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Scott Kaiser

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Everything posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. How can I ever compete with intellectuals, certainly, y'all are in a class of your own. 1. If you don't understand my communication skills, how is it you write and read English? Tell you what, we'll get back to that one later. 2. Ah, but the only path to truth lies within, did you get that Paul? Tell you what, we'll get back to that one later. 3. Paul, what makes you think that what you've suggested hasn't already been done? Have you not read anything I've written?
  2. Some free advise Greg, sometimes, we should just STOP while we think we're ahead. In other words, you should have stopped at the word NO!
  3. You're welcome, I really like this guy, I especially like how he get's himself "emotionally involved," someone who shoots from the hip, lay's it all out. I suppose because he is the son of his father who had a tragic accident/murder? Some folks wouldn't understand, if he shows too much emotion, he's discredited by the intellectuals. Now, this is good stuff, thanks for posting the video. The passage I meant about Clinton is if you were to read what was originally posted made it sound as if Clinton gave Boggs a ride to the Pan Alaskan Airport in Anchorage where he boarded the plane. Clinton giving him a ride to the airport in Texas didn't kill Boggs on his way to Fairbanks.
  4. No, but when one's ideas are so poorly communicated that they are confusing, disjointed, or too emotionally packed, they might tend to appear to be false, contrived, or ego-driven--even when they aren't. 1. If they are "confusing", that is, because you don't understand. 2. If they are "disjointed", that's because you have not been following me. 3. If they are too "emotionally packed", that's because I would have more of a [personal] interest in this then anyone here. 4. If they appear to be "false", that's because you have elected not to follow up on anything I've said. 5. If they appear "contrived", that's because you don't know the story. 6. If it appears "ego-driven", my name is not Greg Burnham who has to attach his website everywhere, censor what information is allowed on your site, then stare at myself in the mirror for hours Questions?.
  5. From all these first-hand and near-first-hand accounts of the events going on with regard to Interpen and the continuing CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro -- and then the correspondence of the personnel involved with Interpen in the JFK murder -- I'm beginning to formulate an alternative CT. It starts with the manuscript by David Atlee Phillips (DAP), namely, THE AMLASH LEGACY (1988), in which he claims that he was grooming Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) to assassinate Fidel Castro. DAP -- and working with people in New Orleans to portray LHO in deep cover as an FPCC "Secretary" and a member of the Communist Party USA. DAP says that he was also involved in the Mexico City part of that plot -- to try to sneak LHO into Havana through Mexico City. Now -- if we take DAP at his word (and I realize this is speculation) then this can change the way that we look at the findings of Jim Garrison with respect to New Orleans. It seems to me that we can interpret EACH AND EVERY ONE of the people that Jim Garrison uncovered as associates of LHO in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 as working solely and only on a Fidel Castro Kill Plot. Let me recount the names that Jim Garrison uncovered: Guy Banister Clay Shaw David Ferrie Jack S. Martin Fred Crisman Thomas Beckham Carlos Marcello Ed Butler Carlos Bringuier Eladio Del Valle And let's also add the people that Joan Mellon also identified, following the lead of Jim Garrison: Gerry Patrick Hemming Sam Giancana Santos Traficante Loran Hall Larry Howard Frank Sturgis Johnny Martino Marita Lorenz And now let's look at just a few of the CIA people involved in trying to assassinate Fidel Castro within the so-called "Cuban Project":: Alan Dulles Charles Cabell William Harvey James Jesus Angleton David Morales David Atlee Phillips Howard Hunt John McCone General Edward Lansdale I think we can make a fairly good case that DAP could have been right -- that is -- ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WERE SO BUSY TRYING TO WHACK FIDEL THAT MANY OF THEM HAD NO IDEA THAT A JFK MURDER WAS BEING PLANNED BY SOME OF THESE SAME PEOPLE. So, it's easy to blame all of these people for trying to kill JFK, when actually, perhaps most of them were taken by surprise by the JFK murder, because they were still trying to murder Fidel Castro. LHO himself may have been one of those who were surprised. Regards, --Paul Trejo
  6. Clearly, everyone here is so much more smarter then I, does that make your intellect trump my truth?
  7. Fidel Castro's public enemy number one did NOT lie to me when I asked him about Kennedy's assassination, he said "it was a big operation".close quote.
  8. From all these first-hand and near-first-hand accounts of the events going on with regard to Interpen and the continuing CIA plots to assassinate Fidel Castro -- and then the correspondence of the personnel involved with Interpen in the JFK murder -- I'm beginning to formulate an alternative CT. It starts with the manuscript by David Atlee Phillips (DAP), namely, THE AMLASH LEGACY (1988), in which he claims that he was grooming Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) to assassinate Fidel Castro. DAP -- and working with people in New Orleans to portray LHO in deep cover as an FPCC "Secretary" and a member of the Communist Party USA. DAP says that he was also involved in the Mexico City part of that plot -- to try to sneak LHO into Havana through Mexico City. Now -- if we take DAP at his word (and I realize this is speculation) then this can change the way that we look at the findings of Jim Garrison with respect to New Orleans. It seems to me that we can interpret EACH AND EVERY ONE of the people that Jim Garrison uncovered as associates of LHO in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 as working solely and only on a Fidel Castro Kill Plot. Let me recount the names that Jim Garrison uncovered: Guy Banister Clay Shaw David Ferrie Jack S. Martin Fred Crisman Thomas Beckham Carlos Marcello Ed Butler Carlos Bringuier Eladio Del Valle And let's also add the people that Joan Mellon also identified, following the lead of Jim Garrison: Gerry Patrick Hemming Sam Giancana Santos Traficante Loran Hall Larry Howard Frank Sturgis Johnny Martino Marita Lorenz And now let's look at just a few of the CIA people involved in trying to assassinate Fidel Castro within the so-called "Cuban Project":: Alan Dulles Charles Cabell William Harvey James Jesus Angleton David Morales David Atlee Phillips Howard Hunt John McCone General Edward Lansdale I think we can make a fairly good case that DAP could have been right -- that is -- ALL OF THESE PEOPLE WERE SO BUSY TRYING TO WHACK FIDEL THAT MANY OF THEM HAD NO IDEA THAT A JFK MURDER WAS BEING PLANNED BY SOME OF THESE SAME PEOPLE. So, it's easy to blame all of these people for trying to kill JFK, when actually, perhaps most of them were taken by surprise by the JFK murder, because they were still trying to murder Fidel Castro. LHO himself may have been one of those who were surprised. Regards, --Paul Trejo It seems to me that we can interpret EACH AND EVERY ONE of the people that Jim Garrison uncovered as associates of LHO in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 as working solely and only on a Fidel Castro Kill Plot. Let me recount the names that Jim Garrison uncovered: Guy Banister Clay Shaw David Ferrie Jack S. Martin Fred Crisman Thomas Beckham Carlos Marcello Ed Butler Carlos Bringuier Eladio Del Valle Why is it, that when it comes to good research, that it's never really exposed? What is it I have tried so hard to do, and I can't tell you anymore plainly then the nose on your face. If I just came right out and say it, no doubt you'd think I'm nuts. However, why is it that folks always seem to overlook Frank Bartes (CRC) and Silvia Oido (JURE). I can assure you, there's more to the story, if you ask me, Scott, do you believe Oswald acted alone, I would reply, how much more evidence do I need to provide you?
  9. Did I forget to mention that my father would become Duke's driver? Yeah, that's true.
  10. The ship Edwin Kaiser was killed on was owned by "All Trading Company" and all Trading Company was owned by the Babun brother's who is in my father's address book. The Babun brother's was part of $150,000 payoff by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro in 1964, a year anniversary of Kennedy's assassination. The Babun brother's were also involved in bringing figures connected together from the mob for this assassination plot. In early 1960, Edwin Kaiser was arrested and was to serve sometime in the Alaskan prison for assault with a deadly weapon on an Alaskan State Topper, the bail bondsman was the "Duke" who had connections to the Chicago mob and Sam Giancana. My father's charge was subsequently reduced to probation. The ship was tracked down to Troy Woodward of Texas who was the reported owner, I tracked him down, only to find out he never owned the ship. The ship then was registered to Richard Cabrera who we later found out that he was a high level G-2 for Fidel Castro who had infiltrated my father's group, and had my mother discovered this or the attorney's working on the case, my mother could have sued Fidel Castro for wrongful death like everyone else was doing when they were getting killed. Here's the thing, I know Castro wasn't involved in my father's death. After the ship was registered to Richard Cabrera who was a double agent working for both Fidel Castro and the CIA the ship would end up being registered to someone else in Miami until it finally ended up registered in the Cayman Islands. That's where it last ended. I don't think the CIA wanted the ship to remain in Cabrera's name, this would have entangled the CIA. So, can you see how it ended up being last registered in the Cayman Islands? A few weeks after my father's "mishap" the company took the ship out and sunk it, stopping all investigations. I know for a fact the CIA was behind it. Sounds like a movie in the woks. The name of the ship was the Rita II, but who knows, the company may have had given it any name. You can't deport a man who has no country who nearly got away with everything.
  11. I don't know, the ship was owned by "All Trading Company" and all Trading Company was owned by the Babun brother's who is in my father's address book. The ship was tracked down to Troy Woodward of Texas who was the reported owner, I tracked him down, only to find out he never owned the ship. The ship then was registered to Richard Cabrera who we later found out that he was a high level G-2 for Fidel Castro who had infiltrated my father's group, and had my mother discovered this or the attorney's working on the case, my mother could have sued Fidel Castro for wrongful death like everyone else was doing when they were getting killed. Here's the thing, I know Castro wasn't involved in my father's death. After the ship was registered to Richard Cabrera who was a double agent working for both Fidel Castro and the CIA the ship would end up being registered to someone else in Miami until it finally ended up registered in the Cayman Islands. That's where it last ended. I don't think the CIA wanted the ship to remain in Cabrera's name, this would have entangled the CIA. So, can you see how it ended up being last registered in the Cayman Islands? A few weeks after my father's "mishap" the company took the ship out and sunk it, stopping all investigations. I know for a fact the CIA was behind it. Sounds like a movie in the woks. The name of the ship was the Rita II, but who knows, the company had given it any name.
  12. In order to make my story a bit more credible, the persons name is also found in my father's address book. I've now discovered the documents. I did not plug in any of this information in my first book, I needed to get a feel for it. I think I have it down now. I've decided to expose everything in my update. To further project the imagine of the person found in my father's address book, his name was Babun.
  13. Thank you for your reply, there are some things I would love to publish here, but, I can't. I will say, it has everything to do with assassination plots conspired in 1964 against Fidel Castro, this was of coarse after the passing of my father's step-father, the loss of my grandparents Mervon Seed Company after Fidel took over. Cuba was my grandparents largest export account. When one day, sadly, as a family, just my mother and I were living with my father's aunt Dorthy in Norwalk Conn. As always, my father was nowhere to be found. He had become friendly with this group of people who were offered $150,000 by the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro. It will all come out soon enough. Perhaps, there's a reason no one has ever heard of my father who was trained in the French Foreign Legion as a sniper, and anyone who has seen him, worked with him during the 60s and 70s knew how good he really was with a gun.
  14. I'm informing everyone in advance, I will not be taking any questions regarding this subject matter, I plead the fifth, and therefore, any questions that may arise will be ignored.
  15. I have just one question, does anyone know where Boggs's plane took off from before crashing in Juneau, if you know the answer, then ask yourself this, how the hell could Bill Clinton be giving Boggs a ride to the airport?
  16. Nick Begich, this dude also talks about little green men and UFOs shot-down, where are these two people that survived?
  17. Juneau, interesting my father took off to Haiti just after Watergate hit, then, in October, he was traveling extensively to Anchorage Alaska, what am I thinking? It's just a coincidence.
  18. Rolando Cubela expresses how dissatisfied he is with Castro, and if he doesn't get out of the country, he'd kill Castro himself. Cubela had every opportunity to kill Castro while in Cuba, he was close to Castro, had he wanted to really do it, he would've while he had the chance, the bullcrap of him saying what he said, was to infiltrate the CIA, just as Richard Cabrera had infiltrated the anti-Castro groups in Miami and was reporting on them to his superior officer, and even directly to Castro at times. This was all a set up to take out Kennedy. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=9983#relPageId=89&tab=page
  19. Helm's is going to inform McCone and document a memo onto RFK about an assassination plot involving Sam Giancana against Fidel Castro in August 1963, but he's not going to inform him of a plot that he admitted to during his testimony? That really makes sense.
  20. Do you have this testimony? Is it made public? Surely, it would have to be if you're telling me they testified. Would you be so kind as to post it so that I may see it please? Thank you sir. herre's helms': Oct 29, 63 - Desmond FitzGerald, a senior CIA official, meets AM/LASH. Fitzgerald tells him that a coup against Castro would receive U.S. support. Fitzgerald is introduced to AM/LASH as a "personal representative of Attorney General Kennedy." The Church committee found no evidence that the AG RFK authorized, or was aware of this representation. Helms testified he did not seek the AG 's approval because he thought it was "unnecessary." (Book V Final Report of the [senate] Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities, 4/23/76;Helms, 6/13/75, pp 117-118) give me a few on dizzy fitz or was aware That is NOT true. I shall argue that senior officials within the CIA, notably Richard Helms and Desmond FitzGerald, knew of the Kennedy brothers' secret moves to initiate direct communications with Castro, disapproved of them, and took steps to poison them. Their most flagrant action was to initiate a new series of secret meetings with a known assassin and suspected double agent, Rolando Cubela Secades (code-named AMLASH), at which a major topic of discussion was the assassination of Fidel Castro. Helms, without consulting the Attorney General, authorized a contact plan whereby in October 1963 (and possibly again on November 22) FitzGerald met with Cubela, and promised him material assistance in assassinating Castro, while posing (falsely) as a "personal representative of Robert F. Kennedy."
  21. Do you have this testimony? Is it made public? Surely, it would have to be if you're telling me they testified. Would you be so kind as to post it so that I may see it please? Thank you sir.
  22. Thanks, David, no worries, I'm always confused, started happening to me the first day I got married. I'll just keep plugging away. I don't believe Dulles was in any way, shape or form involved in Kennedy's assassination. By reading speculation, and Dulles' ongoing connections to the CIA after Kennedy honorably relieved him from his DCI position as he mustered out with a pension doesn't make him guilty. After all, he was the longest standing DCI in this nation's history. How many journalist here have retired from there work at the company you were employed, yet, have remained in contact with some of your co-workers, does that make you guilty of propaganda? And, believe me when I say I have taken a very hard look at Dulles. I know friends who are friends with Bissell's son. I try to leave no stone unturned. Yet, the only ones I can honestly say had involvement in Kennedy's assassination is Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, Eugenio Zaldivar Xiques (who by the way is very much alive, and will not talk to me at all). These are the people I can, without a doubt, provide my father's first person witnesses testimony accounts. I can't vouch for LBJ, Dulles or anyone else, that would be pure speculation, but I can offer up my father's information, and along with his information I have added much documentation that if my father, a long with these men were a live today. There would be a conviction.
  23. Do you have this citation? I missed the meeting.
  24. ​My God man! You can't possibly suggest that Castro was a two edged sword, promising or, making suggestions at how wealthy some of these anti-Castro Cubans could actually be if they'd allow him to run a country while he provided backdoor channels into the underground drug world. Edwin Kaiser - asked Richard Poyle if he knew about a shipment if drugs coming from Cuba. Let's blow up a plane, we'll make some noise, but you won't get expedited because you also knew what the Bush's have been into since 1960. Let's get caught at the 2000 summit, we won't really kill Castro, he knows that there must be some casualties, it's called "collateral damage". But, don't you worry Fidel, you keep supplying us with the much needed drugs which has already built Brickell Avenue, most of downtown Miami and South Beach, and you'll live.
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