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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. Myth #8 The CIA killed KENNEDY Did the CIA or the Mafia have a hand in the assassination, yes Who was behind it. The military. Who created the false death certificate - the military - Rear Admiral Burkley Where was the private autopsy held - in a secured military facility Who performed the autopsy - the military - Commander J. J. Humes, Medical Corps, US Navy; Commander J. Thornton Boswell, Medical Corps, US Navy and Lt. Col. Pierre A. Finck, Medical Corps Who falsified the autopsy results - the military - Commander Humes. Who monitored and controlled the autopsy - the military Are you going to believe the CIA could have control over the Generals and Admirals to commit treason and betray their oath to the country?
  2. Talk about JFK and affairs is non-sense, assuming he took after his father, he would have been married to the mob, evidence shows JFK and RFK both attempted to end the mafia corruption. I would like to see one shred of proof JFK had an affair outside of marriage. To continue to spread this myth is aiding CIA lies to diminish President Kennedy's legacy. I have asked this forum and JFK assassination forum for one piece of credible evidence concerning President Kennedy's infidelity and have received none. With HOOVER collecting dirt everywhere he could, JFK would have to have been an uncontrollable sex addict to fall victim to HOOVER black mail. Please stop perpetuating myths unless you can back them up with credible and compelling evidence other than some tell all book sponsored by the CIA or some money grabbing opportunist.
  3. The assault squad decked out in bullet proof everything seemed to have no intentions of entering the kosher market, it appeared they were staged for a show at the entrance, to be videoed with a camera phone to assure a poor quality image. Over 30 men huddled on both sides of the entrance, what where they all doing? Their cross fire was towards each other as the culprit ran out of the market... what kind of strategy is this? How is it they didn't shoot each other? The first law enforcement officer, ALONE entered the kosher market running to the right, this is the same direction the culprit came from...? Your watching a poorly staged scene, intended to leave an impression on the viewer. This is nothing but fraud. Produced by the Ministry Of Truth.
  4. GREER did not choose the speed at which to travel down Elm, the car in front of the limo did. Remember this was a parade or motorcade, they had to allow a slow pace until the motorcade which included buses wove its way around all of the corners before accelerating onto the freeway, otherwise the motorcade would have been strung out. GREER was following at a 10-12 mph pace, the pace of the lead car traveling down Elm. GREER was not part of the conspiracy, although GREER became part of the cover-up.
  5. Robert: COUCH and JACKSON are unreliable witnesses, abundant proof has already been posted in other threads. I agree with Pat on this, there is no doubt the motorcade came to a halt, there is only testimonial evidence the limo came to a momentary halt. I believe GREER when he emphatically claimed the limo never came to a complete halt, what he avoided saying is that he dramatically slowed down after JC laid down on top of NELLIE, evidence was posted illustrating that as C. HILL started moving to the limo around Z-300, GREER slowed down to allow HILL to transfer to the limo, evidenced by MC escorts overtaking the limo around Z-300. This is when GREER slowed down. <- GREER slows the limo just prior to the fatal head shot...HILL moving to the limo is the reason, disturbance in the back seats and JC laying down is the cause. GREER maintained a slow pace until HILL reached the limo, GREER then floored it, we can see HILL almost loosing his grip and then struggling to board the limo as well as JACKIE loosing her balance on the trunk of the limo as the limo lurched forward. The remainder of the motorcade came to a halt as the cars backed up behind the Queen Mary which had come to a momentary complete halt along with the MC escort then focused on the monument area where the three rifle shots had come from. This is when the VP SSA reacted and ran from the FU car or YOUNGBLOOD jumping on top of LBJ, this is why it can not be seen in A6, because these events had not yet taken place before Z-255, they took place after Z-313. We know frames were removed from the Z-film around Z-313 and afterwards based on the impossible movements by the CONNALLYS from laying one on top of the other in prone positions to sitting faced forward in less than 1/2 of a second. There had to have been a few seconds of frames removed. This also accounts for the three shots in 3 to 3-1/2 seconds which many witnesses reported as the time span for the three rifle shots. Rifle shot 1 at Z-313 (2 or 3 seconds of frames removed) Rifle shot 2 at Z-325 Rifle shot 3 following Z-325
  6. Paul, we have been informed that we are being programed and shown how we react to the programing but we are not informed as to how programing may be overcome. The single most frustrating aspect in understanding conspiracies is the inability to share with others in a manner that they can comprehend. The more we come to understand the greater the gap between knowing and ignorance.
  7. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/COPA1998EMS.html
  8. New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-studies-conspiracy-theorists-sane-government-dupes-crazy-hostile/ In short, the new study by Wood and Douglas suggests that the negative stereotype of the conspiracy theorist – a hostile fanatic wedded to the truth of his own fringe theory – accurately describes the people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it. Press TV Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:3AM GMT By Dr. Kevin Barrett Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. ...
  9. Do assault rifles recoil, how about the ones the terrorists used in Paris "Charlie' attack It would be impossible not to have some movement from the rifle when fired, none can be detected. In analyzing the attack on the prone police officer no recoil is apparent even though it appears the rifle seems to be held in a loose manner. Was the gun actually pointed directly at the officer or because of perspective does it just appear like it? If the officer is shot in the back of head or body why is the puff of smoke to the front of the body and high, wouldn't the puff of smoke more likely appear in back of the officer? Direction of smoke? No noticeable impact from the bullet on the body of the officer. What is the puff of smoke? It appears it could be coming directly from the officers hand, does the smoke have the velocity of gas expelled from a high powered rifle? The bullet should have exited the body, where is it, would it have likely ricocheted or loosened a chuck of concrete after transiting the body? Officer rolled on the ground after first being wounded, no blood can be detected, also no blood expelled from head shot that can be detected. No blood. BBC reporter later made a gaff and claimed the blood seen was added to the sidewalk afterwards to commemorate the attack on the officer...oopps. Why would someone take a shot as he was running by the downed officer, would it not be more likely to come into close range, 10-15 feet and fire off a few rounds then run back to the car, they did not have to overrun the target and then double back. Why do we not see spent cartridges expelled from the rifles after firing? Where is the officers cap or hat? What is the running shoe in the street and why would the terrorist take time to stop to pick it up, is he a neat freak or did he bring a change of cloths just in case and transfer them to the stolen car or was this a shoe from the cars real owner? He stopped to pick up a shoe, but leaves his id in the stolen car??? How did it drop out of car in the first place, assuming it did??? Every second to get-a-way might matter, why take the time to run to the wounded police officer just to finish him off, they left wounded in 'Charlie' why did they leave wounded in 'Charlie' but made sure to eliminate this officer? If this were in a Hollywood movie we would all be laughing at the "Ed Wood" - B-movie antics, but because the news media proclaims this to be real we become enthralled by the spectacle and fail to see the truth.
  10. Watch 10 or 15 minutes of this video, it may seem at first sight to be off topic, but I assure you it is not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A1h8uq16eo&feature=share
  11. Russia's response? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28515983/ns/world_news-europe/t/europeans-shiver-russia-cuts-gas-shipments/#.VLfs1O85Dq4
  12. Interesting footage of close range shoot out and edited video taken from a roof top of 'Charlie' terrorists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idOHr3r1Qi4 Question, why is all the video footage we have seen the result of people with phone cameras, do the French have news organizations that send out remote news crews to capture live coverage in HQ? It seems that the news media neglected to cover this event other than to broadcast clips obtained from civilians and insinuate these clips are real. What about the storming of the kosher market, where was the news media for this event? What about the aftermath of attack on "Charlie" or other skirmishes? The news media distanced itself but broadcast the clips they were provided and read the script they were handed. Another terrorists successful attack, resulting in an escalation of war in the middle east and additional constraints on freedom.
  13. Steven, thanks for the links, all the posts have been spot on. It is apparent that the "Charlie" terrorist attack (drill or false flag) is exactly what they needed, not coincidental. Just as 9/11 was the impetus for additional restrictions on freedom and excuse to wage war on sovereign nations that had no intent on harming Americans, No one is capable of hearing us and what is remaining of free information flow on the net is about to end. Dumb clucks have no idea. There is something that prevents people from seeing truth, a term for this lack of realization is cognitive dissonance, there is no way to crack the egg. no way...
  14. Kathy Beckett I agree with your intention to move this topic, it does not belong in the JFK assassination section. I don't know if there is any more that can or will be posted concerning "Charlie", false flags or drills, but I would ask you to leave the thread here until all is said, these issues are pertinent to our future and are more important than any thing else we could possibly be discussing. As long as there is interest and activity I would ask that you leave this thread here so that readers of this thread might benefit from the knowledge being posted.
  15. Steven, the Police Commissioner's "suicide" is certainly suspicious. It appears to be a sign to us and to all that the perpetrators of these events are serious and can literally get away with murder with impunity, even within a police station. It won't be long before these discussions of events and evidence will be put to an end. To those that maybe monitoring the forums, let it be known, I will stop posting and discussing, you need not murder me to silence me, not many care to understand what is happening anyway. You have won and I know it.
  16. Stephen, you evidently believe Boston bombing to be real. The problems arise in the evidence we are presented with. Jeff Bauman, would not have lived having two legs severed, he would have gone into shock and then bled out within seconds. People do not survive with this sort of extreme injury. The loss of just one leg would likely result in death. The Vogt photograph is compelling that these two men are one and the same, they have identical appearances and not coincidentally the exact same injuries. Vogt no doubt was injured in combat and had to have his legs amputated. If Vogt had had his legs severed as Bauman appeared to have, Vogt would be dead. This is a medical reality.
  17. Paul, I thought academics and researchers where smarter than that? It appears it is difficult to impossible for people to think outside of group thought or not be bullied into conformity.
  18. Sandy Hook activity of crisis actors walking around firehouse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYixEtAJZvw
  19. David, I did not feel it was appropriate to post or to link to evidence of graphic nature even though I believe it to be false. Those that find this evidence suspicious can investigate much further down the rabbit hole. I would suggest to anyone attempting to seriously analyze events such as the Boston Marathon or Sandy Hook to set aside adequate time (not infinite time) and review every piece of information that can be found before drawing a definitive conclusion. The one problem you might encounter now is resurrecting information that was available at the time of these events or shortly after, I believe you may find the net is purged of 'subversive' information fairly rapidly. I also suggest to dl video and save webpages in mht format for archival purposes. In the past, I have tried to reference material only to find it wiped out of existence a short time after viewing it. YOUTUBE actively patrols and controls video content as well as banning posters that are capable of discerning truth.
  20. Zombie, not the best photo, it is the only one I can now locate on the net. https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8peWeLVU1wsALTeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTI0c2ZoMGpwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMyMmNhNGM3MzhjMDFkY2FiN2U4NTI0N2U0MDg3OTUxMgRncG9zAzc0MwRpdANiaW5n?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dboston%2Bmarathon%2Bbombing%2Bvictims%26_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Dboston%2Bmarathon%2Bbombing%2Bvictims%26fr%3Dyfp-t-326-s%26ri%3D208%26spos%3D144%26nost%3D1%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D743&w=474&h=271&imgurl=chemtrailsplanet.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fboston-bombing-victim-actually-nick-vogt.jpg%3Fw%3D474&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fchemtrailsplanet.net%2F2013%2F05%2F08%2Fboston-marathon-bombing-timeline-examines-social-media-responses%2F&size=72.6KB&name=%3Cb%3EBoston%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EBombing%3C%2Fb%3E&p=boston+marathon+bombing+victims&oid=22ca4c738c01dcab7e85247e40879512&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-326-s&tt=%3Cb%3EBoston%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EBombing%3C%2Fb%3E&b=721∋=640&no=743&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=1387ibbmo&sigb=15rbe85as&sigi=12vuqaq3a&sigt=10svvlhko&sign=10svvlhko&.crumb=nqz/td3r/Pb&fr=yfp-t-326-s
  21. Bauman or Vogt https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8peWeLVU1wsALTeJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTI0c2ZoMGpwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMyMmNhNGM3MzhjMDFkY2FiN2U4NTI0N2U0MDg3OTUxMgRncG9zAzc0MwRpdANiaW5n?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dboston%2Bmarathon%2Bbombing%2Bvictims%26_adv_prop%3Dimage%26va%3Dboston%2Bmarathon%2Bbombing%2Bvictims%26fr%3Dyfp-t-326-s%26ri%3D208%26spos%3D144%26nost%3D1%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D743&w=474&h=271&imgurl=chemtrailsplanet.files.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fboston-bombing-victim-actually-nick-vogt.jpg%3Fw%3D474&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fchemtrailsplanet.net%2F2013%2F05%2F08%2Fboston-marathon-bombing-timeline-examines-social-media-responses%2F&size=72.6KB&name=%3Cb%3EBoston%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EBombing%3C%2Fb%3E&p=boston+marathon+bombing+victims&oid=22ca4c738c01dcab7e85247e40879512&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-326-s&tt=%3Cb%3EBoston%3C%2Fb%3E+%3Cb%3EBombing%3C%2Fb%3E&b=721∋=640&no=743&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=1387ibbmo&sigb=15rbe85as&sigi=12vuqaq3a&sigt=10svvlhko&sign=10svvlhko&.crumb=nqz/td3r/Pb&fr=yfp-t-326-s
  22. Paul here is LAX video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twKvXoV7_r4
  23. Douglas, interesting article by John Simkin, but did the final statement miss the mark, is the terrorist act against Charlie an act of revenge or just an act of control by the French government (new world order) to influence public opinion and instill in us more and more fear. This act whether a drill or real does two things, one it demonstrates to those willing to honestly share their thoughts that it is now dangerous to do so, it also shows the tyranny that a government is openly willing to demonstrate, while the citizens cheer military troops armed with machine guns deployed on their streets convinced the insane level of response appropriate and is for their safety all the while the cage is being steadily constructed about us. This truly is the end times and unless we wake up to the true dangers before us, it will eventually be too late, if not already too late. In prophetic words of Dr. Manhattan "They claim their labors are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors.... ...Its too late. Always has been. Always will be. Too late."
  24. The Boston Marathon Bombing, their poster child was the man in the wheel chair with both his legs supposedly severed in the blast being rushed to the aid center. This image was horrific when first viewed, but upon critical analysis there are problems with this being real. 1) When one femoral artery is severed a person can bleed out in a matter of a minute or two, they certainly will loose consciousness within a minute. 2) Man in wheelchair had both legs severed, both femoral arteries severed, no blood, little sign of trauma, he was wide eyed and conscious. 3) Lack of blood, on victims hands or the hands of his rescuers. 4) Moving a person with extreme blood loss sitting up in a wheel chair seems to be a sure way to end the persons life. 5) Who would have had the materials and the presence of mind in the first few seconds after the blast to identify this victim and administer life saving aid? 6) What dolt is going to move a seriously injured person in a wheel chair? Look at other poster child of man walking directly toward the photographer looking like a crazed zombie, his cloths are torn, but shredded in perfectly straight lines. His skin underneath is unharmed, no bruises no cuts no burns no blood. Sorry I did not post images, you can find both of these if you take 1 minute to google search. Look at the blasts caught on camera, the blasts go up, it is nothing but dust, this is not the blast from high explosives this is the blast from simulated explosives used in drills, you can see military drills of this sort on youtube with the exact same type of explosions, same dust, same patterns. We are being presented drills as being real, is every event where someone murders others a drill, obviously not, but the real must be sorted from the drills to understand that there is an agenda being pressed and that agenda is more surveillance and more tyranny.
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