anything, Edwin Walker was an expert in military-style ambush. Finally -- although the POLITICS of the JFK assassination were flawed, nobody can say that the Technical Planning and Execution of the ambush were flawed. On the contrary -- they were perfect. Regards, --Paul Trejo "Um, Jon, do you actually KNOW the military history of Major General Edwin Walker -- a man who went to military school as a boy" Sounds like someone I know, except he didn't become an Army General. He impersonated military personnel, and became an assassin.
  13. "Edwin Walker was an amateur when it came to assassinations. So was Guy Bannister. " Hi Jon, I thought you might like to know that I have taken the liberty to list every assassin that ever stayed at Nelly's boarding house in Miami, it was a safe house for assassins, it wasn't easy getting a hold of that list, but you will only find it in my updated material. Like so much more information that had never been discovered or exposed before. If you do get the updated version, I do hope you'll enjoy it. I even fully expose Watergate.
  14. I do appreciate the moral of your story, here, thank God, I was not him. I don't drink. As I've pointed out, true friendship starts in your heart, not in your head thinking what can I get out of this. Like I've said in the past, when I'm talking JFK to St. John Hunt and Roger Stone were not always best of friends, it takes a few martini's just so I can listen. When we're not talking JFK or Watergate, we have a great time, and I don't need so many martini's. People don't like me when we get into Kennedy's assassination or Watergate it's almost like politics and religion. I have never had an allied in neither, nor will I. I don't point out truth just so no one follows up on what I say, I say the truth so everyone has the same opportunity to follow up on what I say, both conspiracy theorist and those who believe in the Warren Commission. For more than eight long years, I have worked alone, telling the truth, why would I want someone I care about interfere with something I'm saying, he or she could make matters worst, take my first book for example, to many cooks spoil the broth, I should have taken a very hard look at it before it went out, therefore, it's no ones fault but mine, and I didn't. So much was taken out that the publisher believed it had no relevance to the story, what story? Whose story, I thought it was my father's story, not a JFK or Watergate book. If I can first reveal all of my father's involvements, then the story comes together, but if the story has missing pieces how can I tell the story? In closing this is not an attack on you or anyone else, my best allies is anyone "outside" of JFK and Watergate who are my personal friends, and anyone who wants to get to know me as a person and not judge. If some folks think their way of discrediting me is through their intellect because I exert emotion, I feel sorry for you, if some folks believe I'm a xxxx because you have elected not to follow up on anything I've said, I feel sorry for you, if you believe the information I've tried to express to you is ego-driven, I feel sorry for you, but unlike you I will not judge, I will not provide false information against you, and I will always confront what I know to be BS because my only agenda is to tell the truth, but, I will pray for you and hopes that one day you will see, everything I have shared is the truth.
  15. Oh....My....God, do you mean to tell me, stupid me, who knows nothing, that Kennedy could have cancelled the Bay of Pigs, or at the very least postponed it until they had a sure thing, or felt like there was a real bet? Lord, where did I ever hear that before! Slaps my forehead! But if Kennedy had cancelled the BOP he still would have been stuck with Allen Dulles as DCIA. What would have been worse for Kennedy's agenda -- suffering the global embarrassment of the failed BOP OR having to keep the "untouchable" Allen Dulles as head of CIA? President Kennedy called Dulles at his office and bluntly told him that he was moving quickly to announce his “reappointment” as soon as possible. President Kennedy had planned an overhaul of the Central Intelligence Agency after its Director, Allen W. Dulles would retired at the end of Kennedy's presidential year or early next year, it was learned." What followed was unmistakable to all in the Agency, "The timetable for the review of the CIA was moved up as a result of the ill-fated invasion of Cuba by rebel forces. Dulles would now have to think about how to protect the Agency that he had labored for so long to build up and his own future. The strain on the once cordial understanding that existed between Kennedy and Dulles had broken down and it is reported that Kennedy bluntly told Dulles that he had to go. Dulles was not one to trifle with and supported Kennedy's active measures to assassinate Castro and setup the machinery to launch Operation MONGOOSE. It didn't matter, it failed even though Kennedy gave approval to the CIA to use mafia assassins to do it. President Kennedy said; speaking of Allen Dulles before the complement of his "retirement ceremony" "I know of no man who brings a greater sense of personal commitment to his work, who has less pride in office than he has. Your successes are unheralded your failures trumpeted. I sometimes have that feeling myself. But I am sure you realize how important your work is, how essential it is, and how in the long sweep of history, how significant your efforts will be judged." On 29 November, 1961, Allen Dulles formally relinquished his office and retired from the intelligence business. As with all retired professionals, Dulles made speeches and wrote books. Among them were The Craft of Intelligence, which became a best seller. Dulles also lectured at universities and attended private meetings to discuss the abandonment of National Intelligence Estimates by President Kennedy known as the Gun Club. After President Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, Texas, on 22 November, 1963, the newly sworn in Vice President, Lyndon Johnson, asked Allen Dulles to be a member of a the Warren Commission tasked by President Johnson to investigate JFK's murder and report back to him with their findings. Allen Dulles did not ask LBJ if he could be apart of the Commission. Conspiracy theorists have since then believed Allen Dulles has mastered minded the assassination of President Kennedy. Hogwash!
  16. J. Edgar Hoover was famous for pissing people off, if that's what makes J. Edgar Hoover smart, I've got to have a rocket scientist brain going on up there.
  17. If in-case you don't know what an oxymoron means, allow me to "explain" myself, in this case, it would be dumb-intellect.
  18. Okay, see that was cool, and a bit more understanding from you, I didn't understand what you were writing moments ago. Really, I didn't, now that we have that out of the way, why don't you explain to me what it is you don't understand so that I may better explain myself rather then telling me you don't understand anything? When you take the lesser chosen path to "I don't understand [anything] you write" tells me you choose not too, or you're simply acting off an oxymoron of intellect, which is it?
  19. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20673422/11752547_977229018995361_514019961571291035_n.jpg
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