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Brian Schmidt

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Everything posted by Brian Schmidt

  1. Does anyone know for sure when the tramps photos were taken? Not to be a pain but I think it makes a huge difference. I'm new to the forum so I should let it be known that I don't think that the tramps were involved in the conspiracy or differ from the official record. However, it doesn't make sense for the episode to take place two full hours after the assassination... why would the police even be taking people in a boxcar into custody two hours after the shooting?
  2. Mark, what's the source? It doesn't list any time on their arrest records.
  3. I think this has been discussed on here before, but I don't remember there being a definitive answer reached - Cliff asked why the Lansdale figure would be hanging around hours after the assassination. In the video posted, and I believe this was the consensus of early researchers, it states that the picture was captured a few minutes after the shooting. The tramps episode occurring hours after the assassination doesn't make much sense to me, but I have heard this from multiple people. Does anyone know the original source for it being hours rather than minutes?
  4. Jon- While that is, of course, true, the thrust of Oswald's background suggests that he was "handled." This is the whole reason early researchers suspected intelligence influence. For example, his friendship with George de Mohrenschildt as early as summer 1962 is very suspect. How would he have been guided to work at the TSBD and have the history he did if he wasn't actively handled?
  5. Paul - same thing happened to me. Click the home button and it should be the first link on the blog.
  6. Hello all. I'm new to the forum and would like to introduce myself. I've been studying the JFK assassination for almost a decade and have been following this forum for quite a while before I became a member. I have never been published, but have studied certain aspects of the case and 1950's-1970's U.S. history in general pretty extensively. Ironically, my boss at my current job was in the CIA in the mid-70's and went on to be an economist for Ted Kennedy's office. Anyway, I read Roger Stone's book a while back because I thought it would be filled with inside information about what Nixon and John Mitchell said about the assassination. It turned out to be pretty sparce in that regard and was mostly summary of other authors' books on Johnson and the JFK assassination. There was, however, one thing that stuck out as interesting. He said that John Davis Lodge told him that his brother, Henry Cabot Lodge had foreknowledge of the assassination. "He knew Kennedy wouldn't be around on Monday to fire him," or something to that effect. While some may dismiss this as gossip, I give it a little more credence because 1) these kind of tidbits are scant in the book and he doesn't really embellish his own personal history of contact with principles in the case 2) John Davis Lodge was his mentor and I don't think he would be quick to publish it if John Davis didn't really say it.
  7. I am an amateur Kennedy assassination researcher. Although I have never been published, I have been following the case for almost a decade. I work as an economic analyst.
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