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Glenn Nall

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Everything posted by Glenn Nall

  1. "...that 'a bullet fired from the right front...tangentially struck the top right portion of JFK's skull...with the bulk of the bullet being deflected upward out of the skull...leaving the trail of fine fragments' seen on JFK's lateral skull X-ray." i like this, in keeping with my preference to not complicate, i don't see a need to create or imagine a phony bullet and phony autopsy x-ray when a more realistic scenario that still explains the head wounds and eyewitness testimony works just fine. what confounds me is that Wecht finds obvious evidence of a conspiracy while Baden, another of one of the world's finest, or at least most renowned, Forensic Examiners, finds the opposite (they oppose each other often, i think, in fact). Lee, the other one (from OJ fame) finds a conspiracy, too, if i'm not mistaken. Is Baden still on the dark side?
  2. more from Jennifer's research: In 1949, due to discoveries about missing atomic materials, the FBI entered into a tentative “dual agent” program with AEC Commissioner Lewis L. Strauss (exclusively) which failed on its face. In a series of declassified memos, dated 1949-53, it appears that Hoover delegated his authority to develop such a program to Strauss after LLS became AEC chairman in 1953. The fate or function of any dual FBI/AEC counterintelligence program is unknown but the need for it was clearly demonstrated. Atomic plant security harbors a ghastly record; Strauss was the official “atomic plant” director after resigning his Commissioner’s seat in 1950, concurrent with his interim job as personal banker to the Rockefeller Brothers. [...] —J.Edgar Hoover expressed official concern for Oswald’s welfare (and the disposition of his passport) in Russia to the State Department in June of 1960 prompted by a letter to the FBI from his mother Marguerite, received earlier in May. Hoover may have been “discharging his duty” to atomic security in displaying this interest. —Oswald worked for the CIA, as sworn testimony suggests but does not describe, in preparing for his travel and stay in Russia which originated through his service with U-2 spy plane operations in 1957-58. The CIA’s U-2 program functioned under the security umbrella of the Atomic Energy Commission, initiated while Adm. Strauss was AEC chair. Strauss had full U-2 clearance and was additionally an extraordinary sponsor and friend to Edwin Land (of Polaroid), the key designer of U-2 program development.
  3. David, Jim was taking a personal shot at me with that rhetoric. and i'm not sure what his political lack of success has to do with his book writing. i happen to think that there's some very relevant stuff on his website about this AND other related politics from that era. and i've read the book all by myself and formed an opinion of it all by myself, without the urging of some professional mainstream media book reviewer. i happen to have learned some things from it that were not on the cover. that were factual, no less. it might not occur to some, but some peoples' opinion actually differ from others'. that's why they make wallpaper.
  4. yes, Ron is right. Stone, whom i believe more than Trump, states that he resigned first. so, i was playing on the irony of Trump's famous "you're fired." i didn't even know Stone was "advising" the Don (right, Greg, that was funny) until i read he'd quit. Now it appears he's running for Senate and releasing another um... very interesting TO ME... book. so i was just looking over his website. yes, he's relevant to the JFK assassination. very, in fact.
  5. this is good stuff; i read about some meeting right after the murder between a couple of FBI guys, 2 Dallas "connected" lawyers and Marina where she was "held" for a day or two, after which the ludicrous story about her "holding" LHO in the bathroom...? so it's seeming to me that Marina's words are not to be trusted, which means her statements about these Walker notebooks and pics are all the more likely bs.
  6. my apologies - i thought it was all over the internet by now. Stone was Trump's campaign advisor until today (last night).
  7. um, you know he's a published JFK researcher, right...?
  8. Jim, i said that about YOUR post because it was being politically pointed, and you know it. i posted this because i KNOW that there are friends of Roger's in here and that Roger Stone is a published and outspoken JFK researcher. you know that, and you're just being a child when you write that. now, i said that i had respect for you and your research, but if you can't deal with being asked to curb your political leanings in a basic JFK thread, then perhaps i'm mistaken. i don't know why, but i expected more than this kind of comment from you. damn.
  9. for what it's worth, i just saw that Roger Stone fired Donald Trump today. didn't even know he was... anyway...
  10. you asked if you were really that unclear. "Was I really that unclear?" i explained why you were. if you don't want the answer, maybe you ought not ask the question. " Besides, this theme is a long way away from the theme of this thread " that's rich, Paul, considering that this is what i had to prod you with about 8 pages back when you were trying to sell Gen Walker in this thread about the Limo Stopping.
  11. it was unclear by the fact that you argued the puff of smoke for whatever reason, when the context was that the smoke implied a firearm.
  12. I'm interested in the Badgeman, too, Kenneth. Yet it seems to me that the explosion of Badgeman's rifle triggering its bullet was a brief flash of gunpowder, and not actually a puff of smoke. Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, are you saying that a 'brief flash of gunpowder' is not as proof of a rifle shot as 'gunsmoke' would be? I'd never thought of that. he ignored my attempt at the same point, too, Ken. we have a DVP II in the making...
  13. thanks, Mark. that pretty much explains that. i was hoping to divert political innuendo, my only point, and i felt that Jim's comment was irrelevant and pointed. i want to respect Jim's research. I want to avoid politics in here, because i would likely get slain and all that. besides, JFK's death is beyond politics. they have no place in this investigation today.
  14. let me rephrase that. "With allies in the media at Fox. The modern GOP knows how to create astroturf movements, that is fake grass roots" as far as i can see contributes nothing to the particular thread, and therefore had another purpose. if you claim that you meant no partisan 'jab', then i have to take your word for it, though i can see no other reason for the comment other than a political bent. if it pertained to the current context, please tell me how? I like Glenn Greenwald - he's a definite go-getter, and not a sheep. nevertheless, I'm not sure how he would advise me to act as a Patriot. as human beings, we have the blessed right to behave originally as it pertains to our passions and beliefs. Mine may or may not fall in line with Greenwald's, and i'm sure that neither he nor i sleep less wondering if they do. I'm going to presume that you're not questioning my Patriotism just because you advised me of a book on the subject when I claimed to be one. My claim was that as a Patriot and an American I have the right to be as angry at JFK's assassination as any Democrat. so i don't know why a Republican should be expected to be less shocked. (if i were painted into a partisan corner, my opinion would be the opposite, in fact, with how I see the left define "patriotism.") i don't care about the origins of the Tea Party. I am not a member. I never considered being a member, except as how they try hard to keep the Federal government out of our pockets. OTHER THAN THAT, i don't care about them, or about where they came from. I only commented on your motive to make that particularly irrelevant point at that time.
  15. Greg - great article. very believable. thanks for posting it. i'd sure like to hear that audio taped phone chat where Dr Ebersole shuts up and runs away. wow. Jon - "Mantik challenges the allegation. He maintains the allegation that the two x-rays [and everything else that] represent reality is false." right. this is why there are CTers, because we are willing to challenge the snowjob, to think for ourselves, whereas the LNers are NOT. "assuming a conspiracy to kill JFK, one must assume the conspirators, either to kill or to cover up, would stop at nothing." exactly.
  16. 1 - i never called myself a Republican. I'm sure of it. a Patriot will care about any murder of a great man and a great President. partisanship aside. 2 - "The Tea Party was founded with big money from above. With allies in the media at Fox. The modern GOP knows how to create astroturf movements, that is fake grass roots." my statement was simply that this statement of yours sounds filled with inuendo. "With allies in the media at Fox. the GOP knows how to create astroturf..." there's nothing informative or educational in that statement, as you claim. so i think i rightly perceived inuendo. and spoke my mind. that's all.
  17. Nelson Bunker Hunt, Charles Koch, Fred Koch - it was one of these guys who i mentioned earlier as having seen in episode 9 of The Guilty Men - Hunt, i think. Does anyone remember him being in that part of the series? he was mentioned as very very powerful, and of the same mindset as HL HUNT and Murchison, et al. but with more power. any reason his name doesn't come up more in this thing? Big Oil does seem to have had more than a passing interest in seeing Jack dead...
  18. Don Jeffries, you're my new hero. gotta run rebuild my altar - talk to ya'll later. (j.k.)
  19. Jim: Not sure what you mean by "small scale".... (1) At one point, the JBS bookstores were the largest bookstore operation in our country. (2) The JBS Speakers Bureau was comprised of literally scores of individuals who gave hundreds of speeches around the country every year and, often, local media did not mention that they were paid speakers under the auspices of the JBS (3) In 1964, the CPA firm used by the JBS reported the following income: John Birch Society = $1,682,517 Robert Welch Inc (publishing house of JBS) = $1,096,912 So, for that one year alone, JBS income was $2,779,429. In today's dollars, that would be $20,962,561 !!! (4) The JBS had chapters in every state of our country and some chapters in foreign countries. Members dues income in 1964 was $536,566 (about $4,046,801 in today's dollars) and financial contributions were $875,220 (about $6.6 million in today's dollars). (5) Perhaps more importantly, as was the case with the Communist Party --- the JBS had about 10 times as many state-of-mind members/supporters as actual dues-paying members. so, aside from its 'segue' into the Tax Day Tea Party (?), what in fact DID happen to the JBS? i've never heard anything of substance about it except as it relates to JFK...
  20. how very interesting. this question comes to my mind occasionally, for some reason. I'm still way too far from a concrete theory to have a good guess at this number. when i'm reading about Cuba and Frank Sturgis and Allen Dulles and Mary Bancroft and Michael Paine, i think there's got to be a coupla hundred that were in some way knowledgeable, before and after the act. at other times i can't help but think of the higher risks involved with higher numbers of people who know "too much." this of course points to a strong "need to know" policy with it all. some people knew some stuff, but didn't even know what knowing this stuff meant. i read this article last night about the bullet being superimposed onto the autopsy x-ray, and an assistant to the radiologist who described reshooting the x-rays with little pieces of bullet taped to them. and thought this guys at that moment knows something, yet has no idea what he knows. maybe as few as ten who really pulled strings and hired hitmen and had discussions with Chief Justices - oh, wait. There's only one Chief Justice. Oh well... ok, ten "leaders." or as many as "one hundred?" egads... this question really leads to one of levels of knowledge, i think. like that hourglass analogy that someone described somewhere in here.
  21. I'll take your word for his book being rubbish. I have too many in line to think about reading it anytime soon. I'm trying very hard to respect your contributions to this subject as objective and responsible and effortful. your continuing leftist agenda is making it difficult. before you rebut: doesn't matter whether what you're saying is accurate or not. the way you're putting it reeks of agenda, which is not necessary and in fact, not constructive in seeking an otherwise common goal. I cannot think that the Tea Party today can have a remote connection to the assassination of JFK, even IF JBS did it. which they didn't. i know for a fact that my passionate conservative world-views have NOTHING to do with my desire to find and punish someone who may still be held culpable in this thing. I'd like to think political opinions can be left out of this, just because there's a chance to take a shot at some Republicans. do not for a second think that there are not plenty more opportunities to take some shots at some Democrats. I just let em go. if i misunderstood that last comment, then i apologize. but i don't think i misunderstood the spirit with which it was made.
  22. i came across this article a while back and too was quite excited about what at first looks to be a missing hwy 77 sign, etc. I pieced it all together enlarged, and even posted some questions in this forum, at the same time coming to my own conclusion that the signs are in fact still there yet really blurred, that the umbrella patch is in front of the signs where it belongs. i have to admit, it REALLY looks like alteration to me, that the signs are not there, but i think that blurring also plays a part in it. i'm more at issue with the people underneath, and am NOT convinced that they haven't "moved around" underneath that sign some. i wrote something the other day that referred to the UM and the DCM, and as i wrote it i got that shiver - that feeling - that i haven't experienced in quite a while. Of all the little puzzle pieces in Dealey in those photographs, these two guys I think more likely to be playing a direct role, right in front of God and Everybody, than anything else. I AM convinced that DC man is giving a signal to someone. and that gives me the willies. wow.
  23. Perhaps a modified Colt 45 Model 1911-A suits your purposes better? right. i should have finished with "and remain conspicuous."
  24. no, i understood - i didn't even mean to correct you; i remember those waves - Mafia Kingfish, Davis, took my virginity... i was just taking the opportunity to expound, i.e. these people probably STILL stick to their guns. the theories certainly still have life of their own. you're right, the titles of some of these are unashamedly dramatic, i'm guessing for, lemme think, --- sales? which makes their content, and the author, suspect, In - to borrow Trejo's mantra - MHO (that's H for Humble, though, in this case). seeing Barr speak on one of those films, i felt that he carries a good degree of plausibility and respectability. but, no, i wasn't disagreeing at all. just grabbing yet another soapbox.
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