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Paul Trejo

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Everything posted by Paul Trejo

  1. It's a real pleasure to meet you on his Forum, Harry. I currently have a copy of, "The Men Behind the Guns," by W.R. Morris (1978). In this tabloid-style booklet there is a transcript of you and W.R. Morris being interviewed in 1975 by Tom Snyder on "The Tomorrow Show", which I used to watch every night. Your memoirs establish that Oswald was a member of US intelligence. This confirms that Oswald's role in the FPCC was entirely intended for the camera and news media in an effort to establish his 'street credentials' with the left wing. Presuming Oswald was not one of the actual shooters on 11/23/1963, why was he dancing around for Guy Banister in New Orleans for the whole summer? I think Banister was manipulating Oswald, and not the other way around. I would like to hear your views on this. It seems to me that Banister and Ferrie promised Oswald a big reward if he could sneak into Cuba and assasinate Castro. (This, I believe, would explain why Oswald told Marina that he would be 'Prime Minister' of America one day. She thought he was joking, but it was easy to believe in 1963 that the man who assassinated Castro would be a hero in the USA, and might have a chance to be President. He didn't say 'President' to Marina, since in those days Russians only had Prime Ministers. This scenario could also explain how Banister and Ferrie manipulated Oswald so well.) Another thing I remember from your interview as transcribed in Morris' book, is that you actually spoke with General Walker on occasion. That is of great interest to me. Is the Morris book the book you have in mind, Harry? Or is there something more? Best regards... Paul No, the men behind the guns was totally a Morris effort, as were several other publications involving me re; the JFK/Castro etc; by him, which I learned about after the year 2000. Morris and I had no connection other than the Tom Snyder show. I wrote the 1990 manuscript/book for reason explained in the introduction of it. The manuscript/book is really all I have to state on the subjects it contains. It was written when all named in it and who were my associates were still living. I believe all have since passed? Harry, I'm very interested in your manuscript. You may have been the closest to the center of the cyclone of anybody on this Forum. How can I obtain a copy of your manuscript? I need more facts, and I'm hoping you have them. Did Jack Martin (544 Camp Street) also serve under General Walker? Did David Ferrie also serve under General Walker? Did George De Mohrenschildt intimately know anybody who knew General Walker? This is pivotal - because the Warren Commission established that George De Mohrenschildt first suspected that Oswald was General Walker's April 10th shooter on April 14th, 1963 - Easter Sunday. If George DM told somebody close to him, and that person told General Walker, we would have a material motive for General Walker to punish Oswald by making him the patsy in his JFK plot. Best regards...
  2. It's a real pleasure to meet you on his Forum, Harry. I currently have a copy of, "The Men Behind the Guns," by W.R. Morris (1978). In this tabloid-style booklet there is a transcript of you and W.R. Morris being interviewed in 1975 by Tom Snyder on "The Tomorrow Show", which I used to watch every night. Your memoirs establish that Oswald was a member of US intelligence. This confirms that Oswald's role in the FPCC was entirely intended for the camera and news media in an effort to establish his 'street credentials' with the left wing. Presuming Oswald was not one of the actual shooters on 11/23/1963, why was he dancing around for Guy Banister in New Orleans for the whole summer? I think Banister was manipulating Oswald, and not the other way around. I would like to hear your views on this. It seems to me that Banister and Ferrie promised Oswald a big reward if he could sneak into Cuba and assasinate Castro. (This, I believe, would explain why Oswald told Marina that he would be 'Prime Minister' of America one day. She thought he was joking, but it was easy to believe in 1963 that the man who assassinated Castro would be a hero in the USA, and might have a chance to be President. He didn't say 'President' to Marina, since in those days Russians only had Prime Ministers. This scenario could also explain how Banister and Ferrie manipulated Oswald so well.) Another thing I remember from your interview as transcribed in Morris' book, is that you actually spoke with General Walker on occasion. That is of great interest to me. Is the Morris book the book you have in mind, Harry? Or is there something more? Best regards...
  3. Jim, I'm glad you brought up the name of Harry Dean. He claims to have been in the room when some extremist John Birch Society members, including General Walker, planned every move of an assassination of JFK in Dallas for November, 1963. I find many aspects of Harry Dean's story believable. His big contribution, a I recall, was his report that General Walker and some extremist JBS members held a long meeting in Mexico City - around the time that Oswald was reportedly there. Dean remembered the smoke filled room and the words that were spoken; they carefully plotted the minutes and seconds. Much money had come in to support their plot from many, many sources. Yet the men who planned the street details -- these are the men to identify. Harry Dean's report should be reviewed again, in my opinion. Jack Ruby directly named the JBS and General Walker in a single sentence to Earl Warren (who said he didn't understand the sentence at all). Also, NOLA attorney Dean Andrews testified to the Warren Commission his suspicion that the JBS was involved. General Walker was an outspoken advocate of the JBS for years and years (even after some JBS members found him so noisy that they voted to kick him out). Best regards...
  4. Robert, I recently perused the General Edwin Walker archives through the Briscoe Center for American History at UT Austin, and found some good stuff about Walker and the Oswald incident. General Walker was convinced that Oswald tried to kill him - and he tried to publish this widely in several newspapers in the USA and in Germany. While it is true that General Walker told the HSCA that the bullet they had was NOT the one found in his house, this was meant to mock their sloppy work. General Walker personally LOVED the fact that Oswald tried to kill him, and failed, but was later successful in killing JFK. In his opinion - which is part of the latest news release he tried to publish - RFK knew all along that Oswald tried to kill General Walker, and the Dallas Police actually arrested Oswald, but RFK let Oswald go, presumably, wrote Walker, to try to kill Walker *again*. The fact that Oswald instead killed JFK (according to Walker) was ironic and poetic justice. Also, you imply that General Walker was socially linked to main JFK plotters, and you cite his good friend HL Hunt. But I find it a bit more likely that HL Hunt was the one who was socially linked to the main JFK plotter - General Walker. HL Hunt could only provide the money. That was something that many, many people could do (and most readers here know the long list). But only a very few people could provide the ground-crew. Best regards...
  5. I'm glad that this thread has settled into speculations about the ground-crew in Dallas who actually managed and accomlished the shooting. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1979, after criticizing the Warren Commission and re-opening then re-closing the JFK assassination proceedings, concluded that Oswald probably had accomplices. This was hard to squeeze out of the US government, which still insisted on keeping hundreds of documents on this topic top secret. After reading all of the volumes of the HSCA, I was impressed by the technical documentation more than the witness testimony. Actually, the witness testimony of the Warren Commission is superb by comparison. I recently reviewed the Warren Commission testimony in response to an interesting book by Jacques Zwart: ‘Invitation to Hair Splitting’ (1970). Zwart worked with Allen Dulles and claims Dulles led him to believe that the truth of the JFK assassination can be gleaned from the Warren Commission volumes by 'splitting hairs,' i.e. by reading between the lines, by reading what was *omitted* from the questions asked. Dulles wouldn’t tell him what he would find there – but assured him he would find them if he studied. After all -- the Warren Commission was the first to suspect George De Mohrenschildt and General Edwin Walker of some role in the JFK assassination. They didn't press the matters like a prosecutor would do -- because they weren't prosecutors. Imagine how an able prosecutor would have made George De Mohrenschildt sing! "What? You didn't call the police when you learned that Oswald was General Walker's shooter?! Are you a man or a mouse?!" Or imagine what an able prosecutor could have done with General Walker on the stand: "What? You wrote to a German neo-Nazi newspaper the day after the JFK assassination that Oswald was your shooter on 4/10/63, when Marina Oswald did not tell the FBI about that until two weeks later?! How did *you* know that?!" But we didn't want to prosecute these prime suspects who were so close to the ground-crew of the JFK hit. I would like to propose a shift in this thread -- John Simkin started this thread with his speculations on who killed JFK with a list of high-level suspects who would have participated *at a distance*. And most of the suspects listed since then have been high-level in this way. I would like to shift the focus to the ground-crew. Who were the immediate supervisors of the shooters on that day? In the current state of my research, General Edwin Walker is suspect number one. I believe he had more reason to hate the Kennedy's than just about anybody, and that includes Jimmy Hoffa and Carlos Marcello. RFK and JFK not only had General Walker arrested for the Ole Miss riots of 1962, but then had him locked up in an insane asylum! That's no way to treat one of the great Generals of World War Two. Dallas was Walker's town. The reason that Adlai Stevenson was battered in Dallas just weeks before JFK's motorcade there, was because General Walker had whipped up the crowd against the United Nations the night before. This is well-documented (c.f. Chris Cravens, "Edwin A. Walker and the Right Wing in Dallas, STSU, 1993). General Walker was also a Dallas member of the John Birch Society (JBS) which has been a key supsect in this research since Jack Ruby named them to the Warren Commission (and associated General Walker's name with them). Furthermore, General Walker was an officer of the Texas Minutemen, just as Guy Banister was. This outfit was more radical than the JBS ever was. If a person belonged to *both* organizations, and also lived in Dallas, he would be a prime suspect in any conspiracy to assassinate JFK, in my opinion. Add to this the fact that the Dallas Police Force had many supporters of General Walker in their ranks. William W. Turner wrote ("Power on the Right" 1971) that the only candidates accepted for the Dallas Police Force in 1963 were members of the JBS, the Minutemen, the KKK or some other extremist, right-wing organization. Dallas in 1963 was the headquarters of most of the extreme right-wing groups in America. And General Walker was right in the middle of all of it. In my opinion - as an answer to the question of whodunnit - General Walker should be the prime suspect of the Dallas plotters, just as his associate in the Minutemen, Guy Banister, was a prime suspect of the New Orleans plotters. Jim Garrison exposed the ground-crew of the New Orleans plotters, but that turned out to be a feeble accusation without a strong link to the ground-crew of the Dallas plotters. So - yes - General Walker is at the very heart of it, in my current opinion. Best regards...
  6. Jim, I'm very interested in the General Walker connection and the Dallas connection in general. For one thing, General Walker had one of the strongest motives for revenge against the Kennedys of anybody in America, IMHO, including Carlos Marcello (who was deported to Guatemala without a suitcase by the Kennedys in 1961). General Walker was one of the organizers of the Ole Miss anti-integration march of 1962 that ended in a riot. The Kennedys had him arrested, and failing to detain him, held him on charges of insanity! This was a profound disgrace to a decorated General of WW2. (I perceive the seeds of vast hatred here.) After resigning from the Army, Walker enjoyed a career as rightist lecturer across the USA, and obtained a loyal following. He also retained many of his US Army contacts, and was an officer in the Texas Minutemen (who made the JBS look like store clerks). Guy Banister was also an officer in the Texas Minutemen. As I recall, David Ferrie also served under General Walker at one point. Also, Jack Martin, who worked for Guy Banister, may have served under General Walker. A 1963 home film, allegedly by a random tourist named Jack Martin, may be of interest to this thread. (It was once available from Collector's Archive in Canada, which seems to have moved or gone bust.) In this short film, a man is visiting General Walker in Dallas, and filming the bullet holes left in his home by some shooter on April 10, 1963. Later, the same man is in a park in New Orleans, when he hears a commotion on Canal Street. He hurries over to see Lee Harvey Oswald handing out FPCC leaflets, and fighting with Carlos Bringuier, and being arrested by police. This home movie ends with a long shot of the Canal Street buildings, pans down to the street, and ends with a close-up of one of the FPCC flyers lying in the gutter. This doesn't sound like a random home movie by a random tourist randomly named Jack Martin, to me. It makes a direct connection between the General Edwin Walker shooting and Lee Harvey Oswald, in a material form. This was months before the connection between Oswald and General Walker was announced by Marina Oswald after the murders. The only other person who knew (or suspected) about this shooting was George De Mohrenschildt, as he admitted to the Warren Commission in 1964. If George DM spread the word about Oswald's "pot-shot" at General Walker (either to the CIA or to other para-military groups in Texas) then we would perceive a solid, materal motive to make Oswald into Walker's patsy, IMHO. If these suspicions are warranted, then we would also have a material connection that links the New Orleans plotters with perhaps the most central of the Dallas plotters. I'm very interested in finding more information about any contacts between General Walker and: (i) Guy Banister; (ii) David Ferrie; and (iii) Jack Martin. Thanks for the thread, --Paul P.S. I've already scoured Bruce Adamson's material about George De Mohrenschildt for social contacts with General Walker, but came up empty-handed. Their only possible social connection would have been at the Dallas Petroleum Club. But as George DM wrote to the HSCA, he and Oswald used to joke about General Walker, calling him General Fokker. The scorn that George DM possibly had for General Walker may have influenced Oswald's behavior. Anyway, my theory doesn't rely on any contact between George DM and General Walker - a CIA go-between would be enough. I am very interested in any contact between General Walker and 544 Camp Street in New Orleans in 1963.
  7. My name is Paul Edward Trejo, and I was born in Pasadena, California in 1952. My father, Joseph Trejo and four Trejo uncles had served in the US Navy during WW2, so, in a Hispanic family enjoying the benefits of the GI Bill in Southern California, I was first in my family to attend college. I have a Master of Arts degree in the Humanities from Cal State, Dominguez Hills. Also, Edwin Mellen Press published my first book (2002, An English Translation of Bruno Bauer's 1843, 'Christianity Exposed'). In the final decade of the 20th century, I had a software business in Silicon Valley, but lost it all during the great Dot Com bust of 2002. For the past five years I've worked on staff for the IT department in a leading American University, where I enjoy the staff benefit of a free college course every semester. At the University library I've read scores of books about the JFK assassination mystery, and I pursued my own theory as follows: (1) Oswald was a secretive, social-climbing member of an extreme right-wing group; (2) Oswald admired George De Mohrenschildt, a worldly, CIA asset; (3) Oswald, under the influence of some renegade liberal radicals, tried to shoot General Edwin Walker in April, 1963; (4) George De Mohrenschildt learned the facts days later; (5) George De Mohrenschildt reported this to close friends who told the FBI, who reported it to General Edwin Walker; (6) General Walker, a leader of Texas Minutemen, reported this to Guy Banister, another leader of the Minutemen; (7) Banister contacted David Ferrie, who knew Oswald since his early days as a Cadet, and invited Oswald to New Orleans to join a plot to assassinate Castro for fame and fortune; (8) Oswald accepted this invitation and promptly moved to New Orleans in May, 1963; (9) Ferrie informed Oswald in New Orleans that he was now under paramilitary arrest for the attempted assassination of General Walker, and that if he failed to kill Castro, he would be drafted into a plot to assassinate JFK; (10) Oswald tried desperately to (i) become an officer of the FPCC, to obtain easier entry into Cuba; (ii) hijack a plane to Cuba; or (iii) enter Cuba through Mexico; in order to assassinate Castro; (11) Oswald failed in that mission, so he was drafted in the plot to assassinate JFK; (12) his job would be to take his gun to the TSBD; nothing else; he did not suspect he would be the patsy. In my theory, the Dallas ground-crew of the JFK assassination consisted mainly of the associates of General Edwin Walker, who had a personal vendetta against RFK. These associates probably included the most radical members of the John Birch Society, the KKK, the Minutemen, Amerian and German Nazis, Cuban Exiles and Russian Exiles. (I carefully distinguish between the financiers and the ground-crew. There were too many financiers to clearly identify, so I'm only interested in the ground-crew at this point.) In 2038, when these records are finally made public, I predict the American public will obtain an extremely long list of people who participated in the JFK assassination at the ground level as well as at the financial level. Oswald was a member of a large crew that consisted of perhaps a hundred people. He could have told the press what he knew during the few moments of access that he had, but he expected to be exonerated. Oswald was guilty; yet so were at least 99 other people. The FBI and CIA knew everything about the plot, and chose the complicity of silence. In my own research I've corresponded at length with Priscilla Johnson McMillan (who interviewed Marina Oswald for her book, MARINA AND LEE, 1977) as well as Ron Lewis, who claims to be Oswald's closest friend in New Orleans in the summer of 1963. Ron Lewis and I share a contract for a screenplay I wrote for his book, FLASHBACK: THE UNTOLD STORY OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD (1993). As the screenplay lacks the romantic element, which is best supplied by Marina's relationship with Oswald, I asked Ms. McMillan for permission to use her book as a source, but she declined to allow her book to be associated with any theory in which Oswald had accomplices. So I turned to Marina's testimony as given to the Warren Commission, and was pleasantly surprised to find virtually all of the contents of the book, MARINA AND LEE, to be contained in that testimony. I hope to contact Marina Oswald personally to obtain personal details for my screenplay - details that no other person could possibly know. I also hope to learn more about General Edwin Walker's associations in 1963. Finally, I've been reading the EDUCATION FORUM for years, thinking that membership was closed until Robert Morrow kindly obtained an invitation for me. I'm impressed by discussions here about General Edwin Walker, as well as the earliest input by Gerry Hemming who admitted his personal participation in the events that caused J. Edgar Hoover to radically break with the Kennedys.
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