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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. It’s so telling that Castro, one day after the event, saw more deeply into it than anyone else has since. Joseph - I agree that it is likely that Oswald was on an intelligence assignment when he staged his FPCC event and subsequent radio appearance, where his defense of his stated Marxist beliefs sounds as if was spoken by rote, with no emotional underpinning. And if that is the case, certainly it continued in Dallas. That’s why, no matter what ‘evidence’ suggests, I suspect that it was his index cards on Cubans that were found at the Paine residence, not Ruth’s, and I also suspect he was correctly identified at the Alpha 66 safe house.
  2. I knew Jorja Fleezanis well, though I hadn’t seen her in a few decades. We were SF Symphony colleagues for several years. A wonderful musicians and human.
  3. Amazing how you criticize Albarelli for taking aim at the Right and then post articles so far on the very same Right that Hank was railing against, rightfully. It’s not that we (me) don’t read what Fox or the Spectator or whomever has to say, it’s that we see it for the garbage that it is. One of the tenets of critical thinking is that you cannot logically just substitute an opposing point of view and claim it has equal weight. Facts are important. I am in agreement about one thing regarding Jan 6 - the crowd, or mob, wasn’t particularly well armed. This doesn’t mean there wasn’t intent to disrupt the vote count. And it’s possible that some had their arms confiscated before the March to the capital. But generally it’s clear that they could have brought their assault weapons if they had wanted to, and so I question why they didn’t. This question is as yet unanswered, at least publicly. My guess is they were advised not to do so, precisely so they could claim innocence of intent to harm. It looked more like a dry run to me, in preparation for something very different in the future, and to see how things would transpire.
  4. Well put. And thank you Jim for making your points so convincingly. Michael either doesn’t understand basic critical thinking, or he does and uses logical fallacies knowingly. Basically it’s straw man - he misstates Jim’s points and argues against those rather than what Jim actually says. And his focus on McNamara to the exclusion of so many supporting statements would appear to be a glaring example of this. Perhaps there is another word for this besides straw man.
  5. Haven’t, though I loved his previous book. Pretty expensive on kindle, hoping I can find a less costly way to read it.
  6. It’s perfectly clear Jim, and thanks for all the detail. And yet mainstream media insists on rewriting history. JFK is always cast as a determined Cold Warrior. Perhaps ultimately this is because if they reported, as you are, the truth about JFK and Vietnam (and Indonesia) it would make it more obvious who stood to gain from his death.
  7. Wasn’t George Bush associate Thomas Devine at that NY meeting with Train Cabot?
  8. I know that many people agree with you that the coverup was not engineered by the plotters per se. I am more inclined to think that the plotters were prepared to cover up their crimes, even if there were loose ends. In your view who engineered the assassination?
  9. Come on Ben - Pat put it so simply. If Obama or Bush or Biden did likewise I’d feel the same. Trump doing what he did doesn’t make him a hero of the People against the Deep State, it makes him what he is - self serving, narcissistic sociopathic power hungry individual.
  10. Marina may have had some legal rights based on having a child born here, but I doubt she would have felt she was on firm ground legally. So I think the surmise that she was prone to manipulation by authorities who had her in custody is well grounded.
  11. Thanks for exploring this. I’ve wondered for years what was going on. Have you read Our Man in Haiti?
  12. I asked because LeMay gets mentioned more, possibly because Lemnitzer had been reassigned to head of NATO. This makes me more curious about his possible role. There is some evidence pointing to European assassins drawn from the Gladio ranks. as for LeMay, it is curious that so much effort was made to contact him by his adjutant, and if I’m not mistaken LeMay left his vacation and flew to DC, arriving at the airport closest to Bethesda in time to attend the autopsy. Circumstantial of course …
  13. I’m curious where you’ve learned that? I heard the location was changed on AF 1.
  14. I’ve been trying to make that point - thank you
  15. David - would you say the same about Lemnitzer - that he had no role to play?
  16. I wonder how many millions of Communists would have to die for the US to be victorious? Maybe you could extend your worldview into the present. Do you think there would be military victory possible anywhere in the world now? Afghanistan? Ukraine? Taiwan? Us or them mentality has to go before the human race ends.
  17. Thank you Ron. I had asked Michael to help define what he meant when he criticized the book for a liberal bias because of its criticism of ‘conservatives’. What I really meant to insinuate is that labeling the far rightists that the book claims were behind the assassination as conservatives is simplistic. Are we now defining as conservative any ‘Republican’ ?
  18. I remember the very first news coverage mentioning a motorcycle cop making a beeline up the incline towards the overpass or the picket fence presumably because they thought that’s where shots originated.
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