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Glenn Nall

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Posts posted by Glenn Nall

  1. 20 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:


    They were tired of hearing about Hillary's e-mails.

    You couldn't turn on cable news over the last 11 days without hearing about the Crooked Hillary Show featuring Weiner-mail!

    It's called voter suppression.

    they voted for Trump because they were tired of hearing about Hillary's emails (and Foundation, and Mid-East errors, and Wall Street incestuousness, and...)... ?


    a - that's incredibly insulting to millions of voters of your own ilk

    b - your logic is approaching DVP standards

    c - damn, dude

  2. 4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    But he could have checked those e-mails in short order.

    They were duplicates, a fact that could have been verified in the time it took him to write his letter to Congress.

    So it's okay for  civil servant to have a determinative impact on a Presidential election because he might take heat after if he didn't?

    So instead of calling him a criminal and traitor-- he was just the biggest coward in American history?

    11 days before an election the FBI director announces a renewed investigation into a Presidential candidate, 9 days later says there's nothing to it it-- unacceptable under any circumstances no matter who the candidate is!

    They did know.

    What were they going to do about it?

    Raise hell about it over the next 11 days and make it even more of a story?

    Edward Snowden Shows Just How Fast The FBI Could Read Hillary Clinton’s Emails

    “Old laptops could do it in minutes-to-hours.”


    They were not duplicates, Cliff. Damn, man. Where do you get your news from?


  3. 9 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Again, you cannot directly quote anything I write.

    Again, you continue to pretend that 11 straight days of 24/7 negative coverage didn't have an impact on late-breaking voters.

    Again, you pretend voter suppression doesn't exist.


    Are you ever going to post a fact-based argument?

    "Again, you cannot directly quote anything I write." Falsely based on the assumption that he - or anyone - goes around memorising your writing enough to quote it.

    "Again, you continue to pretend that 11 straight days of 24/7 negative coverage didn't have an impact on late-breaking voters." As opposed to 18 straight months of anti-Sanders/anti-Trump vitriol by every major media outlet on the planet but one.

    "Again, you pretend voter suppression doesn't exist." Of course it exists. Ask Bernie Sanders.

    "...post a fact-based argument?" Fact based? Emails, my good man. plenty of them. this stuff is documented and very public. If you haven't seen it, then this explains your obvious reticence toward backing up your own arguments aside from the generic, predictable (your "research" is not nearly as unique as you think it is), pop liberal talking points.

    We've heard them for years. They're rarely worth responding to...

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:


    What do you think of the argument that Comey wrote that letter to Congress because he had just found out about the 650,000 emails himself and had told Congress that he would inform it of any new developments. If he had waited till after the election to inform Congress, he could be accused of trying to influence the election with his silence. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

    I know you have said several times that those 650,000 emails could have been gone through in a day or so. Well, I don't understand why no one in the leadership of the Democratic Party knew what you know. No Democrat that I know of (and I certainly could have missed it) pointed out that those emails could have been gone through in a day or so. Were even the Democrats in cahoots with Comey, or is this knowledge of getting through 650,000 emails in a day or so exclusive to you?


    you've pointed something out that has gone largely unmentioned, Ron.

    I've read way too many times in this most ridiculous thread the liberally applied "Comey announced" and "Comey loudly announced." The fact is that Comey announced nothing 11 days before the election.

    Comey sent a letter to Congress (because he said that he would do so). That's it. And he in fact refused to answer any further requests and demands from BOTH sides

    To suspect that James Comey is in league to thwart Hillary Clinton is to suspect that Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton discussed grandkids and golf for 38 minutes on that tarmac.

    I think Cliff really does possess some exclusive knowledge.

  5. 18 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:


    3 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Wow, Cliff, you sure do like to say many other people lie.  If I were around you, I think I'd even be afraid to tell you that the sky was blue for fear you'd call me a xxxx too :)

    it's a shame Cliff's not in college, where, in light of all the devastating emotional difficulties due to the election results, he'd have access to puppy therapy, crayons, play-dough and safe spaces with which to snuggle in his many disapprovals.

  6. 3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    This makes little sense.  Why?  Because the top three states by population are California, Texas and Florida.  In the south and west.  

    Which is why the electoral college is obsolete. 

    regardless of the geographic location of the large populace East or South, is it then fair that the small populations' votes are made obsolete? This is exactly what would happen if we counted votes one for one.

    Does the winner of the World Series win because of total number of runs or because of a standardized number games won? There's a reason...




  7. 1 minute ago, Roger DeLaria said:

    Otherwise you would have the concentrated population centers on the East and West Coasts deciding for the rest of the country, and the other states would get thrown under the bus.

    which is exactly what "many" would love to see, it seems.

    it might be served to point out that 6 million fewer people voted this election - 4 million of them Obama voters.

    who can we blame for that?

  8. 9 hours ago, David G. Healy said:

    there's a few schools of thought on that. The primary reason, in my humble opinion, the electoral college gave the southern states (after the civil war) equal footing in presidential elections. 

    exactly. that's the reason this process is used.

    but not just "the southern states." otherwise the "popular votes" in Iowa and Wyoming - and Wisconsin - would count for nothing.

    makes sense when you're not caught up in blame and excuse.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Trump said before the election he'd accept the results only they were "clear."

    Losing the popular vote by 3 million is not a clear election.

    The hypocrisy of the Trump-chumps is spectacular!


    The country's democracy operates on the Electoral College. Not the Popular Vote. Always has.

    For a reason.

    You knew that, right?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Ramon F. Herrera said:

    Fair enough, Glenn, let's check with your own LEADERS, shall we??


    (19) Let's hear it from the horse's mouth, as it were:

    Interviewer: "Why do you hate Mexicans?"
    Tea Party Member: "Because they are filthy, stinky ANIMALS!!!"





    that you even quote a Tea Party member says all you need to say. irrelevant. moot. poor assumption. etc...

    that you include ALL based on the quotes of a few further buries your logic and shows just how out of touch you are. the Tea Party is done, Ramon, and they did NOT represent the Republican Party, and they DAMN sure don't represent me.

    save you air.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ramon F. Herrera said:

    Care to explain how protests are not part of a Democracy? You are insulting your readers by pretending that placing quotes around that word is a valid argument.



    it's in quotes because the Democrats' definition of "protest" for the past year has involved violence. The 1st Amendment ends at the point where it violates anothers civil rights.

  12. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    HRC took this cue from Podesta and her other aides.

    See, they were so confident they would win that they never even contemplated a concession speech.

    So Podesta came out after and lied to the crowd about the election not being completed yet.

    Ten minutes later HRC calls Trump and concedes.  That night they write the speech.

    They were so confident they would win, and the so called liberal blogosphere was so confident they would win, that they were utterly shocked at what happened.  But yet Trump's campaign had planned it out very strategically and executed it very adroitly.  Bannon was on the radio the next day and said: we knew we had to take Florida and North Carolina first.  And they worked on that.  In the north they planned on breaking into the Rust Belt.  They thought they would take Ohio and Iowa.  They did even better of course.  But they were banking on that because HRC was so weak on NAFTA, CAFTA and TPP.  And it worked thematically.  Not even the west firewall could save HRC then.

    They  got beat tactically and strategically.   And they had all the advantages: money, experience, number of employees, media, and they let a novice like Bannon outflank them.  Shameful. Especially in light of the fact that Sanders would have won going away. Because he could neutralize Trump on trade and jobs.

    So they have to  come up with Comey as a scapegoat.  Yep, the 26 per cent Latino vote Trump got was over those emails.  Right.


    Thank you.

    A voice of reason, and for the obvious, in the wilderness.

    God forbid giving credit where credit is due.

    The Democratic Party, and Hillary Clinton, got their asses kicked for a smorgasbord of reasons, none of which resemble competence, and they, typically, cannot accept responsibility for their own actions. Per the latino vote, the numbers speak for themselves - for those willing to read them, anyway.

    Denial at this level is truly shameful and embarrassing - to seek excuses like easter eggs is just another symptom of the Left's problem - and is the reason for the "protests" by people who refuse to accept democracy at its core definition.

    I've never been prouder to be an American than last Tuesday night when I realized that the people still had it in 'em.

    How this relates to JFK's murder I'm certain will be revealed...

  13. Gregory Walters wrote on Facebook today:


    For those of you that read my prior post, you know that I had filed a FOIA request with the FBI to get their Mary Sherman file. They responded that they sent the file to the National Archieves & Records Administration and they even gave me the file number. So I had to FOIA the (NARA). They very promptly sent me the file under the number that the FBI gave me. It had the information that I wanted, which was the unredacted named that Ed Haslam was unable to get in his prior FOIA request to the FBI. See pages 350-351 in his book, Dr. Mary's Monkey. To my surprise today, I received a letter from the (NARA) telling me that they had 8, yes 8 additional FBI files on the Murder of Dr. Mary Sherman and advised me that if I wanted those records, I would have to submit another FOIA request. Guess what I will be doing this weekend. Will keep you posted. Thanks NARA for being so truthful and straight forward with me.

    um, watching the World Series...?

    oh! wait!

    writing FOIA requests...?

    (truly shocking that they volunteered a thing. no xxxx.)

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