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Glenn Nall

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Posts posted by Glenn Nall

  1. 16 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Do you know if Richard's material regarding the Rambler is published somewhere?

    Unless a person is writing a book, I wished they'd make their findings available for others to see. Or if someone is writing a book, I'd hope they'd leave instructions to have their manuscript made public in the event they pass away. The thought of valuable information, and the researcher's effort, simply fading away saddens me.

    Dawn, just so you know, I am working on the Mac Wallace fingerprint presentation. It's a slow process because I'm not able to work long hours on it. I work on it when I can. But do know that it is progressing.

    I plan on presenting it in small pieces at a time. I fear that if I present the whole thing at once, readers will just sort of skim over it and not really understand what is being presented. If I present a small piece at a time, readers will be given the opportunity to asks questions and critique it. I hope Richard will read my presentation, as his feedback would be most useful. (BTW he and I have communicated via e-mail and he has given me some useful images and information. For which I am very thankful.)



    Rambler Full.docx (this is not a pristine copy - there are some random notes of mine within. my apologies. I'll see if i can find a clean original...)

    oh hell - acorn.net where this MS was published is gone! 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    What is your email address. I will PM it to Richard via fb. He is still in Dallas now.  He is a long time real life friend of mine, met him a year or tow after moving to Austin from MA in 1990.  Been buds ever since. Ya his rambler manuscript was great but needed an editor. Or a map for all the names and links. Richard is always happy to interact with other JFK assassination researchers/readers.  You will enjoy the presentation he gave this am. I only knew from a pm yesterday that he was speaking this morning, so I tuned in.


    I've been working on mapping all of his "interrelationships" - and all those that follow, of course - for about a year now - creating a searchable database now, too. it's an enormously circuitous job. :) 

    thanks, Dawn.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    Are you able to watch any of this after the fact? I now it'

    s streaming live and I hope it will also be on you tube. Ya I knew Richard was going but did not realize he was also preresenting, which is why he would be going.

    I'd sure like to have an email address for Mr Bartholomew to express my appreciation for his work and what it has inspired me to look into - if it'd be possible for you to PM me with it or email, I'd really appreciate that. I had no idea that he was still active (or alive, actually) until I read something you said in a recent thread. His Rambler piece is 20 years old and to me contains a darn mountain of pertinent information.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    Are you able to watch any of this after the fact? I now it'

    s streaming live and I hope it will also be on you tube. Ya I knew Richard was going but did not realize he was also preresenting, which is why he would be going.

    yes, Dawn, I was watching it live yesterday, but I lost interest pretty quickly - i'm sure it'll be available after the fact so I can choose who i want to listen to. :)

    the most interesting thing to me was when they broke for lunch and we were able to listen in on some ambient conversation - borrowing laptops and what who brought to eat and whatnot.

    i felt like a real spy.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:


    The 2016 election was not legitimate and needs continuous scrutiny.

    If you don't like it take a hike and leave the thread to patriots.

    Cliff, you've still refused to answer my perfectly legitimate and simple question:

    when did you last complain that an election, as decided by the very same Electoral process as has always decided, was illegitimate?



  6. 9 minutes ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    Sandy don't know if you watched any of the conference but my good friend Richard Bartholomew just gave a great presentation refuting Mellen's chapter 17 in her Wallace book. He quoted quite a bit from your  posts here and is eagerly awaiting your further research on these errors.  His talk clarified a lot for me about the smudged prints Joan is trying to claim Nathan Darby used. The Austin police dept. 10 card. Not the excellent DPF prints that Nathan actually used. I wonder if her error on this was confusion.  Or.... 

    Richard Bartholomew presented?? DAMN i would have stopped to watch that... i admire all of his work i've come across so very much. Rambler and Still Smoking gun... (oslt)... brilliant, unique stuff.

    I'm imagining all this will be available again soon... will look out for it.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    In 2000 the brother of one candidate forced 90,000 mostly Democrats off the voter rolls in Florida, thus insuring his brother's victory.

    In 2016 the Republican head of the FBI announced a renewed investigation into a Presidential candidate even though he knew there was nothing to it.

    These are two examples of egregious voter suppression.

    Voter suppression is anti-democracy, and only one party engages in it.

    "...only one party engages in it."

    Cliff. really?

    when you find yourself in a hole, the first rule is to stop digging.

    And I'm waiting for your answer to my question: when was the last time you complained about the Electoral results?

    when was the last time you complained about the Electoral College results, Cliff?




  8. 1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    You think Hillary was as bad or worse than Trump? Okay then, make up a list.

    The criminal investigations against Hillary (which have been nowhere near 30 years) have all been politically driven Republican tactics. And she's never been found guilty of anything. So they're irrelevant.

    Sandy, you're one of the few in here whom (who?) I respect as a reasonable, logical researcher.

    But, wrong, and wrong. I'll provide a list, but at the moment i'm busy as hell working (i can stop to drop a comment - organizing a list will take me a little bit). But please know that nothing is as it seems... surely you know that after all you've studied... ?

  9. 7 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Some of the things Trump has said during his campaign.

    • “If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.’”
    • [John McCain's]  not a war hero... He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." 
    • “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. ... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
    • "Look at [Carly Fiorinas] face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"
    • "I would bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."
    • "[Ford is] going to build a plant [in Mexico] and illegals are going drive those cars right over the border ... And they'll probably end up stealing the cars."
    • "And, I would say the co-founder [of ISIS] would be crooked Hillary Clinton."
    • Written statement from the Trump campaign: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.


    Not exactly presidential material.


    adjective: detestable
    1. deserving intense dislike.

    you've written this assuming that HFC hasn't said anything nearly as detestable. or worse.

    is that what you're asserting?

    (you really compare this to HFC's 30+ years of criminal investigations? but I'll go with the verbal comparisons, just as soon as you say that that is what you're asserting... :) )

  10. Please understand - I've followed Cyril Wecht for years and, like most, consider him the preeminent Medical Examiner in the country - I've respected Baden and Henry Lee for years, too. I've never known anything about Vince until I encountered him in EF - since then i've read nothing but positive things about him (I know, in EF, right???).

    I asked the question simply because I read something that sounded negative overall to the Conference just because it's JVB's name attached to it, and I wondered if whoever made this comment was really referring to everyone at the conference or was just letting their antipathy toward JVB override their tact.

    Obviously no one would have an issue with Wecht. I was just asking for some clarification. or something like that.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Glenn, Since we can guess Cliff's a Democrat, and in our lifetime, they've never gone to the Democrats so that's never happened. Cliff, I believe he said he'd always go by the popular vote. You might not believe him but I do because I feel the same way.(I'm registered  independent)

    I'm confused. what's never gone to the Democrats?

    The Electoral College decides every election. NOT the Popular vote. I'm simply asking if Cliff has, in the past, had issues with this process. And now I'm wondering why he doesn't himself answer...

    Congratulations, the ball is now completely in your court. I'm curious to see what these forgotten people in the rust belt feel after 4 years with Trump. Honestly, I don't think he'll do crap for them. But we'll see.

    once again assumption rears its ugly head. I don't wish to argue. If you look through now the many pages of this one thread, you'll see that only one person has monopolized the dogma. I've responded to comparatively few, and am ashamed i've said this much. this thread is a load of drivel, inappropriate and fantastically unconstructive. It's become a soapbox - for about three people, all of cemented agenda and of clear misinformation.

    the one thing I appreciate from your post is that at least you've left yourself open to being wrong.



  12. 5 hours ago, Tom Wilson said:

    The repugnant party is going to repeal Medicare in the first 100 days of the Orange man's term. Medicare will be replaced with a voucher program that will increase cost to seniors of up to $12K. Don't believe it? Look it up for yourself. This will cause civil unrest, millions of seniors taking g to the streets and a tsunami for Democrats in 2018 and 2020.

    This part of Paul Ryan's " A Better Way " that they are pushing. Social Security will be next a few months later. I hear people say that they would never do this. It's already in the plan.

    Deplorable, Tom.


    and THEN Repugnant.

    get it right.

  13. 57 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Less than 25% of the American electorate voted for Trump.

    A couple of million more voted for Hillary.

    So enough talk about what "the American public" wanted.

    Sandy, thank you for your patriotism.

    Cliff, by your picture I want to guess that you're at least 40 years old. Let me ask you this.

    Have you complained about the Electoral College process EVERY election, or just the ones that don't go your way?

  14. 48 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    By having the people affected by it vote in a Democratic House.

    There was an outside chance of that before all the e-mail stuff began piling up.

    The American people are tired of gridlock, and if the election had been run without outside interference we may have ended up with the Dems in power.

    But because of outside interference we have the GOP in power.

    very possibly the most unsubstantiated post/claim in this thread. or in the world, take your pick. 

  15. On 11/16/2016 at 8:37 PM, Joe Bauer said:

    We all know she was in New Orleans at that time. We all know she was hired by that weird cover job providing company Reilly Coffee on the same day ( May 10th, 1963 )  as Oswald.  Both given jobs that they had no experience or specific qualifications for.


    And that Reilly is connected to some interesting characters himself - not looking at my notes right now, but I remember his name coming up in some shady relationships... I'll look it up later.

    not defending JVB, just sayin'...

  16. I am amazed that some of you are still totally out of touch with why Trump won.

    The Media missed it, admitted they missed it and have come around to the stark realization.

    Yet some still refuse to listen to what the American public just said. It was beyond partisan. How do you guys not see that?


    NBC’s Brokaw, Todd Confess Media Has ‘Totally Underestimated’ and ‘Overlooked’ ‘Rural America’

  17. 12 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    One of the questions I asked Judyth more than once was why, if she was so intent on proving LHO's innocence, she did not come forward to talk with Jim Garrison.  Her claim was that Jack Ruby told her to be a 'vanilla girl' and stay under the radar.  I did not find that credible.  

    Pamela Brown


    /* */

    Judyth has been intent on replacing Marina in the public eye.  In fact, she seems to detest Marina and has made what look to me to be a lot of false statements about her.  That needs to be taken account in any interpretation of Judyth's parallel reality, imo.

    Pamela Brown


    it's interesting to see how some are more able to present a reasonable objection to something or someone while others are limited to things like "what a flake!" etc.

    it's also interesting that some cannot see how one argument possesses so much more credibility than the other.


  18. 6 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    it didn't copy here...


    well said, Sandy. Amen.

    "...why not just use a little common sense and plausibility and accept that she's a money-grubbing flake? "

    um, damn, Michael - you mean just believe what we read here in EF without evaluating the material ourselves?

    i notice that presupposition and assumption is prevalent in some of these threads - well, in many of them. i wonder why that is... it's almost like when someone doesn't have something bad to say about someone else or presents an objective but unpopular alternative possibility, or even hasn't yet offered a, um, "comment," then their integrity is questioned.

    what fun.

  19. 6 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    And the Democrats had a 30 billion dollar job plan for the Rust Belt.

    Didn't hear about that -- did you?

    Wrap your head around this -- and Jim DiEugenio can stuff it elsewhere sideways:

    Corey Lewandowski Credits FBI Director James Comey With Helping Donald Trump Win

    “With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”


    I'll be writing this for another four years, at least:

    If James Comey had come out 11 days before the election and loudly announced that the FBI was investigating Donald Trump's private server connected to a Russian Bank (which they are) -- then nine days later announced it was a false alarm -- and then Donald Trump won the popular vote by 1.5% but lost the electoral college-- I would renounce the results as illegitimate, even though my side won.  I would drop out of the Democratic Party among other protests.

    Why would I do that?

    Because I am a genuine American patriot -- unlike all these fascism-apologist wannabes.

    "...loudly announced..."

    Exhibit A.

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