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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. You are conveniently leaving out FBI took LHO off the watch list. Did Hoover mention that in his testimony?
  2. Jim - couldn't agree more that it was a coup d'etat, and really great to have all those pertinent details outlined by you. That's what I called my trading cards, for what they are worth.
  3. Apparently LHO used the alias Hidell at least in New Orleans. Didn't Nagell also use this name?
  4. Yes he is. The whole Hidell thing seems to me like a clue whose meaning we still haven't unearthed
  5. It's the books you leave out that are so telling. I'm not going to enumerate, because unlike you I am just exchanging with the folks here, not trying to outsmart them, or convince some invisible audience that I'm right.
  6. Ray - never saw that Seinfeld episode? Very entertaining, probably find the relevant part of the episode on YouTube
  7. Who besides you Paul T could believe that the same guy that tried to kill Walker was trying to get into Cuba to kill Castro? And then to top it off was involved in the assassination of JFK?
  8. I'm not sure of the folloiwing is a diversion from the subject of the Lovelady shirt. I've always enjoyed reading Lifton, articles, posts, books. But from the beginning his excellent and organized writing style never quite convinced me that he was trustworthy. This bs about the shirt doesn't surprise me.
  9. Craig - you asked some good questions. What answers would you give? I'm having trouble connecting your opening statement about the Mafia with the questions later in your post.
  10. This short report by Secret Service inspector Kelley is very interesting. Oswald never admitted to using Hidell as an alias. Is that technically correct?
  11. Actually the 20th century did solve it in broad outline. It was the CIA.
  12. Proof ? Trejo, you have no proof either. If it's your Walker theory you claim facts. If it's a CIA theory you claim no facts to support it. You don't apply the same standards when viewing your own pet theories as you do when critiquing anothers.
  13. Saying Ferrie 'confessed' to Garrison and then covering your ass when someone knowledgeable points out that there is no evidence of that. Unacceptable Paul Trejo.
  14. No proof, not even close, that LHO was involved in a plot to kill Castro. You cannot state that as fact and be taken seriously.
  15. In what way does seeing JFK's civil rights program as central to his assassination absolve the CIA or FBI or anyone else? Absurd. Hoover? The guy made MLK the object of his racist hatred. And as you well know Paul, anti-communism was used to justify all manner of racism, it was the modus operandi of the white racist movement trying to hide their actual motivations. The notion that guys like Hoover and Dulles were not far right is absurd. There was no ideological difference between Edwin Walker and the Joint Chiefs. You miss the forest for the trees.
  16. Last night's debate convinced me, as a California resident, to vote for Stein. If the Green Party gets 5% nationally it is a game changer for them. Choosing between fascism and global militarism is no choice at all.
  17. Complicated. Wonder why Trejo has so much faith in this? Jim - what circus in 2013 are you referring to?
  18. Chris - Do you think either Nosenko or Golitsyn were real defectors?
  19. Didn't Obama in 2013 put off a document release until 2017 at the request of Intelligence agencies?
  20. Dear Tommy - Maybe that made Nosenko more appealing - because it was the truth. I'm more interested in why Angleton, who showed at best really poor judgement in ferreting out moles, was so convinced that Nosenko was a plant. That to me is the best proof that Nosenko was the real deal.
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