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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. Thomas What I see presented are facts that governments have successfully used false flag incidents to promote their agendas by influencing public opinion nefariously, what is new is that they have evolved from utilizing false flags to using drills pervaded as being real events. Since governments control news medias, governments control the nature of information, virtually the only information broadcast is created by them. We really have no organized system of checks and balances to determine what is now real and what is being created with intentions. What has been presented is evidence of fraud in the news, are these cracks in the egg or just coincidences? Can you identify one Drill pervaded in the news as a real event? I posted LAX, did you watch as the wounded TSA agent was being brought to the ambulance for emergency aid and was is in fact a dummy or mannequin? If the news media lied about this drill being a real event what else are they lying about? Where does it end?
  2. Pat, I know... I also can laugh at it now, it was a good learning experience. It is not important to me that I listened to Dornan or Jones thinking they were sincere, it is that I have realized that people are not always what they seem or what we want them to be. Dornan's sole intention was to disrupt meaningful dialog on Steve Allen show and he accomplished his mission. The same principles apply to LANE and GRODEN, they are not what they seem or what we want them to be, I firmly believe this more than ever. What is shameful is that Mae Brussell provided compelling information about these two characters nefariously controlling conspiracy evidence as early as 1976, what did the research community do with Mae's information?
  3. Early on I regularly listened to Alex Jones - INFO WARS and believed he was telling the truth, one of his many guests was Bob Dornan, he talked a good game and was believable and seemed to be aware of conspiracies. I was listening to Steve Allen show on youtube with guests Jim Garrison and Bob Dornan, I was shocked that Dornan was nothing but a tool of the conspirators and was there for no other purpose than to divert Garrison from communicating an effective message that the assassination was not done by a lone nut. We must do our own research and analysis, and not trust without absolute verification. IMO
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZuCX3fEQWQ Mae Brussell, uncovered significant evidence concerning LANE and GRODEN as early as 1976 which indicated that they were working for the government to control information on the assassination and to control the direction and content of conspiracy research. I believe what Mae Brussell claims is substantial and convincing. It is also interesting that Mae confirms my opinion on these two researchers with additional information I was not aware of. Paul thanks again, if I had listened to Mae in 1976 it might have expedited my awakening by a significant amount of time. I had no idea people were so devious and could get away with anything as long as the system was in support of their folly.
  5. Paul, thank you for the reference to Mae Brussell, I have never heard of her, she seems to be well worth listening to. Bob Mady
  6. John F. Kennedy “The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. Today no war has been declared–and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent. It requires a change in outlook" John F. Kennedy “We in this country, in this generation, are–by destiny rather than choice–the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of “peace on earth, good will toward men.” That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago: “except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” RORSCHACH'S JOURNAL. OCTOBER 12TH 1985: DOG CARCUSS IN THE ALLEY THIS MORNING, TIRE TREAD ON BURST STOMACH. THIS CITY IS AFRAID OF ME I HAVE SEEN ITS TRUE FACE. THE STREETS ARE EXTENDED GUTTERS AND THE GUTTERS ARE FULL OF BLOOD AND WHEN THE DRAINS FINALLY SCAB OVER, ALL THE VERMIN WILL DROWN. THE ACCUMULATED FILTH IF ALL THEIR SEX AND MURDER WILL FOAM UP ABOUT THEIR WAISTS AND ALL THE WHORES AND POLITICIANS WILL LOOK UP AND SHOUT 'SAVE US!"... ...AND I'LL LOOK DOWN AND WHISPER "NO"
  7. “It confirms some of our greatest fears that these attacks are likely to happen first in Europe and then quite possibly over here,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, told ABC News. Problem, reaction, solution.
  8. Some lyric from 'Outskirts' by Trampled by Turtles Well you take from our schools to build a bigger bomb, you tell us fiery lies about the course we're on. And you'll kill all the world, and you'll reverse the sun, and which would you sell first, your soul or your gun? [Chorus:] But I hear the thunder roll, I feel the cold wind blowing, but you won't find me there, 'cause I won't go back again. While you're on smoky roads I'll be out in the sun, where the trees still grow, where they count by one [?]
  9. Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. Sir Winston Churchill
  10. A.P. "More than 88,000 security forces were deployed on the streets of France." Does Paris have cameras on every corner like most major cities?
  11. Jon, printed on a coffee mug purchased at the Truman Library.
  12. David, I totally agree with you the FBI rumor of an informant by the name of 'LEE' in telex I believe is fictitious. I believe the story of motorcade cancelation in Chicago and Miami because of thwarted assassination attempts are also made up. These rumors are just crumbs of non-sense that most researchers are enticed to follow. The more fiction they put out on LHO the more it prevents us from focusing on who actually did it.
  13. Douglas, it is not just major situations that are engineered to influence public opinion, it is every day news and entertainment. A case in point for everyone to analyze at this very moment is the terror attack on the French newspaper "CHARLIE". Critically analyze what the news media is claiming, analyze the videos and images. I am not saying that this terror attack did not happen, but the news about it is not convincing. Images of victims, any blood any sign of trauma? How many victims are depicted? Activity of the responders. Are the ambulances wedged in the street along with police vehicles, any available paths to evacuate victims? Do responder have the appearance of being involved with an emergency showing signs of expediency or haste? News coverage, photographs and video. Reuse of images to define the story. Watch the clips of Cronkite proclaiming to us with all certainty the weapon used to murder KENNEDY was a 7.65 Argentine Mauser, the next day Cronkite declared the weapon used was a Italian Carcano rifle, no explanation for the viewer was warranted, because that's the way it is. Another terror attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twKvXoV7_r4
  14. David, I am sure someone on this Forum has more accurate information than I can provide. From memory I believe this rumor was started by "an FBI agent or employee" that recalled seeing a teletype one night with information from an informer named "LEE" and his warning about the assassination attempt for Chicago, I don't know the name of the FBI employee and as far as I know there is no document that can be produced as evidence that there ever was a message warning about an intended assassination attempt. It would need to be explained why a warning message would be mass transmitted to FBI offices which included specific name of an informer? If an FBI agent had obtained critical information from an informer, wouldn't all names be withheld to protect the identity of the informant? This is just fishy and when looked at critically gets absurd.
  15. How is it that the conspirators could have been so careless in Chicago and then again in Miami as to be discovered and cause a cancellation, why would they telegraph the assassination attempts but then have no leaks in Dallas, even though a wanted poster was published in Dallas no one got wind of trouble. Could it have been merely back ground cover to produce a history or a false history if necessary that many people were out to murder KENNEDY and if OSWALD hadn't done it some other lone nut would have? After all, all we know about Chicago and Miami is that there seemed to be credible threats that disrupted motorcades. It could be the conspirators were just building history if needed later to prove a point. IS it possible that there was not any known credible threat of assassination in Chicago or Dallas that this information has been produced as a diversion? Thinking about KENNEDYs side, why would he keep insisting on open car motorcades knowing two credible attempts were just thwarted? They make him out to look careless and foolhardy, he was no fool nor was he careless. The Chicago attempt gets even more ridiculous with the rumor "LEE" provided the FBI foreknowledge...'they' must be laughing at us chasing this non-sense like it has substance. It is interesting listening to Doug Horne, he claims the ARRB asked the SS to provide security reports (not correct name) for time periods November 1963 and a few months prior, the SS destroyed their records at the same time the ARRB was creating the request for the records. These records no doubt would have shed light on the reality of Chicago and Miami 'plots'. I view the reality of these plots being significant or real with much skepticism. These guys were not stupid or careless. Douglas, very interesting thread.
  16. Jon, fascinating thread. I have not caught up to the end of the thread so if these points have already been addressed I apologize. The extensive training you received to learn a foreign language is an eye opener and unless there is much of OSWALDs military history that has been hidden it seems unlikely that he could have received adequate training in Russian in a short time to be proficient. May I ask some questions: 1) Do we know with certainty that OSWALD was as fluent in Russian as we have been lead to believe? It seems odd that he spoke English while in Russia, could this be a hint that he may not have understood Russian? Have we just been mislead about OSWALDs true ability to speak Russian, is it possible that he had rudimentary ability and Marina was continuing to provide instruction? 2) The theory that OSWALD was a communist from youth is not plausible to me based on OSWALD attaining a top secret security clearance and then working with the CIA to help navigate top secret U2 spy planes over Russia, I can not believe OSWALD could have passed a back ground check. How could OSWALD have passed a back ground check for any security clearance? The military and our society at that time were paranoid of any communist, why allow OSWALD to join the military or put in a position to obtain secrets that most people in high levels of government were not even aware of? 3) The U.S. government is not stupid, intelligence would have never allowed a person familiar with a top secret program like U2 to go to Russia and certainly not return without recourse for claiming he would disclose secrets to the Russian. How is it possible to explain this, OSWALD went to the US Embassy, all they needed to do was arrest him for suspected treason? 4) LOVELADY claimed his child mistook him for OSWALD, this is just BS, LOVELADY does not look like OSWALD this is nothing but a myth. LOVELADY was altered to look like DOORMAN. I love your description of your brother the 'tin foil hat specialist'. This is off the subject but I was at a chiropractor and he told me of a patient that came in wearing a tin foil lined ball cap. The doctor immediately assumed the guy was a nut, but was inquisitive and asked why the tin foil? The patient informed the doctor he wore the tin foil hat because the government has the ability to decipher thoughts. What was startling is when this patient revealed his education and past employment, he was a highly degreed physicist and electronics expert who had been working for the government and weapon industry on electronic weapons and was brilliant. He claimed to be involved with the electronic weapons used against the Iraqi's that when employed caused them to literally surrender in mass in a matter of minutes. If you notice the news, the police now employ microwave weapons against protesters and probably other technologies that have not been disclosed. Living in dense populated areas we are also bathed in radio energy from cell phones, radio, TV and power grid, a physicist claimed that in some areas the energy is equal to being on the deck of a carrier and being swept by radar. Maybe tin foil hats should be more fashionable?
  17. Robert, I can't give you references for these, they are buried within hundreds of hours of video. I am confident that you can find it if you doubt its authenticity. as you already know 7.65mm
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